Our NYC Apartment Tour — 1 Bedroom in Uptown Manhattan

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hi welcome to our home okay so this is our entryway i guess i'll start with you turn over to the other side our little entry section has our keys and a photo of danielle's mom and she's a little girl and we have this collection of um currency from different countries that we've been to but mostly my wife has been through i think i've only been to two of those places and you know cove it so we have that there and as you come in a little bit more this is our dining room area my favorite part of this room is probably the chairs these vintage chairs that my wife carried back drove back from florida to new york from a flea market that she found i love the bar area because i love vintage glasses we have a bunch of vintage glasses that we've collected we added this this mirror kind of recently it's from ikea i think it's pretty popular like people have it but i love the way it makes the space look oh and actually the newest addition i forgot is this lovely plant i don't know what this plant is called but i think it's cute we have these vintage chairs which we found at um brooklyn flea um we have four of them another one that is sitting on i think we spent like only like i think sixty dollars for all four chairs we had no idea what we were going to do with them we just liked them so they kind of like add decor and we use it to like get into the closets and stuff so it helps out with that and also fracture seating oh yeah extra seating we don't have a lot of people over but when we do we have the chairs um and then we have this lamp which i actually love which i got from amazon actually but it's the company it's called tech and we get the living room i have another one of their lamps but i love this layout oh and this is a lovely little lace that danielle's mom gave to us vintage vase um i think it's so cute all right so that's pretty much the living room area dining sorry that was the dining room area now we're going to go into the living room area first thing you see is this beautiful monstera plant um which looks like it's doing really well today we've had ups and downs with this plant but looks like she's liking it here today we have these chairs which are from france and sun i think they're so cute we always torn between if we like them with the cushion on or with the cushion off because they're so cute without the cushion too actually i'm really liking that right now this piece of artwork we got this when we first moved in here from california in 2018 um so this was the first piece when we got here what's that noise down there oh kenji are you having a good time is it good all right i have my incense going here and this we got actually got this in the thrift store in virginia for like ten dollars or something i think it's really cute and actually we'll just like skip over to the coffee table and it's so cute because it kind of like matches in a way so i love and we got them at different times i got this coffee table from like 13 from the thrift store and i love it over here we have my record um player which i've had for a long time like six or seven years maybe more than that and as well as our record collection so far i would like to add more but eventually you want to upgrade to like a real like larger vintage record player i would love that we got some artwork in the back but we don't know who this is by but danielle loves this piece suitcase is really cute this is a this is a piece from danielle's mom that she gave to us and this is actually the suitcase that she used to bring danielle's brother my brother-in-law home from the hospital and are not in the suitcases she used the suitcase when she came home with the baby so i thought that was so cute we actually don't have anything in here and it would be good for storage so you should probably can my mom used to keep like pictures in there yeah we should actually we have a ton of pictures we should put some pictures in here um this is enough this is the other lamp i was talking about that kind of like matches with the table in the dining room um it's also by brag tech but i got it on amazon we have our snake plant here in the corner got my collection of blankets i love blankets every time i see one i want to buy one but i've stopped because the basket is full um now our wall we were literally working on this wall for like a year and a half we wanted to find the perfect pictures and then it just kept growing every time i thought i was happy with it i added something else so it's kind of evolved into this and now it's like perfect i think i'm not going to add any more one of my favorite pictures is actually this one of danielle and i on our wedding i just think it's so cute we look so happy and it looks can i like the candid photos so i really like that photo i also i don't think you'll be able to you might not be able to capture this but my mom or her wedding i love that photo i think it's so pretty i think she looks so nice like no makeup just looks beautiful and then one more that i really love is this is danielle's grandmother but like look how cute she is i just love like how stylish she looks i love all of them but i have to go through all of them okay so over here we actually just recently got this table from the thrift store savers or something i think how much was this it was pretty cheap i don't remember how much it was i think it was only like ten dollars or something like that i think so something really cheap um then we have another struggle for you that's easy plan i don't know what happened this plant literally like i would say like just like two months ago the thing was huge i'm not really sure what happened but since the weather's changing it seems like uh yeah the weather transfer they were flourishing in the summer and then winter hit and i don't know what happened so yeah so we have that and then i have my diffuser over here and this lovely candle which i just discovered this brand it's a black owned candle company um i'll have to leave it in the description because i don't remember the name of the brand off the top of my head moving on we've got our couch here this is a big splurge when we first moved here this is probably our first major splurge together as a couple actually no the wedding probably but after that is this couch and we waited it's from west down and we waited for it for a long time i'm not sure why it took so long i think it's because of the we wanted the sectional part yeah it was custom built yeah because of the sectional part and then we had other pillows and we recently just changed over all our pillows so these two are from west elm the two big ones and then these are from urban outfitters and this little one is from target all right all right all right okay now welcome to actually this might be one of my favorite places in the apartment is the bathroom it's small but i love it um first and foremost we gotta talk about the plants i feel like the plants in the bathroom are flourishing year-round so this plant when we got it literally this plant was in that pot that tiny pot up there yeah there's a plant in there and it's it's not good don't worry about that but this plant was in that pot if you can believe that that's crazy and i'll look at it it's amazing this is our shower your labeling work over there i'm obsessed with the label maker if you don't have a label maker i don't know how you're living it really changed my life i label everything let me not show you that one because it says vaginal wash okay you got to wash the vagina so you got to but this one says shampoo putting it in the jars and labeling it looks so much nicer than having like the bottles that they come in they're all different colors and like looks crazy to me and those bottles are from where oh these are these are kombucha bottles i always save brown bottles because i love the color of them and i just use them for like different things around the house so these are actually kombucha bottles which i have converted yeah and i bought this everything yeah you can buy these little pumps on amazon game changer also let me talk about my little soap this is a this soap is from a black owned company i just discovered i should know the names of these people um i don't remember their name it's something organic something like that i can't remember the name but how pretty is this it's like the that's like the prettiest bar soap i just put it in here so i haven't used it yet but it looks really pretty i told you guys i'm obsessed with this color i found these little jars and i have two of them i found them at a thrift store i don't know how much i got these a long time ago don't know how much they are but i have some lavender dry lavender in there and then we found this print at target um i just thought it like fit the bathroom it's like this is also joshua tree right yes um and we've been there and just somewhere nice that we've been i really liked it there we went i would love to go back there um now we're moving over here we have our ikea stand um some more brown 50 shades of brown yep i love brown if you can't tell our apartment we love brown we love wood we love brown it's everywhere um so these are from target actually you know what this whole bathroom is from target these are from target this is from target these baskets are from target um that was from target are what is that trash can is from target this is another black owned business spotlight this is bree transcendent and i have their whole like skincare line which i really really like if you have like drier skin well they actually have one for oily skin too but i have dry skin so if you have dry skin i highly recommend i really like it and i like the packaging glass packaging very sustainable i'm here for it um and that's oh and this is cute danielle added this not too long ago i i love this look with the um toilet paper in there um also sustainable does bamboo toilet paper get into it if you don't know about it um now coming into our bedroom here we are this is our bed and we'll start here our bed is from ikea they still sell it uh not we're not in love with this bed if i could do anything i would spray paint this bed black in a second i think when we ordered it we ordered it online and we thought it was going to be like black or maybe like a dark dark gray and it's like a lighter gray than i thought it would be so i don't love that i also have these prints above the bed which are i actually got from somebody on etsy i ordered them from etsy shop and then i just had to print it and frame them myself with these ikea frames to the side of the bed we have our this is not really the nightstand we're making this a nightstand right now this used to be out in the living room and now we have it in here and we have a diffuser which actually spray painted this terracotta color because it was ugly before and then i have some more dried flowers here and um this lamp is from ikea i love that lamp um this is probably danielle's least favorite thing in the apartment which is not really no my least favorite thing is this fake plant but yeah i digress okay maybe this is like your second thing um this is our chair she doesn't like it i think it's so cute i don't know what the deal is but um i don't know it's cute we just have it here i mean we don't really sit on it this is kind of like you know how you have a chair where you just put clothes this is what we have this is our chair with the clothes now basically this side of the room is like our closet this is all danielle's sneakers and her jeans on this side these are all my jeans and pants and these are some of my shoes i've got some of our books up here and as well as like our sunglass collection and these are like mostly danielle's fragrances and some of mine are over here that's what's going on here moving over here this is danielle's outdoor closet this used to have doors this is from ikea too as well as the shelves this used to have door um doors but the thing was just getting rickety like i don't the the doors were falling in the middle of the night and waking up everybody it was a lot so we took the doors off and now it's like this open closet situation which i think looks really cute i mean it looks really nice and organized so that's good i also have my belt what's going on are you okay are you okay kenji are you okay okay let me know now this is i'm showing you the next closet this is my closet um yeah it's packed it's packed this is our steamer in here so it looks extra packed but i think it's a pretty good size closet and it's pretty large probably for most people this would be a good size closet we just have a lot of clothes like we have a lot of those this is what we used to use as a nightstand but now we have it sitting over here danielle keeps some more for clothing here we have the clothes hidden everywhere we actually have clothes hidden in that front closet too i forgot about that you know a whole dresser inside of that closet so these are some of where daniel keeps her other pants that are not over here then we have this plant which we've had for a long time and she's doing wonderful oh this is a black artist too um actually both of them yeah both i don't know who where'd you get this we got that in san diego um i was a wine and art festival me and my friend and over here this is uh like kind of like my jewelry station i've actually don't have a lot of jewelry right now because i've been going through this process of getting rid of like anything that's not good quality like all that you know cheap costume jewelry like i pretty much rid myself of all that so i don't have much jewelry left and i wear the same stuff every day anyway so i didn't need all of it now i got my favorite fragrances here um this is cute we just got this the other day at the thrift store i have nothing in it yet but it's really cute um that was about four dollars can't beat it and so that was the same artist over there and she also did these little pranks the mirror oh the mirror okay so the mirror is actually really this is probably the most sentimental sentimental thing in the apartment for me um this was my dad's mirror my dad passed away when i was really young but um we used to have this mirror in our like in my family home in the garage for like years and my mom gave it to me and it's white because i spray painted it white at one point when i lived in my old apartment and now it's starting to chip and i actually like the look even though i don't like really shabby chic type things but i actually like the look on this maybe one day i'll completely take all the paint off and just have it be like wood the dresser we got uh actually i got this off of craigslist when we lived in san diego um and it's come with us here to new york i love this dresser i think i don't know it's like 150 maybe 200 max but i love this very mid-century very mid-century it is actually mid-century it's like really old um then we've got danielle's favorite plant it's fake that's it we couldn't keep it we couldn't keep the real one alive so i just got desperate and bought a fake one and we don't like it anymore well i still kind of like it but danielle doesn't anyway um moving over um this is a bamboo chair i found it on amazon they're like really cheap on amazon a lot of people ask it's from amazon kenji are you okay what's why do you have an attitude he's coming over okay because you're stepping on his bed that's why let me get off i'm i'm sorry okay so we got some of my books here this candle i've actually had for a long time it was a gift actually i think a wedding gift when we got married i still haven't lit it yet and this vintage it's getting really rude at this point and this vintage ash tray which we thrifted not too long ago it's like really heavy this ashtray um last but not least this is our kitchen um actually i love the kitchen i think the kitchen is like i don't know i'm buying a little apartment this is our stove and on it i always have we have oil and like we always keep the pepper here and our um utensils are they called utensils even though they're big yeah like servings amazing sure utensils cast iron skillet it's always sitting here moving over in the window we got our aloe vera plant here is that aloe vera it's a um it's not aloe vera but it is like a in that family and the family is out there because you can't rip it off in music that's what i would like yeah we can't you can't use it but it's actually grown quite a lot since we got it um it's doing well and then we have this lovely plant couldn't tell you the name of it but it's another one that's going really really well um because that's grown a lot since we got it too sometimes i have incense lit here i don't have them lit right now um these are our rugs since we're down here these are two of our rugs um i just have them double labored honestly i'm not crazy about the rugs but they work for now and it's the kitchen what is he doing looking at me it's the kitchen so you know they get dirty a lot so i don't want to keep replacing the rugs um as we were talking about earlier the label maker look look what you can do with label maker the wire rack thing from amazon and i labeled everything i switched everything out of their original bottle glasses into these and labeled all of them so many we have so many i don't have space so they like kind of flow into the back um and the next place will maybe get another rack or something anyway we have here i have our napkins we don't use paper towels anymore so i use napkins reusable reusable less waste good for the environment got a knife set here still doing labels just like the bathroom look at that so orderly now that i think um this is a reusable cloth which i just found out about these like these little cloths which you can just like you can also wash these by just putting in them in the dishwasher very convenient and also good for the environment they're better than better and more sanitary than sponges so we got some of our dishwashing supplies there tea sugar um i love this this is our what is this called a tea like a tea pot oh okay okay it goes with this tea pot yet i also have the matching toaster aren't they cute like so vintagey i love them i love the look of them and these cute vintage sewing pepper shakers i love them they look very like 70s yep hold on back to this way so we're back on this side this is my vitamix love it um best purchase of covet for sure if you need a good smoothie get a vitamix i picked this one because it looked the most like vintage to me so i like that it looks kind of like old so but it's not on this side i have some of our cookbooks i love cookbooks this is our collection of cookbooks so far what's your favorite one my favorite cookbook is actually probably this one but i could never go vegan i've had this cookie for a long time and my favorite recipe are the artichoke crab cakes out of this cookbook so bomb look look how dirty it is that's that means it's a good cookbook i use it a lot i love this cookbook i have some other good ones but like i've had that one the longest and i probably have used it the most so um over here you know maybe kenji you want some water here you can have my water um over here i have this this is actually like a big napkin and i just framed it it says breakfast and brunch and it has all of these um it has a menu i got this from h m and i just framed it and this basket our bowl we actually got from costa rica when we got married because we wanted to stop buying like i don't know we don't like to buy like like souvenir type things we try to get like more things that are actually useful so we have this from costa rica we got married that was like our thing that we bought in costa rica we love hot sauce this is our collection of hot sauces right what's your favorite one favorite hot sauce texas pete what's the spiciest one that we have on iraq oh my gosh this one we got from trinidad it look how little the bottle is look this is how much i've used and actually when i used it i used way too much and i almost like died like my mouth has never i love spicy food i love hot food it was the worst feeling i've ever felt in my life like i just really i was just so confident you're having uh flashes back i was so confident like i just was always like oh fine i can't have any hot sauce no that is like really legit you need to drop anyway love my glass jars these are all of my dry most of my dry goods are in here um yeah um either i have even more down here i have extra down there we got this picnic basket at a thrift store but i just hold like napkins extra napkins extra little jars in there right now that's pretty much our kitchen it's our kitchen right there oh one more thing this is my um my headpiece when we got married and we had to bring it back from costa rica and they gave me a really hard time at the airport about it i had to go through some extra stuff because they wanted to know what kind of flowers it was or like what i was bringing back it was a whole thing but i got it back well he no he has toys when did he get that he doesn't care about our video so yeah that's really sentimental to me all right well you've seen our whole apartment um time to go i have to go home with you we gotta get out of here see you next time bye
Channel: That Sunday Kind of Love
Views: 376,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NYC home tour, home tour, apartment tour, NYC apartment tour, home decor, thrift, vintage, sustainability, black, black owned, lifestyle, black queer, NYC, lgbtq, black love, plants, black plant mom, same sex couple, wife life, lesbian, lesbian couple, vegan, sustainable, closet tour, decorating ideas, home tours, apartment tours, apartment therapy, New York City, thrift shopping, thrift finds, closet organization, organization, black women, black youtubers, kitchen decor, kitchen
Id: hwzyl97sqEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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