empty studio apartment tour nyc

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[Music] oh my God so when you walk in this is what you see so to the left there is the washer and dryer over here is the patio oh my God I don't know how to open this oh slide there we go I don't know if this is wet oh no it's good yay okay so here is the patio this is actually huge which I'm so excited to have dinner parties out here trying to hurry up before the movs come in and then over here we have closet over here is the bathroom and I am still waiting on the mirror there's going to be like a really big mirror here with like a light LED light surrounding it so that's nice and over here we have another closet and then here's the apartment oh my God I am so so stoked for this here is an overview of the kitchen and then here it is that's pretty much it it's a really small apartment but it's still so nice Okay so the movers just left and this is what we are left with and I'm finding out that I need to get rid of like half of my furniture so this I have to get rid of because it doesn't really fit anywhere and it's just taking up space and then my bed is just kind of there like I don't really know how to decorate this to be honest my couch is like a little bit too big for this space and so yeah and this headboard here like I just don't think that's going to work I think I might have to actually get like a whole ass like real bed with a headboard because this is just not it's not working out and I don't really know how to decorate this oh my God I'm finally here this is insane so basically I went to the leasing office and I told them I was there for my keys and my lease and I didn't leave until they gave it to me so long story short I'm here now I got my keys and I am ready to unpack all of this and sleep here tonight and just be here and finally be home be able to cook and just live my life because I'm ready after a month being in a hotel I'm just so ready so let's unpack my first meal in the apartment is Chick-fil-A and um I don't have my pillows as a pillow I wonder I think they're right there I think I might just grab that really I think I might just grab the pillows over here really quick the cushions are all the way at the bottom and I'm not going to grab that right now because I'm really hungry so oh well h Sex and the City this is what I need to watch yes my new show right now hear [Music] thatwhere en delicious little CRA P for $3.99 [Music] typically eligible bachelors question remains is this really a company we want to own Tim was 42 cashow multiple a well-liked and respected investment banker who made about 2 million a year so uh what are you doing later I thought you weren't talking to me for the rest of your life who said anything about talking stay [Music] there I have a food coma now but I got to keep going and it's raining oh my God love that [Music] this is not the [Music] vibe my God they packed my little plant oh my God yay they said they couldn't pack plants but they packed this one so that's nice and she's still green I have to water her wow amazing [Music] [Music] you okay understand [Music] [Music] tonight was my first night sleeping in the apartment and I am like so so happy and so grateful I was up till like 1:00 a.m. last night just getting the apartment together and I am so shocked because it turns out I don't really need a lot of new furniture because it actually fits so I wanted to see how it would fit with this layout I had in my mind before I did anything and it actually looks a lot bigger with this layout here is the kitchen I still have you know boxes and things but I had the couch over here and it just wasn't working so I moved it over here and I was like what if I did that maybe the bookshelf would fit and it literally does so let me just show you it's literally perfect I'm going to get a um media stand and put the TV right here and it's literally so perfect and then this looks like so big and it's like literally I don't even yeah it's so cozy I like that I have this wall right here and from my bed it's just like a dream and I can put down the curtains and literally like project a movie on to the curtain so that is something I'm really really excited to try out it's honestly perfect I thought the bookshelf would be blocking the view but I feel like as long as I don't put any books higher than this level that they're at right now I feel like it's fine and you can still see the view and there's still that privacy and it feels cozy and it's just perfect [Music] so it is the next day and I am pretty much done packing everything or sorry unpacking I always say that unpacking everything and I'm just so happy I'm just so glad all I have left is the clothes and everything else is done so so soaked I cannot wait to show you you guys are going to die I'm ordering a few things like I don't need to order a new couch I don't need to get rid of my bookshelf or get a new bed so like that's all amazing I'm just going to get a new rug because this frog is just like just it's it's old and it's really gross so I I need to get rid of it and get a new one so I decided I'm not going to use my TV my TV was going to go like right here in front of the couch but I decided not to do that because it blocks my view and I love looking at my view at you know the river and and it literally would be right in the line of sight so it would be blocking my view but something really cool I discovered was here let me just show you so I can actually take this projector right here and put these window shades down and like have like a projected screen and it looks so sick I cannot wait to show you that last night I actually knocked out and did not really end up putting any clothes away at all so I'm going to do that today today is Saturday so thankfully I don't have to work the internet person is coming to set up the internet so that's going to be really really nice cuz right now I don't have internet so I've just been like using my hot spot for things and then actually after that that I think I'm kind of good like after that I feel like I don't really have much a ton to do I still have some things to do but I don't feel like I have a ton to do so I'm excited so I really want to set up my lights like above the cabinets and below the cabinets except in this apartment there's two broken up so unless I want wires going through right here I need to probably get other another set of these lights but I don't know how I'm going to connect it up here and plug it in because the closest plug is right here and I could go behind the fridge but I don't think I can like in my other apartment this wall was not not here it was just like the fridge so I could easily go behind the fridge but this one I cannot do that so I'm going to have to get really creative as to how to do this so there is a hole behind this little cabinet right here so I get an extension cord if I can get this out and get an extension cord to go all the way through here I could do [Music] it I moved it which means it's possible this should not be very heavy oh my God yes all right this one doesn't have wheels but it's [Music] fine oh yes oh my God it's working this is going to work oh my God du Hallelujah there's an extra plug back there so this is what I'm going to do I'm just going to kind of tie this Loosely and see if I can get it through that hole up [Music] there right it's there now room and leave it oh my God it freaking worked oh my [ __ ] God damn who needs men honestly literally wow yay [Music] no we did it now I don't know if I should kind of turn it around because I still have all of this so I think I will I think I'm just going to kind of like so I one on the inside here so just kind of like that okay so this is what it looks like I honestly kind of hate how you can see this though so I don't know if I want to change that should I change it and just double down on this side instead because I just hate seeing this [Music] okay so this is a little bit better I think cuz back here can't see anything really except right here it's like you can see the refle ction in the cabinet so I think what I'll do since over here you can't really tell I'm just going to move this up a little bit and then maybe that'll fix [Music] it ow oh my God ouch oh my God it's fine I'm good I'm good while I have the fridge out let me see if there's anything I need to do or can do to make the fridge work so let's see what do I do if the fridge is not cold I'm not going to do this no no no absolutely not honestly sometimes I wish I did not have a phone like I do not I don't want anyone to text me please nobody text me no one I don't want anyone texting me you know you feel me okay so I just went I went to go eat with a friend and then I went to Raider Joe's and I went to Whole Foods to get some groceries cuz I don't have anything so first thing is first I just got plant or flowers these flowers as well they're kind of bent now but that's okay I got oh my God I actually think I'm going to eat one right now I got this uh little snack size perfect bars which I absolutely love perfect bars G2G bar like refrigerated protein bars are my [Applause] thing love I just got the protein bars and then lotion and a candle that's pretty much it all I got from there this candle smells so good it's um called the mountain has eucalyptus Spruce and Birch it just smells like you're in the woods in the mountains I love it and then Trader Joe's I got tee I got paper towel two salmon filets and I got little ice cream cones broccoli potatoes sunscreen I actually really like their sunscreen so it's just like this gel that is just so it's kind of weird the texture but it goes on your face so nicely I just love their sunscreen and a green smoothie I also got some Amazon packages so let's see what they are yay okay I got these candles okay let me open them and show you cuz they're really cute they're so cute so they're so cute they're all twisty and I just realized that they also have like a little bit of a shimmer to it so if I open one look at how adorable this is do you see how it shimmers it's so pretty I am obsessed with this oh my god look how I'm just cutting through that that's wild wo [Music] [Music] guys look at this Sunset oh my God how gorgeous it look at the boat this is the F first Sunset that I see that is like a beautiful sunset that I can actually see the sunset I am ordering door Dash right now because I am hungry and I want to finish this and I probably won't have time to cook before I'm hungry because I'm going to finish this so like I'm going to be done done done I know I said this yesterday but I will be done done today for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] I got a ton of packages and we're going to do a little unboxing right now also while I'm doing this I am unpacked everything last night and it feels so so good so good honestly it feels like feels like I have an actual home now and I love it so I bought a bunch of Chopstick nias these are the best but I don't always have them when I need it cuz I'm like switching them from like purse to bathroom to whatever so I just got a four pack of all of these These are the best because they're like so smooth on your lips it's really nice oh my God and then I got short straws but I've been wanting to get these short straws forever for my little cups I usually am using like the really long straws and I just really wanted some little short one so I'm so happy I finally got these I like couldn't get myself to buy them when I moved into my last place but this time yes what is this oh my God this is adorable I'm so excited about this okay so I got look how cute this is a little boot with to light matches with so I can put this just like on my night or my coffee table and just have little cute matches to light up the candle with but does it come with matches it literally did not come with matches so I'm like what are you serious bro I have to order matches now because it didn't come with matches it's fine okay I just added some matches to my cart and I just got like these like seaf foam green color which I think would be really cute with this pink so yeah okay and then I just got some trash bags I went to Target and I found these pink trash bags that were perfect for the size of my trash bins and I now I just can't live without it it just makes me so happy to open up my cabinet and see pink trash bags honestly it's just the little things in life you you know then oh okay so here's the other one so I got another one for the bathroom and I got this one in white because one I I wanted to see how like different each one would be and how pretty like I think maybe the pink one would look good in the living room and then the white one would look better in the bathroom so that's what I'm doing but look how adorable this is freaking adorable I love it and then what is this yes oh my God I have been wanting this is another thing I've been wanting for a long time and just couldn't get myself to get it is these little ice molds in shapes of Hearts I love look how freaking adorable this ice is going to be I think the reason why I'm like more willing to do like to get these little things that I've been wanting that I just haven't brought myself to get is because this is going to be a hosting kind of apartment with my Terrace or balcony whatever and I am just going to need more things to be able to properly host people so yeah and all of these things I got on Amazon so I will link all of them and actually they'll be on my Amazon storefront under home or kitchen depending on what it is it'll be under on there anyways on to the next one I I got a bunch of things so I literally don't know what everything is yes okay this is a vase so I got two vases oh this is a lot bigger than I thought it would be so I got a vase because I have this here and I just you know wanted something that was a little bit more proper like an actual vase for this here but I'm thinking that this might be a little bit too big because yeah so I might just have this one for the kitchen and for oops for the kitchen and for the bathroom yeah because here it's a little much so I think I'm just going to leave this over there so one is a normal glass glass clear glass and the other one is like a like a shimmering Amber so pretty oh yay okay so I got a shoe organizer so I'm going to make this a non shoe household because New York streets are dirty and I do not want to bring that into my apartment so we're going to do shoe rack by the front door and it's just like a bamboo kind of just like this so I got two I got one from the for the front door and then one for my closet just to organize my shoes cuz I don't have I don't have a shoe organizer ooh my wine glasses yay I have never owned wine glasses in my life because I don't like wine I didn't like wine but now I'm starting to like wine and like I said hosting people we're going to want some wine glasses okay so let me just show you what they look like they're pretty basic they have kind of a cool shape so it's like like a it kind of reminds me like a of a little mushroom it kind of like sinks under here so I don't know I just thought it was cute love yes
Channel: Paola Camila
Views: 7,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nyc, nyc moving vlog, moving to nyc alone, moving to nyc apartment, moving into my nyc apartment, moving to nyc 2024, nyc studio apartment, nyc empty apartment tour, studio apartment tour, nyc studio apartment tour manhattan, nyc studio apartment move in, nyc studio apartment decor
Id: cg-QrJ2O3hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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