"Hero's get remembered, But legends never die" The Sandlot (1993) ! Movie Reaction!

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I'm so proud of myself today I'm so proud of [Music] myself all right y'all today we got Sandlot now I'm doing this rather fast um looked at the comments of the A League of Their Own and I mentioned that that was a Fourth of July movie and somebody said Sandlot would have been a better choice so I'm just popping on Sandlot just to you know that's it other than that subscribe to to the channel if you're on YouTube like the video If you on patreon shouts out to you you're the best man you got the best I just got a uh ride in lawn more y I'm too excited I just got a ride in lawn more so I'm about to go ride around and cut the grass cuz where I live dude the neighbors grass looks so good you know they be out there all day doing the grass I'll be like okay so this is what retirement looks like doing lawn work you know chilling they be just chilling drinking beers lawn work he got Bellagio on his house hopefully I ain't disclosing too much information it's a random neighbor he got Bellagio on his house so that you know what that mean they being in there gambling like heck boy they be in there I be hearing them so but they line is always good I don't know how I got into that oh yeah I'm got my riding line more yeah I got to keep up my line is not crap but it just doesn't look as good as theirs so you know I want to start the competition up okay you're out there cutting you out there trimming your weeds here I come here I come let's start it up I don't want to look all crazy I'm the only one looking crazy in the neighborhood U sorry about that long intro uh let's get it the sand lot you guys didn't know um I played baseball throughout uh junior high and high school I was a left field so I did get into baseball a little bit I was a Seattle Mariners fan ichir Ro Suzuki that was my favorite player ever there is one alltime greatest moment in the history of sport Story Goes that in the bottom of the ninth Innings Babe Ruth raised his arm and pointed to the Centerfield bleachers nobody had ever done it before but the babe was calling his shot the Great Bambino hit a towering 400t home run that's pretty much how he became a legend a kid named Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez became a neighborhood Legend and he got me out of the biggest pickle I'd ever be in nobody knows if babe really called that shot though it's still up for grabs it's a myth it's a [Music] legend [Music] safe like does this even happen anymore kids in the neighborhood get together to do something like that I moved to the neighborhood about 2 weeks before school let out I was from another State and I didn't have a single friend in a th000 miles I know how that feels had zip time to make friends before summer and that's about where it all started look like m c right there died when I was just a little kid dad m i I mean bill you promised you teach me to play catch Could you teach me Dennis L as Bill I know that's Dennis lirry I did a reaction to his song one I one I think he did a song man and I reacted to [Music] it got a ball autographed by ba ru I'd followed them to the sand lot once after school it was the greatest place I'd ever seen anyway I finally got up enough guts to go out there and try and make friends I found out that they never kept score they never even really stopped playing the game it was like an endless dream game until they get older then they have to pay bills so even though I didn't know how to play I figured I could be the ninth man if I had have known what was going to happen when I got there I got it I probably never would have gone he look like he ready dude he got the longest brim on a hat I ever [Music] seen like a big pit bull back there watch out that was your shot right there dude you got to catch that here go give you a contract it's the Hat he couldn't see the brim was covering it up all right what you got you got to have a arm man this is your shot hey y it's just your feet was a little off a little work that's all I need my life's over come back if it wasn't for Benny I never would have made a single friend that summer even before we became friends Benny and me were connected for the one moment later that summer when I'd get us all into the biggest pickle any of us had ever seen okay you keep talking about this big pickle I need to see it no honey oh oh I'm sorry it was an accident heads up Mom Scotty have you made any friends yet I don't want you sitting around in here all summer fiddling with this stuff run around scrape your knees get dirty get into trouble for crying out loud not too much but some mama just want him to live a little want you to make some friends this summer lots of them B I'm just an egghead you'll always be just an egghead with an attitude like that Mama double down on it Mama like go out live a little give me a doctor build to pair of something jeez uh Bill uh yeah I mean Dad could you like you said teach me to play catch I got to get this done okay can't you spare half an hour show him now mom really it's okay all right mom like you I put you on punishment Bill no Cooter for a month show him how to play baseball he got straight up okay I'll get back to work later all right Scotty go down that end the yard okay where the ball goes that's where your glov should go got it okay Bill cool okay close it's close it's the Hat he got to take the the hat off that brim blocking his vision um okay if the ball moves move your glove that was closer he moved his hand towards the ball okay getting somewhere keep your eye on the [Music] ball my bu through a laser he couldn't miss bill was a pitcher back in his day nice and hard press it against yeah at least you caught it oh all right just keep that out for like an hour got to watch out for that curve B you threw it a little hard give me another state B we need an extra guy you want to go my glove it's busted I got an extra one now what I'm going to go play some ball banie got to be the coolest kid ever I'm the greato I'm the [Music] greato need a little work I had no idea who they were talking about what did you say you never heard of the Sal in a SWAT the Colossus of Clouts the Colossus of clouds the Colossus of clouds I thought you said the great Bambi that wimpy deer good one that's Timmy and Tommy Timmons Ellen mclenon we call him yeah yeah berum gr week and Hamilton Porter okay hold the spit guys he's going to play with us cuz he makes nine so now we got to hold let's go to the S they spitting like they in a dug out with nine guys we got a whole team yeah yeah you already fill up all the empty position the kid is a L7 weeny foot long Dodger Dog a weeny they call it him mzy that ain't cool you laughing at y you R like a duck man face up you Blockheads Smalls you take left Center okay we EXA where is that it's over there man Benny so cool he got a lot of patience he going to be a good dad that's left I said left Center okay [Music] right yeah yeah get two cut two cut two yeah yeah nice that dude look pretty good out there it's Smalls thr second just need a little work y'all got to have some Faith a square Betty kids are square he do not know how to set his feet to throw here sorry he fast so he can you know he going to get the first base you can throw it you know I don't know how you think too much bet you get straight A and h no I got a B once I got a B once an a you ever have a paper up I helped the guy once when your arm gets here just let go just let go it's that easy just stand there and stick your glove out in the air Smalls th second please catch it if he could put that ball right in his glove [Music] man dog Benny is a beast his accuracy with that ball is impeccable damn he threw it the second too I all the [Music] time they need to feed that dog feed that dog he back there hungry it sound like you want to eat children Benny wait your glove keep it man you going to go tell Mom I got bre bring a T-shirt and jeans tomorrow okay um you got to find a place throw that head in there [Laughter] man I love byy I thought I was tripping that was the worst hat I ever seen in the history of hats y'all and I love hats i' never seen a hat with an extended brim why okay maybe you know this he didn't want the sun burning him in his face Sun bur in the face I don't know what the heck's the purpose of that baseball stuff to remember the great B the B he doing the Babe [Music] roof this is my heater I dare you to hit it oh he smacked that thing now we can't play no more idiot BL out just like I like it C sh by the beab get over me now what are you doing well you guys were all leaving so I just thought I I have you thinking you wouldn't have thought that then how do we get the ball back we don't kiss Ching up to the game Kiss It Goodbye Kiss it shut up Tommy I'll never see it again why not the Beast the Beast just go over and Pi through that hole but I I now I want to see come on Smalls why don't they just ask the aor to grabb the ball for him Hey sir our ball flew back there can you go grab it we scared of your [Music] dog the what was that thing you got a lion back [Laughter] there then they playing the lion sleeps yeah he got a lion back there hey you want a more some more what you want us more I haven't had anything yet so how can I have some more nothing you're killing me Smalls first you take the gr then you roast the Malo you roast the Malo then you scar quiet are you trying to wake it up the legend of the Beast it all started 20 years ago the guy that used to own the place got him this new pup from the dog p and so in a few weeks the pup grew into the Beast protect the junkyard with only one thing on his mind to kill everyone that broke in the Beast was the most perfect junkyard dog that ever live but after a while the cops started getting phone calls from people reporting all the missing thieves the missing thieves some people say they all get away but we all know what really happened when you ordered Mr Myrtle to turn turn his backyard into a fortress and chain up the Beast and that's where he's been for 20 years CU When Mr Myrtle asked the cops how long he had to keep the Beast chained up like a slave chained up like a slave is crazy matter of fact that's diabolical Little Man the Beast sits there dream me the time when he can break the chain and get out why you can't go over there nobody ever has nobody ever will one kid did but nobody ever seen him again [Laughter] you guys are just making this up to scare me stick your head out that window that night I learned that more than 150 baseballs had gone over that fence even when some Brave kid worked up enough courage to peek over they vanished I knew it was [Music] true whatever goes over that fence becomes the property of the Beast forever the little man got a shotgun where did he get it Action Bolt rifle come on give it to me no I want to carry it what's the matter he had to clean the glasses off Wendy look guys chill y'all not old enough yet to be having those [Laughter] thoughts oh he's seeing in he's seeing it in four okay with them glasses let's go come on where you guys been we've been waiting here forever already ah squids was per a dish shut up my darling lover girl I said shut up got a lot of things on my mind that's your eight it's 150Β° out there you can't play baseball so what are we going to do even though none of us had ever seen a Playboy magazine which we constantly lied about but how did we get to Playboy magazine went to the pool was the next best thing being there I remember you he girl he's flexing his s'mores we all went because well because Wendy peorn was the Lifeguard she don't know what she's doing she don't know what she she's doing yes she does yes she does she putting it on she knows exactly what she's doing yes she do every summer there she is and one day I can't take this no more what are you going to do he going off the diving board he finally snapped I don't know but that's the Deep B and Squids can't swim oh no he going to force Wendy to come save him great idea but dangerous she just put her lotion on too she going to have to jump in the water oh my goodness he putting a lot of faith in Wendy never mind never mind he got a lip lock with Wendy he don't he too split he like I ain't never waking up I want this you can do it this [Laughter] moment squ squit squit squit squit squit did you plan that of course I did been planed it for you you guys he been planning a drown for years he had kissed a woman and he had kissed her long and good we got banned from the pool forever that day but every time we walked by after that the Lifeguard looked down from her Tower and smiled she liked it squint you might get the draws you got to get a little older first after you get older you might get the draws down yeah they got the block jumping on the fourth of July the whole Sky would brighten up with firework we played our best then every time we stopped to watch the sky on those nights like regular kids he was there to call us back for us baseball was a game but for Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez baseball was life baseball was he got Benjamin Franklin is his name that boy going have a whole bunch of money coming [Music] Benny still running the Basin Benny look at the fireworks man B like I do it after I hit [Music] [Applause] home get get B too good he look like he ready for w what's up why y'all at our park yall on the wrong territory yeah it's easy when you play with a bunch of Rejects and a fat kid Rodriguez would you say crap face I said you shouldn't even be allowed to touch a baseball you're all an insult to the game shut up Richie Rich you ain't good enough to lick the dirt off our cleats roet jerk but pus licker fart Feller you mied your weedies with your mama's told you yeah yeah you bought for apples in the toilet and you like it no you play ball like a girl what did you say tomorrow at arfield count on a pee drinking Crap Face it's going down Tigers versus what's your guys name going to be a short game and I got to get home for lunch if my dog was as ugly as you I'd shave his butt tell him to walk [Laughter] backwards here it comes he smoked him shut up Porter oh he about to knock that thing [Music] back that's how we do it in the sand lot [Music] [Laughter] boy Benny got all these boys together [Music] it's a home run the Home Run we were all walking on air that night and we did the stupidest thing any of us had ever done you saving it for a good time chewing tobacco sure man all the pros do yeah yeah gives you tons of energy let's dip let's dip guys y'all shouldn't be dipping y'all look too young they taking big dips too try [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] disgusting know right you look kind of pale oh fine a little hung over Mom chewing tobac off where are you going Chicago okay take care of things for me okay all right a couple days after we all got over acting like big shots day we all got back together for some baseball was the day I got us into the biggest pickle of all time okay here we go we get to see the big pickle now y'all I've been waiting to see Benny got that look in his eyes like he about to smack that thing all the way to [Music] China I seen it coming oh knocked the bird out the sky wait what maybe two or three guys in history ever blessed the guts out of this dude busted the guts out the ball all this means that we can't play no more that's the most amazing thing I ever saw I never seen that I thought he knocked the bird out the sky no but I got a ball wow dude knocked the guts out the ball y'all that's has that I don't I don't think I ever seen that done before I got it guys I got it I got the ball guys this dude's playing with the Babe roof ball there's one three strikes three pigees [Applause] [Music] tell him everything tell him everything dog small knock the bab roof ball over the gate this is a tragedy oh this is a big pickle for real oh no good hit though Small's out here who's got the big bed now boys the hell is he doing maybe the shock of his first Homer was just too much for [Laughter] him we got to get that ball back you feel bad cuz you built through Homer now we can't play no more no you don't understand that wasn't my ball it was my stepdads somebody gave it to him yeah she even signed her name on it Baby Ruth baby got Baby Ruth a lady [Music] small the bees got it your dad is a door now Smalls you mean to tell me that you went home and swiped the ball that was signed by babe rot yeah but I was going to bring it back but it was signed by Babe Ruth who is she what don't kill him guys the Great Bambino I mean that's the same guy yes that ball you just acce to the Beast is worth well more than your whole life man yeah yeah and that sounds crazy a ball worth more than my life bab roof was absolute Legend This dude was smacking home runs and he wasn't even didn't take half of the precau question the athletes do today and guys spread out and look for bottles and cash them in we need 98 cents we got to buy us a ball yeah bath roof is smok and still went out there smacked home runs he tried to hit a home run every shot imagine if he took singles or doubles if he went for one of them babe rof would be crazy I don't know p man yeah boy that looks pretty crappy this just buy some time you DOR they Jack they jacked that signature up has he ever told you about that ball no no no he hasn't at all uh I don't I don't I don't know anything about it dad's father gave it to him need it was salt in an open womb you don't know who Babe Ruth is you just I don't know even non-baseball people know who that is why don't we just go over and ask Mr Myrtle if you can go get you out your mind he's the one who made the Beast eat that kid call the police then not an option let's just look out the window Mr Myrtle letting his dog eat kids that's not cool Myrtle anybody got any bright ideas he done bit the ball up now Bill's definitely going to notice or dad [Music] how big is this doll oh guys I see it turn turn you got it pull it back pull it back pull it back I got it oh my [Music] God this dog know how to do origami what the I think we've seriously underestimated the Beast obviously we're dealing with the superior intelligence [Laughter] that was funny okay we're ready initiate retrieval section number one initiate retrieval section number one now number three now come on come on come on come on got it the hell is that noise I'm getting the heck out of here it's going to blow [Music] [Applause] oh we need total surprise an Airborne attack are you okay take me up oh no I mean these ideas are pretty genius they have a lot of resources too but I don't know about this [Music] yeah yeah Focus okay yeah yeah you dropped the [Laughter] ball science against nature [Music] this next level right here their Futures are going to be extra bright go back reverse it's too far reverse we're going to get opening this is actually genius [Music] engineering what damn dog partau a home [Laughter] run the dog don't like metal wife just as Bill had finally warmed up to me I had to knock a Priceless chunk of History into the clutches of a monster I had a dream that Night Benny had a dream that night too and his was a lot more helpful hey rof legends never die ke but you're really legends never die that's facts the king of Crash crash and aund other Dopey names forget about that stuff kid I can't go into that backyard why not a giant gorilla dog thing that ate one kid already down schooly babe bro everybody gets one chance this is your big chance you remember when you busted the guts out of the ball the other day someone's telling you something kid Henry Aaron I don't know why but can I have this kid sure you're saying I should hop over that fence and pickle the Beast there's Heroes and there's Legends Heroes get remembered but legends never die I never heard that before that's actually dope I had a dream get dressed going to the sand log come on only one kid in history had ever attempted what Benny was about to you got Benny come on Benny man you don't have to do it forget about it it's suicide yeah I do small it's going to make Benny a legend right here get remembered but legends never die just only your heart kid just calling it and he's dead meat crap ah dog don't look that scary I thought he was big as a lion a stand [Music] off vny steals home [Applause] [Music] and today a legend was born you waiting for God this dog jumped the fence and hey give me that ball back that's part of my [Music] collection oh no Benny is fast he's running from a [Music] dog this dog is [Music] crazy this dog just passed up all that food on the table to keep chasing Benny any normal dog would have stopped and ate all them hot dogs and [Music] dude you a big YY this way s l shortcut you guys let's go does anyone see [Music] him the dogs just rip through the gate oh the dog dogs crying always get me that you just got to see what's going on Beast or not got to help him come on guys help me come on I can't lift it come on Benny he tried to kill you but help him [Music] out life for a life Beast life for a life we good now we can play Forever that's why he was chasing Benny it was part of his collection hey that ball I had that ball went right here I need it right here to make the my collection complete hello this is bad he's blind we we brought your dog home Hercules we hit a baseball into your yard with we tried to get it back so you're the one's been making all that racket you get it fortunately yeah it was almost unfortunately why didn't you just knock on the door I have gotten it for you I always said that I said that in the beginning I told you squit got theall back didn't we we almost got kill got the no it don't matter we'll talk about this baseball come on loaded with baseball you're in trouble aren't you son it was signed by bab Ruth George signed this George Herman Ruth yeah you're dead where you [Laughter] stand B go shooting boom I like how uh Smalls did his homework he know his whole name now that's really nice of you but that ball really is signed by Babe Ruth so is this one with the rest of the 1927 Yankees how did you get that I got a lot of good stuff look at that stuff besides you needed more than I do you knew Babe Ruth was almost as great a hitter as I was he was almost as great as hit as his record too you went blind I used to crowd the plates so the strike zone almost disappeared one day a high fast one and pow lights went out what he got hit with a fast ball you guys come by here once a week and talk baseball with me we'll call it an even trade even though Bill loved the murderer's Rob ball he was still plenty mad he grounded me for a week you got off easy it was weird that Benny had said Babe Ruth was like the Hercules of baseball and the beast's name ended up being Hercules I didn't even put that together that Yaya's parents shipped him off to military school he became one of the pioneering developers of bungee jumping of course we all know why right Bertram got really into the 60s and no one ever saw him again squint grew up and married Wendy peorn what they have nine kids Hamilton Porter became a professional wrestler as the great hamino the great hamino Hercules lived to be 199 years old uh in doggy years after Benny pickled the Beast his reputation spread all over town Benny the jet Rodriguez and the nickname stuck with him I knew it Benny Dream came true he done he been rocking the Dodgers gear all movies I wouldn't be surprised to see some fireworks here he got that dang on hat on he's about to burn that hat Jet's got a suicide lead and he's still over they don't see him I don't believe it they don't see [Music] him we've been doing this since day we've been doing this since we you know in the sandbox for [Applause] [Music] real I think he got the fake bab r b here that was fun it goes to show you if you f dude these kids I knew it when I when they built that robot I already instantly knew they future was going to be bright you can tell how their future going to turn out of the you can almost tell kid's future by the things he does as a kid you know these kids were playing baseball every day outside you and they're freaking building robots and machines and dude you see he was the first bunge technically he didn't bungee jump but you know that's kind of what he was doing so he grew up in dude this is crazy man like where is this today where is this today this all you see today right here look I look it's sad mine is so close that's all you see today well shoot you could grow up make a lot of money playing the video game in today's you know day and age so hey the sand L was fun man it just make you miss times like that you know watching that movie it was one big vibe one big nostalgic Vibe I would love to go back to it seemed like times was simpler times was just simpler no cell phones or Internet crazy stuff the the the wives were being wives instead of husbands you know no I'm just joking I'm just joking some of these girls are tough though um you know you just miss those times man you but what's next y'all let me know oh yeah one more thing I think I'm I forget I forgot to uh even mention that card that Babe Ruth grabbed that must have been dude that got hit with the fast ball and blinding that probably was his baseball card I don't know if it was or not y'all gonna have to tell me in the comments but whoever tell me that that let me know y'all made it to the end of the end of the video I'mma be looking for that but until next time y'all
Channel: IT'S MR. VIDEO
Views: 43,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babe ruth, the sandlot, the sandlot movie reaction, james earl jones
Id: ztvFnlK7pmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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