Are the Comic Characters More Important than We Think? | Little Nightmares 2 Theory

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hello everybody tarako here i've got a little theory for you all and it's uh it's not quite a big enough theory to do like a whole 10 plus minute video on i don't think but i still think it's worth doing so i'm going to talk about that theory in this video we're going to look at the uh children from the comics there's a there's some links that have started to appear between the children in the comics and the games and i want to kind of discuss those and give my my theory and my opinion on those but before we get into that i just have a couple of things i want to talk about first of all on thursday if you're watching this video as it goes up or in the next few days uh thursday the 11th of march there's a new game coming out it's called freakpocalypse and it's by people that have made some funny things in the past which i'm not an expert on but i am aware of and uh i have to be honest this game just looks hilarious and so i'm going to stream it i'm going to stream it over on twitch forward slash terraco if you have a twitch account or if you want to make one come hang out i'll be streaming that game playing it live and we can all hang out and watch it together and play and uh we can we can have a good time so it's not going to be a little nightmare stream it's going to be a freak apocalypse stream on thursday probably i'm going to do it on twitch uh purely because youtube algorithm you have to be a little bit careful about what you stream and what you play and that game looks like it has some very um risky themes i'm just going to say that it looks like i have some very risky themes but it looks great so i'm going to play that on thursday i'm not sure what time yet because i don't know what time the game is going to release but thursday evening i'm going to hang out and play if you want to come and hang out it would be great to see you there um i'm also i'm gonna leave my other announcement to the end of the video um i want to talk about patreon because i have a patreon i just haven't relaunched it yet uh it's there and i kind of want to relaunch it but i'm going to talk about the end of the video because i get some people don't like to talk about the financial talk so i'll leave that to the end if you want to hear about the patreon i'll leave that to the end of the video so we have these six children and these children are found in the little nightmares two official artwork and they're also found in the comic now if you haven't seen the comics a lot of people ask this question you can find the comics on the uh mobile store so on the iphone app store it's on there i'm sure it's on android and whatever too the comics are completely free you can go and get them if you want to and they're really interesting and each episode what would you call it issue of the it's a digital comic i i don't know what you want to call it but each little segment of the comic focuses on one child and kind of shows their demise now the first interesting thing to note about the comics is that they are laid out in the opposite order to the children we see here so this the children that we see we can see mono the first one one mono makes sense and then we see four of the children and then we see the last one which is six and i'm still convinced that this is sick some people think that this is the girl from very little nightmares just because of the clothing that she's wearing but uh her hair is completely different the girl from very long nightmares has a long ponytail and uh yeah this very much looks like six who the the comic episode looks like six and she's captured by the hunter which we know that's sick so i think it's pretty much basically i mean nothing is absolutely confirmed in in these theories but i'm it's pretty safe to say guys this is six okay this is not very long this is not the girl in the yellow raincoat this this is six okay uh again i mean prove me wrong i would love you too but it it's six so we have these laid out and we have one and then obviously six is the sixth curl makes sense to me and uh interestingly enough the comic episodes are in reverse order to this so the first episode has six the second episode has the kid with the knapsack and the blindfold and they go through in that order and the final episode is mono which is another interesting little uh loop but also reversal um theme because a lot of a lot of people obviously we have the time loop theme and we have uh i've said it before i i still think that little nightmares 2 is a broken timeline not a loop but we also have this reversal which the reversal idea i i might actually make a video on that one because the reversal idea kind of reverses i guess a lot of our speculation on how this game is working and the theory that i'm gonna put forward in this video kind of fits with that as well so rather than it being a loop it's almost like a reversal which may be a video so why am i talking about these children these children who are found in the comics and in the artwork don't seem to appear in the game but if you're really clever and really crafty you can see little hints about these people all over just as a couple of ideas for you for example you can see the the lollipop kid or the chubby kid whatever you want to call him his lollipops appear in the in the toy shop the girl with the bloody nose the little redhead she um she marks days in the hospital which you can see the the marking of the days all over the game in many different locations which is another interesting point um and then the pictures we see the pictures of these all throughout the game every single one of these children uh i think the only one that i now that i think about it the only thing the one that i don't think i've seen is the boy with the blindfold i don't actually remember or recall seeing his picture in the game which is another interesting point um but anyway most of these children are referencing the game but we never actually see them as alive characters or or do we i've already uh given evidence that the lollipop kid is alive there's a video on the channel go check that one out if you want but i think he is still alive i think he's in the school right now but a lot of these kids appear in different locations but then also in the game the locations that they are hinted at are not the same locations as the comics which i do think is hinting that these children have spent time in many different areas of the city these are almost like survivors of this city which is interesting now the theory i want to talk about specifically in this video though is that we maybe can link all of these characters to other characters now obviously mono and six they're excluded from this theory because we see their progression we see mono grow up into the thin man and interestingly here you can see that mono is shown as being monochrome or black and white same thing you can see that he's he's grey scale and that's a nice little hint to him becoming the the thin man and we see six's progression she also gets her second game two or the the first game so we can exclude those two from this because we already have big massive backstories for those characters now the other four though the other four aside from the fact that we have little hints from them in the game we can link them all to other characters now the first one and some of these links are tenuous i just some of these links are tenuous but it's interesting so the first one the the lollipop kid he kind of looks like the barber now the barber is a character that was cut from the game excuse my pun and he was in the concept art you see him as a fully fleshed out character he presumably would have been a main enemy like the teacher and the doctor and the hunter and so on and for whatever reason you know time constraints or budget constraints or maybe they just decided they couldn't you know maybe they didn't like his his overall character design or what i don't know but for whatever reason he wasn't he wasn't added into the game but the developers decided that he was important enough to add him into the artwork of the game and this guy you can find pictures of him through them all which you can also find pictures of most of the enemies in the knights two in the more by the way uh and he's also found throughout the second game too so he's a significant character he just didn't make it into the game now if you actually look at him he does bear a striking resemblance to the lollipop kid the first one that's pretty obvious is his face in his hair now if you look at the lollipop kid's hair he has these two little curls at the top of his hair and the the barber has two curls but his curls are just going out a different way but obviously this is a grown-up version of the kid right um he's wearing long socks with these little shoes and you can see that the you can see the lollipop kid is the only character that wears shoes the only the only child in this game that wears shoes apart from the bullies by the way uh yeah he's wearing shoes and socks which are very significant parts of the barber's outfit and then are very significant parts of this kid's outfit um we see other kids in the comics that have this sort of little overalls kind of thing i think it might be like a school uniform or something like that but um that's by the bye for now so there's a there's a resemblance and so it's possible that this barber is the grown-up form of the lollipop kid now where this gets really interesting is the other three characters also have some very close similarities now the the next obvious one is the ghost kid or the the sheet kid whatever you want to call him and we've already talked about him being interesting that he's missing a limb which is a huge theme of the hospital most of the mannequins are missing limbs all of them are so you know that's it that's a huge link to the hospital but what's really interesting about him is if you look at his sort of defining characteristics he's wearing a sheet over his head where he's wearing a sheet or his whole body which does look like a gnome's head as well which is also interesting but he's wearing a sheet over his entire body with two eye holes in the in the face area and he only has one arm or he's hiding an arm or he only has one arm whichever but he only has one arm poking out and he's missing his right arm now if you look at the hunter the hunter is also wearing something over his head and he's only has he only has one eye hole but he still has an eye hole and he also potentially only has one arm if you look really closely at the hunter his right arm is uh coming apart it's like it looks like it's been stitched on and stuffed which could you know be this kid grown up and giving himself a working arm and not coming to life because of the magic of the signal tower so it's entirely possible that this kid did become the hunter now the other two are a little bit more tricky and if you look at the the redhead girl with the bloody nose she definitely in my opinion has been in the the school and the hospital she's been in both of those we see her in the hospital in the comics and in the comics she's scratching days on the wall with a spoon um and then she eventually starts digging her way out of that room and she when she finally gets through to the next room she's in another room with that's also full of scratch marks which has so many different interpretations i'm not going to get to them in this video but her key sort of defining characteristic is that she scratches uh stuff on the walls with a spoon and she also digs her way out of places now if we go back to the school we can see this room where the wall has been dug through there's a spoon here and the scratches on the wall very easy connection to make between her i once thought that that could be six and it still could be but it's much more likely to be to be this girl but we also see this bed sheet rope that here which presumably was this girl escaping which we also see in the hospital so all of this could mean that these children are you know going through multiple timelines or existing in multiple universes or have uh you know reset or whatever there's so many different interpretations but they've definitely been around the city for a while now the the girl with the bloody nose the little redhead girl she could be the teacher and the reason why she could be the teacher it's a very tenuous link but we we only see her scratching things into the walls and now in school in one of the segments where you're going past the teacher you can actually see that the teacher is drawing on the chalkboard and one of the chalkboards has uh five days scratched into our five you know tally marks there we go that's the correct term tally marks it has five tally marks in it and that could be a link and then it is a very tenuous one but it could be and also the idea that she has a bloody nose in my opinion could be a link to her being bullied you know we have the bullies as a character or characters in this game and who would give her a bloody nose you know a bully it makes sense a bully would give her a bloody nose which could which could make sense if you think about it if she was to grow up to become this monstrous teacher no wonder she doesn't tolerate any bullying because she was bullied as a child she remembers that in some degree and so now she's very very strict and you know there's a lot of um a lot of people will say that a lot of people in authority figures uh become bullies themselves in a in a way you know a lot of people a lot of people suggest that if you're bullied as a kid you're more likely to become a bully as an adult and if you look at the teacher she's clearly a bully you know she's she's she's not really even disciplining these children she's she's being mean guys she's she's a mean nasty teacher so that's a link there potentially now we have this last one and this last one is a little bit tricky to figure out but the there is an obvious thing there and uh that's his these bandages if you look at his bandages he has half of his face covered up now we don't have any other characters in the game of little nightmares too that have their faces covered up but we do have a character in the first game if you look at roger rogers mask falls down and he is blind roger is blind and this kid presumably is also blind i mean i i wouldn't be able to see through that so we have this blind kid his mask is also the opposite to roger's mask roger's mask has fallen down and he's covering the bottom half of his face this kid's mask is covering the top half of his face the knapsack could again very tenuous link but it could be a hint that he you know knapsack catching things i mean it's more transporting things not than catching things but roger definitely catches people and transports them around the more it could be a little link there um it's again it's a very tenuous link however another thing if you look at this one he is the shortest of all of the characters he is by far shorter than all of these other children which means he could be younger he seems like he's wearing a a nappy or a diaper if you're american but um you know roger if you think about it roger's proportions are quite short and stubby too he has really long arms yeah but his body's actually quite short and stubby so this could be another reference it could be him being a short stubby little kid and that could be hinting that he's roger now all of these links are you know they might just be sort of little uh like teases a little hints uh you know but it's just weird how if you look at all of these characters they're so so much thought and effort has been going into these characters i mean yes we have them in the comics right but why did they make the comics why did why did uh bandai and tarzia i don't know if i don't think tarzan made the comics but why were the co why were the comics made to have these children in that never show up in the game but they're referenced in the game and then we have all of this backstory and character for seemingly no reason like yeah sure world building it makes the world cooler and i i you know we all like it that's great but why why are these why are these children significant you know we could have had six episodes between mono and six or we could have had six episodes just of mono you know so why are they adding in these extra characters if they're not significant in a way but then they're not playable now maybe if we get dlc we'll get to play as these children and that'll be cool and uh also another thing before because i know somebody's gonna comment in the comments um but terrico these children all die um we don't actually see any of them we don't see any of them die we see uh the the blind kid go into the tv or presumably but we don't actually see any of these kids die we see them get caught or we see them get trapped we don't really see them die and um also as i've said many times before we we really don't fully understand the timeline in little nightmares 2 it could be a time loop it could be a broken timeline there's so many different explanations that could you know suggest that the the timeline of nightmares 2 is just sort of all over the place and so it's entirely possible that these children you know they might have died in one reality and they could have grown up to become monsters in another reality and also every adult in this world by the way is a monster we never see a normal adult even the the more normal characters like the teacher yes she has normal behaviors like she's teaching but she's still a monster obviously you know she's got a long crazy neck and stuff so every sort of adult in this world becomes a monster so what if these four children that one of their possible sort of timelines is them growing up and then becoming the monsters and maybe in this timeline they did get caught but maybe in a different timeline they did grow up to be monsters there's just there's got to be something there's got to be something and i think that the the most easy one to look at is the the lollipop kid if you look at him and you look at the barber that's got to be a link there that's gotta be a like it has to be so anyway that's my theory on these uh these four children like i say we already know what happens to mono and six so they're kind of excluded from this and we already know that both of those also grow up to be monsters you know everybody does in this world apparently so yeah that's my theory i hope you enjoyed it um as i said at the beginning of the video um i am going to be relaunching my patreon soon so patreon if you're not aware of what patreon is patreon is a way that you can financially support creators now um want to be very very clear on this patreon is and will always be completely optional and you know i'm i i don't i will never put my theory content or my my gaming content behind a patreon paywall i will never ever do that um but what i'm thinking about doing for my patreon is having sort of more personal content some more like behind the scenes or like you know kind of vlogging or out taking kind of content so if you want a bit more of a personal touch um that's what i'm thinking about doing for my patreon i'm gonna hopefully upload some content on there in the next few days hopefully um but i haven't all figured it out yet it's just i want i want to let you guys know that patreon is going to be coming it's something that will basically let me not have to go back to work and that will mean that i will have you know more time to continue doing videos and so i thought that maybe if you guys have you know a spare couple of dollars a month if you want to throw them at the channel that's your opportunity you can also join if you want to be a channel member we are going to be getting some new remotes for the channel so if you want to become a channel member there's the channel membership option but again it's all optional i'm never going to pay all any content i'm never going to put any content where you have to pay it to watch it all the content will remain free and it's entirely up to you if you want to view the content if you want you know if you want if you want to view the content and you don't want to do anything additional that's great that's brilliant i'm happy that you're watching my content but if you want to go that one step further and you wanna support financially you have the option it's all about options i like options options are good anyway i'm gonna stop because this video is probably already longer than it needs to be thank you very much for watching and i will see you next time
Channel: Tericho
Views: 617,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: little nightmares 2, little nightmares 2 theory, little nightmares, little nightmares 2 explained, little nightmares 2 ending, little nightmares 2 secret ending, little nightmares 2 walkthrough, tericho, tericho dbd, itsjustjord, little nightmares 2 school, little nightmares 2 secrets, little nightmares 2 hidden room, little nightmares 2 hidden ending, little nightmares 2 hidden achievements, little nightmares 2 comic, little nightmares 2 comic characters
Id: lFpvP4flMSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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