Out of Bounds Secrets | Baldur's Gate 3 - Boundary Break

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hey welcome to an ongoing Series where we basically take the camera anywhere we want to try to find secrets and new discoveries to some of our favorite games and today we're going to be looking at Baldur's Gate 3 with a camera that was made by Franz bowoma honestly due to all the hype I finally gave this game a chance and while I play a brand new game I look to see if there's anything out of bounds and thankfully there is a lot of really cool things out of bounds here so if you want let's take a look at what we found okay the first crazy thing is the character creation screen there's a lot going on out of bounds and uh I mean I'm not ready to show you just yet it's blurred on the screen for YouTube reasons I think we'll be okay but still if you want to see what is going on here we'll talk about at the end of the episode that out of the way for now there is a lot more to talk about with this entire area the first of which being that your companion character screen is in the same map as your character's screen and you can see all the three-dimensional objects that make up both areas it's kind of wild to see an all in one shot it's also really funny to see the textured background pounds that are housed inside of a Sky Dome and also if you can keep your eyes off of certain other things we'll take ourselves over to this black orb and take a look at what's inside and I'm sure to many people's surprise it's another Sky Dome it's a universe inside of a universe and yet somehow we're just starting this episode so you know it's going to be a good one and now let's talk about the opening area of the game because more interesting stuff stuff I did not expect to see first we have this giant black rectangle and since it's one-sided I'm assuming this is meant to manipulate the lighting in some way having it removed I'm willing to guess would change the lighting in a way that the developers did not intend but also there's this giant square of environment goo and the reason for this one I I don't know why this is here I think maybe if I was forced to take another guess but it could be storing models here cinematic models enemy models it's all together possible and then something that the players could see but not as much as you probably would like you might notice that the environment outside of this ship seems to be constantly moving and how does that work exactly well dedicated fans of the show will definitely know this one the way this is pulled off is that there are chunks of environment and it all just sort of connects together seamlessly and every single time a chunk gets to a certain point on the map it gets warped to the front of the line only for it to move backwards this gives the illusion that the ship is constantly moving through an environment when in fact the player is more like on a treadmill of some kind and then I wanted to show you what it looks like when you pulled Gale out of the portal because it's really cool and yeah to reiterate here Gail is stuck in this portal and needs your help to pull him out he's in truth just stuck behind some rocks and here's what's really cool about all this only his arm is really animated so the rest of his body will end up looking really stiff thank you foreign by coincidence I swear this Baldur's Gate 3 episode of boundary break is brought to you by Walter skate 3. what a match made in heaven am I right so here's how this is gonna go down the developers want me to talk about these specific points with you and after looking them over it's going to be really easy to agree with all of them you ready the first one is that the game came out on September 6th 2023 for the PlayStation 5 so PlayStation 5 owners can play the game it also released on August 3rd for PC and it has a 96 Metacritic score well earned by the way that also makes it one of the top rated video games ever Baldur's Gate 3 plays great with a controller I can personally attest to that balder's Gate 3 is a Next Generation RPG from the creators of divinity original sin 2 and is set in the Dungeons and Dragons universe but I will also add that if you're not even a fan of Dungeons and Dragons this game works for all audiences and those are my words the next thing they wanted me to mention was that in Baldur's Gate 3 your identity is at the center of the story and the choices that you make determine how the world reacts to you whoever you choose to be battle loot Advent picture or romance your way across the Forgotten Realms and Beyond and that is a great point there is so much open-endedness in how you want to tackle each thing in the game it's pretty remarkable honestly they also wanted us to say that you don't need to play Baldur's Gate one or two to enjoy Baldur's Gate 3 the story is set over 100 years in the future but Baldur Skate 3 does feature great iconic characters locations and other elements from the previous games in the Beloved series including the iconic city of baldrigate itself once again I will say that in my entire place we were the game not once did I ever feel like something went over my head because of something that may have happened in the first two games and the last Point here is that you could take the adventure online as a party up to four players and or with couch Co-op which is super awesome for a modern game by the way the fact that I can have myself and someone at home do the split screen Co-op and then have friends from across the United States join our game for even more Co-op friendliness I love it thank you so much Larry in studios for sponsoring this video you have no idea how much I enjoyed your game it's why we're doing a boundary Break episode in the first place anyways back to the at about stuff and speaking of portals here's one that is used for traversal in the game and putting the camera up to it for scrutiny shows that it uses a texture that doesn't tag every conceivable angle of the portal right here you can see the cutoff of the texture and behind it just looks like the void here's another fun one just before act two the player is reintroduced to the dragons and believe it or not before the dragon is introduced into the cutscene the model is just stored up into the sky and not only that but the dragon is also low poly so it's really fun to look at it's so interesting to see that it's stored here because it's not something you see typically within this game but we gotta move on from crazy low poly dragon to the most insane thing I've seen in this entire game developers talk about how crazy the scope is in Baldur's Gate 3. this is one of those things I really can't explain to you if you pin the camera out of the room that the devil takes you to when you first meet him at certain angles you can see several maps in Baldur's Gate 3 all loaded at once which I don't need to tell you use absolutely incredible how the game manages to run this well knowing this I I have no idea obviously level of detail is involved here but still even then I never would have imagined that this is how the game's map is laid out also one of the most bizarre things I found out of all these different environments was this flat surface with an A on it and a singular bench made of stone it's possible that this just isn't fully loaded it could also be a debug area either way it's really interesting to look at now what I'm about to talk about here is a pretty decent main story spoiler so just be warned I don't recommend seeing this next scene you can jump across to this time stamp if you want to avoid this but if you beat the game or you're somewhat close here we go there's a certain point where the emperor reveals that he was once human and does this whole flashback sequence for the player now you barely barely get to see even the eyes of the emperor in this human form let alone his entire face so freezing the gameplay and taking the camera up to it can show you that his face is fully modeled he'd even get a good look at the icon color of the emperor before he turned into a mind flare and also the environments that are in this cut scene all are housed on a single plane as this scene Cuts away to various areas during the emperor's explanation every single room is housed here it's honestly one of those things you never think about but once you just see it all in plain sight you think to yourself yeah I mean that makes sense I guess what doesn't make as clear sense right off the bat is all these doors that are underneath these large towns I'm certain they have developer functions but what exactly do these things trigger I have no idea it's just really interesting to see eight or more doors stored underneath the ground all open all piled together at once also interestingly enough we got ourselves Cubes but they're not Dev Cubes at least I'm pretty sure they're not I think they're low poly detailed bushes now I could be completely wrong either way I'm not sure but with the way that they're placed and the fact that they're sort of out in the open says to me that despite the fact that all these buildings and trees look pretty well detailed for it being this far off in the distance these Cube bushes are just a cheap and easy resource to add to the effect one that of course we take the camera right up to it it doesn't look as amazing as it does from the distance that the developers want you to see it here's one of the most random things I've seen the dungeons typically don't have all that much stored underneath the boundaries or outside the boundaries in general but here in this one area where you do a series of Trials if you took the camera underneath the concrete you can see a second surface and resting on top of that surface is a wooden sign the wooden sign has an illustration of a sail ship what a crazy small all thing to be stored out of bounds and just had to show that to you for two reasons one that even the most insignificant detail is Worth showing off on a show like this and two that yes in a 120 hour game I will look everywhere including every single random dungeon for the off chance that we might find a little sign of a boat on it you're wanting to look inside of a mind player's mouth well you got no choice okay maybe you have a choice but please stick with me here I just wanted to show you that there really isn't a lot going on beyond the teeth the modeler's new for sure there was way too much going on in that area to really worry about hyper detailing the inside of the mouth so what you're left with is a glossy shallow interior with a few ridges here and there also here at the very start of the game you have a human that's locked inside of a chamber and if you push a button it turns into a mind flare but in game it shows you all this fog and it gets completely in the way of review of the transformation so taking the camera inside the chamber we'll show you that the fog only goes over the surface and gives us a clear view of the character inside and now you know the the transformation was instantaneous now there was a lot of eyes I could have looked at in this game most of them are full orb eyes with the textures of the eyes mapped on both sides of the eyeball but for fun I wanted to show you this character who has multiple eyeballs which is something that is less common on Boundary break and show you what that looks like from the inside out these enemies here have an interior to their helmets but all you will see inside are joints this is essentially the end of this character's neck and not a tiny little head and now we're going to be talking about birds well actually not Birds this time it's bats because Baldur's Gate 3 is already Savvy enough to have its animals usually looked at up close since you can talk to them but the bats are just scenery so if we take the camera over to them we can see that they're just beautifully animated flat textures that are bent to look like a flapping animation [Music] foreign er's gate which is a incredibly impressive area of this game so much liveliness is going on here and there isn't any load times whatsoever if you're in the outside but there was something I want to show you that's really interesting see this game uses level of detail so if you're looking at this Castle from far away it shows you the low poly version of that model however since you never get to reach that castle so far up close taking the camera over there will deload the low poly model and leave you with nothing at all because the Castle's not there and it's never going to be there same thing can be said for what happens beyond the castle getting closer gives you less detail and now I just want to do a zoom out of an interior area because I'm sure a lot of people would want to know what's going on outside the boundaries here and believe it or not not a whole lot they're just individual zones and the developers clean them up very nicely left only what is supposed to be there however the same cannot be said for the very end of the game obviously quick spoiler warning pause pause all right we good all right as you said on top of the Elder brain there's so much stuff going on outside the boundaries it's insane and one of the weird things about the Elder brain is that if you keep the camera close to it the brain is fully modeled however if you zoom the camera out the bottom of the brain is not modeled for this low poly version of the model also taking the camera over to these mind flares you can see that they are low poly and never had a high poly version to begin with so taking the camera right up them will show you the impressive low poly model work also here's the zoom out of balder's gate once again for a top-down isometric game why is there so much detail to this game this is like open world game levels of detail it's insane and if you came here for an area that wasn't balder's gate and that's it for now I know that some of you were probably wondering about what that blurred out image is I can tell you that it's a bunch of male models that have uh we'll just say zero value clothing if you really need to see that I'll leave a clip of that for one dollar patrons over on patreon I just can't risk it here on YouTube you guys know that if you want to link to my patreon it'll be in the video description down below anyways guys thank you so much for watching and take care
Channel: Shesez
Views: 265,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tvvdupNL75c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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