Filmmaker reacts to The Green Mile (1999) for the FIRST TIME!

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let me out of this nut coat in a minute now right now I want out [Music] now he told you not to yell man shut up smacked that that was a heavy-handed slap bro yo yo yo what is up everybody welcome back to another movie reaction and commentary and today before we hop into things I just want to highlight if you want to be able to watch and hear all the things that I have to say about this film or maybe your favorite part isn't in the YouTube edit I highly recommend checking out the patreon for the uncut version of this um because I'm sure this is going to have a lot of stuff it's 3 hours long just about over 3 hours long um so I'm going to do my best to cut this up as best as I can but you guys need to realize I'm not showing y'all a home movie okay go out and watch it guys I'm excited to jump into this film okay I'm excited to jump into this film and to finally see it from beginning middle and end I have hav even watched even tidbits about it I only heard about it I know it has something to do with the death penalty um I know it has something to do with cops well not cops but prison Wards and the prisoners and already that Dynamic tells me a little bit about it you know it tells me a little bit about the climate I'm going to be entering and more so just the human study the human analysis and just exploring ing not only human emotion but our potential law system um and especially with the death penalty being looked at as well too uh there's a lot of things that they can tackle in this film I'm sure for those of you who have already watched it you guys already know but this is going to be my first time so I'm going to be diving into the unknown and kind of digesting a lot of things and throughout that I'm going to be looking at the film making and you know not only giving it its praise but hopefully allowing it to speak and let the language be deciphered and you know throughout that process you gain some more value about this film maybe you didn't know before um because of how the film making techniques are being used for the actual narrative story now I'm excited to jump into this I won't keep the intro for too long but again I highly recommend just checking out the patreon um if you want to be able to you know check out other films that have been looked at and you're wondering hey I want to check out the uncut I want to see what you have to say or for other reasons by all means you guys know what to do all right but yeah I'm excited for this I really am you guys told me to get my get my tissues I actually do have my tissues um but we're going to get right into it again best way to best way to um uh support the channel by check out the patreon you can also support by leaving a like comment and subscribe and at the end of the day you don't have to do any of those things I hope that you can just sit back relax and get your popcorn next as we hop into the Green Mile another thing I didn't know that this was an adaptation from a book written by Stephen King had no idea let me know if you guys have read the book tell me how that is compared to the [Music] film I mean I want to say that's menacing shot right there you got people walking through the fields with weapons in hand haunting music you got this Echo chamber of pantings they on the hunt for something some Danish this morning just two pieces of dry toes T to things left to is fine dry and cold same as old this is down south in 19 in 1970 [Music] 1980s this is me every day this is me every day I'm out the house I'm just like all right well I'm going to go for a walk in the mountains with my bread I feel like this is a period piece I feel like we are going to be going in and out of time because it just sounds it it just seems how they're showing this that this man has has some type of memories of the past and he is getting quite triggered by what's playing right now so we're probably going to go and explore that we had the electric chair oh oh Sparky we called it they they nicknamed the electric chair that's kind of it's pretty intense not much back period pieces tend to be the most expensive or not the most but more expensive films to make you know you add that in with scale you know not too much CGI yeah it's a hefty Penny but the immersion is real right he's in this film both of them I recognize both pissing razor blades yeah hey what you got going on man you got kidney stones what's happening what do they do they bust the springs they said that they bust the spring there's a giant in there bro there's a there's a man the size of the Colossal Titan we got a dead man walking here Dead Man Walking yeah I recognize a good amount of these these people in this film that's cool but man you see how the shadow glided over that one dude's face cuz this man is blocking the light move your ass let's go come on bro he hit like a cement wall that would have like cra somebody's ribs it was just a pillow to that's insane but you can already sense the uh I mean obvious because of the time era that we're in but that's like Amplified because of the positions of occupation they have I don't care where you go pery just long as it's not here at this very moment you already have some historical friction so I'm wondering when the moral friction morale is going to come into play do you leave the light on after bedtime this man is just a kid bro I get a little scared in the darktime this is just a kid and I can already tell this is going to break my heart my heart my good oldfashioned heart wide open because of a very real incident that I know of that's when they killed a child using the electric chair so I wonder if this entire film is almost a fictional narration of that that image always breaks my [Music] heart oh my [Music] God this soundtrack is haunting ain't it we heard it at the beginning of the film but man this is this is this is creepy yeah it's a shame because like no one knows what really happened and I'm sure this is not the environment nor the level of intelligence for anyone here to be able to question that I interrupt oh snap he's in this film too everybody that I like there's a lot of big players in this film what the hell how you give Melinda my love okay and show that x-ray turn out to be nothing at all I love that throughout this story so far we're we're diving more into at least our main character here and how he's not just an outright just just like power hungry with his position he has the ability to reflect to interpret and to look inward I would think at his own morality and question things and I think that's going to present a lot of unique opportunities as the story goes through you know oh god of course it's going to come across this freak [Music] Dam even worse this man missed this man he's he's a cartoon character St as it is men under strain can snap hurt themselves and hurt others that's why our job is talking I really do appreciate the mind that again this narration gives these characters they could have easily made everybody evil as hell we all know who your connections on person you ever threaten a man on this block again we all going to have a go yob be damned woo he said let's go square up I don't give a damn the cool thing I really enjoy about this character even though we haven't heard him speak we haven't seen him interact with anybody but they are slowly introducing us to this character who's probably going to be executed um and building us a connection just through showing [Music] him getting strapped getting clamped bars bars bro he's over spitting spitting bars right now before he goes out I don't want anybody remembering some stupid joke like that getting going again you ever try not to laugh in church when something funny gets stuck in your head is the same goddamn thing oh yeah that's true cuz I'm sure the the people that he's probably done terrible things to and their families are going to be there in attendance yeah as funny as that was you probably can't probably can't do that hey man roll on too what I didn't know is that they actually do a a practice run is that with everyone or is that just with showing new people how how it goes another thing that is really fascinating just with humans and the way we evolved in just human history is that the death penalty has always been around in its own way it's always been if anything it's been around more than it hasn't been around you think if a man sincerely repents on what he done wrong he might get to go back to the time that was happiest for him that be what heaven's like damn that's deep that is deep man that was my best time thing is you even got to know what he did and I think that was purposely done damn I love how claustrophobic these shots are they're keeping it up and close oh no I'm just putting myself in that head space and that it's a scary place to [Music] be God damn that is a sickening sound good [Music] Lord there's something so um brutal about manufactured electricity being manipulated to fry somebody until they're dead I don't know I know there's other forms of execution trust me there's a lot of them but Jesus seeing a man die now that's not enough you got to be close enough to smell his nuts cook I just want to be out front as all bro he is he is just sadistic actor doing that very good actor but damn what a psychotic tendency to have I might just stick around for good and and he's in a position of power he's in a position of privilege power which is like way worse than a position of power guys like like just look at Joffrey when the Dell says his name is Mr Jingles is that so man I hear that I want some Bojangles you guys know about Bojangles that's like down south deep inside where they can't operate I haven't told them I can't think how it's interesting how there's also death sentences even outside of the actual executions you know my wife things like a tumor deep in your brain things like cancer it's crazy how death is being observed even outside of its constraints I think the reason why it brings up so much of our morality is because death has always been and forever will be attached to the human element [Music] Jesus Lord I hope I never experience what he's going through damn everybody is in this film holy crap man what on Earth just to help holy crap oh man oh man yo is there an I did not know this but then I remember this is written by Stephen King this was written by Stephen King here's the Fantastical element now for Christ sake shut up he was trying to save those girls man he probably found them and he tried to save those girls man but he couldn't man no wonder you couldn't piss bro what the hell was all that he's like oh my [Laughter] God how you feeling oh not too bad baby what did the doctor he immediately got active he's immediately getting active that's very good good [Music] yo he's in this as well let's go man they worked together before that's cool to see ham Smith you office said I might find you at home today I hope I'm not troubling you well that depends just uh all Ed me block what in the alternate reality the doesn't seem to be any real violence in him I know violent man Mr Hammer Smith I deal with him day in and day this is the point where he's actually combating he's actually asking questions about the nature or at least the origin of this man we get down on our knees and thank God for that much at least right Caleb again the scor is coming in right with when it needs to right when it needs to I love that and it's heavy but I didn't concern myself with that I went out there with my rifle and grabbed his collar and blew his brains up man man man Yik this is the guy that defended he defended him for helping me helping you with what you know my dick man you helped me with my penis several times he said he said was she please he said several times some too a it that's yours John as you please I think I just keep resting justes not like him he said yeah I'll give it to the man in his Mouse before I give it to you dog oh yeah hey hey be careful that that's FR hey hey Len that you know what you know what's really funny about this character I don't know if you guys ever watched hitchhiker's guy to the Galaxy he's in this movie and that movie and lowkey the characters that he played could be brothers which is pretty funny bro if you guys know what I'm talking about knock him for a loop yeah you knock him for a loop there just like Mr Harry said I love how they always shoot him every time he's in the frame he's just off in the shadows just towering over the actual ceiling he's towering over the bars man a damn got him locked up yeah bro you haven't met crazy BR you haven't met crazy he really soiled himself man yikes can't come back from that one inside the tent they got this uh m city made out of all boxes and toilet paper another thing I want to you know make note on is the saturation of green that is just naturally around this film it's not even just The Green Mile but it's it's colored in green green Walls you know there's green Shadows hey even some of the people's teeth are green oh there you go dog are you serious are you serious K to me might still be time better get his ass over there better get the tell despero over to that man right now it is so satisfying that they are all there to witness this usually films would have some type of weird inconvenience thing to get in the way of this but he is showing out in front of everybody hell yeah hey little guys back hell yeah that really pissed me off don't let nothing happen to Mr jle the face of supreme saltiness is quite a a great taste you're good man B you too B oh yep that that got me choked up right here my you guys some way H that that got me choked up him saying that he wish that he was able to meet them someplace else telling them that they're good [Music] man wow lovely shot great shot I love this The Green Mile like just ah man frustration I'm not going to even waste my thoughts on that oh my God that is insane oh he's cooking now they cooking him good they about done now wrecking is he trying to take all the pain away is that what he just dead did he just like did he transfer that pain to him God this turned into a mad house real quick man oh my [Music] goodness holy hell bro that's insane that's really wicked bro my God you watch you son of a [ __ ] man shove his face up in that bro shove his face in that I don't even I can't even describe the rage that I feel right now it's insane that is insane holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude God damn shout out to this film for not not turning away from that that was a rough scene that was sickening to watch that was really insane [Music] man how the hell do you even eat dinner afterwards I mean I guess you're a cousin but I don't know after that I'mma skip out on dinner the only thing that can save me is my mama's mac and cheese baked mac and cheese an assist on that if he tried anything anything at all we'd have to taken down yeah it's a lot the that's a lot of this is an understanding conversation right here there's a lot of things you have to know you have to commit to if things don't go as planned you in on a little secret person we can and we are yeah honestly he should have been in there at the beginning of this damn film they kicking busting in there I think it's him what about me you're down an admin pulling Dell's file going over the Witnesses on account of how big it screw up shout out to them actually going over this by the way usually in films they kind of skip past this what's wrong what's wrong ooh what are the theories on this character then if he's if he's doing this to him what does that make him I know there might be Angels but I guess that would also mean that there would be Devils as well too [Music] right have you guys seen any fireflies this summer by the way I haven't seen any I'm kind of upset tell the truth boss I don't know much of anything I never have man's just has just good vibes as his throttle that's incredible keep Johnny until we call you this is such a a side story that I am really really really enthralled in I love this help what I don't understand you just going to you're going to have to trust [Music] me God I love how they shoot him I I love how the camera is literally just just being towered over by this man it's [Music] insane man The Avengers need to get on this guy's level man this is pretty incredible [Music] damn holy crap she looks healed like a mother man damn and then he's going to release those flies back out into the world I want you to have it Mr Coffee and wear it he'll keep you safe please wear it for me I feel like there are so many things that like like time is just being for deed right now I feel like she's doing that for an inevitable inevitable thing that is going to happen to this man you it's almost as if she saw that let me out of this nut coat in a minute now right now I want out [Music] now he told you not to yell man shut up smacked that that was a heavy-handed slap bro he said come here right now bro yo what in a cosmic horror is this holy crap man what you looking at you lamp noodle you won't kiss my ass you want to suck my dick just just wow the way he executed those lines whoa oh damn oh damn oh my God okay wow this man set off a chain reaction you can't have within your heart what you saw what he's probably the one that did that to those children watch no no no I can't do both I got I honestly hope they don't they don't show it I hope that we just see the story through this interaction come on Billy I worked you enough for one wow it was right next door to him it was literally his friend Jesus Lord man that's the way it is every day that's the way it is all over the world Jesus Lord man oh my God that's a horrific thing to say and to even think about oh man B through the bars a few days back scared the boy so bad he with he's telling him he's see they're telling him anyway good [Music] good that's quite the fitting punishment it's quite the fitting punishment [Music] yeah took his damn brain away because he didn't know what to do with it just wrap your troubles in dreams so now you got to Grapple with the idea of potentially not even potentially but going to be executing a man who is definitely innocent and not only that is apparently The Golden Child of God have fun with that one I will not be there I will not be there to see that I don't want to see that why aren you feel like Earth is going to split open and a bunch of those flies are going to just come flying out of its core maybe some of fine corn Bridge misses make if she don't mind now yep my feelings are already getting hit my chest it just feels like I have this pressure that was just there and now it's like leaving my body oh man this is going to hurt it's going to hurt my heart I'm tired of never having me a buddy to be with to tell me where he's going to coming from or why how long has you been doing this for damn he said I'm tired of humanity golly man inen wow and there we are we are you're finally connecting back to this film back to this sound all the way to the very beginning of the film low key I also think this is such a a hell of a not to films and how powerful they can [Music] be all right here we go here we go here we go here we go oh I got to lock in how we did laugh at a bus we were oh man that guy in the back is starting to tear up you see that oh man Lots I can feel it it's like be sing me feel how we feel that let's go thank you for w thank God for just saying something man man does it hurt yet I hope it does I hope it hurts like hell that's tough man that is so tough oh my goodness sorry if I'm not talking about anything more sophisticated I'm I'm locked in man I'm in my feelings I don't care you de in accordance with state law may God have mercy on your soul man those those words hit specifically for him oh man God damn he's still talking to him he's still talking to him [Music] man even the big man is getting shooken up man ah I'm sorry can't help it that's a beautiful shot that is a gorgeous shot there talking about the mouse wake up he's talking about the damn Mouse holy crap he really took it he really took the mouse man Ride the Lightning for killing a miracle of God that is a wild wild wild wild curse and a blessing like all the other similar to his own curse and blessing John cofi where you been been worried about you boy you hungry what a lovely shot to end this on what a lovely shot sometimes The Green Mile seems so long man this film was incredible I can see why everybody liked it oh my God woo all right everybody we just got done The Green Mile Man 3 hours of of incredible storytelling pain frustration rage uh somber moments just man this film just really had it all didn't it I love the again I I haven't seen this film so I quite literally did not see the Fantastical element coming on I did not see but then it reminded me I was like oh yeah of course this was written by Stephen King of course it's going to be a Fantastical element and I'm so happy that the element of that did not take away or derive any from the emotion if anything it just heightened it it this film could have easily took an approach that was that almost did an injustice to something like this because you're already dealing with something that is so morally conf conflicting and like I said in the intro has been such a staple in human history when it comes to executions when it comes to life death I mean just attaching death to the fact that we're living I mean these are pillars of humans and time and it will forever be so so this could have easily missed it could have easily chopped something great at the legs or at the knees but I'm so happy that throughout this film it just continuously built and built and built and I really really enjoyed the side mission the B plot of of uh of John healing um his friend's wife you know who was dealing with a tumor in her head I really enjoyed that and it was so well built up the breadcrumbs to lead us to a point to where not only do you have our main character believing in but all the guards believing it except for you know Percy or whatever that psychotic dude's name was he was really well played by the way but yeah he was crazy psychotic um it was so well done and every step of the way continue to build and build and build and I I got to say I got to commend that you know it's very difficult obviously when you're dealing with fantasy I'm sure you guys know this when you're telling a story about something right you know you're telling a story about something and it and there are some moments in that story that Garner questions it doesn't it didn't it didn't lead that way it didn't force itself to go down that way there was so well told and there was so much evidence and showing of these evidences with people around that it just felt so natural and the progression of the story was able to really continue to propel itself forward and not slow itself down by oh we have to believe him we have to do this we have to have more proof we have to do this I just really appreciate that and it really does wonders for a story that is you know already pretty long but felt short for its time I think that's just really good storytelling that that works brilliant with pacing and my God right we're talking about just some of the film making from this that that that frame when JN is getting electrocuted and the light are exploding and I love how it almost seemed like the best way I can describe it if you ever seen drive and it's a scene where he hops into the elevator and before he's about to go crazy there's this very very almost um immersive romantic moment that just seems like it's in its own pocket Dimension the lights dim and he goes in and you guys know this I'm not going to describe all of it but it felt like that it felt like because they just had that intimate moment where he held his hand and the lights were bursting it felt like the the actual set design the actual choreography of the set design flowed with that the lights dimming down after they exploded and all you see is this isolated moment between the two and our main character sharing that moment I just thought that was so that was shot so brilliantly well I really also love uh the shots that were just showcasing The Green Mile right I feel like it's such a a a really cool element to where I see something like the green at the beginning of the film and there's this sort of Twisted dark Crimson atmosphere towards it because you know people walk down that Green Mile to go to their inevitable death however at the end of the film literally at the very end right before they you know they blend the the past with the present while he's walking down um that shot right before that where shows all the lights right beside him to the left and right The Green Mile just kind of spilling out in front of him and he's holding in the mouse and he's walking away there's so many things that you can take with that shot but just on a visual level incredible if you add context to it just within the film it's very very incredible for me to now look at this Green Mile and have almost an optimistic and um an emotional feeling that is coming out of coming out positive with that whereas in the beginning there was a darker energy that The Green Mile had and then to kind of add even more more onto that the g m representing our Lifeline representing our our life coming to an end you know or us walking towards the end of our lives and I love that even though they were blessed with damn their immortality he walks Down The Green Mile everyone approaches their end you know and I don't know that that all hit me at that moment and it was just very heavy I love that shot for all the things I hope that I was able to Clearly say and to clearly communicate this film is incredible I loved all the guards by the way the chemistry between all the guards I love that we didn't have all of them being what Percy was I'm happy that these people just are doing their jobs and they're human and they still grapple with the morality that is of being a human while being in a job that is already conflicting morality morality choices to deal with it it was just really really um a breath of fresh air and just incredible Chemistry Between um all the people that were involved that regards I really do like that Dynamic I love that everyone wasn't yes man they ever uh every individual had their had their says had their reasonings and at the end they were able to shed tears together and I think that's just a powerful powerful thing guys curious to hear your thoughts on this I'm happy I was able to finally watch The Green Mile um this might be a little bit of a longer video but as always I know some of the things I had to cut out for YouTube if you really do want to check out all the things that I had to say I highly recommend going to the patreon um so shout out to all the patreon people that are supporting and I hope that you're able to you know carve out some extra value on your end as always guys stay healthy and stay hydrated because we are just getting started everything that I should ever need grab some matches cuz they free just like my time hair P back in the back seat fire up the blun on the back
Channel: James VS Cinema
Views: 33,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Green Mile, reaction, react to, filmmaker reacts to, filmmaker reacts, react to The Green Mile, reacting to The Green Mile, movie reaction, movie reactions, movie, drama movies, commentary, funny commentary, first time reaction, Netflix reaction, videography, directing, filmmaker reacts to The Green Mile, jamesvscinema, funny movie reactions, The Green Mile explained, art house films, society, video essay, The Green Mile ending, Tom Hanks, first time watch
Id: AhPCIgtmtuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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