MY APARTMENT TOUR || Lungile Thabethe

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hey guys my name is lindy le tabete and welcome to my beautiful home this is a two bedroom two bathroom apartment um it is 157 square meters but just a little bit of detail on myself or other background on myself i'm a makeup artist a content creator and i also own a home design firm called glaze home decor but more on that later let's get straight into today's tour so this is my kitchen it's quite small but it's perfect for the size of the apartment i haven't done much to the kitchen it is a granite countertop all round and all i've really done is paint the cupboard doors white you'll find that that's kind of the running theme in this apartment is like super neutral super calm very serene vibes and i wanted to carry that through to the kitchen so i've just painted it white as like an immediate way of just lifting the space um but i will insert a picture of what the color of the cupboards used to be it was a horrendous brown that red undertone brown and it was just not the vibe so just as a simple easy solution i painted the counter tops and yeah everything else is quite minimal just like how i like it i always like having fresh flowers in the space lighting candle and then obviously i have a neutral simple vars with lemons for a pop of color and yeah that's pretty much it um i went to the shops yesterday and i filled this little bar fridge with water just because you know oil is like that [Music] all right so then we proceed to the living area this is my formal lounge and a lot of changes took place in the space um i switched out the lighting for something a bit more dramatic it was important to me that you really felt like you get a good idea of the entire space just from walking in the front door so the lighting um the pendants are really really important to just the style of the space when it comes to the decor style that i really went for in this area it was more so modern parisian and i incorporated that with the furniture pieces that i chose all the items of furniture in the space are from my company glaze home decor and yeah i really wanted items that have soft edges as well as really lush velvet finishes with the fabrics the cushions i wanted something that brought a bit more character but still felt quite homely and quite warm just so that the space is not as stark and then obviously my favorite part of the space is um this wall with the paneled uh molding this is a design that i came up with obviously i've seen a lot of these on pinterest and so yeah i felt like it really just hugged the space really well and bought everything together you will see that there is no console here like tv cabinets i didn't want a tv cabinet because i don't want to take a walk away from the beauty of this wall like let's have a moment for this wall right um a really really good find in the space was this marble coffee table this was a facebook marketplace find and when i found it it looked really really dirty so there was a lot of scrubbing a lot of different detergents used to just bring it back to life but i think that it's really the star of the show so yeah this is my lounge um it is the winter time now so i've also added a good fuzzy throw as well on the couch also to bring in different textures and make the space feel warm the color choice is on purpose i really love white and creams and furniture but also because this is my formal lounge i didn't have to worry about this being the main lounge that people were eating at and chilling out and watching movies at so yeah the space can just stay looking pretty and beautiful now when we move this way to the stair case um i added a plinth underneath and this was also a facebook marketplace find i'm trying to think if it was a facebook marketplace find or if i just found it on the internet i'm pretty sure it was just the internet but there was an actual linen there was a cupboard here and i removed that entire thing just to open up the entire area make it feel like air can move freely throughout and so you're not going plonk plunk to get to the passageway i also added then something that looked well vases that look a bit look a bit more um sculpturey um to the space i think that i'm still looking to find something that will live here permanently but for now this is a really really beautiful option my favorite favorite part of this entire space is this gilded mirror now when i started buying furniture pieces for myself i started buying them and i was living with my older sister and i would just keep a whole bunch of things in her garage she started complaining but this gilded mirror i could not let go of it started with me at my first apartment and then i carried it here i had to have it and it really just like is a huge statement i like items that speak on their own but as a collective they really create a really beautiful story so yeah i absolutely love this mirror and i know that the price has gone up on this mirror so i'm really really happy that i snatched it when i could um but yeah it's a real um placehold it's not a placeholder it's a real beaut in this space the living area the formal living area leads you directly to the passageway and with the entire apartment the initial renovations that i did was changing the doors i felt like i wanted to bring in more character into the space obviously add the gold accents as well and just make it look a little more traditional than what it looked previously so that was a really important piece and carried with the paneling throughout the space just for it to be super cohesive with the different rooms in the space and the star of the show in this area specifically is this painting that i did myself by yours treaty i absolutely love it i wanted something that brought in a lot of drama in this area especially as you walk into the passageway but something's still subtle at the same time which is why i went with the pieces that i went with um obviously a picture light just to highlight it a little bit more and then added a sheer fabric as part of the painting for just that extra dramatic effect then over here you have the linen covered which i'm not going to get into but it is quite like a little peep it's neat enough i also added a runner in this area because i wanted it to still feel really really warm so right next to the linen cupboard is the guest bathroom which we are not going to get into today but right opposite the store is um two pictures that i found these were vintage finds now i live alone this is my um first apartment that i bought my first like home that i've purchased and i wanted it to be super super feminine which is why i chose these um this lady with like different angles of this lady she is me i am her um so yeah i really love these again i wanted to bring in that gold um accent the colors in the gold and so i really love just the brassness of the framing of these pictures still very neutral still very my vibe and that leads you directly to the guest [Music] alright guys welcome to my guest bedroom a key key feature in the guest bedroom is the paneling again on this wall i absolutely loved it and it really helped me with grounding the space um and then the bed could go directly against it this is the lucia bed and it's absolutely gorgeous it's from the glaze home decor my brand will link it down below um and the cushions over as well are from glaze i just wanted to keep it super neutral super good thread count of linen um which is really cool i found this side table no one loves the side table except for me like everyone hates it but i just think it's so so so beautiful um i found it on an added instagram boutique online and just ordered it it came in from cape town and then added more accessories to the side i wanted something really really um a carpet that was really neutral but still had like something going on with it which is why i went for this aztec vibe of a carpet and then a really good way of incorporating a long mirror into the space is using a mirror with a frame that's the same color as your walls just so that like blends into the wall and just feels like it's just the mirror so this was absolutely perfect for the swiss and it was from mr price home another renovation feature that i changed in the space was just changing the cupboard fronts so the cupboard carcasses were perfect they worked fine everything was in order but the fronts felt like they were a bit too yellow and they were that weird laminate um material so i changed them i did shaker cupboards and then brass handles which i think like really carries on with that parisian theme and still super neutral but very traditional as well and they're super long so they go all the way to the ceiling and the carcass itself inside goes all the way to the ceiling i'll give you a little peek this is where i keep my shoes and as you can see it goes all the way inside um which is perfect so tons and tons of space i don't really make space in my cupboards for my guests because you can come with your bags but yeah i absolutely love these cupboards and then there's the curtains which are from curtin cabin um they are based in cromwelville in san south africa and they just like created the most beautiful curtains for me they have a linen top fabric but on the inside it is a um block out um fabric so when you close the curtains the room becomes entirely dark and i just love that i don't want my sleep to be interrupted in my room so i don't want my guest sleep to be interrupted as well and then i changed the frame of the window literally just painted it black um just so it creates some sort of contrast there and then carried on with the brass um or rather gold brushed um facets and like um hardware and then yeah railing on the top and it is perfect another way of like just incorporating myself in the space was by adding an easel which is right here it is i liter i haven't added a piece of artwork on it but on its own i feel like it speaks so much it says a lot without saying too much so i absolutely love it here and instead of having two side tables i decided to do one side table and the easel on the other side so this is like a really neutral but super beautiful space it's very relaxing i want when people come into the space for them to feel as though it's home it's a second home for them um especially well if i'm inviting you to be in my home then you're like extended family so i want you to feel like you're at home yourself [Music] this is my main bedroom well it is my bedroom i don't know why i said maine but again we carried on with the shaker cupboard style in this bedroom um i really love these cupboards and i just feel like they are the vibe they spoke to me and so i also love that they also again go all the way to the ceiling which is great now this room is super bright and i absolutely love it when i walk into it i feel like it gives you a hug it's grounded the curtains go all the way to the ceiling as well which is great i added air conditioning in this room from samsung thank you samsung so it gets a lot of light in the summer it gets quite hot so it's great to be able to like cool it down and then obviously in the winter you can always adjust that so that it's like a bit more warming um which is great so the main feature of this room that a lot of people love from what i've shared on instagram is this picture light that's right above the bed i've thought about adding a um an artwork here and i haven't really found something i wanted something quite vintagey so i haven't found the right piece but for now i feel like when i turn it on it kind of gives me the sense of like the person that's lying in the bed which is me is the artwork so yeah it's quite beautiful this bed is also from glaze home decor and again i carried on um that soft edge um vibe with the beard the same as in the lounge the entire space speaks in one voice which i really love the cushions again are from glaze home decor good thread count i also really love this um throw that i add on this bed it's quite weighty so it makes it feels very luxurious which is quite nice and that you don't need to get into the bed to just like chill in bed sometimes one thing that you have to know about me though is that i have like i have an out of body experience every single time someone sits on my bed so i can't stand it once i've made it in the morning that's it for the rest of the day until i get back into it to sleep so that's one thing about me um another really cool feature that i really love is this table it's the side table it's a travertine side table and i just have placed my jewelry on it and perfumes as well i'm not a really avid collector of perfumes but from press drops and all of that i get quite a bit and so i've collected them here and this is just the jewelry that i reached to on a day-to-day basis as you can see the curtains go all the way to the ceiling which i really love because it just like enhances that height of the room and the ceilings are quite high which is cool and then um just an occasional chair this chair was actually a gift from got wood so i really love it i just reupholstered it to another color because it was originally black velvet and added a cushion here and a throw and it just gives you like very relaxation vibes another reason why i another reason why like i just carried on with like the cream my theme is because i wanted some everything to be easily enriched and feel like it's there for a reason so the side tables are quite low and that was also intentional running out of breath the side tables are quite low and that was also intentional i did that because i'm quite short so i want to be able to like reach for everything quite easily um i then added like little bits and bobs on the sides as well what i keep on my side table is a notebook so on my side table i keep a notebook and here i just write like things i'm grateful for every single day i write down what i'm grateful for i also keep lip balm and then just books to read and just like relax i like having my candles on during the day um i like having them on all day i like a really beautiful smelling home generally my main like scent that i love is lemongrass i also love vanilla as well so everything that is within those notes is vibes so here is also the guest bed i mean the main bedroom we're not gonna get in there we're gonna have an entire video for that because i am currently renovating um the bathrooms so that there's that so this apartment is quite an old building and because of that the plaque points weren't thought out very well so in this room and both the bedrooms actually the plug points were right in the center of the bed and obviously it was important to be able to have plug points on both sides so because of that we build out this wall this actually is a false wall just to be able to wire everything behind that so that's a really good way to just update um an older building older apartment so that it has features that your more modern buildings would have so yeah let's show you guys the outside area of here so the outside area leads from the lounge as well as the main bedroom which is quite cool because you can just open the curtains and you can already see the outside area i love being able to access that space from both rooms and after that we'll head on upstairs okay guys welcome to the downstairs outside patio i absolutely love the space and it's such a great space to be able to have your coffee or tea in the morning very relaxing and there's a great amount of like light and shade as well in the space these doors were a huge selling part of the apartment for me they resemble a french door and i just love how when you enter from the front door you can see all the way through to the outside area i added a tulip table which this was another one of my famous facebook finds i think i've gotten quite good at finding really good gyms on facebook marketplace and yeah i then grounded the space with just an outdoor rug i think because the stone on the floor here is such a different just vibe to the rest of the apartment and we couldn't change the outside area much in terms of just painting or whatever even if you do own a place it was really good for me to be able to cover most of it up with a really good area rug then added just chairs normal chairs wicked chairs i also really love this light and i love how you can see it all the way from outside as well so that was a really really cool feature i have recently become a plant mom and this is my first baby she does not have a name but i love her nonetheless and i've been fairly decent at taking care of her um this is a i believe it's a palm tree or close enough to that but um yeah i think it's really good to be able to have just life that is in your apartment outside of just fresh flowers and just being able to take care of another living organic organism is great so yeah i really love this area now let's head on upstairs into my office area tv lounge and another outside area okay guys so now we are upstairs in the loft office tv lounge outside terrace area so when i'm at this point on my right is my office and the tv lounge and on the left is the outdoor terrace i haven't done much with it but let me show you what it is that i want to do with the space so this is one of the major selling points of the entire apartment for me it's the outdoor terrace so the beauty about this space and what i absolutely loved was that i could see two really cool areas which is mall of africa on my left and santan on my right so your smack bang in the middle super central this outdoor terrace is very very big my plans for this area is to make it very um relax i want an i'll couch here i want it to be super relaxing i still have this couch with this chair which was a vintage find i actually found this at cash crusaders and the actual um cushioning i'm currently having it re-upholstered now this is another one of my plant mom prospects she's not doing very well so she's not the proudest but i'm trying to take care of her it's a lemon tree and i really envision the place that this area being like full of like lemon trees all around you guys can see it envision pinterest and you can totally see it um so yeah still a lot to work on the place is a work in progress but i'm still i want to fill it up with items that i absolutely love and i think that's the beauty in achieving a home that just like has tons of character it's filling it up with everything that you love and that takes time but for now let's go straight into my office where the magic happens so you know how in apartment tours and house tours they always say this is where the magic happens and they talk about their main bedroom well this is actually where the magic happens my home office i it is super girly um obviously i'm a very girly girl and so it was really important that i incorporate that into the space where i spend the most amount of time this table i had to convince the owner of the store to sell it to me it was not for sale it was from isabelina and they were using it as an office inside the actual showroom and i had been going there for months on end asking them is it for sale now is it for sale now and it wasn't then my older sister got the black version of it and then madison i knew i really had to have it um so i kind of persuaded her and you guys helped me i posted it on instagram and i said to her and i said to my followers on instagram that the lady is refusing to sell it to me please help me convince her and she hit me up and let me have it so i'm very very grateful for that um i think it's like really the key feature in this area with the super super glamorous legs um it's a very strong sturdy table and i think that if i were to move from this apartment i would use it as a dining room table just because of how big it was that's another thing that was important to me having a really big table as my office desk so yeah super lovely about that i also love this chair it is from glaze home decor a lot of the items in my place are from my company naturally because we make furniture this is the melody chair and it's super super comfortable i added a touch of pink here because why not right another find of mine so my place is filled with different pieces that i found at different areas this place this um mira this gilded mirror was from cash crusaders i know a lot of people don't go into cash crusaders looking for gilded mirrors so when i came across this i just like fell to the floor and i loved it so much it's so glamorous so beautiful it does have aging on it but i just it speaks to just like how old money it is so another little um trick that i've used this is an old coffee table this was from my previous apartment it was from at home and i still loved it i just didn't have an area for it in the space so now i use it as a place to put like fabric books and just like a catch all for work related stuff i used to have a printer here now i have it in the cupboard out of sight because aesthetics are everything so then we move on to my favorite place my favorite area in the apartment this is my pajama lounge and it is so so so comfy this is literally where i come at the end of the day and i just toss myself on this massive couch this couch is three meters by one and a half meters in depth so it really swallows you and i have spent way too many nights than normal um asleep on this couch waking up at four in the morning not realizing that i passed out but then i added a painting right above it i carried the paneling upstairs as well because i just wanted the entire place to speak in one voice as i mentioned this painting is another one of my artworks um this is one of the first paintings that i created in my previous apartment and it's a constant like reminder of just that apartment and how much it meant to me so i absolutely loved it i also loved being able to carry items from the previous place to here granted a lot of those i've had to let go of but um it was really important for me to keep that i think that it also reminds me of just like my history in art after high school i actually went on a rotary exchange program and i went to belgium for a year and i studied fine arts in that year so all the artworks in the place are gonna be by me by force so this is the coffee table that at the travertine coffee table that matched the side table in my bedroom now those two pieces were a facebook find and let me tell you one thing about facebook marketplace is you are going to find really beautiful antique pieces the two came together and it is it takes about three four people to lift this item as well as the um um other pieces downstairs but i just had to have it it also cost me i think it was 2 200 grand for both so yeah i think the person that was selling it didn't photograph it well um but because i was looking for this specific stone i knew that once it came and it came all the way from germaston once it arrived it would just like be spectacular i had the vision so i absolutely loved it and i love the color and how it like really works well the rest of the space this place has a lot of gold items now remember when i told you guys about items that you move with from your one place to the next i had a lot of gold items i went through an entire phase of just like only buying gold accessories so this has become the catch all for all those gold accessories um but it still works well with the space and i think like all the neutral tones in this area dial them down which i'm grateful for um i also have this cabinet here so this is this area essentially is the area where like my mind runs wild at some point the walls were black and then i read go of that and then i went back to white at some point i went through a rattan phase um this cupboard this console was the result of that phase but she's here she is very very helpful because she has a lot of storage which i need there isn't a lot of storage in this place and so it was really important for me to have things um where i could store like all my fabrics and all of that that you hide away from visitors um so yeah i added um cognac here because so all the movies i've watched um that have really classical homes have like whiskey and like crystal glasses set up somewhere or at least like in the office areas so if i'm gonna set up my home and it's gonna be the home of my dreams then it's definitely gonna have whiskey there as well so y'all guys that is my home i think that brings us to the end of today's tour i hope that you loved it as much as i have enjoyed living here um it's still a continuation of just like things that i have loved and continue loving and i keep adding things into the space so it's still going to continue to grow and change and evolve but that's the beauty and just like furnishing a home and yeah okay guys so that brings us to the end of my home tour i hope you enjoyed it and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Lungile Thabethe
Views: 733,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lungile Thabethe house, lungile home tour, house tour 2022, French inspired apartment, celebrity home, architectural digest, art design, interior 2022, wall panelling, panel moulding, Lungile Thabethe, lungile home, home design Johannesburg South Africa, South African homes, Lungile Thabethe house tour
Id: EUlg4GtKngs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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