Big Nightmares Compilation 2

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] six [Music] your reign of terror ends here and I'll be the one to stop it I am done simping for you what are you gonna do to me mono well I'm gonna kick you in the two kiss well come on pick me up your pathetic strength is no match for me for I have the power of a thousand suns what are you gonna do something I should have done long time ago now Taste the Pain [Music] I'm just kidding foreign [Music] go away six I don't know why are you so stupid damn it [Music] trick or treat oh aren't you kids so adorable in your little costumes just give us the candy lady I got a KitKat I got a KitKat isn't that great Sheamus we got enough candy for a week no more eating food off the trash huh six you seem a bit blue I'm I'm just so hungry you can just eat off your candy you know but I don't like candy I want chicken cookies don't worry mono should be back with your food any minute now but I wanted now six you promised if you'll hang with us you said you'll behave foreign oh here's mono now [Music] don't need anyone I got your food [Music] where is the sauce sauce there should be sauce oh I'm sorry six just don't worry I'll go back please Ah that's okay I'll manage you you don't want to eat me what why would I do that you're weird I suppose happy Halloween everybody happy Halloween Merry Christmas banana thanks oh mine has a little bit of black spots no worries I'll just scoop it out no money those parts it's full of germs it's not germs it's honey that's nonsense get it mono no oh back to the Bone every day to provide you with food and this is how you repay me no you don't yeah I do I work in McDonald's boy yeah dude now eat the banana no six no eat a banana nope hey you know what that wasn't so bad [Music] hello Elizabeth yeah I've lost my code again [Music] wow it's the perfect fit it's comfy too thank you Elizabeth [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh hello Sheamus sorry I've lit the candles without you I couldn't wait oh that's for me thanks Sheamus Sheamus I don't understand oh I get it now you want to hang it on the wall but you're too short here let me help you ow what was that for [Music] Merry Christmas [Music] Elizabeth what are you doing here all by yourself is sad you okay Elizabeth [Music] grab a snack and everything turns okay oh crap Elizabeth run why would I be in church for once oh that's a good gingerbread [Music] oh sandwich delicious and nutritious hold still hold still but I can't it's so boring how long is it gonna take you relax I'm almost done just gotta snip this part here not now Elizabeth we're busy Elizabeth why did you uh-oh what happened are you down yeah wait no no great I want to see you in the mirror wait okay you can't see it huh why I I gotta do a little bit of fixing what are you talking about I'm sure it's fine please do not look at the mirror quit overreacting I just want to admire your crafts man ship oh I'm sorry again oh it's okay hair grows back right down your butt practice [Music] whoop oh [Applause] hey six oh check it out I got your nose don't worry it's only a trick I use my thumb see oh [Music] oh I got your nose foreign [Music] [Music] water oh no come on no touching the mask he's got a lot of love all right that's it you need to go to sleep [Music] [Music] oops my hand slipped [Music] foreign go find my way back now if anybody gets in my way you're dead so there you have it ladies and gentlemen it was actually mono who dropped it first this makes everything much more clearer now the cycle is finally complete there is literally no other explanation so with that I rest my case who's talking um no one's six you run along now get out of my video you Rich ah all right sheesh take it easy come on come on Sheamus come on come on there you go guys I thought Sheamus how to swim ain't that nice maybe we should start swimming back what is it even I just found the treasure chest below us what really yeah take a look it's no use I didn't find anything I need a better look sure they really shouldn't be swimming that far away they should be least of your worries mono your all skin is burned up I really think you should stay in the shade uh it's called getting a tan something you wouldn't understand guys don't swim too far away there could be sharks you guys should be careful also don't be ridiculous six everybody knows they don't exist um I know huh [Music] now listen here you big bully let go of my friend right now or I'll tell on you l nobody and I mean nobody it's my mom [Music] nice turn mono wow [Laughter] gee Mystic what are you doing there I'm gonna kill myself I'm gonna end it all but don't do that why not well you know what I like not feeling blow kill yourself good look at my little feet [Applause] [Music] six let go no it's my popcorn [Music] [Music] delicious [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] why are we doing this because she ate our popcorn no I mean why do we keep fighting each other aren't you getting tired of this huh you're just saying this because you're afraid to lose no six I'm serious look and you know we had issues in the past but I'm willing to start anew with you so I'm gonna say it I'm sorry that my future self kidnapped you I'm sorry that I dropped you down that cliff I forgive these two so what do you say friends friends [Music] you cannot go now [Music] quiet [Music] I've been saying yes yes cause I'm messing with your hair so you're saying oh you're six but a psycho you're a little bit psycho and I just screaming I'm on my mind my mind oh you're cool but a psychos are wrong but you're right though at night you're screaming got it crazy she's poison but Daisy yeah people say wrong don't walk away oh you're at six but a psychoed you're a little bit psycho and not just screaming [Music] uh you guys are cringe
Channel: Yshaikush
Views: 2,005,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: littlenightmares, littlenightmares2
Id: Ql-Hexkc2dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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