Out of Bounds Exploration & Secrets | Little Nightmares II

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Hello Guys, today we're gonna take a look under the hood of Little Nightmares 2 and see how some of the things in the game work by going out of bounds. Let's start right here in the main menu. To make sure that chapter selection screen loads instantly developers just threw it under the menu map. Pretty normal practice. And there is even Mono chilling here as well, not sure why though. Same thing here in the Wilderness with the corridor from the starting cutscene, it's above the place Mono begins his adventure, but until then he's locked inside this black box nearby, waiting to be teleported. By the way, all TVs have a little eye logo on the back, I don't think it's visible in a normal playthrough, but now you know. Anyway, in the Hunters house, what about this guy, where does he come from? Well, before the game triggers his animation he is patiently waiting behind this cabinet out of players' sight. In fact there are multiples of him waiting for you to cross certain points in the level to start the animations. Let's go to the School chapter, but before that here's a better view at what the Hunter is doing in the scene where you sneak behind him. And to answer the popular question - when he gets shot, he just disappears. Here's a falling building at the end of the chapter and a zoom in into the alley in the beginning of School. Alright, School. Here is an interesting one. The corridor Mono sees on a TV during the tuning sections exists in the game a few hundred meters above the player and when you tune it, the image of the corridor gets projected on the TVs. As you move through the School you have your first encounter with the Teacher, but it's only a shadow, here's what's happening inside the room. Note the peculiar pose she starts her animation in, it's so weird that even the devs were concerned so they left a little message for the rest of the team to let everyone know that it's normal. After kidnapping Six, she and the kids just kinda go into the ceiling and eventually, mostly disappear. So about this kid. He's drawing a lot of interesting things. If you take a look from above you can see that he knows not only about the Signal Tower, but the Janitor and the Maw. Also a TV is here and a nome. But the most interesting one is the door that mono sees in his TV adventures. Does the student know the truth? Do you think it's the reason why he is being punished? Leave your thoughts in the comments! Speaking of the door, unless I am seeing things, it has a 6 written on it. What could it mean? Do you wanna know who's the teacher slapping in this scene? Well, it's a little bit awkward but yeah I mean at least she's not hurting anyone else, right? Seriously though, there's no reason to put a kid there if the player is never going to see it. Here's how the neck works though. Speaking of the neck working, look at this cutie. Let's go back after the scene ends and take a look at the vent. So what I think happened here is that the vent teacher uses a different model and animations, so they had to use multiple teachers for this scene. From the piano to the vent is the normal game model, inside the vent - special cutscene version, and then outside the school they spawn the normal model again. And yeah, that's some long neck, I bet it could feed Six for weeks! For the city background, it looks like this if you go there with a freecam. Moving on into the Hospital. At the start, there is this locked corridor with a patient in a wheelchair who actually looks like this, but what's more interesting is the corridor itself. You can kinda see it from the normal view but after a few meters it begins to warp and then ends with closed doors. I don't think anything else in the game is warped this much except the signal tower of course. Scene with a life support patient looks like this from behind the curtain. And as for the incinerator, if you are quick enough you don't even need to use a freecam to see how the toys burn, but here it is anyway. It just instantly swaps for the key and a pile of ash. And in case you were wondering, the key is not visible inside the toy, but it's most likely there, just invisible so it doesn't accidentally poke outside of the rabbit unless you use the X-ray. Here's a close up of all the masks, including one in a garbage bin and on the shelves. Doctor is the same story as the toys, he just kinda rolls out of bounds and disappears. Did you know that you don't even have to burn him? You monster! Pale City what a beautiful place. Fun fact about this dude, he's in two places at the same time. Before he even drops down he's already in the TV and after running inside the room he just disappears. Pretty smart, considering there is no way to get there quick enough to see the transition. Here's a close view at the guy in the bath. He's just chilling with a TV, nothing special. And a few shots of Pale City out of bounds. Oooh I like this one. Remember when Mono travels through the TV and sees the flash eye monster? That place is right here, Out of Bounds, right behind the room. And I can take you there. Just promise not to poke at the eyes. Oh yeah and Six is actually in the TV and when you pull her out her model changes color back to yellow. Thin man also lives somewhere inside but his model is cut a bit until he's ready to come out. Train scene looks like this from a different angle. This might be the most amount of stuff the game loads at the same time in any of the maps. Now let's go and see how the city zooms in in this cutscene. But first here's Mono when he faces the Thin Man. And this is how the fight looks from Thin Mans side. Wait, no, actually i shot it from all sides. And finally the city collapsing. In the transmission chapter as you come to these teleporters the game spawns a second mono and for a short time you control both of them until character possession instantly changes from one to another. Let's do a flyby in the main hub area. Oh and in case you were wondering, the door that closes on Mono in the very beginning expectedly doesn't lead anywhere. Not sure what the first picture is about, but the second one comes from the first game, and the third I think depicts the moment Six ate the Runaway kid? What do you think? The suitcase is also supposed to be the one Six woke up in the Maw, the amount and the placement of the tape checks out, but the pictures are edited and fuzzy. Could it be because Six doesn't remember it or maybe Signal Tower is pulling it from the future? Although with a timeloop does it even matter? Here's how the spooky door dimension looks like. As you come to the end of the map it teleports you back making it an infinite plane. The flash throne works the same way. You go right, it teleports you a few times and then brings in the chair that is stored under the map. Okay. This is it for now. Hope you enjoyed a little peek behind the veil of Little Nightmares 2. If you did consider Subscribing, but for now I say Goodbye.
Channel: Nikko
Views: 2,010,467
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Keywords: little nightmares 2, little nightmares ii, little nightmares, out of bounds, boundary break, exploration, secrets
Id: mJ1Jf-X1XX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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