Out of Stock! Fragile Distribution in the U S

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guys we live during a time where technology has allowed us to really enjoy the fruits of our labor if you've got a decent job you can get anything you need plus what you want you know whether it's going to the store or you know ordering online I mean there's just a lot of ways that we can get products that we need but one thing about life is is there's a lot of different facets to the areas whether it's food water whether it's medical supplies you know guys whether it's you know cleaning supplies I mean there's just a lot of things that go into true survival that we don't really realize because everything is so convenient guys with the discourage national crisis and a lot of people are sheltered in home and we're seeing a lot of shortages in certain areas it's has a lot of people thinking and it's the big reason why I wanted to bring this video to you because guys you know this could happen again at any time and it may be a lot worse I mean the great thing is right now we have our utilities we have power water we have the Internet we do have our vehicles we have gas now a lot of us are sheltering in place and then a lot of people though are still working and you're able to get out even though there's a lot of health concerns around that now guys we've seen stocks run out of hand sanitizer toilet paper and firearms and ammunition and a lot of other things it's at the beginning we saw a run on basic canned foods bread produce I mean people were buying things up and they were in a panic one of the things though is that we do have our distribution that continues to bring products to the store you know if you're out one day by the next morning typically there's a lot of things back on the shelves it may not be up to full but they're definitely continuing to get things on the shelves but let's talk a little bit about our distribution system it is a very intricate very complicated system now starts out with the product we have a product available that's in the store we can go buy it but that product had to get to the store and one thing that we live under now is called just-in-time and what that means is is that they restock those shelves every day and so every day there bringing in trucks two or three times a week and then you have people that are going back and putting the products out on the shelf and it's a very efficient a very streamlined system that allows for companies to make really decent profits but it is vulnerable and if we have any kind of disruption in the chain in the distribution chain it can be catastrophic and we're starting to see a little bit of that right now because right now I mean hand sanitizer this stuff if you can find it can be expensive and toilet paper is something that we need on a regular basis but the fact is is you we have a lot of manufacturing that needs to be done and in those products taken to market now one big thing right now is that we have a shortage because of the huge demand this outside of our norm we have a shortage of drivers and that's those long haul drivers the guys that go out for two or three days they go from you know California all the way to New York with a lot of products that are needed that people need and all this is set up under a certain kind of system to where typically you can get those products but when you have a huge demand on the system it requires more drivers now one of the problems is is it's a lot more difficult to get long-range long-haul drivers and employ them than it is to get one day trips the guys that drive those little short trips in town or just to this town over from there or even the state and back that same day and so we're seeing a shortage number one of drivers now hopefully those drivers will remain healthy and that is a big plus another thing that was really great is when Trump went ahead and declared this a national emergency he was able to get rid of a lot of the restrictions and regulations on these truck drivers and so instead of having to go through a lot of paperwork and having to stop more often they have a little more leniency to be able to go a little bit farther a little bit harder now that also affects safety on the roads but it's with the roads less busy it's not quite as big a factor okay the second thing is we've got production now unfortunately manufacturing a lot of it has been outsourced to other trees and so while America was always huge in the manufacturing field and we produce more goods than anyone for the past hundred years unfortunately we have because of this global type mentality we've taken our industries and we farmed them out and so what's happening is is we're waiting on goods from China which is obviously the biggest producer of goods for the u.s. in fact if China stops shipping stuff Amazon and Walmart would close and those are two of the biggest businesses in the country and so if we're not getting those supplies but even if we're making them here in the US a lot of the raw materials are coming from other countries as well and so we've got to make sure we have the raw materials to be able to make the product but also we need to have labor and with that we have a labor force especially in a company that produces a good let's just say like hand sanitizer they have a certain amount that they produce every year because that's what the demand is now the demand is much higher and so they really need more laborers to come in to fill the gap if they can get the raw materials and so the companies that make the raw materials the alcohol companies because this is alcohol based is they have to up their production and also with whatever is in here you know whether it's a low or some kind of you know lubricant or moisturizer that company also has to up its production if they can get the raw materials and so it's really a domino effect if one of those supply links is broken or it's there's a downturn and so again guys we live in a very fragile society and so with that being said because a lot of people are looking at this for the first time if you're a hardcore prepper or someone that likes to be prepared you know a lot of this stuff you've already thought about but if we're not careful we go day to day we get used to those things coming in and we don't have ourselves ready when something like this happens and guys chances are it's gonna happen again and again if we don't fix it internally guys and things clean is definitely one thing that helps you stay healthy especially around your home or your vehicle and you know some of these things are some of the items that were you know balled up quick and of course we've talked about toilet paper and hand sanitizer but also different type wipes antimicrobial wipes or even baby wipes these masks which they've been back and forth about the masks you know are they effective or they not these are in 95s and this is what medical professionals use and there's a lot of reasons to wear masks especially if you're sick but even if you're not guys it keeps your hands away from your face and that's one of the big things touching surfaces and get into your face and then of course some bleach and there are a lot of other things one thing that they say is is that this is not a really tough virus to kill on surfaces you just got to do it and so being really careful of course the gloves and your band-aids you know your normal things that you just need which goes into your standard medications if you're gonna treat a sickness you need to have some medications on hand you know whether it's benadryl or you know pain reliever even stuff for antacid things like that and having a good supply of these on hand at all times and different type of cough syrups with disruption of food distribution that could be definitely something you know that you need to have some things put back to give you some time and of course the first thing I always recommend or just regular canned foods that you're eating already now you know your produce and your meats and things like that they may or may not be available but you can have these for long term and of course if you have a freezer you can freeze food but also having like this pancake mix ramen noodles this is a big one that's been around for a long time and then we get into your standard number 10 cans these are sealed and they will last for thirty years and there's a lot of stuff you can get for that now also you know MREs are great to have lifeboat food this stuff is great there's about 3,000 calories in this bar and then we have our standard dehydrated foods like backpackers pantry you know mountain house foods and also wise foods and these are made really for the outdoors but they last a long time and you can keep them and just add water the guys again is the food distribution point if there's any choke anywhere you need to have this stuff available now guys if it was in just a local area maybe even statewide you could get assistance from all over the place I mean the federal government will come in you can get help but when it comes to a nationwide crisis like we're seeing and even a global crisis that's where you need to be ready to take care of yourself and guys having water stocked up is just smart you can only live three days without water and then having a way to purify water if your water supply runs out now one thing is a big surprise is ammunition you know the ammunition started running out people started buying it up and the shelves just went dry within about just a few days and you know a lot of people were concerned about possible civil unrest or about robberies and people breaking into homes and so ammunition went guys you need to have a good supply of ammo go ahead and get your supply of ammo put aside and that way when the prices go up and supply dwindles you'll have enough to get you through obviously you need to think about firearms now obviously this is way more than you need but having your firearm making sure it's well-maintained making sure you get out and train with it and having that ammunition is going to give you the ability to go out and train and have self-defense capability and so this is a big part of protecting the things that you have because guys when crisis hits all of this kind of stuff gets balled up quickly and the great thing is if I need to I can actually use this as a bartering tool and the ammunition as well and that's one of the things that's going to be a huge part is your bartering now guys one thing that's a big possibility is your ATMs could close you know especially with a lot of the financial turmoil that we're going through right now having cash cash is king you know you can use it for a lot of different things it's recognized all over the place and we always try to keep a nice supply of cash handy for emergency situations but also we have a lot of silver put back now this is just a small bag I have been buying silver for years and it's part of what preserves my wealth and that's one thing that's really important about silver and gold I've done a lot with money metals exchange and you know those guys are great great to deal with they also do a lot of survival supplies as well and so that to me is one thing they have a heart for you know people that are wanting to be prepared so I like that but a junk silver to me is the best I do have a bunch of the American Eagles and walking liberties and stuff like that but I like this junk silver people know what it is they can look at it this is a quarter it's silver and they know it so it does have some value to it so guys you may not be a doomsday prepper or even a survivalist you may just want to have a few things put back and that's really what this video is about is really to motivate you to make sure that you do put some things back have at least a month of food always in your pantry rotating it out but I highly recommend really having about three months worth of food it definitely gives you peace of mind it keeps you from making rash decisions and you know that your family is going to be taken care of during this current crisis you know we still have utilities we still have all those things so we'd only have to address that but in a serious grid down type situation all those things could be a possibility and at least you'll have yourself in decent position that you can tackle those things if they come along again guys we live in one of the greatest times on earth but because we're so efficient because we have so many systems in place to provide us with those things you know it is fragile and if we have any break in that chain it could definitely cause a lot of issues not only with food production with food distribution or supplies with countries all over the world that are supplying us with much needed and required things you know guys you really need to make sure that you're prepared to face whatever comes and so I encourage you during this time to be inspired to make sure that you're prepped up don't be scared be prepared in the immortal words of my good friend southern prepper be strong be a good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we live in a very mmm we have stocks there's a lot of fool or even you know stuff for your ass in the mortal words [Music]
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 187,460
Rating: 4.9048009 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper
Id: O76UG_5IqN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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