Out of Order - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] i'm going to go quickly now to the book of genesis chapter 48 9-14 and i want to talk to you just a little bit uh out of the word of god uh we'll go down to 14 and then we'll jump to 17 and pick up there and joseph said unto his father they are my sons whom god had given me in this place and he said bring them i pray thee unto me and i will bless them now the eyes of israel were dim for age so that he could not see and he brought them near unto him and he kissed him and embraced him and israel said unto joseph i had not thought to see thy face and lo god has showed me also thy seed and joseph brought them out from between his knees listen carefully and joseph brought them out from between his knees and he bowed himself with his face to the earth and joseph took them both ephraim in his right hand toward israel's left hand and manessa in his left hand toward israel's right hand and brought them near unto him and israel stretched out his right hand and laid it upon ephraim's head who was the younger and his left hand upon vanessa's head guiding his hands wittingly from nessa was the firstborn when joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of ephraim it displeased him and he held up his father's hand to remove it from ephraim's head on to manessa's head and joseph said unto his father not so my father for this is the firstborn put thy right hand upon his head and his father refused and said i know it my son i know it he also shall become a people and he also shall be great but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he and his seed shall become a multitude of nations and he blessed them that day saying indeed shall israel bless saying god make thee as ephraim and as manessa and he said ephraim before manessa he said him before him manessa and israel said unto joseph behold i die but god shall be with you and bring you again into the land of your fathers moreover i have given to thee one portion above thy brethren which i took out of the hand of the amorites with my sword and with my bow and joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of ephraim it displeased him and he held up his father's hand to remove it from ephraim's head unto manessa's head i want to talk about out of order or when god gets out of order holy spirit help me [Music] can't do anything without you i desperately need you as a hard panther that the water broke so panda after the old god i need to help me to deliver the word of god to the people of god with clarity and remember this thought that i might be endowed with the riches of grace to expound upon that which is [Music] not even discernible i believe you and i thank you and i expect you in the mighty name of jesus we pray somebody shouted mad without a lot of pomp and circumstance i am going to just baptize you immerse you into the moment of this text it is my intention to snatch you out of your bed or your car or your living room or your dining room and drop you down thousands of years ago into a system and a time that this text speaks and contemporize it to the degree that you will understand that while they are ancient in comparison to the times that we live in today they are no less human than we are this is a story the significance of this moment of which the family has united both physically and emotionally their reunion was timely and critical jacob his sons and the wives and family have gone to egypt to escape a famine this is not a field trip this is not a vacation this is a desperate move because oddly enough the promised land has gone dry and egypt is fertile later we will see the reverse and they will escape egypt to go back to the fruitfulness of what is now barren and take a moment to say that because god has a way of switching up the story the first can be last and the last could be first you can meet somebody at this chapter in your life egypt is a blessing and later on egypt has a curse that's why you ought not get too attached to things nor people no times no stages because stories have a way of switching around but right now egypt is a place of fruitfulness and blessing and the the promised land is barren and dry and distraught and jacob and his sons have had to flee with their wives and their children and come to egypt not knowing that this was all the setup sometimes the famine is what drives you into the purpose and the plan of god don't always pray against the famine because the famine is often god's gps system that reroutes you from what you plan to work into what god has already set up for you the process was arduous and multi-layered to accomplish this reunion reconnections do not negate the laws of time they are finally coming back together but they they have lost something that is not redeemable they have lost time the last time joseph saw jacob he was a young man strong and verbal standing in might and power killing animals pursuing his prey controlling his land but now jacob is old and feeble but joseph is nonetheless glad to have him back the remnants of his father are better than no father at all time has passed and joseph is trying to catch up on something that he lost you see you know the story how joseph has told his brothers that uh as a child that he was going to rule and they were going to bow and jealousy set in and they lied on him and they mistreated him and they began him and they sold him over to the midianites and the midianites bought him for 20 pieces of silver and carried him to potiphar's house you know the story this and all the complications of the story and how he had to flee from there and ended up locked up in the prison and there in the prison he stayed a while and all of that time a lot has happened jacob's hair has turned white and joseph didn't see it joseph has turned into a young strong man and jacob didn't see it the affinity between jacob and joseph is multi-generational it did not disturb with joseph for joseph is the love child between jacob and rachel the love that he had for joseph's mother was so encompassing that he worked seven years to get her hand only to get leah's hand and said i'll work seven more to get that woman that's love after 14 years of hard labor he he marries the love of his life there will never be another love like the love he had for rachel and joseph is the love child cons he was born in love he was come their relationship was consummated in love he was procreated in love he emerged in love he was jacob's son so you understand how jacob's heart broke when his brothers came in and told him that his beloved child was dead all of these years have passed by and he has had to live not only with the loss of joseph but the grief of joseph he said you've brought my head down low and made it turn white with grief and even when he tries to reconnect and and and tries to build his life he does it with the heavy weight of joseph passing away and god as he often does is rehabilitating the dysfunction of this family and he's bringing them back together again and they're reconnecting the brothers who betrayed him are realigning with him and god is bringing things into order and he's bringing things into alignment and when we step into the page of the text the old man is telling his beloved son that his mama is dead he says son i lost your mother i lost her on the way to ephrata giving birth to benjamin she's she's gone she's gone and i buried her along on the side of the road headed for ephrata which incidentally would later be called bethlehem which is the house of bread and she died on the way to ephrata just like israel dad on the way to believing that christ was the son of god rachel's grave is somewhere on the side of the road and joseph has lost his mother and there's nothing he can do about he has lost years and years of relationship with his father he has spent years and years first in potiphar's house nothing that was his own taking care of things that was not his managing things that were not his only to be tossed out and then thrown into prison and there he is running the prison but he's not free his life has been a series of contradictions that never would have happened if it had not been for his brother it never would have happened but it but it is it is what it is finally toward the end of his father's life this is a moment of reconciliation and it is absolutely amazing because jacob is here his father is here israel is here israel has come to egypt hallelujah joseph is so glad to have somebody from home who embraced his faith and his culture and his food and his dance and his style that's not to beguile the egyptians but the egyptians could not recreate the sound of the timbrels and the dance of the hebrews they could not do it the egyptians could not recreate the food and the style and the customs or the religiosity of the hebrews the egyptians could not replace his father the old and wilted and tattered and torn he was still daddy and that is that is about to leave and there's something about the final hours and years of your life that make them sweeter like nectar like molasses like serb it comes it comes sweeter more valued more appreciated because you've got less time joseph has gotten his two sons that he has created through being married to an egyptian woman and he brings he brings him in and he holds him between his knees so grateful that he finally gets the chance for them to experience his heritage because these boys have grown up knowing only the customs of their mother's side of the family and yet is their father's side of the family that defines them this is a patriarchal society but their father has lived his life as an orphan disconnected from the common wealth of israel the real wealth of israel is embodied in jacob whose name is changed to israel and joseph now takes his two sons in between his knees and says that's popo that's your grandfather that's my father now this is the trilogy because from the old man's perspective he's scarce not that he would ever see joseph again and not only does he get to see joseph he gets to see joseph's sons his grandsons so important that they are the only grandsons to which jacob lays his hands and confers a patriarchal blessing a continued continuity of love that passes from generation to generation i loved your mama i love you i love your sons i loved your mama i loved you i love your sons i loved your mama i loved you i love your sons i see your mama's eyes and those boys i see you i see her in you i love her in you i loved your mama i love your son my son i loved his sons this is an amazing reconciliation it is proof positive that god will restore unto you that which the cankerworms and the locusts and the palmer worms ate up he has brought them back together again they've had the dysfunctions they've had their problems they've had their strife they've had the confusion the lies and the and the malice and hatred and they could have been better but they chose to be better than to be bitter and they have come back together again for this sacred moment you just stepped in the room of a moment that is so momentous that i failed to be able to articulate with with any with any aptitude the the massiveness of this moment this is the moment that the old man gets to see the future in the eyes of his two grandchildren peering back at him through the legs of his beloved son joseph who is now a full-grown man and not only a man he is the prince of egypt he is the prince of egypt he is dressed in garments that do not be speak his heritage his customs or where he came from he is dressed like one of them but he thinks like one of us he is familiar with all of them he is positioned with all of them but he is kin to all of us joseph is complex because he is egyptian enough to be a part of the royalty but he is hebrew enough to ache for his family so bad that when he saw his brothers the one who lied on him and betrayed him he he wept and hid his tears from them because he you can have everything but if you don't have that family you have lost a lot this is a great moment of alignment of connectivity they're coming back together things are finally coming in order they're amazing they're amazing and then he takes his sons and he begins to maneuver them in such a way he takes manessa in his left hand and he maneuvers him he guides him skillfully the bible said willingly to toward his father's right hand and ephraim he pushes with his right hand toward his father's left hand so that the old man would not get confused when he gets ready to lay hands on them and then something strange happens something disruptive happens something chaotic happens the the order is broken everything else in the story has come to order down to this one point and then when it gets to this one point there's never been a rift between joseph and jacob there's never been a disagreement there's never been an argument there's never been a hardship there's never been a complaint there's never been an answer for the first time in history as he is dying no less joseph is displeased because he thinks his father has it wrong now we know that order is important to god just set that aside we know that order is important to god for god has taught us let all things be done decently and in order we are clear that order is important to god he is a god of order he said i am not the author of confusion we know that order is important to god the first thing he did when god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void the first thing he did was establish order let there be light and there was light let the firmament above the waters be separated from the firmaments that were beneath the water all of that is god bringing things into order bring forth bring forward bring forth the whole creation is god bringing things in the order he didn't even create man until he had everything in order because god is a god of order and protocol we know that god is a god of order because when the queen of sheba came to solomon's temple when she saw the order of his men and the excellency of his service there was no breath left in her god is a god of honor and yet in this moment we see something that is kind of confusing because by all rights manessa should have the blessing he is the older brother if anybody's going to get the blessing manessa should have the blessing and joseph wanted manessa to have the blessing and yet jacob now called israel decides to lay his hands not on manessa he gives him his left hand but his right hand he puts on ephraim and joseph says you must be confused oh man you have put the right hand on the wrong son what do you do when god blesses somebody you didn't intend what do you do when god uses somebody that you don't like what do you do when god raises up somebody you had your foot on what do you do when the tail becomes a head and the last becomes first what do you do when god gets out of order out of order out of order indeed is it possible that god can get out of order when he made the order in the first place how can god who made the order get out of order as if the order were greater than the one that created him god can't really get out of order because he created the order he can change the lord he is god over the order but for human purposes indulge me in my folly because now god is using jacob to get out of the order that normally would be conveyed from generation to generation and the reason i presented to you this morning to share it in this in this way this unorthodoxy that we see happening in this sacred moment this secret moment this birthing place this first place the reason i bring it to you is that god told me to tell you that if he has to get out of order he's still going to bless you if he has to break the sequence he's still gonna bless you if he has to bless you out of season he's still gonna bless you if you haven't been set up he's still going to bless you there sometimes god is willing to get out of order to get you what you need when you need it like you needed and shocked the people who tried to politicize and move and organize and ostracize and manipulate the system when god gets ready to bless you i don't care who they're pushing forward god will raise up you when god gets ready to use you i don't care who they think is next god will bring it to pass and god told me to tell you that he's getting ready to change things up he's getting ready to switch things up he's getting ready to cross out old systems and structures and god is about to get out of order to get you what you need when you need it because it didn't look like you were going to get it but you are chosen slap somebody and holla i'm chosen i'm chosen i'm sure you don't have to like me because i'm chosen you don't have to prefer me because i'm chosen you don't have to want me because i'm chosen you don't have to accept me because i'm chosen what god has for me [Music] it is for me what god has for me it is for me i may not have any money but it's for me i mean i have a degree but it's for me i may not have the benefit of the board but it's for me i may not have the support of the committee but it's for me what god has to do and if he has to stir things up and if he has to scramble things and if he has to mix things up god is getting ready to get out of order to bless you the church doesn't want it the people don't like it the community doesn't like it but god said i swear i'm going to bless you you weren't set up for it you weren't next in line you don't have the credentials you haven't been qualified but i am going to bless you i don't know who i'm talking to but the stone that the builders rejected it's going to be the chief cornerstone and look at look look look look the old man the old man is so old and so feeble that he can scarcely see and still he's strong enough to resist the hands of his son trying to reverse the order his eyes are weak but his hands are strong and the old man said i know what i'm doing and so he said i am going to bless vanessa he'll get a blessing but the hand of the lord will be upon ephraim and he shall be a great nation and i wondered in my mind when i heard it and when i thought about it it sounded so familiar it made me think that i had read this someplace before when i was reading it it almost caused me to think i was having a deja vu moment because i remembered that when jacob was born he too was in a fight for the birthright he too was not in line for promotion he too was not destined to be in the place and maybe when the old man looks at his grandsons he remembers him and he saw wrestling in the womb fighting for the birthright and how he had to stir things up and get out of harder to get the blessing because the blessing was not supposed to come upon him but what god has for you yes it is it is for you maybe the old man saw something of himself in his grandson and said you can't push this one and leave that one behind maybe he identified with ephraim because jacob had been ephraim he had been the son least likely to receive the blessing and yet he had fought to get his and he says i'm gonna make it easier on you than it was for me you won't have to fight in the womb and you won't have to struggle all your life and you won't have to cook to a portion of soup and cell or birthright in order to get in the place and make all the mistakes i made i'm going to straighten it out by getting out of order i'm going you didn't hear that i'm going to straighten it out by getting out of order and so he took his hand and he laid his right hand on the head of the younger son and he blessed him and he put his left hand upon the older brother and he blessed him and joseph was upset but he couldn't do anything about it and i wondered in my own mind let's switch from jacob and talk to joseph for a minute joseph hi in the world could you as a little boy see down through time and see that the time was going to come that you would be the prince of egypt and all your brothers would have to bow to you you could see that good you could see how to survive even though they threw you in a pit you saw how to survive they put you in potiphar's house and you ran all the potiphar's house without any experience or any background you went into prison and began began to run the prison and you could see all of that you could see visuals that loose the baker and the butler and brought them out and brought them back to egypt you could see so good that you've restored the economy of the entire nation of egypt and you still can't see your sons a warning a warning a warning to all fathers just because you see this doesn't mean that you see that you could be good at seeing everything except your own son it could be possible that you're better at seeing the world and you are seeing your own son and joseph you've been right about everything else but you were wrong about this you brought everything to order in potiphar's house you brought everything to order in the prison you brought everything to order in egypt but you did not allow for the grace factor that sometimes in order to bless you god has to get out of order and so he breaks the order and he shatters the type and he starts a new beginning by getting out of order and he lays his hand his right hand on ephraim and his left hand on manessa and he declares the blessing his right hand on ephraim his left hand on vanessa and he declares a blessing on the son that shouldn't have got it he released the blessing his right hand on ephraim and his left hand on manessa and he declared a blessing his right hand on ephraim and his left hand on the minister and he declared wait a minute when i took my right hand on ephraim and my left hand on manessa i can't do that without crossing my hands oh my god all of a sudden i realized this text is not just a story about a family struggling to get their lives together this is a preview of a coming attraction and this is not the end this is the beginning that god has given us a sneak peace at the cross for when jesus went to the cross god crossed his hands [Music] the cross is god crossing his hands to bless the unblessable to break the curse to start a new order to bring about deliverance that's why jesus could not die on the whipping post you will remember that when jesus was on the whipping post they beat him with the cat of nine tails history says that most people died on the whipping post but if jesus would have died on the whipping post the gentiles would have never been restored he had to go to a cross because jesus was god crossing his hands to get the one that wouldn't have gotten it god is getting ready to cross him god is getting ready to guard his god is getting ready to cross his hands to get you the blessing i know somebody else is in line for it but god is getting ready to cross his hands to get you the blessing god is getting ready to cross his hands to get you the blessing god heal getting ready to cross his hands i don't know who i'm preaching to but i'm talking to somebody i know it doesn't look like you're in line for the blessing i know it doesn't look like you're next for the blessing i know it doesn't look like the people want you to have it i know you have never been preferred all in your life but according to the cross the cross declares that god is going to take the tail and making the head the cross declares that god is getting ready to break the order the cross declares that the gentiles will be saved the cross declares that the enemy will not get the victory today the cross declares somebody clap your hands and praise the lord you must understand in my brothers and my sisters that god will give the blessing to you whatever it takes to bless you he will get the blessing to you if he has to mix things up if he has to cross things if he has to go through yokes if he has to reach over people when god gets ready to bless you he'll cross over them to get you the blessing hallelujah i want the devil to know you thought you had plans but god crossed them out you thought i was gonna die but god crossed them out you thought i'd never make it but god crossed it out you tried to destroy me but god crossed it out you messed up my childhood but god crossed it out i feel the power of the holy ghost the anointing of god is in this room god is getting ready to cross out i don't care what the psychologist said i don't care what the psychiatrist said i don't care you're supposed to have a nervous breakdown but the devil is alive god is going to cross it out get ready for the cross get ready for the cross get ready will break every order break every system break every chain break every yoke break every barrier break every situation when god gets ready to bless you you don't have to be the preferred son you can be the foolish son you could have made mistakes you could have spent your substance in riotous living you could have laid with horns and prostitutes you could have eaten with the swine of the whole pen but when god gets ready to bless you you may not even be the elder brother but god will cross his hands and kill the fatted calf god will cross his hands and put a ring on your finger god will cross his hands and throw you a party i feel a praise about to break out in this place crossing up jesus crossing up jesus crossing up jesus crossing the lord in my finances crossing yes lord god is getting ready to cross it up god is getting ready to cross it up god is getting ready to cross it up i know it's been unjust i know it's been unfair i know you've been mistreated but god is getting ready to get out of he gonna step over somebody he's gonna step around somebody god is getting ready to get out on he's gonna come over there where you are and he laid his hands his left hand on manessa and his right hand on ephraim and he crossed his hands to bless us you might have done a whole lot of things wrong and by all rights and order you shouldn't even have the blessing you've come short of the glory of god and you've got secrets that still bring sadness to your soul but there are some people that can tell you right now that in order for them to be where they are god had to cross his hands god crossed his hands and you got the blessing god crossed his hands and the door was opened up to you god crossed his hands and you didn't have a nervous breakdown god crossed his head and you survived while the folk fell down god crossed his hands and let you buy your own house god crossed his head and brought you to school god crossed his head and called you to preach the gospel and you know you don't deserve it you know the only way you did it it was a stretch but god did it it was a stretch but god did it it was a stretch but god did it and you might not be mad at your haters you are going to be mad at them they got a right to be upset because by all rights it should have never been you but they didn't know that every now and then god will get out of order as i get ready to close i want to stop by and get a testimony from a woman because i've been talking about all these men but i think i'll get me a woman there was a bible base that had an issue of blood and according to the law she was not supposed to touch a priest but one day she heard jesus was passing by it was out of order for her to touch him it was against scripture for her to connect with him but she knew that every now and then god will get out of order he wasn't coming in her direction he wasn't even looking her way he was heading for some other woman's house but she said i heard that every now and then you cross your hands i'm not the daughter of jairus but cross your hands and she touched the hem of his garment it was a stretch but she touched the untouchable it was a stretch but she broke the law to get the healing it was a stretch but god did it jesus said who touched me who touched me she came up it was me the reason she's so timid is because it was out of order the reason she comes up here with me he asked who touched me the disciples had time to say have an entire discussion before she came up out of the crowd and said it was me and the reason it was hard for her to come through the crowd is because for her to touch jesus was out of order her touching jesus should have made jesus unclean instead of making jesus unclean her touching jesus got her clean and god had to stretch do you need him to stretch ow do you need him to stretch for you today have you fallen down into something that you need a stretch it's a stretch have you gotten tied up in some filthy thing that according to the law you ought to be cursed god said i will get out of water if you'll get out of the way if you humble yourself under the right hand of god i'll cross my hands to bless you i'll meet you halfway i'll come where you are i'll let you touch me i know you're dirty i'll let you touch me i'll let you touch me whosoever will let him come she said it's i it's me joseph said to his father daddy you're wrong vanessa should get this blessing jacob said i know what i'm doing i have been ephraim i have been the son least likely and i'm not going to leave him here under a generational curse of never quite being good enough i want to talk to people who have never quite been good enough you're always will runner up sucking fiddle number two left behind well i got good news god's getting out of order and he's gonna get people that everybody looked over and cross his hands to bless you and if you can receive that in your heart and in your spirit it ought to make your chest stand up it ought to make you hold your head up high it ought to bring courage back to you not because you're so much you ain't nothing i ain't nothing but because he's so much he crossed his hands to give you another chance the god who spends chapter after chapter after chapter thousands of years teaching us order got out of order to bless us got out of order to redeem the church got out of order to open up the door to the gentiles got out of order to heal a samaritan got out of order to deliver a canaanite child got out of water because every now and then god gets out of order to give you what you need now you might not have been set up by your father and he might not have aimed you the way he should aimed you and he might not have preferred you or he might not have been there at all but god said i'm across my hands there's a cross over your head right now there's a crossover here and the cross is a promise that the law will not exempt you from the grace of god in fact it will qualify you for the grace of god the grace opens up a door for rejects and failures to access the promise that what the law could not do and that it was the weak through the flesh god sent his son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh and he did it all on a cross and that's why israel crossed his hands i want to talk to people who have always felt like not enough who have always felt like runner-up who have always felt like i'm not the one i'm not the one i'm good but i'm not the one why does everybody else get the blessing you never make this is your sunday to receive a word from god god is crossing his hands to bless you god is crossing his hands to bless you know how kids our kids you imagine ephraim little ephem walking away from there he got something he don't even know what it is yet but he he got something you don't even know what you got yet but [Music] you got something you got something that you wasn't even supposed to get but god got out of order and crossed his hands to give you a chance that man would have never give me that if you don't praise him the rocks will cry out if don't nobody else praise him you ought to pray you know you are walking in the favor of god you know you're not supposed to be where you are right now god crossed his hand and don't you stand there with your lips glued together and not praise him if don't nobody else play them every ephraim got over your mouth and holla before god because you know god god i wasn't supposed to be here i could have been in jail i could have been locked up i could have died i could have died i could have lost my mind i could have had a nerve i wasn't supposed to be here i know i wasn't supposed but god god crossed god i got to praise him i got to praise him because i'm under a cross i'm living up under a cross i'm driving up under a cross i'm working up under a cross i'm building up under a cross i'm growing up under a cross i'm surviving my hunter across across i just kovid across against cancer across against disease a cause against kidney failure i'm living i'm living up under i'm living up under i'm living up under i'm living i'm living i'm living i'm living i'm living up i'm living up under tell every demon tell every witch i'm living up under living up under the living room i'm living up i'm living i'm living up yes god did it for me if he did it for me he'll do it for you if you did it for me he'll do it for you if he did it for me he'll do it for you if he did it for me he will do it for you yes lord it ain't every day it ain't an everyday thing but every now and then god gets out of order and takes you places you've never dreamed of unless you do stuff you never imagined possible do you know how many last you need little boys little girls would love to be you and out of all the people all over the world god crossed his hands and if you ain't gonna be grateful shame on you if every ephraim out there don't tear up a rug praising god right now shame on you god got out of order to bless you it was a stretch but he blessed you and you got to forgive your haters because they're supposed to dislike you yeah they suppose just like they supposed to talk about you because god got out of water to bless you and they feel just like the older brother did who didn't want to go into the younger brothers party he was jealous because old man had crossed his hands what god has you in right now is cross stance out of order you're the only one in your family you're the only one in your community the only one that came out of your school came out of your background check the friends you went to school with now you're gonna get cute and not praise you lift your hands and open your mouth ah i'll bring your knives up to god [Music] you didn't have to do this for me but you did [Music] you did you did yes yes yes yes yes [Music] this little simple prayer lord jesus [Music] forgive me of my sins i accept you as lord in my life come into my heart fill me with your glory i'm going to serve you the rest of my life if you prayed that prayer with me pick up the phone call our prayer lies let somebody know testify about it go in the comment section and tell somebody i just gave my life to jesus gave my heart to the lord i'm a backslider i just came back to the lord i've been on a spiritual sabbatical i'm back i'm back i lost my mind for a while but i thought i was so such a much and i realized that god got out of order to bless me and i owe him some praise and if you get that much out of this sunday then it's been a pretty good sunday it's a good sunday may the grace of god and the sweet communion of the holy ghost rest ruling abide now don't you don't you walk out of here in fear with that cross over your head but you walk in doubt every time the enemy threatens you just throw this up at him i feel a change you feel it let me hear from you let me hear from you go on instagram let me hear from you get on facebook let me hear from you send me a note send me a message let me touch and agree with you that you can stay up under these crossed hands of the father who wouldn't die until he stretched for ephraim and gave him what he wasn't in line to get that's you that's you you ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters that is you god bless you [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
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Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, out of order, out of order sermon, what god has for us
Id: rCRroLm8Dik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 54sec (3114 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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