Our Minds Broke! | Watching THE SIXTH SENSE (1999) For The First Time

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and that's why she's watching oh my God bro what's good y'all it's your boy she6 Cent and we are jumping into a movie today this was recommended by who the one and only man V she trying to go 14 for 14 if I'm correct so we're going to see how this movie turns out make sure you guys check out the link in the description for our patreon tons of content over there exclusives uncut reactions so if you want to not miss out anymore click that link head over there and sub up we also got a link in the description for our Discord so if you want to talk about this movie or anything else that we've watched so far you can hop in there and start chitchatting or you can join the patreon as a free member and jump into the community chat without further Ado let's jump into the six cents let's get it this is a blind reaction I don't know what this movie Blind is all our movies so hope I ain't no jump scares in this I'm sinking my video out on my phone sipping that wine [ __ ] go to grab that damn you s like a horror movie respectfully get out of there my guy that is one fine frame does it fine frame like that cost do you think I'd say it cost at least a couple hundred probably picture them I'm going to read it for you city of Philly and recogn yo boys love Pa in the field of child psychology and his continuing efforts to improve the quality of life must be for him mhm con so that mean he about to take on probably some some crazy kid not crazy but finally someone is recognizing the sacrifices you've made that you have put everything second including me those families that they're talking about saying that my husband has a gift tell me nothing about the happen n something about to happen something scary look the [ __ ] somebody broke into their crib that a young boy got to be if you work with children I'm guessing mhm the [ __ ] he climbing the tree though I think he threw a rock through the window it's the only thing I can think cuz the glass is broken inside you thought they were hear [Music] that ain't no young boy no that's definitely a kid he worked with before this is 47 Locust Street you've broken a window and entered a private residence you don't know so many things it's not a kid bro it's a Bown man somebody broke into your CB like that you don't know what the kid you know why you're afraid when you're alone what do you want what he promis me I want what he promised oh my God I know you don't you know me hero don't you even remember your own patience so afraid you told me I was having trouble coping with my parents divorced BR to this crib though now look at me some people they call me freak incent gray I do remember you years ago very smart you failed me you failed me call the cops somebody call the cops he going to be able to deescalate this let me try you just shot him this movie started off [Music] wild look at shot him and that's the thing with working with troubl people bro you don't never know crib though yeah up bro I feel bad 10 years ago I may live though South Philadelphia born and raised wonder if him and his shorty still together Cole sear parents divorce age n acute anxiety socially isolated same [ __ ] he going to play he going to play pay very close attention to him now D that boy mooved fast Dam that boy got shot on this celebration [Music] night Bo got somewhere to be mhm you know young boys don't get tired yeah they run for 5 days straight we going to church it's okay Cole my name is Dr Malcolm Crow we were supposed to meet today but I missed our appointment I'm sorry kids are so funny what were they hiding from bad people mostly people that wanted to put them in jail hurt them noticed your eyeglasses they don't have any lenses in them they're my dad's the lenses hurt my eyes they they profoundest CL Dom boy chck called Latin oh oh my God that's a little kid are you a good doctor I used to be damn I won an award once from the mayor I'm going to see you again right if that's okay with you no boy try to run away from his appointment today so I don't feel like talking to nobody there I need that for my collection that boy Thief that boy stole from the church no he's scared he Malcolm oh that traumatized his wife I probably hurt their relationship over there with some more wine they're still in the same crib yeah and boy killed your in there that's crazy that's wow why I would learn Latin just to speak with my guy no he just going to look up what he was saying I took four years L and don't know none of this he getting abused or something we saw the marks on his hand but for him to know that in Latin is crazy yeah like how do he how' he find that out must be his mom M your Cocoa Puffs are getting soggy oh honey you got the spot head up you got a superpow something you're looking for baby pumps what are you thinking Mama lots of things anything bad about me okay at my face I was not thinking something bad about you got it that's Tommy okay you tuck it in hey Cole you want this he handled that he's stress you can tell he's stress MH she handled that really well though but to say why was his hands gripping a table like [Music] that oh this man's carrying as backpack hey freak how'd you like that arm around the shoulder bit I just made that up it's called improper you call him freak that's just like the other kid vinent said is this Vincent your boy transferred himself into another body No Cap that's why he be having social problems boy came home late night hey baby you know you can tell me things if you need to I won the Pennsylvania Lottery in the morning mhm I quit my jobs and I ate a big picnic in the park with lots of chocolate Mose pie I was picked first for kickball teams at recess I had a grand slam to win the game he lying to me up on their shoulders and carried me around cheering she told him what she wanted what she wish would have happen and he told her he wish for have happen no he looks SC yeah you who told you can you can come in my crib though want to sit no I don't feel like doing all that no you like that would you want to play a game do that it's a mind reading game what I say is right you take one step towards the chair what I say is wrong you take one step back towards the doorway if you reach the door you can go you can go you going no he's just saying like yeah I like them chances I like them odds when your mother and father were first divorced your mom went to see a doctor like me and he didn't help her so you think I'm not going to be able to help you you just take two steps that's a two-part you're worried then she said she told him things things she couldn't tell anyone else secrets you keeping that eye contact on them mhm you going trust him you have a secret but you don't want to tell me want more sit that ass down buddy stole it your dad gave you that watch as a present just before he went away you forgotten dra a let keep pretty quiet in school but you're a good student you've never really been in any serious trouble but doing this he also learning about him too we're supposed to draw a picture anything we wanted I draw a man got hurt in the neck by another man with a screwdriver mom started crying I don't draw like that anymore draw people smiling dogs running rainbows they don't have meetings about rainbows he just doing [ __ ] to get by what am I thinking now I don't know what you're thinking now oh [ __ ] he winning you're nice but you can't help me [Music] damn hey the game ain't over yet yo yo yo yo the game ain't over he really intelligent though that's what's going to be hard for him he know how to like work around his walls being kept up I thought you met the other Italian restaurant I asked you to R in I'm so sorry an I just can't seem to keep track of time and I didn't have a very good session today I they're both so similar same mannerism same expression same things hanging over their head I think it might be some kind of abuse scratches on his arm she probably don't want to hear that especially at dinner or I could just be wrong maybe he's just a kid who likes to climb trees a lot damn she dinner bar or so she's mad feel like I'm been given a second chance and I don't want to slip away he's going to lose her over this case happy anniversary that was the anniversary too damn it was the anniversary now he's done and but you seen how like before I don't like when people look at me like that you know how before she was like real supportive of his job he hates me remember also Vincent was like you don't know what it feels like to be alone he's just around him so he don't feel alone even though he's mean to him she doesn't look at me like everybody else and I don't want her to I don't want her to know know what I'm a demon I'm a freak you are not a freak don't you believe anybody that tries to convince you of that that's bull you said the s word I know sorry he's very self-aware as for a young boy for 9 years old this full grown adults our age and older that's not that self-aware you saw how he dressed up all kids are dress like that ahead of the game with the the boys did have he could probably go to schools where they have [ __ ] he Catholic Catholic school I know and I think's always been with him look it's even in his baby picture six cents it send us other pictures too like baby baby picture yeah that's what I seen so your dad lives in Pittsburgh with a lady that works in a toll booth Pittsburgh I went to school out there you ask a lot of questions about dad today how come to express our feelings about certain issues divorce whatever for example a person might leave something on a desk for someone else to find do you know what free association writing is Cole take a pencil in your hand and you you put the pencil to a piece of paper and you start writing without any thoughts just let it free flow words and thoughts start coming out that you didn't even know you had in you something you heard somewhere or else or feelings you had deep inside of you have you ever done any free association writing Cole what the hell is Going Quiet to D B Bernie I kill you all you bastard I want you to think about what you want to get out of our time together raining what our goal should be if you could change something in your life anything at all what would it be instead of something I want can it be something I don't want what's that though you getting somewhere though scared anymore don't want to be scared that's what I was thinking I think he's doing it to his I don't think anybody's doing it to him cuz his mom seem real loving to the flea market in the Amish country and I thought maybe you want to come along show me I don't know if I can deal with the Amish today just figured maybe you just wanted to get out and get some air because you'd seem kind of down lately um I'm okay that was too long of a respon you think maybe I should stop by on my way back show you what I got cuz that wouldn't be a problem no I'm you know I can see him on Monday just going to work boyfriend back back up my crib take a step back here I'm going to choke you out keep moving cheeseball [ __ ] around Randy I'm not hit or kick anyone class ISS anybody guess what city was capital of the United States of Amer from 1790 to 1800 Philly it's the city you live in Philadelphia right can anyone guess what this building was used for 100 years ago before you went to school here before I went to this school even they used to hang people here B said what where'd you hear that they pull the people in crying and kissing their families by people watching spit at them slavery Co this this building was a legal Courthouse whole building was full of uh lawyers lawmakers they were the ones that hanged everybody come on now I don't like people looking at me like that like what stop it you're a stup in Stanley excuse me you talked funny when you went to school here you talked funny all the way to high school how did you stop looking at me who have you been speaking stuttering Stanley stuttering Stanley stuttering Stan shut up you freak no way that was how's it going I don't want to talk about anything right now now he remind me of ball a blind Manor you like magic observe magic penny but I do my little magic shaking now it's in my right hand I do another little Shake in right there in the vest pocket I do another little shake and back in the left hand where it started you never left your left hand just kept the penny in that hand the whole time you think so I didn't know you were funny being the kids outside having recess my guy ISS detention you been in detention why they was at recess you know that hurt the soul more than anything in school suspension and listen up no doubt about it Anna is like my sister and you better make her happy that's the old when they got married or some yeah she was in there watching that mental patient on a mountain top kind of Happ now that's the kind of happy I'm talking about they was lit she knew she love you from the first time she met you on the street she do anything for you I love you guys she's watching their old stuff contemplating if she should stare she go come I wouldn't be able to shower in there tear down that whole bathroom rebuild [Music] it oh she on Z off and she just now got that drawn too why does he always forget that he needs a key for that I know now he doing a trick then need use a magic Shake then you SM in my pocket all the way back to the hand it started that's stupid it's supposed to be funny I want my penny back damn he just trying to connect with the last time was a Chuck E Cheese party a year y say my trick stupid again we have to get it on in here I don't care who birthday it is you better not try and grab that that's what I was thinking and fall off the [ __ ] all right open this door please go I can't breathe if you can hear me open this door open this door I'll break through I and grab you Darren check it out oh yeah my dad made me invite him they about to go mess with him he going to push one of the asses off of that [ __ ] happy birthday Dar is there something you want to see in there no they going to put him in there put on a pretend play want to be in it it's called locked in the dungeon yo come on what's wrong with that traumatizing somebody get a [ __ ] key n he's tweaking out after this the test would indicate he did not have a seizure after just some rest you could go home tonight yo teach your kids not to do stff stuff like this man your son that are concerning me man yeah those are from Sports you think I hurt my child you think I'm a bad mother social worker with the hospital and she's going to ask you a couple procedural questions they have to though yeah your father used to tell you bedtime stories now let's [ __ ] up what they did to my boy though he might do something to that kid Derek yeah I haven't told bedtime stories before uh not too many no we have to add some twists and stuff like what kind of twists give me an example somebody dying yeah he about to say something crazy he did run out of gas tell me a story about why you're sad you think I'm sad that boy is too conscious too aware of [ __ ] I told me not supposed to talk about stuff like that that boy angry rightfully so once upon a time there was this person named Malcolm he worked with children he loved it and then one night he found out that he made a mistake with one of them and he can't stop thinking about it he can't forget ever since then things have been different he's not the same person that he used to be and his wife doesn't like the person that he's become they barely speak anymore they're like strangers he told him this going to get him to open up to him more though meets this wonderful little boy mhm really cool little boy that's me reminds him a lot of the other one if he could help this new boy he's helping the old one be like helping that other one too how does the story end I don't know I want to tell you my secret now I see dead people in your dreams while you're awake oh no that's strong walking around like regular people they only see what they want to see they don't know their de how often do you see them all the time oh no they're everywhere you won't tell anyone my secret right no I promise will you stay here until I fall asleep damn that's the only person he told his secret they locked in Forever twin I feel so bad this patholog is more severe than initially he assessed suffering from visual hallucination he's not going to know what's real from school aid schizophrenia medication and hospitalization may be required was saying you can't help me Dam damn you g get this figured out though man that's what that voice was in that damn closet that he was hearing talking about let me out keep your ass in there player something did grabing that's where he's getting those marks from yeah boy was in there fighting with whoever that was yeah yeah I I'd like to talk to you about your boy and his friends keeping their damn hands off my son straight up though stop touching my son cuz all she know that they put him in there put in there yeah we go he might have to [ __ ] the way he walking n long as [ __ ] oh body it's getting cold yeah and that's what was opening them [ __ ] nobody said this [ __ ] was scary bro it's freezing I ain't got to pee no more run no I'm sleeping in there don't even peek just run if you turn the corner you run into him run through them he sleeping in the bathroom and this oh that's why when his hands was on his [ __ ] he came off cuz it was cold in there yeah Mama no dinner is not ready you can't hurt me anymore lny you're a terrible husband don't peek again she going to be right there Lord Jesus please that's why he took that oh my God so they can protect that's why I say do not enter very different from all the other boys he lived in the jungle thir ass Tommy speak to the anal send a demon on her did you think the play sucked big [Applause] time what Tommy Thomas Simo acted in a cough syrup commercial he said everyone was self-conscious and unrealistic this Tommy kid sounds like a real Punk must was interested what you told me at the hospital I'd like to hear more about it oh that's how he knew people was hang there yeah that's a hang when people was hung there something up [Music] there I don't see anything you real still you ever feel the prickly things on the back of your neck oh he feel like somebody stand you see like marks on his neck and the tiny hairs on your arm you know when they stand up that's them when they get mad it gets cold it's like handprints on his neck you see it yeah and like how it was cold down in the in the uh in her basement like she got real cold and he put on his um yeah I his crib every time she went down there she was like it was cold yeah are you sure they're there yeah [ __ ] I see them please make them leave I'm working on it bro I couldn't imagine him being a sense of jit trying to cope with this stuff like he's trying and not telling nobody he's trying to understand what's going on and he like you can't put a meaning toy had to grow up faster than he was ready to this Mom trying especially with her not knowing what's going on I like she's doing the best she can it's a scary movie oh this is the kid Tommy yo you that boy acting now ass I'm was it's cold in there mhm the demons is out let's take them off this is D mits probably I don't want them on my table I saw what was in your Bureau drawer when I was cleaning got something you want to confess yeah lie now buddy the Bumblebee pendant why do he keep taking it it was Grandma's you know what if it broke you know how sad I'd be and they really didn't lose them it just gets moved so did you move the Bumblebee pendant I can't find n who was right here somebody took that J maybe someone came in our house took the Bumblebee pendant out of my closet and placed it nicely in your drawer you know I don't know if you noticed but our little family isn't doing so good I mean I've been praying but I must not be praying right if we can't talk to each other we're not going to make it that be mom like he said he don't want her to look at him differently though I won't get mad honey did you take the Bumblebee pendant no okay he just got to tell her the secret roast beef you need to leave the table see but that bro that's L mom and this is what is saying like with with the abuse that's not abuse bro what it's doing is she told him he would she wouldn't get mad and then she got mad so now he's not going to trust her enough to open up to her n she did wrong she did bad for that I ain't going to lie she going through her own stuff too but she respectfully though respectfully but you don't like you got to think about that dud for a kid though you tell he don't already tell you [ __ ] oh yo it's mad people sh where my dad keeps his gun come on what the [ __ ] if you're not very mad can I sleep in your bed tonight I'm not very mad just sad oh my gosh that's crazy baby worry shaking was Cole what's wrong oh God please tell me and she's trying her best to help but she can't fully cuz she don't know yeah he's not telling her you don't need a guy with a masters you need a wrestler with a neck larger than his head no I need a wrestler with a masters happy birthday from you mhm wow she mad comfy with buzzing like that first edition wow I want that for my man Malcolm took it out of your Christmas bonus no it's perfect she playing with her hair and [ __ ] it's over yeah he about to kiss her yo what do you want more than anything I told you what I want thank you that's the same thing that Happ to my wife again the way we used to talk to each other like there was no one else in the world except us he threw it through the window how are we going to do that that I can't be your doctor anymore damn I haven't paid enough attention to my family no I'm going to transfer you I know two psych don't fail me oh my gosh don't give up you're the only one who can help me I know it it's like he he got to choose you promis me someone else can help you you believe me right oh man Dr Crow you believe my secret right I don't know how to answer that call yo why he do this to him though he gave him his penny back how can you help me if you don't believe me some Magic's real what do the rock do they [ __ ] though no cat I'm like oh [ __ ] I thought it was the parking lot get in the car now we going to the crib C when you're alone I do I do he was seeing the same [ __ ] I'm sorry about that yo that boy had the same birthday as me oh she coming for you you she ass come on now same birthday you won't believe why he sound like cold though you do I'm sorry about that Vincent I hope I didn't leave you you alone too long it's cold in here demons was right in the room he didn't even know Vincent will you excuse me I have to take this out just give me a minute okay okay speaking Spanish is he possessed and he's speaking Latin he shouldn't know those Latin words unless he took it from church make you feel better no that's not him I like to run around it's good exercise you want to ask me questions now yo how did he get him to play this role like this you know what yo K means Spanish it means I don't want to die what do you think these ghosts want when they talk to you I want you to think about it really carefully they don't want to die that's what the John said let me out in the crib yeah they just want help even the scary ones I think I might know a way to make them go away how listen to them what if they don't want to help what if they're just angry and they just want to hurt somebody I don't think that's the way it works people experiment with my boy yeah like bro this is livelihood tweaking up bro and he a little kid too he's smart though he don't know how to navigate oh my man about to run down on him yo you keep talking to my wife hey he see me you see me bro don't act like you ain't hear and see I'mma show up to to your to your job when my wife is at keep playing around me is he in that [Music] crib she crazy now I will put you in the headlock she moving crazy sweet CH music he in the Red Room that's not good what's happening to you kick their ass call if they're hurting you she be having bad dreams too someone's right behind him bro something bad going happen to him telling him to listen to them shits that's what I'm saying no oh oh my God that [ __ ] scared me outside that [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me that [ __ ] got me sweat now hold up bro I don't do go to scary movies but I love him you should have ran to your mom's room Cole [ __ ] po up throwing up that yach like he said they want help they ain't there to Hur him but still bro [ __ ] ug he doing this he doing all this by himself that's too much it's too much on the mine your stomach hurt throwing up on my [ __ ] Clubhouse I'm feeling much better now do you want to tell me something a he's so little and scared feel bad for that kid man that his first time doing it though man was so that man might be the Savior No Cap he might be the Savior bro he might oh that might be his r that might be his purp man run from the road boy a savior a long way to visit me didn't she I guess she did they probably found her name and they going to see her her actual grave that boy getting spiffy to go see her put his tie on just like no CLI he's so funny oh she recently died yeah but if he go talk to the families and stuff like they'll believe him cuz he knows stuff that he not supposed to know like bro I'm from out the way she came to me last night like how do you oh she proba cuz he he's like you got something to tell me tell him her name and everything he could be a medium I just can't imagine a child being in bed for 2 years many oh they did are dirty it was six six different doctors not going upstairs that's her right right there mhm and he said the little one's getting sick too don't go home okay they definitely won't that's some scary dolls Annabelle she got a hospital [Music] bed bro come on with the [ __ ] [ __ ] man don't be scared saying that [ __ ] I'm jumping yeah don't say grab my leg you could have told me you could have tapped my foot don't grab my leg man stealing her [ __ ] nah she probably wrote something to give to her parents that they she a know yeah they a know he might tweak though especially in front of everybody excuse me mister oh he's so polite you can't be mad at him are you cous Daddy it's for you he's so innocent man tell you something bro he can help a lot of people with this though that's just a lot on him though as a yo a Chicken Little Soup with milk on the side this sh what the mom was poisoning her yo and that's why the little girl was getting sick there's no [ __ ] way it's time for lunch [Music] Kira and she's trying to save her little sister yeah can I go outside two years I don't know you know how you get sick in the afternoons why was she doing that to don't say that it tastes funny you know I don't have to hear that Sammy's mom called she put that tape there cuz she knew the mom was doing that she's evil bro tell everybody you were keeping her sick s that [ __ ] to jail is that the mom or is that that's that's the doctor that's her doctor her doctor was doing that to get paid the [ __ ] mom bro that's not the mom the mom was at the door and she was covering her face that's the doctor coming back that's so sad bro the doctor was doing not to continue continue to get paid bro y let us know down below if that was the mom or the doctor that was the doctor she had the doctor coat on she had a regular coat on she had that doctor coat that established coat this movie got me uh who were you talking to oh just practicing my lines thanks for giving me this part Mr Cunningham he's scared of him too he bugged out on son in the section of the theater they rebuilt the whole thing yeah I know she had burns on her yeah not this 14 14 he's a stable boy cleans up after the horses silence Village Idiot you see what a role they got him playing now Bo step forward my man Cole and he gave him the main part come on man waited all your life for this pull that [ __ ] out yeah it's your moment baby kids funny as [ __ ] and they M the king though he really did that he really did that yo kid it's crazy no cat they really like bro when he pull that Jo they seen The Spar s yo you know what's crazy though when his mom told me yeah it was about recess when they picked him up know you moving love this [ __ ] got all my [ __ ] my boy was going the ball right there laugh on dream likey really banish he helped him you know what else what he could have helped Vin big time I got an idea how you can talk to your wife wait till she's asleep then she'll listen to you and she won't even know it a subconscious he crazy a more know that not going to see you anymore am I no I'll be around just not as your doctor I think we said everything we needed to say maybe it's time to say things to someone closer to you he he we can pretend like we're going to see each other tomorrow just for pretend he's sad they both sad I'm going to go now I'll see you tomorrow Co Dam damn this [ __ ] got me about to cry who this [ __ ] damn B J supposed to be a horror movie man you know what's going to happen I'm popping out 10 years jeez I hope nobody got hurt is it cold you're very quiet oh God thank the Lord bro you're man I miss to play aren't you like if anything to have been there you going to tell her mhm I'm ready to communicate with you now he's so mature about it communicate I tell you everything tell you my secrets you see how it's getting dark you know the accident up there someone got hurt a lady she died oh my God but you can see her where is she right next to you standing next to my window oh you're scaring me they scare me too sometimes ghosts but he called her he called them ghost though before dead people they want me to do things for them not like that though mom not like that like that they talk to you they tell you to do things they're the ones that used to hurt me what are you thinking mama just be honest with them you think I'm a freak I would never think that about you ever he played an amazing R bro young Bo to Grammy let me think for a minute come on she just probably thinking how she could help grandma says hi she says she's sorry for taking the Bumblebee pendant she just likes it a lot Grandma comes to visit me sometimes oh my God she wanted me to tell you she wanted me to tell you she saw you dance some that he only yeah when you were little you and her had a fight right before your dance recital you thought she didn't come to see you dance she got to believe him now in know way H she did she hid in the back so you wouldn't see she said you were like an angel this boy Mending Hearts and that's something that was probably so traumatic for his mom to the place where they buried her she said the answer is every day Dam what did you ask I know that is a lot do do I make oh damn w w Cole oh my gosh that jump was choking me up man damn Cole W Cole man yeah man this is his purpose man it's easier for people to communicate this way too mm like you telling them but you not subconscious talk I miss you I miss you too why Malcolm what is it what why did you leave me is he [ __ ] dead he could be bro is he dead bro and that's why she's watching oh my God bro yeah he [ __ ] died they don't know they're [Music] dead how often do you see them all the time no they're everywhere and that was her husband so he really didn't seem yo they see what they want to see nah they only see what they want to see nah a nah and that's why she was like happy anniversary me a minute she's watching it because she misses him no way this die that's why he couldn't open up the door this [ __ ] die yo what that's did I just watch and that's why Cole was like I'm not going to see you tomorrow [Music] no there's no [ __ ] way he died on his V I'm going [ __ ] you up Vincent oh God no way and he's wearing his clothes now and that's why he's like we don't talk we don't talk anymore oh my god I think I'm okay really I think it just went when it out it doesn't even hurt anymore oh man Bo die right there n this was insane and that's why she's so cold I think I can go now he realized he did there just needed to do a couple things needed to help someone and he did I think I did he helped him and he helped him I needed to tell you something you never second ever I love you you sleep now everything will be different in the morning good [Music] night nah that's hard No Cap cuz I'm like yo why she watching this every night man y'all that was the end of the six cents and oh my gosh this might be the first film I can give a 10 man swear this might be the first one I can give a 10 because the way they put the spin on that at the end hit the heart so hard man but lovely film the way they they Incorporated everybody into the story was amazing Cole the star of the show and it's so crazy that he was able cuz bro you got to really think Cole went to that went to that that house and everything on a bus by itself literally like a little kid like everywhere that they went he was by himself bro that that's crazy to think right there but Charlotte [ __ ] n that's not funny but literally like bro he was literally doing all that stuff I'm sweating by himself bro I'm sweating over that that's that's the thing that's that hit me the hardest was like bro all those times where Malcolm was really sitting there having that one-on-one conversation with him he was there having that conversation by himself but not by yourself though I'm happy that malol was able to find Cole and help him on his journey because even though that [ __ ] made me uncomfortable even though Cole was going through the things he was going through Malcolm was like a safe haven for him like he knew he was just seeing him he knew he was just seeing him because he was a spirit but he didn't tell Malcolm that like he just let him like be him in that moment and doing that he was able to help Cole throughout his journey just understanding his six sense I think people in real life have things like this where it's like you just it's medium like you have a not not even just like his sense that that or power that he had I just think certain people have certain purpose in life even though it can be scary at times you have to face ah head on and do what you have to because like that's what you were put on this Earth to do like I said during the reaction Cole was falling fully into it and that's when things started to get better the saddest part for sure for me was when he was when Cole was talking to Malcolm for the last time like um I know this is going to be the last day that we see each other but can we just pretend that I'mma see you tomorrow that John oh you probably hear my voice man have me choking up love the way how um Malcolm and Cole play their roles within this movie they they fit perfectly together and W film man like I said I think I can get this movie a 10 out of 10 y might be a 10 out of 10 for me man but love the film VI 14 for 14 thank you for recommending this when I tell y when I realized when I started to put it together that he was dead mind blown pieces bro nah son nah I don't know exactly what part it was I know it was when he walked in at the last time but I don't know what made me put two two together that he might be dead bro it was when I seen a ring on the floor I was like bro but I said it before like right before that though bro like I'm like yo he could be dead like she watching this [ __ ] every day they haven't talked at all you feel me like every I'm like yo why is every time you open the door like it's not opening but that's yo that's life though that's really life like you you see what you want to see bro and that's whether that's objects obstacles in life what you see in the people that's around you that you love what you see in the people that you don't like bro that [ __ ] is literally what you want to see you feel me so that movie was crazy 10 out of 10 I want to get that 10 I personally I don't give no movies 10 I don't give n but that 9.8 no k i l saying 9.8 9.8 out of 10 though I think out of all the movies we watch this and Primal Fear had me the most [ __ ] up there was Parts in the tomorrow war and Edge of Tomorrow to where I was like yo what's going on like but these two movies right here crazy bro crazy they had a couple jump scares in that J for me now that I think about it too Malcolm never even talked to the mom like they never had a conversation at all either that's I was like when she called I thought she was about to call Malcolm but she called the other parents and I was just like yo like she never going to talk to the she she just let my man walk in and talk to to her son no conversation that's crazy but the think that he died that day the way that they played it bro you could have never guessed that until the end of the movie I love how they allow Malcolm to be that one Spirit or ghost that let Cole kind of lean into what he was doing if he wasn't there I don't think that ever would have happened and I feel like that's also the reason he couldn't help Vincent you feel me cuz he didn't he didn't understand he was dead at all but that Vincent incident allow him to you know I mean run into cold [ __ ] crazy anytime they was in the school when he was like I can't see them like I don't understand how he didn't see him if he was dead but then again like you he was saying that you could choose what you want to to see um and then see the end scene how everything played out it's just sad [ __ ] that that happened on a day that was a day of celebration for him you know what I mean like he had just went out Ward I can't imagine how his wife was feeling you know what I mean like she lost him the whole [ __ ] Vincent situation happened in the house and that's why the scene when he was that's why she was on anti-depressants yeah cuz died he never had like no touch feeling with the wife after that at all and that's what I was going to say with Malcolm like he never like physically touched him at all throughout the film I don't think he was always like close to him but he never like hugged him or nothing but he could he could have touched him though because the little girl grabbed his leg true but another part though that I was going to bring up was the the door like the first time that he went down there he was able to play the tapes was because was because she didn't have the table in front of the door and then the other time where he couldn't he couldn't like open it was because she put the table there because he kept trying to open the door no that's probably because the door was open that's what I'm saying like he was opening the door and she was like like Y what the [ __ ] is going on let me close this [ __ ] put the tape on but I also want to want to know why it was cold when she went down there the day of the celebration though yeah I don't know cuz that happened he got shot after that but W film love this JN the Mind twist the plot the way that they had my man's young cold acting in this J yo he better have w a gramy off of this bro yeah that was for a young boy acting like that that's scary I want to know other things he played in to cuz he look familiar love this film man W film 10 9.8 out of 10 from both of us so that's 14 for 14 for Vi man enjoy reaction make sure like the video comment down below subscribe butt the Bellon so you notifi when you drop these videos we appreciate y thank y' for all love and support just know we recorded this on June 20th so by the time you guys get this on YouTube just know we'll be we got that much much movies ahead we basically watch two to three movies a week on our patreon so we going to go ahead and get access to those films while they're not on YouTube go ahead and check out the patreon if you want to go ahead and request movies you guys can check out the VIP tier or contact us about how to go about that but we appreciate y'all love yall until the next video the kids react
Channel: Da Kids React
Views: 24,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The sixth sense, first time watching, first time watching the sixth sense, the sixth sense reaction, movie reaction, sixth sense, the sixth sense movie reaction, the sixth sense 1999, first time reaction, watching the sixth sense for the first time, sixth sense movie reaction, first time watching sixth sense, sixth sense movie, reaction, first time, 6th sense, first time watching 6th sense, the 6th sense, the 6th sense movie reaction, the sixth sense first time watching
Id: xeGeYjeHEp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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