The Maw in Little Nightmares Explained

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amidst the chaos of the world outside the moor is the only place that makes sense apparently hello viewers my name is tarako and welcome to my channel where i explore explain and expand upon the darkest worlds in video games today i'm taking a closer look at the more the original location from the first game and probably my favorite i'm going to explain what the more is some of its possible inspirations some of the metaphors and things you may have missed around them all and also as always i'm going to give my own personal interpretation of the whole thing so what exactly is the more the more is a giant metallic structure it is one that rises out of the sea once a year always at the same time but never in the same place we only see a portion of the more in the game we see the entrance from the outside and we also see the top of the mall the top of the moor is this little island structure and when the moor is fully submerged this is the only part that sticks out it looks just like an island with this smokestack or chimney on top now the chimney is there for a pretty obvious reason the more is powered by coal and burning coal produces toxic fumes which if we're allowed to gather inside the more would kill everyone pretty quickly so that's why it has this smoke snack the more is absolutely gigantic and we actually only see a small portion of it in the game we do see in the concept art that the more is actually much larger than we originally presume and it looks like it goes all the way down to the ocean floor with these trolling nets which makes a lot of sense since we know there's a lot of fish aboard the moor and this is probably how it catches them if you thought that the more looked slightly familiar but you could never put your finger on it that's because a lot of little nightmares is inspired by studio ghibli movies the mall looks very similar in a lot of ways to howl's moving castle both of these giant mechanical moving structures although howl's moving castle stays on land and the moor goes in the water but either way they both have these almost facial features with the more looking like this giant mouth which makes sense because the more does mean mouth the word more is another word for mouth or throat although it's more often used for mouth if you think about it the more of the beast means the beast's mouth the part that swallows you right which makes a lot of sense which we'll talk about later the interior of the mall also has large inspirations from studio gameplay movies although most of these come from spirited away many of the weird and wonderful designs have been i don't want to say copied but at least inspired from several of the locations inspirated away which is honestly pretty cool although where is spirited away was whimsical with a side of darkness little nightmares is dark with a side of darkness in a dark source with a frosting and sprinkles of dark just in case it wasn't quite dark enough so the more surfaces once a year to essentially well consume people every year the guests arrive at the moor to essentially feast you could think of this as almost like an all-you-can-eat buffet cruise although we know that none of the guests ever return and it's a little bit strange as to why these guests would willingly go there we have a lot of explanations for this but the most obvious one is that the lady is casting some sort of spell the lady is the overseer of the mall we don't know if she originally owned it we also know that there probably used to be other ladies as well so we don't know where they all went but we can probably assume that it wasn't a nice happy ending for them now though there is only one lady and a handful of staff that run the more again we don't know exactly why the staff running the more maybe they're paid it does seem to be their job but we know that roger wasn't originally born here he was a stranger and he found his way onto the moor so it seems like some people are being convinced to work here maybe by pay or the promise of something else so the guests aboard the more where they are given essentially as much food as they can eat and the guests really do love food and it's not just like they are hungry in fact they are described as having a never-ending hunger they will continuously eat and we can see that in the guests behavior they just sort of cram the food into their mouth and they never stop until they sleep which they presumably would wake up and continue although we know that in the more most of these guests are killed and then fed to other guests we also know that the moor has a holding area or a prison part where children are kept captive now the children do seem to be cared for there are things in place that seem to try and make their stay more comfortable but eventually the children are wrapped up and sent to the kitchens now it's not 100 clear whether the ones that are sent to the kitchens are ones that died or whether these are ones that just gave up we know that for some reason children just seem to give up hope in this world and either way eventually the children are sent to the kitchens where it can be presumed that they are chopped up and probably put through this machine in made into sausages for the guests to eat this kind of makes sense because the guests have such an insatiable hunger that they eat so much food that the more needs every scrap of food it can get to satisfy these guests hunger enough for them to fall asleep so that they can be chopped up and killed and whatever else happens to them we see from the game that there are a bunch of different areas in the more like i said this is holding area there are the depths where the granny lives for some reason we have the kitchens which are ginormous we have the serving area where they're guesting and then there are a bunch of different areas that seem to use to be accessible we see a lot of them have leftover belongings but we never see any people there so it looks like there used to be many more people on the mall than there are now though for whatever reason there aren't as many as they used to be probably because in this world most people just end up dead that's probably why so that's what the more is let's talk about the more metaphorical representation or the themes of the more which tie in very very well with the first game the first game was all about hunger apparently i said that quite often in my last video on the hunger who would have thought but we can actually draw a parallel with the more and the guests as i said earlier the moor is being described as the only place that makes sense and for a long time i didn't really understand that i mean let's be honest the more makes absolutely no sense to me we don't know who pilots it we don't know why this happens we don't know where it came from who built it we don't know really anything about it none of it makes sense to me but the more i thought about it it actually does kind of make sense we know that there are rules in this world and one of those rules is that people and things get hungry we know that animals and people aside from some of the monsters oh that's probably a topic for another video but all of the living things in this world get hungry and that is just like our own world we get hungry living things need to eat to survive if you stop eating you die this is where the parallel between the more and the guest comes in the more just like the guests if it stops eating it will also die now i don't mean literally eating the more doesn't literally eat people arguably but more metaphorically if we look at the entrance of the moor it looks like a mouth makes sense it's called the more it looks like a mouth but the guests actually bored the more through this mouth and that is a metaphoric representation that the moor is consuming them moreover i actually feel like this all kind of makes sense think about the more and what's in there and all of the things inside the mall that have to have come from somewhere we see that the kitchens are fully stocked but not just from meat which we know some of the meat comes from weird places but it has vegetables and fruit and things like that which must have come from somewhere there's no way they were grown down here because there's no sunlight so they must have come from outside the mall we can say the same thing for the coal there are huge deposits of coal down in the depths of the moor they can't have come from here coal is essentially fossilized trees and we find them in mines there's no way that this was mined from inside the moor so it must have been brought here which probably cost something it's not for free right you have to go and buy these things so where does the money come from to buy all of these supplies well pretty simply the most simple explanation for that is that the guests are supplying the money for all of this the guests are probably paying a fee to arrive at the more and hell even if they aren't even if it was free to get onto the more well they all end up dead what happens to all of their belongings their possession and yes their money i think that the lady takes all of this and uses all of that to fund them more so the more can keep going in that way we can think about them more as having a requirement of food too the guests require food to live and the more requires guests to live too so in that way the more does make sense it follows the same rules as living creatures on this planet even though it's not necessarily a living creature itself it follows the same rules as a living creature kind of like the porcelain children in the mess too we don't really know how they were made or why but they're made out of porcelain they're not real children but they follow the rules of real children they act like children they behave like children and they have to go to school like children many things in the world of little nightmares they are twisted versions of real things and therefore most things in this world have to follow some rules so that's why we say that the more makes sense because it's feeding just like everything else it's behaving like almost everything else in this world six is hungry we don't know why but she is the lady is hungry although i've previously said she has a different type of hunger than six she's still power hungry everything in this world follows the same rules and the more is no different and that's why the more makes sense this brings me on to another point a point i could probably make a whole other separate video for but i thought i would put it in here for a completeness sake what happens to the more after six kills lady well quite simply the moors going to die without the lady overseeing things guests aren't going to be drawn to the more anymore without the guests there is now no money for supplies and without supplies the staff have no reason to continue working there they have nothing to feed any future potential guests quite simply put the more is now going to die once again like everything else in this world without a food supply the more will die it follows the rules it makes sense so there we have it the more explained the more actually contains far more secrets within if you actually deep dive into every single room and the meanings and metaphors but this was more of an overall explanation of them all we'll never fully know where the more came from we'll never fully know why the moor does what it does we'll never fully know if there was a particular intended purpose for the more although i do feel like we could assume that the more is there to call the population to get rid of some of these hungry people who well let's be honest would probably just strip the world bear of everything if they were allowed to continue eating everything so in that way i guess we could say that the more does have a very solid purpose but we don't know if that's its original intended purpose or not i hope you did enjoy this video if you did don't forget to give it a like let me know down in the comments below and consider subscribing if you want to see more videos just like this one i have been terrico thank you very much for watching and i will see you next time
Channel: Tericho
Views: 571,227
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Keywords: little nightmares, little nightmares dlc, little nightmares the maw, tericho, little nightmares the maw explained, the maw explained, little nightmares 2, little nightmares theory, little nightmares explained, little nightmares 2 explained, little nightmares 2 theory, little nightmares ending, little nightmares ending explained, little nightmares ending reaction, little nightmares 2 dlc, little nightmares 2 dlc release date
Id: EKuMfR0ttIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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