'Our Thing' Podcast Season 1 Episode 7: The Commission Hit | Sammy "The Bull" Gravano

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we got a mission impossible bro we got a hit that's a commission hit it's not from our boss it's not from taro this is a commission hit and it sounds like a mission impossible because we're going in the middle of a war these are two factions two very powerful factions that are fighting for the first time ever sammy the bull gravano tells his story this is our thing new york 1977. i originally was in the colombo family in the middle of a war hitting the mattresses and all of that [ __ ] and i understand it i understand what they're doing not what i have to do nobody likes it what are we going to do what can we do i'm ordered to go on this hit we got to take them out where did this meeting happen we get in touch with nikki and joey where did you meet this guy in a like a small little restaurant it's friendly as they call it it's a commercial place friendlies is the name of it they sell ice cream hamburgers all that [ __ ] i'm gonna meet you out there [Music] take me to the place show me this place i go with louis molito and we go into the place there's a counter when you first walk in i tell louie i'll sit at the counter dress real casual with a baseball hat with glasses we'll have nikki and joey sitting in the back you will be sitting in a booth i could see you sitting in the in that booth [Music] when he comes in you'll give me the eye i'll get ready as he passes me i'll turn i'll pull out a gun and i'll shoot him in the [ __ ] head you get up you'll have a shotgun start shooting in the air scream to everybody to get down i'll have guys outside nikki and joey when they see him they'll wave them from the back that's another thing i could say i look at this restaurant that's the plan but now i'm in it there's all kinds of men and women and kids people take their kids to eat here i see at the counter the guys go move around where i i wanted them they knew i would want them to be and i just waved them back come on in come out let's get out no this is not happening here we're not doing this we're not going to kill this guy in front of all these people we can't we can't do this bro there's kids there's women we can't do this here we're not doing this we got to get a better place they tell me a place that he has a small little pizza restaurant in new jersey i believe [Music] i make a decision i want to go there to see him nikki and joey says you you can't well i can't say i mean this guy's got 20 30 guys around them all the time all the [ __ ] time they're at war and they're all heavy they're all waiting for something to potentially happen you can't you can't go there i don't know of any other way to do anything you're not giving me any information what he does what he doesn't do i don't have a [ __ ] clue i still don't even know what the [ __ ] he looks like i saw a little picture it was a little blurry i don't know so i said go there tell him that paul [Music] wants to send somebody with a message okay we could do that good tell them the guy they call him sammy he just got made not too long ago [Music] barely he's he's a [ __ ] punk he's not a tough guy he's a punk but he brings messages back and forth that are very very precise so paul uses him for that reason so he would like to send this guy in to see you and he is a friend meaning a made guy he agrees to the meeting in his place a couple of days goes by and i'm going in my whole crew don't like it we've passed it once or twice we don't like this there's guys all over the place [Music] i got this bro don't worry i got this we go that day i am nervous there's a mob of guys young guys big guys and it don't matter big small or indifferent they got [ __ ] guns they're loaded to the gills they're not going to fight they're looking to kill i go in and i get to the front door nicky and joey go in a little bit ahead of me and this big guy grabs me and not grabs me physically but gets right in front of me he's bunking into me pushing me around you like it here tough guy i'm okay i listen i i was told to come here i all right all right calm down i'm trying to act as scared as i can be i have no weapon i have nothing i'm completely patted down searched very very thoroughly front back every place but i have no gun i go in and as i'm walking in this pizzeria i could see him sitting in the booth in the back as i go guys keep shouldering me as i pass them at me with their shoulder one guy gave me a little push come on hurry the [ __ ] up okay okay wait a minute take it easy no bad remarks for me no tough guys [ __ ] i'm scared i'm not as scared as they think i'm not as scared as i act some of those bumps some of that pushing is i'm not too happy with but the conditions call for me to act and conduct myself a certain way i get in there i get in the back nikki and joey introduced me to him he's a gabaragi angel bruno bruno's cousin this is sammy he's a friend of ours they don't say nothing about me being an acting captain he's just he's not making us he's a friend of ours made guy i shake his hand i sit down in the booth he starts talking to me a little bit about the war what messages he wants me to take back to paul castellano he apologizes that he's armed we're not supposed to bring guns when we meet each other as friends but he says we're at war right now and i turn around and say listen john i'm okay with that matter of fact i'm glad i mean at least you know we're safe i'm acting like i'm scared [ __ ] and that we're both safe i'm there to kill him so he talks a little more we go back and forth and uh yeah paul i guess don't understand he's talking about the genovese people we're scheming to do this and he's given me all of these stories to bring back to paul they're they don't mean nothing to me they're insignificant to me they're not going to go back to paul he questions me a little bit about what i told you a few minutes ago you remember what i just told you now i'm supposed to be a guy who brings back great messages i'm supposed to be smart i told him the thing word for word what he said leaving out a word when i finished i apologized i said i left out this he smiled very good very good you asked mine i think you're everything that they told me i smiled i know they already told them that i'm a jerk-off and a punk we have the meeting and i'm about to go i get bumped again in going out bump from side to side little push how'd you make out tough guy he's a great guy i want to smash this [ __ ] bastard in the face so bad but i'm i'm obviously not going to do anything i just he's a great guy i appreciate you guys like a little [ __ ] i'm acting it's necessary i leave the place and my crew is not too far from there sami what the [ __ ] there was a mob at him bro what'd they say what did he do what this and what that we went back we met i said it was all [ __ ] there's no way for us to do anything in it there's a bunch of guys before and anywhere before you get even close to him in the back and they're all armed some places i saw guns i'm sure they showed me those guns on purpose but i saw them can't do it there we got to do something else and i'm struggling with this i'm not sure what to do taro talks to me how's it going great great what'd you do that's going great i met with him i saw him i shook his head i met him as a friend he said he's a captain i'm a friend they bounced me around a little bit everything i expected it searched me everything i expected [Music] it can't be done in this place i got to do something a little different i think about it and i talk to my crew along with nikki and joey i want you to go back and make another appointment for me what are you gonna do i'm going to tell him that we're going to join the war we're going to make him win the war paul is going to back him we're doing all these things nikki and joey tell me [Music] i don't think you should do that [Music] why if he thinks you're lying to him if he has any feelings or you [ __ ] up in any way here's what they're gonna do they're gonna take you down the basement of that place they're going to torture you to find out your motives and what's really going on and then they're going to kill you it's too dangerous make the appointment when we go back i agree with you you don't come in with me this time stay on the sidewalk walk across the street to the car [Music] where you could still see in to the place [Music] if they forcibly take me off that booth get in the car and get the [ __ ] out of here welcome you can't do nothing get in the car and get the [ __ ] out of here you're going to be important for other people who are going to come after me you can't help me [Music] my crew is [ __ ] flipping out this is [ __ ] this ain't a [ __ ] hit this is like a [ __ ] james bond thing and [ __ ] them don't do it forget it i gotta try bro they make the appointment i go back i go through the same [ __ ] [ __ ] with these guys and i get to the back and i sit down i said i got some news that i think you're gonna like what's that sammy paul castellano wants you to win the war paul castellano is going to sit for you with the commission and back you if you need money guns shooters he's going to help you win this war [Music] he's going to need one meeting with you you and him face to face tommy belotti will be there that's his driver you know that i'll probably be there with joey and nikki you have to be there alone you have to be there with no gun but you pick the place that you're super comfortable with you know you're safe and that you and paul are safe from the other side of course you are in a war [Music] i see him his eyes are looking up he's thinking he's probably thinking is this possible is this going on am i being bullshitted i have to break that thought so i tell him john i'm so [ __ ] scared bro i'm paralyzed because i have a glass of water my mouth is so [ __ ] dry oh get him some [ __ ] water get him get him some water he's not looking up and thinking i got him away getting me water i broke his thought i think they bring me the water smiles and laughs a little bit i know kid this is a little heavy you're a little frightened don't don't don't be embarrassed uh john i'm not a little embarrassed i'm i'm so [ __ ] frightened it's crazy i can't even talk my mouth is so dry i just gulped down a couple of gulps in the water i got his mind off or whatever the [ __ ] he was thinking we're talking about something totally different [Music] as soon as we run out of words his eyes go up just a [ __ ] hair and i tell him do you have a place that's safe that you pick yeah i do a country club at this golf course i go play golf there very fancy place security the whole nine yards that's a great place tells me the name of the golf course and the country i don't come for me i've never heard of it while nicki and joe we know the place they'll tell you where it is that's perfect now he's smiling at me he loves his idea i got him i got him i'm smiling finally we bought one [Music] he got what he wanted i got what i want i get up we shake hands and i'm walking out that same [ __ ] gives me a little elbow in my side knocked the wind out of me just a little bit i didn't show nothing in my mind i smiled but he didn't know what i was smiling about what i was smiling about i was smiling that i said to myself i wish you could be there okay and i leave my guys meet me and uh [Music] we don't like to say i mean well what the [ __ ] are we gonna do we're gonna go there a little later we're gonna go to that golf course they can enjoy those we're gonna go in you gotta pass to get in there's a guard house we're gonna go in we're gonna look at it and i'm gonna see where the [ __ ] we're gonna do it he's gonna be alone let's go to the golf course we go to the golf course there's a huge parking lot we stop the car we get out i walk a little ways and i say nikki joey right in this area we pull in that's where we parked the car we get out and we start walking get ahead of me i'll be walking behind you with him none of us got guns he's gonna search all of us you guys there'll be a van over there parked in there you'll all be armed to the [ __ ] teeth in this van i will take a stutter step so he'll be a fraction of it inches ahead of me i'm strong as a bastard at that point in my life i will grab him and pull him into me like a bear hug that [ __ ] door better slide open all those guys like a swat team pile out grab him and put him in the [ __ ] vid we'll go out of here we'll go down the road a couple of miles we'll kill him then we'll throw him in the [ __ ] weeds nobody's comfortable with this but we have no other option what if he takes all the guys what if he wants to do this what if he wants to do that then he can't come the meeting is set for him in paul if he wants to bring somebody i'll tell him absolutely not or we'll meet with no one but you then just take it from there it's done everybody's got a spot everybody's ready i do have a gun i don't keep it under my belt on me i put it under the seat wrapped up way under the seat he comes out the place is packed pal joey is driving i'm in the passenger seat nikki's in the back behind joey and johnny keys is going to get in right behind me [Music] everybody's in the seat he opens the door and gets in puts his hands over the seat he grabs every single part of my body sit up a little bit stand up he's got his hands on my butt every part of my body he touches he looks at the seat looks at everything even touches them [Music] okay great let's go [Music] we take off some of those guys wave to him [Music] we go there we go past the guard house and we're in we park exactly where i told them we get out the truck the van is parked exactly where i sat [Music] nicky and joe were ahead of them walking me and johnny are in the back talking as we walk [Music] the same exact spot i said i would take the stutter step i did he must have been three or four inches ahead of me as he said just before that he says sammy look at that van i look yeah he says there's some smoke coming out it looks like it's running i take the study step i grab them in a bear hug the door comes flying open guys come running out he was lying he didn't have a gun he did his hand was now on his gun but he couldn't get it out of his pants because i had him really really tight with all my might [Music] as my guys came over he tried to kick his way out of it it didn't work i said he's got a gun we pick him up off his feet we go to the van i never let go of him i jump in the van backwards i land on my back with him on top of me in a bear hug [Music] get the [ __ ] gun out i can't get his finger off the gun break the [ __ ] finger get it off get the gun the gun comes out pal joey gets the gun puts the gun on him i yelled him don't pull the [ __ ] trigger [ __ ] idiot the bullet will go through him i'm under him [Music] joey gets in the car i told nikki russo which was the plan anyway go back take the car and follow us out we have him nailed down in the car even pal joey's in there with us now we turn around we step on the [ __ ] yes the truck turns around and hits the little rail onto the grass every the wheels are squealing and we're going the guard house the stick is down go through it go [ __ ] it go through it we go through it the [ __ ] piece of wood just explodes when we hit it we go sideways a little bit we hit into the [ __ ] guard house a little bit sideways the side of the vehicle and we're back on the road hit it we're out nobody's following us nothing's happening there's some activity you could see it in the back that people are just running around knowing i guess half of them saw it or they don't i don't know what went on i didn't give a [ __ ] just go we're we're gone we're in the country there's woods i said we'll go up a little further go down the road make sure nobody's following us pal joey says oh my god oh my god what what what's the matter and he dangles keys in front of me i got the keys to the car oh my god nikki russo's still there with the car it's our [ __ ] car my gun is in the [ __ ] car under the seat with my [ __ ] fingerprints all over it this thing just happened they'll find this guy dead they have the car my prints are all over it with that oh my god stop the [ __ ] van we stop the van get out we're in the middle of nowhere i don't give a [ __ ] get out go run go jog go wherever the [ __ ] you got to go to get in touch with nikki see if he's arrested if if they found the car find out what the [ __ ] happened and then get back to me you guys get this [ __ ] truck going with him and let's get on the [ __ ] true way and go back we have plastic ties his hands are tied together feet are tied together we're looking at him he's looking at me a kid a punk and he left a punk huh i got a feeling you're doing what [ __ ] four families couldn't do five families if you want to count our family and the whole commission couldn't do you got me sitting in this [ __ ] van sammy i killed over 50 people in my life spin i'm a hit man's hitman [Music] i can't believe what you just did [Music] sounds like he's complimenting me on a [ __ ] hit and he's the guy who's going to get hit yeah all right john we'll go in now he tells me this may be the greatest [ __ ] hit that took place but you [ __ ] up a little bit yeah how am i [ __ ] up the back windows those big trucks tractor trailers passing they all have these cbd things they'll see me sitting in the back tied up and all these other guys in here they'll see in and they'll call the cops [Music] i look at the windows he's right he's right get something get some breaks cover them in [ __ ] windows he's right [Music] this guy's telling me how to do a hit on himself why the [ __ ] would he do that i can't i just i it's not registering we're going in all of a sudden he said sammy go in my pocket in the front i got some pills [Music] what kind of pills nitroglycerin pulse i'm feeling pain in my chest i don't want to die of a heart attack give it to me under my tongue it's got to stay there every five minutes put another one in for especially if i get worse i'm doing it this man's worrying about a heart attack what the [ __ ] kind of guy do i got here what the [ __ ] is this man like what's i'm dumbfounded he's making sure i don't get arrested by blocking windows it's complimenting me on work i'm doing you don't want to die of a heart attack he's now asking me to loosen up the ties a little bit and he's talking to me [Music] i did that to him in the restaurant is he doing that to me does he have a surprise for me he's got 50 heads and he's he said it but i heard it from other people nikki joey he was a beast a top top hit man for angelo bruno for years and years and years we're gonna come by a toll and i said john i'm gonna have to hold you down with a couple of these guys and i'm gonna cover your mouth until we get through the toll because there's these guards he said you don't have to do that see i mean this is our business [ __ ] the cops this has nothing to do with them this is goes with austria your living goes in austria maybe like you'll never live again [Music] i have to do what i got to do bro i can't take that chance okay [Music] we got him everybody louie everybody we got him wrapped up like you couldn't move enough muscle and at the last minute i put my hand over his mouth real hard he doesn't move a [ __ ] muscle no squirming no nothing i get through [Music] his words are ringing in my ear this just goes in austria this has nothing to do with the [ __ ] cops he's not going to resist [Music] he says sammy i got to make you an off but i got a lot of money i could make you a rich man please john don't [Music] you there's no money in the world like you said this is goes in austria bro there's no money money you know this it don't exist to me especially right now please don't i'm starting to develop a respect for you how you're conducting yourself i don't know if i could be like this what you're doing and how you are i don't think i can act like that so don't do that great both said done we talk back and forth he asks me for some favors could you do me some favors sami i'm starting to like you and i didn't like you too much when i thought you were punk you're the furthest thing from that and for your age it really goes in austria through and through i like that i wish you were part of my crew [Music] he said if i gotta go make sure the guy who pulls the trigger [Music] if it's not you make sure it's a friend of ours one of these guys is a friend of ours [Music] done take my shoes off don't let me be found with my shoes why do you want to do that [Music] my wife is always worried about the life and worried about things i'm going to die in the street more or less like you're going to die with your shoes on in the street and i always told her oh bobby home i'll die with my shoes off it'll mean something to her she'll know that i was thinking about her you know final stages oh my god done done what the [ __ ] kind of guy is this guy [Music] when you talk about somebody being a man's man i got somebody here acting like i can't even explain what he what he was or how he was acting [Music] we get back into staten island louis molito has a friend who has a gas station there's a dirt road going down no blacktop just little rocks and in the back you can pull in and leave your car there and there's a yard behind that and everything like that so we go there and we pull it johnny you want something we're going to stay here for a while why shannon why are we staying here i don't want to tell them really that i didn't get an answer with the car and i'm waiting on an answer for that at this the last thing from this guy's mind now i said the order has not been given to me to kill you just to snatch you they're talking maybe they'll call maybe they'll tell me let them go maybe they'll tell me to kill you i don't know what they're gonna say but that's what we're waiting on he buys this lock stock and barrel i guess that's his only hope anyway [Music] i sit in the van with him i let everybody get out go to the corner have coffee buy bagels do what they want stay leave them alone the [ __ ] away from them i make them as comfortable as i can i'm sitting with a gun on my 357 magnum on my lap there's a code when they come back around the truck they got to hit the truck twice once twice i know it's one of them and i don't react and he's talking to me about the life he's telling me about angelo bruno and the murder of angelo bruno and who he thinks did it and what was involved in all his years of growing up and so many different things we're talking like two buddies who haven't seen each other for a bunch of years and we're rehashing everything that happened i'm amazed at some of the [ __ ] we're talking about things but he's 100 percent goes in austria more than i think anybody i ever met in my life i'm actually starting to like this guy [Music] and uh [Music] all kinds of things i get word back that nikki russo got away with the car joey went there they didn't hassle him they didn't hassle the car they didn't know the car had anything to do what we did cops came there were people there and nobody really knew what the [ __ ] happened looked like a fighter they don't know what happened then the car crashed when they were trying to go away a little bit so nobody had nothing happened but i'm not going to do nothing until they're back over here in staten island with the gun with everything before i do anything every once in a while i get a cup of coffee a bagel i give him coffee i got his hands in the front so he could get the coffee he could drink the coffee and i'm trying to make him as comfortable as possible i don't want to be brutal i don't want this thing to be brutal in any way shape or form i know this probably sounds crazy but i don't want that to happen [Music] i hear somebody walking and he hears it too on these little pebbles coming towards the truck [Music] no knock on the truck i get the gun i [ __ ] it and i put it towards the window [Music] you
Channel: Salvatore "Sammy The Bull" Gravano
Views: 1,673,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sammy the bull, salvatore gravano, godfather, mafia, mob boss, underboss, mafioso, john gotti, carlo gambino, lucky luciano, paul castellano, al capone, gambino, bonanno, colombo, crime, true crime, mob, goodfellas, the irishman, roy demeo
Id: gpxA5lV9zcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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