Out with the mold, in with the new! The General Store Part 4

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there isn't a mountain we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antique store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity hi everyone well today I wasn't expecting to stop by the store in fact I'd forgotten that I'd asked Sean our employee to work today signed up with some spare time I've asked Josh and Dakota to come down and help me out at the shop here today I have a project for myself to start doing a little bit of work on decorating the top shelf getting some the lighting working cleaning up a little bit and the guys are gonna be working on doing some demo in the back addition trying to get some of that rotted wood out I found out from my uncle Rick that the turnaround time is six to eight weeks to get the type of door installed that I wanted so unfortunately that's gonna take a little too long so I might have to come up with the plan B either to frame it and put the door in later or we'll have to maybe just settle for a different type of door in the back either way haven't figured exactly what the deal is gonna be there yet so all for now I'm gonna head inside the shop and start getting some of my stuff unloaded from the car because as you can see it's pretty full oh it looks like Jamie and Brenda were able to get their bed and some of their stuff moved out of the building well look at all the extra space I have to work the Greens looking good it dried nicely nice and flat so I have some ideas for decorating in our old shop we had tins that ran along the top and I think because that shelf is so high I'll probably use those they'll be for sale but they're mainly decoration along the top there we have all kinds of really cool pennants that I'd like to hang up so I think they always look fantastic when they're hung so I'm gonna do a little bit of decorating I have to get these little lights that I've got in place gotta get those wired up and working so got enough to do and if there's time today I'll start to glue down some of the pennies on the on the till here Oh lots to do while I wait for the guys the first night download what do I start with these are things I kind of just brought down for decoration lots of tins and that not gonna start moving the stock over until a little later on is we're still renovating but this will be a start and maybe after this it'll have a little character up there cart is unloaded I've brought some tins lice cream Stein I've brought in some wiring all this was in my car you can only imagine how much work it's gonna be when I have to move my whole store but I'm gonna get crack and the ideas that put them up along the top there so I'm gonna start on that alright I've been busy for the last little bit here I got all the wiring in you can see I've got the light turned on on one of them and what I did is I took these antique desk lamps and I fashioned sort of a little fitting on the outside there for them to sit in and they will light up the showcase nicely and the nice thing is they're adjustable up-down left-right so they'll come in pretty handy I started putting some of my tins up top think I'm gonna hang the ice-cream sign there I don't know what I'm gonna do with that one yet so it's just hanging out and I got the other ones in place so just gonna get some of these other tins up on the top shelf get them out of the way and then I can start on the penny counter pretty soon so today we're probably gonna put just a little bit of time as you can see I've been working a little bit on getting some wiring up for the shelves trying to recycle some old desk lamps up top there it's coming along and I promise not to put too much too else up there because you said you have to do something with the shelves story yeah okay um so I was hoping you guys can help me out with the the other room because it's pretty gross and at least today I thought maybe could do some demo get a little work done you up for it yeah okay cool let's go check it out yeah oh you know I've been in here Checotah yeah okay you just forgot how gross it was so I thought today maybe we could get some of these Ford's ripped out because we're gonna probably be able to use them yeah with the really sturdy interior wall watch that shakes give it a good shake oh yeah you can pull it over on yours maybe it was at one time a Murphy bed okay so Josh is decided manhandle a table it's load-bearing no it is not so yeah we'll probably tear this stuff out and then use some of the wood to hopefully rebuild a little bit of this door I like your shoes yeah your safety first approach here yours like my glasses or gloves or steel-toed whatever Dakota's wear your top almost this one today that's more than usual yeah he's wearing your top in general okay well that's gone so yeah then maybe I don't know if any of this can be salvaged here and then yeah basically ripping out all that gross stuff around the door awesome now the original plan I had was to replace this window with the full-size door that faces the backyard that way it would make it a little bit easier for loading and unloading the challenge is that one addition that one change that I want to make is gonna cost an extra three thousand dollars to the build now the priority more or less is it has to be around making some usable space right now and I was thinking that we already have a double door on the building it's on the side here granted it's not as easy to load in and out of because I've got some trees in the way but I have these doors right here on the side of the building which are very close to the front Street practice so if I can trim these trees back this could become more of a loading door and access door we could maybe open up the inside door so it's wider I can just access it this way now it saves me a lot of money and I can put that towards something else so we're just gonna start by reframing the inside well the guys are back out there doing demo which I'm sure you'll see on Josh's channel I'm gonna come inside and start laying out with some pennies on my counter this counter was salvaged from the fallen-down 100 year old general store now we leveled off the edges to make it more symmetrical and done a little bit of repair on the wood so that the surface will be nice and flat what I'm going to do is start gluing down pennies pretty much all over the place here and I thought I'd be kind of a nice nod to the fact that it's a cash desk the cash wrap will have the old register on top once the pennies are in place we'll pour us some clear sort of acrylic material on top just to make sure it's encased and solid so I'm gonna start by getting my pennies out here and boy do I have lots of these guys now I picked this up the other day I don't need pennies for years to come I'm sure I'll have change for ages I'm laying down some wood glue essentially to tack them in place and it'll dry clear and I really only need to do the outer edge all the way around because after that's done I can fill it all in when we pour the resin on top it's gonna hold it all in place so this is just so I a ridge or something for to hang on to and then we're gonna put some resin on and make sure it's nice and sturdy so I'm just gonna go around and finish gluing the edge pieces on bit by bit one by one and there's no particular order you can get real fancy you could separate your dark ones from your light and create a pattern and do all sorts of things I am doing this completely random and I think it's still gonna look really interesting and it doesn't matter to me whether they're American coins or Canadian coins I mean our pennies are the same size so that part matters but I think it's gonna hopefully look really sharp admittedly it doesn't look like much right now but I think once it's all filled in it's gonna start looking really cool my answer here the friend and Jamie and they are admiring the Lonnie's hard candy tin that's right there sadly and it's empty there's no candy like that you guys have to go see what Josh and Dakota are doing they're just blissfully working away they have no idea we're in here just chatting and having a good time so Checotah out here wringing out his pants and his what looks like a very stinky sock cuz you've stepped it in the hole in the floor where it was like don't step here yeah Oh gross well house it looks like it's coming along inside okay Josh I realized there's a whole door this right next to us in the orange bag I think is a door with frame okay like a brand new door with frame okay yeah I don't know if it's an interior exterior though so we can open it up and have a look so the roof is rotted right above my head and before they take all that out because it's all they are building a brace to hold everything up so are you guys okay if I show the ants the inside here laying these pennies down is probably one of the more tedious things I've done I've been at this for I kid you not probably about an hour and I've only got a third of the way done if that it's a little discouraging that it takes so long but you want to make sure that you get them really close together so that there's no gaps or you minimize the gap I want it to look half decent not all the way decent just half decent so I am kind of taking my time with it but so far it's you know I've got about four or five dollars down still got a ways to go [Music] I've been pulled away from penny duty to come and chat with Josh in Dakota and the addition here I'll check and see what's going on so we don't have a door back here anymore got a nice big opening there and I see a lot of the rotted wood is gone so the plan is basically just get it all out of there and then yeah actually leave all the elves from the closet it's a little trickier but we'll get it out okay so we're missing a wall now that was on purpose I take it on purpose it was rotted now it takes a lot to rock through plywood takes even more to rupture always because of all the glue it was rotted through in this area you can see where that all this mold is and stuff yeah nice that's really from the roof leaking or that while the leaves on this tree leaking on the roof and rotting maintenance wasn't done and and there's no siding on the side so that didn't help so yeah we decided just to take it all out it'll be way easier than trying to save the little bits of good wood so we're gonna take out the rest of this top plate and very top plate cuz that's rotted to basically pulp so I mean yeah you said there's no big deal to frame that back in oh this is easy because we have like more than half of the gable supported we could leave this like this and it would be fine it wouldn't pass code but you could leave it and be safe right except that it would rain in here and be nasty yeah it wouldn't be great and it's raining every day in fact it was raining yeah so okay well I'll leave you guys to it and hopefully we can get that framed in I don't have any OSB reply way around so it might mean a trip to the hardware store awesome thanks guys okay I got my final pennies in and I don't ever want to see a penny again I am good for a while this thing took me literally three hours I guess art doesn't come cheap and that's why it takes a lot of time but I'm happy with the result I just have to put some clear on let it dry and do that a few more times and it should be durable enough to use first coat very pain is on I have to wait until that dries and I'll do another coat until it's nice and smooth across the top but I think that looks pretty good definitely looks like copper and you I love that you can't really tell what it is until you go close today is a really big day last night I left Josh from Dakota to finish up a little bit of work they're coming back in a few hours but in an hour's time I'm going to the bank and the place is going to hopefully fingers crossed officially become mine I'm going to take a big check down there which makes me feel like vomiting just a little bit in my mouth because it's a stressful day you know work so hard to say about that money and to see it all go but it's at least going into something beautiful and something wonderful and something that's going to hopefully be a wonderful part of this neighborhood for years to come so I have to look at the long road and not just the the big hit of the the downpayment on the building so pretty soon one of the bank that said this has not been an easy road we are still waiting on zoning approval now a lot of you not a lot a few of you were saying well why did you go ahead and get the space before yep so meanwhile I did talk to City Council before I applied for zoning I talked to the neighborhood I talked to pretty much everybody I needed to talk to to sets out whether it should be an issue or not and so far everybody's been very receptive and there doesn't seem to be any concerns about me opening up the shop plus it is a retail building after all it's currently zoned as an apartment building so there's no issue that we can gather from from anything there um so I'm going to get back at work on the shop today we got someone coming by this morning to an estimate to see if I can put the original style awning on what that might cost and I'm gonna continue well getting stuff ready to start getting these showcases set up bring you some product over and getting the store ready for the big move which is gonna start happening in about a week to do so lots going on today so Josh's photos should be here soon oh we're gonna get to it and hopefully we get that wall done in the door back well there it is payment for my building now to go it off to the lawyers and then officially this place is mine Josh and Kota are here the next day they're gonna be working on framing in the new door and fixing the giant hole in the wall eventually we'll do siding there there'll be another time and you worth the dump today yeah my garbage we don't have garbage pickup so I've to go to the dump and somebody recognized you yeah some guy hey Georgia what was that guy's name Tyler Tyler yeah he recognized you guys from the YouTube there you go and I noticed either you guys have been doing some serious golfing this morning or what's going on all these all those places are the best and yeah so anytime I get something I can sell or use for art or is your salt like there's this compressor there I will I'll pick it up and I'll either sell it use it for art or whatever so you say somebody threw away all these golf clubs yeah only brand-name ones to Slazenger oh yeah I don't golf so I probably said that room yeah no these are these are all decent I could sell all of these probably mmm hopefully there's not like you know a carcass of an animal at the bottom of one of them or something because why else would you give away a whole bunch of free golf clubs well that's cool maybe we'll see like a sculpture out of golf clubs or something or you'll probably just resell them I probably I brought a couple things in from the store today that it's about time I brought a couple items over the first thing I'm bringing in is a barristers book case you know barely fit in my car but a barristers book case is a stacking style they go up to many tiers they come apart in pieces which makes it easy to transport I'm gonna take this one apart put it back inside this has a really neat base on it with all the filing cabinets you can see somebody else used up this stuff two old bric-a-brac there's a possibility I'll put more old bric-a-brac in there at some time so I'm gonna get this guy out and take it over to the shop if these you just stack and piece by piece until eventually it's all together now just to find some proper books and things to put in there and that piece is just about done next up I've got to cut these boards down to the right length they're gonna become the shelves for inside these showcases I didn't have the original brackets and they're a very special type I did find some on good old eBay that are kind of rusty too that's fine but they are a circular mount and then you basically screw this little piece in to make it nice and tight these are exactly what I need for these cases so between what I've got there and the new wood I should be able to get the shelves in the showcases before long it's not to measure the inside and cut them down okay next for the shelves I've got them laid out and I'm starting to put some stain on this one I've got the top side done and after that dries I'll do the bottom this is gonna be the piece that sits inside the showcase I don't want it to be raw wood because I don't want to look like it's been there a while so I'm gonna lay this on and it'll come out okay I'm not laying as much of a thick coat as I did on these other shelves because it doesn't need to look as old but it's turning out pretty good shelves are stained I'm waiting for those to dry pretty soon I'm gonna have to start getting these all cleaned up there's tape from the last owner this was came out of a local shop that had been here for years and years kind of a curio shop so we gotta clean those counters off before I can use them but I was also busy doing one other thing I was getting my old ice cream sign installed that is a lightbox sign that I've had kicking around the store and I thought it would be nice tie-in because this new talked coincide behind me well that's been in the building pretty much since the 1940s at when this was what they call a milk bar or soda fountain and yeah I thought it would be nice I can almost replicate the picture exactly with what was here before to what we have now [Music] all right how's it going over here this floor was beat oh yeah I had this piece here brought from home guess where I got it from where daughter's house yes a little piece of the potter's house so it just happened to be the same depth as these old floorboards this is from like I don't know what it sounded over I won it but anyways it just works perfect and it's fur and this is probably fur I'm not sure it smells like fur when I cut it so I think it's worth framing is looking good they're really pretty good easy yeah so after you get the floor basically ready than the door get in the door and that's what I did for you just cuz I don't know and you don't know either exactly what you're gonna do about having a big door I framed this it's one of my frame this so that we could have a big door here in the future in the future okay so this header is massive so for now we'll put it in the small in the dorm yeah you can put in a normal door and then to knock it out it's gonna be easy awesome okay if you ever want yeah good idea so all that rotted disgusting gross really bad wood is now gone and it was there wasn't much left in this corner that was good was there it was all pretty bad all of it was bad it was like it did I see that it's soggy soggy gross rotted a lot of it actually it's just so water obviously the black stuff yeah but still we don't want waterlogged wood in there anyway I should get a burn pit I should have brought the one for the potter's house I could have put my kid to use even loves cake there's actually a cool fire it was awesome yeah I sold it the auction no surprise well the guys were behind me getting the siding welded heating put on the outside I have to figure out what to do with the window we have a window that was left over from the old construction they did around 2005 it's essentially brand-new the problem is with the header it's going to be almost a floor-to-ceiling window now I don't mind that idea it might look a little weird though that we're kind of considering what to do here this is the current window this is where I was thinking about putting kind of a back door at one point that idea is shifted due to budget commitments mainly so we're gonna put a new side door on that's not gonna happen today but we have this beautiful window right over here but it is uh it's basically brand-new and but it's an up and down like it slides up and down like they would have in the old days like that the problem is when we put it in place you have to have a header that basically that's face above it this one isn't done right it has to be well more or less like that one where it's built out so if I put it on right here it means the window is gonna start there and go all the way down to about there so I don't know I don't mind the idea of having lots of light coming in and the Florida stealin window it might be an interesting feature it might look a little weird but this is this is what we're thinking of right now I had to run out Josh Dakota is still working at the at the store right now and we're gonna go back again tomorrow and do a little bit more work but I had a lady I had to go visit who had some items for sale and when those calls come in you have to follow up otherwise you might miss out on something cool so once I get back to my house here I'll pull over and show you guys some of the stuff that I got not a huge haul today but some cool things so what did I run out and buy today when I should probably the store working well couple ukuleles one a little bit older one Mahalo nice condition everybody loves ukulele it's one of the happiest instruments I can think of that and I don't know maybe like a mouth harp or something whimsical there's another one there let's see there were a couple I'm gonna come back to this one in a second this is kind of cool nice little tin and people like advertising tins that one has the old Eaton's building sadly that's been torn down in Winnipeg and that's where they put their new arena I was in that building before they knocked it down that was pretty cool couple Old English brass candlestick holders those few little toys in there too this is German tin wind-up you wind it up in the cars and the little buses go all around what's nice about this one is that does have the original box still it's a German one oh look it's starting to go barely had to touch it so you know it works that's good um there was a little matchbox Volkswagen early probably 1970s I'd say 1974 yeah kind of a cool psychedelic paint scheme on it Ogden tobacco card set these are all a lot of times it's either historic people or movie stars if you're lucky you'd get the you know sports players and you know you get like some really cool early baseball card I don't think there's anything like that in here these ones are all mainly stars of the time and soldiers and important people but a neat little book and it's pretty cool that it has the original tobacco album that you would have picked up - this was an early game I just thought what kind of like the cover of the board game acquire high adventure in the hi world of Finance that's a 1968 it looks like I just thought it had really cool kind of madman looking graphics on it this very early edition of Alice in Wonderland of course famous book this is a you know would have been a the kids book nice little drawing in there if that drawing is an indication of the age of the book and I looked earlier this one is not dated but to me it's you know that's got a 1920s sort of feel to it teens or 20s will have to do a little bit more research and see when this one was published I have not done that yet but early editions of popular books can be quite collectible so I did not want to leave it behind a coca-cola tree and the the item that I wanted to show you I don't normally buy royal stuff and this is a the coronation of the king but that what's cool about this and the reason why I bought this is that he's the Royal that decided he'd rather marry an American rather than be king so he abdicated and then of course King George Queen Elizabeth's dad became King they made the movie The King's Speech Edward was sort of the the one that they thought would be king and no he decided not so this is kind of a an early coronation piece that was given out and then boy they probably wouldn't been on the shelves very long because yeah that was quite the controversial thing that happened there so really cool piece so a few interesting little items it was worth running out before so notice this morning that my dumb pin has been dropped off it's been raining like crazy the past week here so the ground was too soft for them to bring it in this is where I wanted it was in the yard because we've been accessing the property through this little trail here sadly they got dropped here but I should be able to fit a fair amount of stuff in their hands is gonna come out tomorrow and help me with some demo we'll get that thing filled up in a hurry I'm sure and it looks like the guys got the new window in place it doesn't look so bad from this side we were a little unsure about how a larger window would look on the outside of the building but actually doesn't look too bad at all especially once we get some siding back on there I'm gonna go inside and see what looks like from that angle and there it is so the old window is gone they've got the header in place it's all in there and built up nice and it is almost floor-to-ceiling so when you walk up to it you really get a nice view of the backyard yeah it's not too bad actually I can like it I had to run over to Home Depot to pick up some supplies needed a new brush and a scraper thankfully they've got everything that I need here this morning I'm gonna repaint the fascia above the door on the front trying to match the off-white color that's there so it can be ready for sign painting which is supposed to happen at some point over this weekend before that happens of course you have to paint it and let it dry oh that's one of my missions today it's gonna be a big job getting that ready because the paint is starting to dry out so I'll have to do some scraping but looking forward to getting that painted ready and I'm sure once I get the sign up there it's gonna start really looking like a shop again and this is what I'm going to be painting today the fascia the top of the building I've picked the color that's gonna match the trim so I'm not introducing a fourth color but the reason I wanted to go a little bit lighter was so that when we do the script the lettering it will be more visible painting directly on the blue I don't think of these easier to see but before I get a crack and I gotta start scraping all the loose paint off any loose paint I've got to scrape off and you can see that it is not adhering very well to this wood I don't know if they used a primer when they put it down if they did it didn't stick very well some of its okay but anything that's loose like that perhaps for a little wood the got some moisture in it I've gotta take all that right down before I can reap I'm and do anything with it and there's spots really all over so I'm gonna go over and get the patches of paint scrape down so that the new paint will adhere much better okay well I've got most of the paint scraped off and I think I'm just ready to start painting but as I'm here working away I had a couple folks pop up and they're not local at least not anymore so you guys came from Bambury England correct yeah and you watch the show out that way do you what you know yep and they chose to put a Sallisaw for because this is before I knew about your stink and there's a basically random YouTube thing I'll be doing YouTube and from there we're all together now here you are right now you don't seem to have a British or English accent so where are you from originally Vancouver okay well and so you've come back to visit we live in England but I'm trying to keep well in Bambury is kind of a is it a smaller community here walk around the whole thing and in a matter of a few hours okay well you know if you're ambitious enough you could do the same here you might build a warrant out but got the Canadian imports oh yeah see you body the tubes now we'll keep again like American and Canadian import our there's a more pie curry yeah so we have a little bit difference tell them and you collect records see yeah because we moved a few times and I've actually stopped a couple of times and gone back for the connections but I thought I gotta buy something I think you're skiing well they did I'm so glad well I'm glad you guys came out for a visit today oh of course my pleasure yeah yeah I shouldn't just uh reduce a switch and keep the lights where they are yes get everything out of you yeah awesome well that's good to hear senator boxer the materials home sweet yeah whatever it is okay great well that's super appreciated awesome oh yeah if it works out for Monday just let me know we'll be here okay you know give me a text for sure sounds good we'll see Jerry thanks so I'm up there painting very top of the ladder like a you know story and a half off and all the fly goes right in my eyeball you can't like shake all around everything so I had to try very gently free and release the fly for my eyeball without falling off that ladder but it is almost done I've got half of it well a little bit more than half done I'm gonna finish up the rest of it here and then I'll do a second code and hopefully gotta last this last time they put the paint off that lasted fifteen years I'll be happy if I get another 15 years out of this but stepped away from painting for a second it comes to you guys woman you're shoring that up there that's gonna be for the door frame yeah the header is nice and sturdy and I see you've been working on getting some of the would replace on the floor where we've had some rot window I saw this morning look good you're just getting the Tyvek on and if somebody wants to see the exact how to's of how Josh did I have to go to Josh's channel yeah go check his channel and you can watch the how we will install the window start saying I don't mind it being as tall as it is you're not sold on it but I like it and I had some special guests show up my kids at least two out of three Stevens not feeling well today so he's kind of hanging out but we are discussing right now what to do with the tree situation back here so Melissa this tree is gonna go this one behind me I need your opinion these are all really overgrown I'm and it's obscuring the path here I'm thinking either just take this one tree out that's by the path and then trim everything back or and or just take out the carry Ghana is pretty overgrown yeah and you can't trim it down too much because it's just gonna be branches I don't know I carried you know what kind of tree this is wonderful unicorn tree that attracts unipoint oh it's a huge for a treat mmm that's for they are for now welcome to the inside of one of these hundred-year-old showcases it is probably not being cleaned out in a very long time I'm gonna get busy because we're in a Windex vacuum and then start putting the old shelves in the other day old green felt has seen better days it is probably original to the cabinet I'm not overly worried about it because it's gonna get completely filled with stock but generally I put stuff down on the bottom to make it look interesting anyway so I will leave it for now I'll address that later but I do have to do today is Windex the glass and remove the old shelf brackets are in here because they're not quite right sadly I do buy new ones so that's what's next for me sadly my old brackets did not work I could not get the shelves to fit inside there just incompatible so I went out and bought some new ones now the trick is to get these things in place now these are adjustable for a retail setting they're gonna be really handy but they're a little newer that I'd like on the other hand you won't really see them they're gonna be covered by stock there's gonna be other things in there so they're just a backdrop they're just meant to hold up the shelf and that's gonna be fine by me so I am getting these in position I'm gonna get them screw it in place and that I can get the Shelf in the glass on these cabinets is generally pretty original and you can tell new glass versus old glass I'm looking at how wavy it is to see the wavy reflection there that is imperfect they didn't have the same type of tools and machinery to get glass to the way we have it now so these little waves in line tell me that this glass is probably pretty correct and that's a good way to tell if something you're looking at like an old clock has the original glass in it by looking to see if it has the wavy lines in the glass if it does it's probably vintage or antique glass if it's completely flat and smooth like modern glass well that's probably just what it is more modern there we go brackets are in one shelf firmly in place now we go to the other side there's no--there's showcase here so big I've actually climbed inside of it so that I can get the screws out from the old brackets just seemed easier I could probably do a really convincing mime in a box routine in here because I've actually trapped inside of a glass box a few more brackets ago and I'll have this guy ready for the shelf so back over in the addition taking a little break from the showcases for now because I saw the guys wrapping up the cables so that must mean that they're pretty well done for today we'd be back at it again soon but so far we call such a few things well the rotted wood has been completely removed from this area and it was pretty gross hey guys yeah very wet but not moldy they're not the hole was just in this little area so it's all gone looking fresh new plywood do OSB on the other side of that wall yeah and you paper too to it think right before we do deciding okay window behind this went in and is pretty well a floor-to-ceiling window which I was saying kind of reminds me of the old school houses that they had back in the teens 20s they would do big floor-to-ceiling windows and then for a while in the 60s they took windows out of schools and they're like no no distracting those children but look I want to be distracted at work and look at what the backyard oh that's pretty cool it's all framed in and I thought you were doing that video on your channel too so you've put some foam in around it yeah we like like put every little method of keeping moisture out basically well for right now it's like eating the moisture in because we still have to contend with the roof that leaked this roof is getting replaced in about a week in five day about a week and a half a little under a week and a half the roof gets replaced so we're basically doing all the prep work so when the guys come there's a lot less for them to do tomorrow we're gonna get back out and do some more but for this video that is probably about it for now I'm gonna finish up on my showcases but guys thank you very much for all the hard work it's already feeling so much better in here though the wall being gone is a big yeah it makes it so nice and spacious in here and really adds I mean this is what another five 550 square feet or so they're just gonna add to my store and that's a big deal in you have a retail space so it's paramount it's crucial one might say to get this place looking good and we ran into actually he ran into us a fellow named Jeremy who watches the channel so if you're watching Jeremy hello he came over and said he's a master electrician he wants to help us out with electrical in this area so he's gonna be coming by on Monday to get all the wiring hooked up in this side tied into the panel he's gonna get all the permits and everything for that nice to have somebody who watches your channel who's a master electrician especially we need you electrician like this so Sparky as they're called is going to be coming on Monday to help us out with the electrical and pretty soon we'll have power and lights in this little addition then it's going to be a matter of just finishing up and make it look fantastic so I'm gonna go finish up the shelves on the other side and then after that we'll call it a day well that's it for today's video pretty happy with the work that was accomplished got the lights in place on the counters the Shelf is done got some tins up there to the penny counter is pretty well done really and I'll tell you why I have the till turn around the other way the till is turn around the other way because we're going to merchandise things out of it so sometimes you can buy chocolate coins or little gemstones and stuff so instead of this being turned around on our side we're gonna have it open so the customers can actually shop out of it I thought that'd be kind of a fun addition to the counter but really liking the effect of this God and that modified polyurethane did a great job keeping all together and looking fantastic showcases are cleaned on the inside shelves are in place and product can start going on really soon actually so I'm kind of looking forward to getting that process started and getting some items in there I also hung my guitar racks so that we can get a bunch of guitars all hung here on the side I know that's not authentic 200 years ago but really this is still a store so I stopped to sell things and I thought that'd be a nice spot for guitars a couple paintings the one that Robert Bailey did that we purchased that was meant for Peter Jackson that's right the Peter Jackson's now hanging in our store will be on display and of course I just finished hanging the one of Mary that was made by Josh that's not something that's for sale but we did want to display it would come have a look at it so stay tuned next episode as we start tearing through the vault finished hearing through the shouldn't start getting the siding and the floor cleared out hands is coming and he's going to help us out with getting some of the trees taken down and cleaning up the yard well I started working on getting some fixtures in place on this side of the store that's red not pink somebody called it a pink quality of the day it's red we have to get some other shelves put it on that side electrician is going to be coming so lots more work happening we're still planning on hopefully for September being open but there's still lots to do before then but for now I say good night stores coming along nicely and oh yeah almost forgot before I completely sign off here then I was busy this morning painting and got the fascia done at the top so I matched that color to the trim around the windows and that is where the signs gonna be I'm thinking something like curiosity Inc general merchant up there that might go up as early as the next couple days or so but that'll be next video we'll get some of the painting done but for now I think that's a wrap so thanks so much for watching this week's episode guys don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already you can follow us online at curiosity Evenson CA on facebook and instagram under curiosity Inc make sure to check out Josh in Dakota too they have their own Instagram and YouTube channels so thanks very much for watching guys and we'll see y'all soon bye for now [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 87,104
Rating: 4.9637885 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, home renovation, reno, renovate, historic, restoring a building, alex archbold, potters house, hoarder house, general store, antiques, collectible, diy, tools, lumber, construction, replacing rotted wood, how to replace rotted wood, repairing rotted building, how to fix damaged wall, building a house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 28sec (2548 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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