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[Music] Today we're finally completing our very colourful  and joyful dining room. Yes. The only thing's   missing are the chairs and the dining room  table. Yeah, there's been a bit of a delay.   They're supposed to be coming next week so we will  definitely share that once we do - yeah - all the   Christmas decoration. That's really exciting.  Yes but I can tell you the room already looks   stunning. Yes we do love it already but without  further ado let's get cracking. Yeah. Right,   lots of jobs to be done in this room today.  We chose an amazing yellow called 'Chinese   Emperor' from 'Paint & Paper Library' because it  simply brings the sun into this room and is so   cheery. We painted the walls and all our built-in  cupboards in the same shade and really love the   look. A couple of months ago we had some shutters  in our bay window installed. For one to have more   privacy and also because it is a practical way to  control light. We also had a gorgeous curtain pole   with pineapple finals and lovely brass brackets  installed. We are so pleased with it. Next up   is adding a new toggle switch and new socket  outlets. This always make such a big difference,   doesn't it? Yes. But the first thing I  need to do now is - yeah - is - clean,   cleaning - clean here because - yeah, oh  there's a lot of dirt in it in. Yeah. In there. [Music] Okay, let's test it. One, two. Perfect. And we're replacing all the knobs here  on the built-in cupboards because we   didn't like the plastic ones. That  looks so nice. I hope you like it too. There is still so much work to  be done in this room - yeah - but,   um, I think the result will be very nice.  Next up are - the curtains. And they look   amazing. I think you will love them. At  least I hope so it's an English fabric.   What do you think Jörg? They just look  wow. Yeah, really really nice so let's continue. [Music] Okay, the curtains  are up and of course we will show you   the entire room once it's completed or  well, nearly completed I should say.   And now we have to work with these holdbacks  and I think they will look so nice. [Music] Mhm. Now that's better. Yeah.  Yeah. We shortened it or Jörg   shortened it. Yeah. It was far too long. [Music] Come on. Our workout for today. Yeah? Yes. Okay? Be careful careful. Yeah. Good. I I don't   see anything whatsoever. Okay. Come on.  Good. Yeah? Yeah. And now? Turn? Wait. Yeah. Looks good. So I need to - do you want me to  pull that out? Yes. Okay. Good. Yeah. [Music] It's the next day and the weather is absolutely  miserable so it's actually perfect to work here   at home. Last night we had to stop because  it was getting quite late and we had to make   dinner. So now we're going to pack away lots of  our books and we're using a a wardrobe that we've   had for many years. It's an antique wardrobe  and we had to or we had it repainted. It looks   absolutely incredible. You will only see small  bits. We will show you everything towards the   end. Now Jörg is a a bit of a history geek. Yes  so - Frederick the Great. Yes. So. The history   of the - yeah - Prussian State. Yeah. And you  can have the entire shelf for that. Yeah. I get more. You have so many. And that was also from  your time at university actually. Before we put   away this book we just have to show it to  you because it holds very special memories.   Yeah we bought it probably 30 years ago at an  exhibition in Munich. While we still lived in   Bavaria. Yes. As you can see - yes and it shows  - Frederick the Great. Yes and it shows things   Frederick the Great collected. Do you call them in  sniff boxes in English? Yes. I think, I think so.   Let me see if I can find some. Yeah because they,  my goodness, I remember so well. Yeah because he   was collecting these kind boxes. I was blown away.  Yeah. I'm not that much into him but when I saw   his sniff boxes - yeah - my goodness. They were  very beautiful. Oh yes. Look at this but there's   also, um, you could also see china and yeah, I  think Meissen, even Meissen China. Yeah. See, no   wonder I loved it so much. You can see my passion  started many decades ago and it's still going strong. These are books that Jörg inherited  and we need to go to someone who can just fix   them for us because they are quite old but  the covers look amazing. Wow, they are so heavy. [Music] In here is a very big and heavy ginger jar.  And we will put it here where we have have   this gorgeous fireplace with the amazing  tiles. So sadly it's no longer working   but we will put the the ginger jar  here and I think it will look quite decorative. [Music] Now this is something very very special because we  got it from my parents as a Christmas present last   year. And it's an amazing music box. I'll show  you in a second. It's absolutely divine. This   is it and we love it so much. It's so special.  It shows, in German it's called 'Maientanz' so   it shows the dance into May. Very summary but I  think it looks so gorgeous in this room. And we're   currently looking for a glass dome to protect it  from dust and yeah, it's so special. By the way,   this is from the Ore Mountains so handmade.  We have this wonderful picture rail here in   the room and we will only hang one picture today  because we have to buy more art basically so the   picture rail goes along the entire room and  we have these beautiful antique brass hooks.   So I have to be very careful. Yeah. It will  look quite empty still but you have to start somewhere. Now that looks good. Yay, at least one   picture is up. It's a start. It  is. And it's a gorgeous one so. [Music] Now this corner is still very empty and it's a  little bit embarrassing because there will be   two lamps but we have to wait for them because  there's a waiting list so I hope we will get   them in about 2 weeks' time. We do have the lamp  shades so just imagine one light here, the other   one here. Like this. And we will also put a lot  of family portraits here. We're also waiting for,   um, frames so it will take a while but we will  share it with you once we've got it. [Music] Jörg   had to go to the recycling centre because it  closes in half an hour so I'm alone and maybe   he will be able to join me towards the end of the  video. We will see. Fingers crossed. And I'm so   sorry about the light. We have heavy rain today  and it's nearly dark so I have to do the tour like   that and I hope it's fine. This cupboard is so  special to us because we bought it at an antique   store about 20/25 years ago so it holds special  memories. We've had it at different places. The   only thing is that it was a brown colour that we  didn't really like and we were actually thinking   of selling it but on the other hand we didn't  want to. So last year I came across an amazing   lady. She's called Heidi Roper from Dingley Dell  and it's not sponsored. I shouldn't mention that.   So I saw her or her work in in Country Living  Magazine and yeah, she paints furniture and she   takes commissions so I got in touch with her and  because we have this wonderful Swedish Mora clock,   we thought you know what she can paint it in a  way that just goes perfectly together with the   furniture that is to arrive and our Mora clock.  And I must say I couldn't recommend Heidi any more   highly because she she was constantly sending  little videos and what her next step would be   so it was it was pure joy to work with her so  yeah. And now this looks even more beautiful   and amazing and yeah, we love it so much. So  that's the special piece that we bought at an   antique store here in the UK last year. We've  always wanted a Mora clock because we used to   have a Swedish House in Germany so I don't know  why we didn't have a Mora clock in our Swedish   house. We've always wanted one. So we saw this.  It's from the 18th century and looks amazing. And   you can see it's painted so it looks so nice  with a cupboard. And yeah, we're so excited   to have it. Just pieces that make you smile and  happy. Okay, I completely forgot to tell you that   this clock is actually working. It's not working  now but we will make it happen for Christmas and   I can't wait. So these are our wonderful curtains  and they are from an English Fabric Brand called   Linwood. This is actually from a collection called  The English Garden so it couldn't be more perfect.   This is the so-called Hester fabric with green  and pink so pink stripes with a bit of yellow,   gold so matches perfectly with our wall colour.  And a very traditional English oakleaf motif.   Also with a bit of blue. It looks absolutely  amazing. The quality is amazing. It's linen,   it's wonderful. Also the trimming is very  nice. It's from Samuel T Sons and yeah,   has blue and a bit of beige in it. So love the  curtains. Really beautiful. This is a corner that   we're actually not too sure about although the  chest of drawers is antique. We've had it for ages   but we think it could be a little bit bigger so  so maybe we're going to exchange this for a lovely   antique cabinet. I don't know if you're following  the YouTube channel Schumacher 1889. The gorgeous   fabric and wallpaper brand. And they also do house  tours on the channel and I'm completely obsessed   with those. And just recently they introduced a  designer that I didn't know. She's called Heidi   Caillier. And I Love Her Style so much. Anyway,  she is in her in her dining room in the video at   one point with a gorgeous William Morris wallpaper  and has a an amazing cabinet and above the cabinet   she has antique plates and it looks so nice and  yeah, I showed it to Jörg and he said that's   beautiful. We could do that here as well. So we  got inspired and maybe we will make that happen. I   think it would look amazing in here as well. Okay,  just one art print so far but it's a nice one   we think. We bought it at Hemswell Antiques just  about I think two months ago. And that's a limited   edition print from an artist called Helen Bradley.  And it just caught our eye because we think it   looks so nice in this room and it just makes  you smile because I think in most of her work   there's a lady called Miss Carter and she always  wears pink so you can spot her in the pictures   right away. This is our new rug that we got from  a website I think it's called Rugvista. It's from   India and we think it looks so great because it  picks up all the colours that are in our furniture   and also in the curtains so it adds character  and warmth although we are so lucky because we   have underfloor heating in this house. So as you  can see a lot of items are still missing but as we   said earlier we will definitely share them once  we do the Christmas decorations video and we're   probably we probably won't be having a Christmas  tree in here but imagine a lovely Christmas   garland here, around the mantelpiece and maybe a  wreath here. This is actually a very old mirror.   We've had that for decades and also. I don't  know, I just love sharing our old things. This   clock is very old. I think about 30 years old.  We bought it yeah, a very long time ago. And last   night Jörg changed the batteries and it's finally  working again so it sometimes feels as if things   have just waited for the room you know. I hope  you enjoyed this. Sorry that Jörg is not here.   He's still not home from the recycling centre but,  um, yeah we're going to have dinner and just put   our feet up and enjoy the rest of the evening so  thank you so much for watching and honestly I hope   you you like the room so far. What you've seen so  far. So until next time and take care guys. Bye.
Channel: Kirsten & Joerg: 2 Germans in Britain
Views: 90,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape to the countryside, kirsten & joerg, victorian terraced house dining room, swedish mora clock, vibrant dining room, yellow dining room, english curtain fabrics, ideas for a colourful dining room, english dining room, asmr, hand painted furniture, lone fox, william morris, home decorating ideas, mora clock, antique mora clock, painted mora clock, interior design, how to buy antiques, william morris wallpaper, dining room scandinavian style, gustavian furniture
Id: MmXjK3Pflck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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