2021 International Faith Conference - Faith and Finances

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[Music] [Music] hello this is bill winston and welcome to a session called faith and finances now this is a special session of the international faith conference we're talking about building wealth we're going to teach you how to have money work for you instead of you working for money you see i'm telling you the bible talks about the fact that god wants us to have wealth he's giving us power to get wealth in fact he wants us profitable he said i'm the lord thy god that redeemer the holy one of israel that teaches you to profit and i'll show you how to do it praise god well this is a special session our special guest that we have is catrice wells catrice is going to be talking about her book and going to be talking about the concept of investing now it's very important for us to understand that people say well i don't know about investing well if you've got a job that has 401k and all these 401s they're taking your money and investing it well why don't you get in the driver's seat you see this is a powerful session many people in the body of christ are still working for money working hard long hours for money instead of letting money work for you while you're asleep money can be working now that's a concept i met catrice when i saw her on one of our programs called money monday and um she was on this program as a guest and i heard a talk i just planned to look at it for just a few minutes because it's one of our areas of ministry at the joseph business school well when i listened to her for a few minutes i said wait a second i i i like the way she's talking and i i sat down and just listened to the whole interview and i finished that god said contact her wow so what did i do i waited a couple of weeks just gotta make sure i'm hearing god on this deal so i reached out to her she had already said if i'm supposed to come and work with pastor winston let him call me let him contact me and that's exactly what happened you see what happened god put this thing together and now she has this new book called when heaven went public she's actually talking about this whole concept of what wall street was really originally god's idea so what we're doing now we're going to bring god back into the picture praise god in education he tried to move god out in business they tried to move we're going to bring him right back so i want you to get the pencil and piece of paper take down some notes of what she's talking about because what we're going to do is we're going to elevate this body of christ we're going to make it so that the body of christ is not only good in winning souls but we're good at making money praise god because it takes money to preach the gospel the kingdom of god takes revenue praise god i found that out you know i can preach the gospel for nothing but the equipment caused something so what are we doing one of the things we're doing is helping to finance the kingdom of god another thing we're doing is meeting the biblical requirements that we should be prospering and that we should have enough for our children's children praise god what are we doing we're taking control or dominion over that financial market it's time for the body of christ to shine okay praise god so we've got katrice wealth catrice is going to come now and she's going to give you some words of wisdom concerning investments and how you can participate so let's go right into it catrice wells my name is catrice wiles i'm an investment manager for joseph wealth management which is a vision of dr bill winston basically merging faith and finance together this is something that the lord gave me to do i majored in finance at oral roberts university and one of the things i wanted to do was help the body of christ understand the concept of investing because a lot of people think oh it's i'm gambling but a guy really created the whole concept in the book i've written when heaven went public basically explains all that [Music] one of the myths that people do have about investing oftentimes is that they think it's gambling but it's totally different like is if you think about a horse you you can either bet on a horse at the racetrack or you can own a horse so it's really two different things so stock investing is about ownership and when you have a business idea you need money to fund it to start a company and there are different ways you can get the money to do that you can borrow it from the bank or you can use your own money or you can use someone else's money so what you do oftentimes you incorporate and you when you incorporate you do get stock shares and those stock shares you can give to someone they invest in your company and you give them a share of the company so they become a stockholder so when you see these stocks trading on the stock exchange you see the symbol going by on your tv those are publicly traded companies people own shares in those companies so it's different than gambling is you actually own a corporation when you have stock shares you own a corporation and you have rights when you are a stockholder so that's the difference in gambling you don't actually own anything but with investing in stocks you are an owner and you have privileges as owners you can vote on different issues that may come up when you incorporate you can issue shares and then those shareholders they have rights they can vote on different things that are coming up with the company ideas that you may have and they have voting rights based on the number of shares that they own so that's very similar really to what god did for the body of christ he wanted to build his kingdom his company heaven and so what he did instead of issuing we instead investing money in the kingdom of god you actually invest your life and you become a shareholder as christians we are shareholders of heaven and we have rights and privileges when we pray we're voting we're saying yes lord yes lord to god's will so and when we have a church service that's like a shareholders meetings as saints we are shareholders of the kingdom and heaven has a board of directors usually you want the board to be an odd number for voting purposes so you won't have a tie so heaven has an odd number the father the son and the holy ghost three the trinity god is the chairman of the board because he presides over the earth jesus christ is the chief executive officer because whatever we want is executed in his name and then the holy ghost will be the chief operating officer because we uh he we operate under his power and he helps to get things done so heaven has a board just like a corporation and so as saints we are shareholders of the kingdom we are stockholders when you compare stock investing to other investments one of the reasons why i like it is because it's liquid you know you can be across the ocean over in europe on vacation and if you want to sell your stock if the market is open from 8 30 to 4 o'clock here in chicago central time you can sell that stock and you know exactly what price you're going to be getting because the prices go right across the screen you can look it up in the newspaper or make a phone call and you can sell and you can have your money in three days or sometimes the same day so stocking stock shares are liquid is what we call it meaning that it can be easily converted to cash versus real estate you may want to sell your property we can only estimate maybe what it's worth but you have to find a buyer that's going to pay that price so it may take a little longer so one of the things about stock investing is that it's liquid and stocks basically they keep up with inflation inflation is the cost of living you know so back 50 years ago how much would it have cost to buy a car versus now i mean i think people probably got a car for maybe a thousand dollars or two thousand dollars but now i mean we're talking forty thousand dollars up to a hundred thousand for some cars so that that means that uh the cost has gone up quite a bit which is inflation that's what that refers to inflation the cost of living so stocks keep up with inflation now if you have a cd or a savings account where you're just having the money sit uh in that and you're maybe only getting one or two percent if inflation if the price to pay for things is only going up maybe say it's going up four or five percent each year and your cd or savings account is only getting one or two percent you're not really making money because down the road you're going to need more money to purchase the things that you need so stocks keep up with inflation actually outpace inflation the average return in the stock market uh over the years if you look way back it's about 11 percent so if you think about what you're getting again in a cd or a savings account so it really outpaces those types of investments the first dogma that gave me was procter gamble which owns crest the toothpaste company tied a lot of different products they make that we use and eve i think even what was that we just came through a pandemic everybody was buying toilet paper so they make that so of course they made some money during this pandemic more money so procter gamble was one of the first stocks that i did get my mother uh worked for one of the largest well-known corporations here in america and she was the human resource director and also the public relations person usually when you go public you need a public relations department that helps people investors understand the company and you know basically create a good image for the company so people want to invest and as a human resource director you need to know the benefits that you offer employees so the way that my mother got into that's how she really got a good understanding of stock investing so the way it works if you work for a publicly traded company which she did it was actually a company that's one of the dow 30 stocks which is part of the dow jones industrial average that you hear about every day it really the dow jones is really just a composite of 30 of the most well-known companies in america the stronger companies the largest and most solid companies and so she worked for one of them and so one of the things the benefits that you get when you work for a company like that oftentimes is the opportunity to purchase your company's stock at a discount so it's called a stock purchase program that companies often offer so if you work for like mcdonald's or walgreens those are all publicly traded companies large companies and you may not have a big salary but if you get into the stock purchase program you could probably get the stock at a good price and then you know when you sell it sell at the market value and you have a good capital gain oftentimes and so my mother used her the company stock basically to pay for my college education my father was always he worked for a fortune 500 company too one of the largest corporations it was also a dow 30 stock and he bought company stock too so the family built wealth actually through stock investing yeah so they that was something that they always did both of them worked for the fortune 500 companies for at least 25 or 30 years both from the same company and actually invested uh part of their salary into the market and bought company stock i was in college and i was thinking about uh what career where did i really want to go with my um degree and i was reading an article in ebony magazine and it said the best careers for african americans for the in the 90s and it said finance was one of the best ones and he gave a salary range i think you could say 80 000 to 800 000 and i was like oh that sounds really good you know so i uh and finance had just become a major at oral roberts university and usually people study economics and things like that if they want to go into finance but finance had just really started becoming an option for a degree in a lot of colleges and so it just became a degree when i was like a sophomore at oral roberts university so i immediately went to the registration office and changed my degree to finance so i was one of the first people to graduate with a degree in finance [Music] when you think about stock investing and you hear about the wealthiest families in america whether it's jeff bezos or elon musk with tesla or mark zuckerberg with facebook bill gates with microsoft or one warren buffett those are all stock holders and the way that we know that they're worth a certain amount is because of the value of their stock it's not because they sold so many uh products or tesla cars but it's because the value of their stock is at a certain level or amazon has gone way up since the 90s when they first became public and so this is how we know how much they're worth we know it on a daily basis the exact value oftentimes you'll hear on the news they'll say oh jeff bezos lost 50 million today that's because of the value of the stock so the wealthiest people in america have basically gotten to that level because of the value of their stock even if you look at the rockefeller family they owned a standard oil that's a publicly traded company and that wealth is still flowing today because of the value of those investments so even back in 1929 when the stock market crashed before the depression the kennedy family the joe kennedy the patriarch of the family was actually buying stock at a low price when the everybody else was trying to sell they call that uh black monday or black tuesday when the stock market crashed you know people were jumping out of windows trying to kill them so they thought it was over they wasn't going to come back up but years later just we went into the industrial revolution and america became one of the wealthiest countries in the world and that's really if you how god created stock investing if you look at when jesus brought heaven public i call the book when heaven went public because god wanted to build his kingdom and so he sent jesus christ to do a public offering on the cross so we can invest our lives in the kingdom of god now when jesus died on the cross they call that good friday like black tuesday because he went down but he entered peter panicked he was cursing and then you had judas uh kill himself and so they were they thought it was over but jesus got back up and uh we caught resurrection sunday just like the market came back up so when jesus went public on the cross and allowed uh open the opportunity for people to invest their lives in the kingdom of god again they call that good friday so there's so many uh really concepts that we use on wall street that are really just principles that god created when you go public you have to have someone that's going to cover the cost of bringing these shares to the public and that's called an underwriter so companies like goldman sachs what they do is they actually give the company if they want to raise 500 million dollars goldman sachs gives the company that money and they bear the cost and they sell those shares to investors so jesus christ was the burden bearer he was the underwriter of heaven he bore the costs so that we can invest our lives in the kingdom of god one of the reasons that the wealthy people really like stock investing is because of the tax benefits they can buy a stock and it double or whatever the value go way up and they can pass it on to their children in that cost basis if it's doubled or whatever they the children start at whatever price the stock was when that parent passed away so that's one of the there's a tax benefit when it comes to stock investing so you can pass on that wealth to your children your children's children and one of the easiest ways that people start investing is through their 401k plan at their job and when you invest a certain percentage of your income let's say you decide 10 i say you know pay yourself percent pay god ten percent first and then pay yourself ten percent so if you invest in your 401k that money is uh gross tax deferred or tax-free depending on the type of account you have a roth would be tax-free growth in a regular ira or 401k would be tax deferred because you'll pay the taxes when you take the money out so a lot of people in america have become multi-millionaires just through investing in their 401k because they consistently put a certain amount in no matter what the market is doing because think about when the pandemic happened when the market went down if it went down quite a bit 20 percent is a big is considered a correction and that you're in what you call a bear market a bear market is when stocks are going down bull market is when stocks are going up so if you were buying at that time still in your 401k you got some good prices on your investments in your 401k so that now the market has hit a new high so your investment probably has gone up at this point so with the 401k when people are investing over the long term like that it really grows and plus the companies often match whatever you're putting in so you get an instant return on your money when they match what you've put in that's really what god has too he has a profit sharing plan is uh called tithing because when you give he said you give and i'll give he'll give back to you press down shaken together that's like compound interest and he said he would rebuke the devourer because you know taxes is like a devourer so god said he'll rebuke the devourer and and protect your money and allow it to grow and he'll give back to you so so tithing is like god's profit sharing plan plan you give 10 and then he'll match you and bless you [Music] now one example of how you can start small if you work for a company that's publicly traded they allow you oftentimes to buy stock in the company and so that can really grow no matter how much you're making you know putting a little bit in and i know some people who work for amazon they may work at the warehouse maybe not a six-figure job but they've gotten some company stock through working there and that can really grow i was thinking about a client of mine that actually worked for walgreens not making a lot of money but they put a little bit away i think it was about 35 000 that they had accumulated and they when they passed away they pass it on to their daughter and their daughter just you know kind of put in a safety deposit box and just let it sit but then she came in and she needed some money to pay some bills and she wanted me to check the value of this 35 000 that her dad had given her about 10 years ago in walgreens stock and when i checked it it was worth 1.2 million dollars just that 35 000 without her doing anything just letting it sit so now she's a millionaire just just through the stock investing [Music] there's some steps you want to take before you start investing and the first one is to do a personal assessment know where you stand today calculate your net worth anyone can invest there's no application to deny you the opportunity to invest you can start wherever you are usually when you invest on you talk to a financial advisor the goal is you want to know where you are now where do you want to go what do you want to use this money for and then how do we get there is one of the things that we consider whenever we get ready to invest and there's some first steps you should do so that you'll be successful when you invest and one of them is of course finding out where you are now that means finding out your net worth you want to list your assets what you own and then list your debts and if you take your assets what you owe minus what you owe that's going to give you your net worth for example so say you have a house and your house is worth three hundred thousand dollars and you have a mortgage and you owe two hundred thousand dollars so three hundred thousand dollars minus two hundred thousand that gives you a hundred thousand dollars so that means your net worth would be a hundred thousand dollars so you would just list everything that you own and then subtract what you owe uh and to get to find out where you are now to get your net worth so you want to eliminate uh your debts so that your net worth will increase because if you're paying say 25 percent on a credit card but you're only making 15 percent in the stock market you're still losing about 10 percent so you want to reduce your debt because oftentimes you know uh if you owe more than what you own you can end up in bankruptcy and so again the concept is to reduce your debt so that your investments would get the maximum amount of return and benefit you uh financially this is a concept really that god created too because when we pray says forgive us our destiny we forgive our debtors when we give our lives to the lord the first thing we do is we take inventory let a man examine himself confess your faults confess your death sin debt people often describe sin as an inappropriate response to a legitimate need so and so when we say forgive us our debts we forgive our debtors jesus christ has canceled the sin debt and our net worth goes up spiritually so an asset would be love that god places in us hate would be the debt or say faith something that he places in us when we give our lives to the lord and then doubt would be the debt so we get rid of the doubt cancel all those ascendant and then and increase those assets that god has given us and oftentimes even spiritually speaking if you people can be very talented gifted and anointed but they have a lot of sin debt they end up in spiritual bankruptcy just like you can end up in financial bankruptcy when you have too much debt and one thing about being a christian is that jesus christ paid the debt he canceled the debt and there are a lot of religions today that they may help you to look better like say a muslim or buddhist uh they but your sin debt is still there you know maybe muhammad can help you refinance the debt and maybe buddha can help you consolidate the debt but only jesus christ paid the debt so the point is to get rid of the debt so that your net worth goes up spiritually and financially so then the next step would be to make sure you have enough money saved before you invest so that you can stick with your financial plan because emergencies come up have enough money saved up to meet certain needs oftentimes people ask well how much should i have saved up what i normally do is i take your salary and divide it by ten thousand and that gives the number of months of money that you should have saved to cover your expenses for say if you have a a fifty thousand dollar salary divided by ten thousand that gives you five so you should have five thousand five months worth of savings to meet any expenses that you may have just in case you lose your job and so that it also will help you to avoid a financial debt going into debt if you have some sort of emergency and a savings account is really a lot like prayer and just like you want to get in the habit of savings you want to get in a habit of prayer prayer helps you to avoid sin death when you're prayed up and things come against you you can pull from those prayers that you've been pray praying and and so you don't have to go into sin that and when oftentimes people go through things and they get out of god because they're discouraged maybe haven't prayed up things happened to them and you know so you stay prayed up so that you can stay invested in the kingdom of god number three would be to reduce your debt because your debt is working against you against your net worth and then the fourth one would be to determine your risk tolerance to know what you can handle as far as the volatility in the market if you're working you know you may be able to handle more than someone who is retired if the stock goes down say 20 what i asked them like what would be your response say a stock goes down 20 what would be your response would you want to sell right away because you're panicking or would you buy more some people would say oh let's let's just buy more of the stock at the lower price or um somewhat some people just pray you know call call for the moaning women to pray so i do like a risk tolerance just to see what your response would be in certain situations that helps me to determine what your tolerance level is for certain types of investments and also knowing your present situation if you're a young person you could handle certain types of risk versus someone who is retired and are not bringing in as much money so they want to maintain what they have but a younger person could probably take on more risk and the greater the risk oftentimes the greater the return that you'll get so i do a risk tolerance before i actually invest money for people just to find out where they're where they're at and their temperament and i this is a lot like what we do as saints you need to know your level of temptation not everybody is tempted by the same things so some people say well you shouldn't go here you shouldn't do this but some people some things are just not temptations that would cause them to get out of god so uh the same way work out your salvation which fear and trembling was the bible says and know where you are and what's tempting to use so that you can stay invested in the kingdom of god so very similar concepts risk tolerance and your level of temptation and oftentimes it depends on with temptation how long you've been saved did you grow up in church to know just really where you should be and how you should conduct yourself people ask do you really need a financial advisor and the answer is no you don't have to have a financial advisor to invest just like you don't have to have a pastor to be saved but generally you do better if you have a pastor or a financial advisor because one they know how to get you to your goals they may have a special they have special training and certification to help you and they help to keep you accountable so a financial advisor will help you to stay on track check on you there'll be somebody that you can call when the market goes down oftentimes people sell because they don't have anybody to explain what's going on but if you have a financial advisor who works full-time in the industry they're a little more aware of what's going on in the market and can help explain things so people generally stay invested longer if they do have an advisor and it costs a cost what you you can buy stock for free you can call a corporation and just get the stock shares directly from them so really what you're paying for when you have a financial advisor is for the advice not necessarily for the stock so just like with a pastor people can just watch tv online they don't have to necessarily go to church to be saved but oftentimes a pastor keeps you spiritually accountable and of course you pay ties some people i don't go to church because i don't pay any money to the tithe but um but you know the pastor is there to uh basically they may see some things that you don't see spiritually speaking and help you to have somebody that you can maybe talk to get counseling if you need it so oftentimes people who are in church and have a pastor often times are more stable in the lord so just like as an investor if they have a financial advisor oftentimes their financial plan stays on more on track i'm catrice wells investment and portfolio manager for joseph wealth management if you are interested in investing or learning more about the market you can contact me you can email me at seawells josephwealthmanagement.com or call us on our toll-free number our offices are located at the forest park plaza that's joseph wealth management 7600 west roosevelt road in forest park illinois [Music] we have started a new area in the ministry called joseph wealth management and that's where actually she is a person who can help people to manage their wealth now somebody says well i really don't have any wealth well let's get you on board praise god you got to start thinking it if you want to go there you got to start thinking in terms of more than enough not just enough or not enough but more than enough canaan land and the land of more than enough is what he promised us she is going to add to the knowledge that you have about finances and make it so that you're not working for money but money is going to start working for you well i trust that you enjoyed that with katrice wells now not only does she know the market but she can teach it and i think the body of christ needs to learn more about investing here's what he says over in 3rd john 2 beloved i wish i pray above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as i soul prospers god wants us to prosper he wants us to learn about it understand it and actually do prosperity according to god's word for the kingdom of god there is a lot to be done god wants his people to be a showcase for the kingdom of god no lack you know no debts paid in full all of that can happen but god first has to teach us we have to have a teacher so catrice has come on board she's just a powerhouse of knowledge um she has a new book out called when heaven went public you need to get a copy of it he's talking about how to put god back in investment and make it work for you see this is your time now you can't miss it now this is an opportunity and you want to reach out and grab it praise god now you can order her books at royalchristianbookstore.com again that's royalchristianbookstores.com you can order her book get a copy of it guaranteed you'll be blessed now we're going to teach you more and more about investing in this part of finances that many believers have never ever gone into but it's a part of your inheritance god wants you blessed this is bill winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith is investing in the stock market something christians should do can you really build generational wealth through investing those questions and more are answered in the groundbreaking book when heaven went public by stockbroker and financial professional catrice wells you know a lot of people think that investing is gambling or they are fearful of it the wealthiest individuals in the world are stockholders anybody can do it is there's no application to deny you and i said you know lord give me something that will help the body of christ understand the importance of investing in this book you will learn the truth that god created stock investing and wall street copied his idea most rich families acquire their wealth through investing you'll gain the knowledge and the confidence to be a profitable stock investor and you will be prepared to handle the wealth transfer coming to the body of christ get your copy of this must read book when heaven went public by catrice wells today available now at royal christian bookstores and cafe 7610 west roosevelt road forest park illinois and online at royalchristianbookstores.com [Music] oh [Music] bye
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 17,945
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Id: ye3FKxkWIKw
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Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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