My obsession with ENGLISH POTTERY: EMMA BRIDGEWATER & BURLEIGH in Stoke on Trent

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Good morning! Good morning! Today Kirsten will indulge in her obsession with English pottery. Yes, we are in Stoke-on-Trent at Emma Bridgewater. And you know what? To get Jörg here, it didn't take a lot of persuasion. No. She just said one word. Food! Yeah, breakfast. Yes, I booked a breakfast spot here so the great thing is there's no only a factory shop, you can have afternoon tea, breakfast and yeah, that's how we start. Having breakfast and then - yeah - we'll have a look around the factory shop. And she buys some pottery. Yes. I think it will be a lovely day and yeah, let's have breakfast first and then see what happens. Good morning. Let's see what they have. This is the breakfast menu. It seems that we are the only ones having breakfast here which is strange. It's now 20 past 10 o'clock so that's really weird. Yeah. But it's also nice because it's quiet. Yeah. These are oat cakes. Yes, Staffordshire oatcakes. Staffordshire oatcakes. With cheese and bacon. That's the filling. And this is vegetarian English breakfast. And gluten free toast. And I love the plates. Good? Hmmm. See? It's so easy. How was breakfast? Excellent. It was really good So now we've got enough power - yeah - to check out the shops. Yeah, I think they've got some nice nice stuff. Yeah. I'm not sure that we will buy a lot of Emma Bridgewater. Maybe, I don't know, a few items but it's just always so fun and quirky. We always get so many questions about our kettle at home. And this is the one. Russell Hobbs and Emma Bridgewater and we absolutely love it. Always puts a smile on my face. The shelves are always so nice. You don't know where to start because all of it is so fun. It's so nice that they have a tiny courtyard garden here as well. It's really lovely. I have to show you. I think we have to buy, no, a new Mr. Where is a Mr? Where's a Mr? 'Cause - no. No, that's a Mrs as well. Look, here's a Mr. This is a Mr. and we need one for my Dad. It's a very good motto. Okay, we're done here at Emma Bridgewater and we bought a couple of things that we will show you at home. And now we're going to Burleigh. Jörg, at first I thought: Should I book because what you can also do is you could book breakfast and then go to the decorating studio but I'm not talented. You you would have to do it because I think if I would decorate a plate it would look awful. No, it wouldn't be awful. It would look very special. Definitely. But would you like to do that someday maybe? I'm not so sure. I think yours would look wonderful 'cause you're you are a a bit - I'm not artistic. Yeah but more artistic than I am that's for sure. And we're off to Burleigh which is about a 10 minute drive from Emma Bridgewater so everything is quite close here in Stoke- on-Trent because there are so many so so many potteries. And we made it to Burleigh. Again. Yes. I don't know, I think this is probably our fifth time here. Yeah, so we're regulars now. Definitely. And it all started more than 20 years ago when I spotted a cow creamer in an English magazine and I became obsessed. Yeah, you wanted to have it. Yeah, and back in the day you could get it in Germany but it wasn't as easy. And now that we only live about 45 minutes from Stoke-on-Trent, I'm in heaven. Yeah and you've got your cow creamer. And we now collect Burleigh pottery. You collect. Okay, I collect. Jörg uses it. Yeah. But you enjoy it, don't you? Yeah, I like it. No, it's so beautiful and timeless. And yeah, we can highly recommend it. It's also elegant. And we love the big big mugs but now let's go to the factory shop because I know that so many of you love it as well. Let's go. Jörg, again, this is the the one you have in your office right? Yes. And this is the 'Blue Regal Peacock' which is beautiful. See these are trials and samples so - that's nice - it's a nice size I think. I don't know but I'm always so obsessed because we have this at home. And that's a great size as well. This one. Oh yeah. Is that that's the one that you've got - yes - you've got in your office actually. So this one is 15 pounds. Oh no, I actually wanted to get a tureen but there aren't any. I wanted to get a 'Pink' or 'Blue Asiatic Pheasant' tureen. None. Well, there is a really big one but this one is too big. That's the only one they've got. And this was 20 pounds and because they sell seconds here it's 14 which is great. So we have these dinner plates at home or lunch plates or whatever you want to call them. And we are thinking of getting like the soup bowls. We aren't sure whether we should get them in blue or just the 'Pink Asiatic Pheasant' to make it to make it a bit more colourful. What do you think? Yeah. Let's get a blue one to see what it looks like. So this is just matchy-matchy which looks great as well. Jörg, what do you think? I don't know what to do. I think we should go for matching. Matching ones. No, we said we will go for matching colours. Yeah. That's the safe road. Looks a bit more harmonious although I do love the like the mismatched as well but I think, no, let's let's go with the blue one. Yeah. Yeah, let's do this. Yes, let's get these two. It's a start. It's always a start. The pasta bowls are so nice as well. See Jörg? All of this is mismatched? That looks quite charming as well I think. Yeah, it does. Colourful. Although this the lavendar, what was it called? The lavender one? Um. Pink. No, pink is what we've got. I mean this one. Is it lavender? Does it say here? They discontinued it. It was discontinued last year. Plum, I think plum. Yeah, 'Plum Asiatric Pheasant' which is a shame because I think it's quite beautiful. Oh look, what's this? What's this? This is nice. We don't need it but it's nice. Seen this? Cake stand. Is it, i think this is like French madeleines. Yeah. I mean it's a 100 pounds so it's not cheap but it looks nice. Still. What's that? It's for Christmas. Oh that, it's a Santa Claus. Yeah. Hmm. Nice. Here's a small and - oh, that's a very big one. It's a really big one. That's nice too. How much is it? 30 pounds. Oh that's not too bad. No. But we we don't need it. We're just browsing. Think about mmhm - all the biscuits on there. No, I'm thinking about the turkey or the goose - true, yeah - or a ham. We're back home and we thought we would show you what we got. And you know what? I just I had to laugh so much because Jörg said at Burleigh I'm the one who collects Burleigh but he's the one who bought something as well for his office. Yeah but I'm not collecting it. You have a good excuse. It's just for my coffee. So you are a bit of a posh office guy. No, I just have good taste. You do - and some style - you do. So you know what? You you have to show what you bought for the office first. So that's basically a pasta bowl. Yes but I will use it to put some apples and my banana and - yeah - fruit in it. Yeah because the thing is they only had a bowl that was very big. Yeah, too big. And the other ones were too small - yeah - so no, I think that's a good solution. Yeah 'cause I always have some fruit in my office. So you are the one who uses what's the name of this? 'Regal Peacock'. Oh that's the 'Blue Regal Peacock'. Yeah. Yes. For the office. Very nice. Yes. It's it's absolutely beautiful. I love it. And then a coffee mug. Yes, a lovely mug. That's very nice. Yeah. So I mean you have another one as well. Yeah, for my tea. Yes which I need to show you 'cause this is our well, it's a larder actually. And we have our spices here but we use it for our china and pottery. And this is the 'Pink Asiatic Pheasant'. Very big mugs. Absolutely wonderful. And Jörg has that one in his office for tea. No, wait. Wait. I've got - yes - this one because this is 'Black Regal Peacock'. Yes. Yeah. I've got the 'Blue Regal Peacock' but the pattern is the same. It's the same. Yes. No, I was just mentioning like size wise or shape wise that's the one you have. Yeah. And I just love it to this day. I will always love it 'cause it it's not fashionable, it's just a classic style. And now it's my turn. This is what we got for our home. So we got two soup bowls in the pattern 'Blue Asiatic Pheasant'. It actually says here, yeah, pudding pudding or soup bowl. So this was 14 pounds each and well, Burleigh isn't cheap but they sell seconds in the factory shop so they might have a little fault but to be honest with you everything we have is absolutely fine and we use it every day. And yeah because it's not cheap, we just buy buy something once in a while and not all of it so that's the best approach for us. But now let's see what we got from Emma Bridgewater. Okay, I think this is for my Dad. This one because we bought my parents a Mr and Mrs mug some years back and for some strange reason his mug doesn't look very nice inside anymore and we thought we'd just buy a new one for him because my parents use the mugs every day. But now comes the fun item. I think you will really love it. I need to show you. Quite excited about this. Tada. So there's the lid. And a very big, a very big teapot. And it says Mr & Mrs Weasley and it's for Christmas. So this one was 20 pounds 95 which is actually very good 'cause it's so big and Emma Bridgewater is quite pricey as well and this was from the factory outlet so you can get really good deals. And we think this will look so nice on a Christmas table and we will use it for Christmassy videos so you can look forward to that I think. Just wanted to mention that the price of the mug here. Um. it was 17 pounds and it's usually 22. And the Burleigh mug here. 15 pounds and this bowl is or was 17.50 and it's usually 25. My first love. Burleigh cow creamer. It's so special. So that was our morning at a couple of potteries in Stoke-on-Trent. We hope you liked the video. Yeah, I liked the breakfast. Yeah, what a surprise. Well, I'm relieved that you bought a couple of items for the office as well so - yeah but I need them. Yes, yes but I think it's so nice to I don't know to to have a coffee or enjoy a tea in a lovely, in in in just lovely pottery or china. It makes it a whole experience. Yeah, it makes the difference. Absolutely. In case you're planning a trip to Stoke-on-Trent we think a visit to the potteries is is a good idea. Yeah, you have to do that. Yeah but now it's time for a cup of tea. Yeah. Fancy a Uppark Jörg? I do. Me too. Yeah. So we'll see you again very soon and thank you so much for watching. Until next time. Bye. Bye. Bye bye.
Channel: Kirsten & Joerg: 2 Germans in Britain
Views: 167,929
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Keywords: my obsession with english pottery: emma bridgewater & burleigh in stoke-on-trent, kirsten & joerg, burleigh pottery, emma bridgewater, asmr, the chateau diaries, english porcelain, stoke on trent potteries, stoke on trent, burleigh, english ceramics, how to romanticize your life, classic english style, burleigh factory shop, emma bridgewater factory, china collection of burleigh, china collection of spode, spode china, antique english china, burleigh mugs, wedgwood
Id: Y2bFnWLuzvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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