How to Grow Microgreens | Red Acre Cabbage Microgreens | Full Tutorial | Soilless | Hydroponics

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What's up everyone Mandi here from On The  Grow! Today I'm gonna be showing you how we   grow red acre cabbage from start to finish  so stay tuned for the walk-through [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so the first thing you're going to  need is obviously your seeds, so over here we   have our red Acre cabbage seeds which we got from  True Leaf Market. You're also going to need some   form of measuring out your seeds so I've gone  ahead and busted out the old tablespoons which   we usually don't use because we have a scale but  we're gonna be using not today you're also going   to need coco coir for your medium and you're going  to need three different trays first tray you're   going to need is a tray that has absolutely no  holes then you're going to need your next tray   which does have holes and the reason why this  is is because your medium is going to be going   into this and you're gonna need those roots to be  able to go through and go to your bottom tray and   suck up the water that it's gonna be held there  and then lastly you're gonna need a another tray   that has absolutely no holes preferably a dark one  because that's gonna be acting as your top tray   which is your tray that's fifty four black out  and for your weight to go on top of the reason why   we do this is so that way we get even germination  across the whole tray so now that was a lot let's   go over to our seats once again and we are going  to measure them out so I went ahead and just kind   of did this earlier and I know that 20 grams of  seed is roughly two tablespoons so that's one and see if I can get this exact point slightly  over but that's pretty close so as you can tell   it's just under two tablespoons so now that we  have that we are actually going to just set this   aside and we're gonna move on to our coco coir  okay so now we have move the table out of the   way and we are going to be dealing with this  big thing so this is coco coir and it comes in   a super compact break so what you have to do is  you're going to need something to break it down   in in our case we have this big little tub right  here so what we'll do is we'll take this out of   the plastic we're gonna set the break in there and  then you begin to add water and over time you'll   see it just kind of rise up and it's actually  like a kind of cool magic trick but we're gonna   do that until this whole break is break down  you don't have to break the whole break down   if you're not going to use it but we know in  our space we're probably gonna be using it for   the next like week or so so we should go ahead and  do the whole thing so stay tuned we're time-lapse okay so now we have finished breaking down our  coco coir break and as you can tell it makes a lot   so what you're going to need is your tray that has  the holes and you can use your hands but I'm gonna   just use a little scoop because it's like to and  we're gonna begin putting the coco on to your hold   tray so start spreading it just try to sometimes  it slips just try to get it as even as possible   you can be finding me like big chunks I kinda like  this and so your coco just try to break them down   a little bit but just try to get this as even as  you can you don't want areas that come up too high   and then bunch of low areas because that will mess  with your germination you sprinkle a little bit   more just a little bit here oh they're right there  and a little bit more in that corner okay so now   my tray is pretty decently even and I'm going to  go wash my hands off real fast and then we'll go   over the next steps okay so now that we have our  grow medium into our tray we are back over at the   table where we're going to take that seed that  we set aside and we're gonna begin seating the   tray so CJ is usually a lot better at this and  I am but I'm gonna do my best here umm what you   want to do is just try to evenly distribute this  across your tray you want to make sure you don't   really get any like big clumps because then you  know whenever it starts to grow you're gonna have   one dense area and then you just don't get as  good of airflow okay make sure there's no spot all right so that is all of our seats on our coco  coir and I did my best to keep that as even as   possible and now that we have finished that I'm  going to take our this is how we eat water in our   space sometimes it's just hooked up to a filtered  water system and I keep this on a mist setting so   it's just very fine mist it's not gonna pour a ton  of water onto this but we're just gonna go through   real quick and we are going to mist our seeds I  want to give it a pretty decent mist because this   is basically gonna be a lot of its water source  for the first few days so let's get this nice   and good all right so no I feel good with that now  what we're going to do is we're going to take our   tray that has our seeds and we're gonna move it on  top of the tray that will later be used for bottom   watering right now there's absolutely no water in  this bottom tray and there won't be water in this   bottom tray until we start to get that point  where you see roots now for the very last step   we're going to take the top tray the other no hole  we're going to set this right on top of the seeds   and I'm going to take this big'ole paver this is  15 pounds and we are going to gently put that on   top and this is how it's going to remain for the  four first four days I believe we're gonna do   four days waited this is what we mean when we say  waited and then after that we're going to remove   this brick and set it aside and then what we do is  we clip the tray and that will be the next part of   the blackout period but that's it for this part  from here on out we're going to do any updates   on anything else that changes and also show you  how each day progresses with the grow stay tuned   for more of the steps okay so it is day one of  our red acre cabbage grow and I'm going to show   you what we usually do so we're gonna come over  here and pull this off of the shelf real quick   and we are going to move it to your table we're  then going to remove the brick and set it aside   and then we're going to remove this tray and set  it aside to but first as you can see there's some   seeds on it so let's just try to get those off the  best that you can it doesn't have to be perfect   okay so we'll set that aside and now what we're  going to do is we are going to lightly mist all   the seeds and make sure that they are saturated  and that way it can continue to germinate evenly so I think that's pretty good so now I am  going to take our tray put it back on top   take our break put this back on top as well  and we are going to take this now and move   it back to our shelf so we will do that twice a  day so it means later tonight we're gonna come   back out double-check it make sure that it still  looks at rated and if it needs more water we'll   give it a light mist and we will do that exact  same process and put it back on the shelf so   that's it for today I'll see you tomorrow  okay so today is the morning of day 2 and   we are going to pull out this red Acre cabbage  we're gonna bring it back to our table like we   did yesterday and remove this brick carefully  and then we're going to take off the top tray make sure it's no seeds on it this time is  actually a lot better than it was yesterday   and as you can tell there's germination  starting to happen and what we're going   to do now is the exact same thing that  we did yesterday so right now this has   not rooted at all so we shouldn't have to  give it any water down here and what we're   going to do is we're going to take our  misting bottle and give it a good mist okay and that should be pretty good and  just like yesterday put this back on top put your brick carefully back on top and then  we're going to take it back to the shelf again   and then we will come back out later tonight  and do that exact same thing so I'll see you   tomorrow all right so today is day three of  our red acre cabbage and we are going to pull   it off the shelf bring it over to our table  going to get this brick off which this time   I'm going to set out on the floor [Music] and  then we're going to take off this looks like   if you got a little bit of stuff on it then all  I want to come off so that's okay it looks like   we're getting really great germination try to  take a peek underneath and see what's going on okay so we are getting a few little roots down  here so what we're going to do today is if we're   going to lightly mist the bottom with just this  and this way the roots don't dry out because   you do not want your roots to turn brown okay  and then we are going to lightly miss the top seems pretty good and now we're  going to put the tray back on top   and we're gonna grab our brick  and very gently put it back on and we're now gonna move it back to the shelf  again so later tonight we're gonna come back out   to space we're going to check this time we're  gonna check the top part and we're gonna check   underneath and see if both need to be misted  see you tomorrow okay so today is day four of   the red acre cabbage and we are going to pull  this off the shelf all right we're gonna bring   it to our table we're gonna pull off the break  and this time we're actually putting the break   back where we usually store them because  we're not going to need it anymore so now   we're going to pull off this tray and everything  looks really good I'm very happy with all that   germination where you go ahead and miss  the top a little bit real quick so we're   just gonna miss this a little bit it doesn't  look like it needs a lot of water so I don't   want to go too overboard okay and now we're  gonna check underneath see how that's doing   okay so right now we got a pretty decent amount  of roots since it's so early I'm not gonna give   this nutrient yet I'm just gonna missed it today  and we'll check in tomorrow and see how it looks there's a little bit of a mist and that should  be plenty so today like I said we are removing   the weight we are no longer doing weight and  what we're going to do now is our tray that   was like this we're going to take it flip it  over and we are going to put it like this so   now it is in our other face a blackout and now  we're going to take it and put it back on to   the shell so later whenever I come out I'm going  to do the exact same thing I'm going to check it   and see if it needs to be missed it again on both  the top and the bottom and then I'm going to put   it underneath the blackout tray just like that  so we will see you tomorrow all right today is   day 5 of our red acre cabbage so we are going  to pull it off of the shelf bring it over to   our table and check and see what is looking like  under the blackout so right away I can tell it's   looking really great but personally I want this  to stretch a little bit more because I know that   with red acre cabbage once you take it out of  the blackout dome it tends to kind of just stay   where it's at and it doesn't grow too much taller  and I want this to be a little taller so that way   whenever I go to harvest it it's a lot easier and  also I get a little bit more product so what I'm   going to do now let's check underneath here see  everything's looking getting some good roots here   I'm not gonna begin bottom watering this yet until  it becomes out of black out so what we're going   to do is we're gonna continue to do what we've  been doing and we're going to lightly mist it and this way we don't get any browning on the  roof and they continue to say that beautiful   white color that you see there so that's  pretty good as for the top of this I don't   think I need to mist it at all I'll check back  later tonight and see if it needs it by then   but right now it seems like it has a lot of  moisture and it's perfect so now we're going   to put this back on top like we had it and  we're going to move it back on to our shelf so now tonight I'll come out I'll double-check  the roots again and also just take a peek and   see what's going on underneath my blackout and  see if I still want to continue to do another day   a blackout or if I change my mind I will update  that but that's it for today what's up everyone   today is day six of our red Acre cabbage so what  I'm going to do now is I'm going to pull this off   of the shelf and we are gonna bring it over to  our table we're gonna take a peek underneath the   blackout so it is now at the height that I want  it to be at and we did three days waited in three   days blackout and this is perfect in my opinion  so I'm no longer going to keep it underneath this   so it means that we do not need this so I'm  just gonna put this over here out of my way   now that we are coming into the light today  what I'm gonna begin doing is we are going to   start bottom watering this because those roots are  looking very happy and let's go over here and get   that we already have our nutrient water mixed up  and this is going to be ocean solution 2 - 0 - 3   and since these are just going into light for the  first time I'm only gonna give them a 1/2 a cup of   water because they do not need a lot of water yet  so let's go ahead and get them some water that's   too much a little bit less okay Oh CJ stepped on  the court a little bit ok so now we're just going   to give them a little bit of water today and start  the bottom watering process so that is actually it   now we're just going to move this over here and  they're going to be introduced to the light so   from this point on what we're going to do is rid  of water them with half a cup of water today in   the morning and at night and throughout the  growth period as they need more water we're   going to the game begin and giving them more it's  a lot to say but I will update you along the way   on when you need to begin give them more water  so that is it today I'll see you tomorrow all   right so today is day 7 of our ready acre cabbage  grow we are going to you pull it off the shelf   and take it over to our handy dandy table again  so everything is looking really great here it's   still looking completely even the growth looks  really good and now that it's been in the light   it's beginning to get it's a true color which  is looking super pretty I know that this will   actually get a little bit darker than what it  looks right now so this should be even prettier   tomorrow but what we're going to do today is  we are going to just add some bottom water to   this I'll be adding I think a cup of water today  so 1/2 a cup more than what we added yesterday   because I'm noticing that in parts of the soil  forgot which side but in parts of the soil it's   starting to get a little bit drier in areas and  that's telling me that it needs more water so   let's just add a little bit more and we are still  adding the ocean solution as our nutrient water so   that's about a cup and now we're to lift this pour  it into there since my trace tilts for a little   bit it's gonna do that it soaks up a little bit  and now we are going to go put this back on the   Shelf back under the light so tonight we will come  back out again and what I'm going to do is I'm   going to pull back onto my table and I'm going to  add another cup of water and that will be it for   today so I'll see you tomorrow today is day 9 of  our reading your cabbage so we are going to pull   it off of the shelf again and we're going to move  it over here to our table so it's still looking   really good everything is looking pretty uniform  our soil is not dry but it's like kinda damp so   today we're gonna be giving it a little over 1/2  or a little under a cup and a half and as you can   tell the roots are still looking really happy so  it's really good now let's pour this in there and   we are good so now let's go move this back to the  shelf and put it back underneath the light ok so   that is it for this morning I'm going to come back  out later tonight and do the exact same thing so   I'll see you tomorrow today is day 11 of our red  Acre cabbage grow and yesterday I didn't do it on   video but we came out and we did exactly what we  are doing today which we are going to pull this   over to our table and we checked it to see how the  soil medium is looking as I can tell there's some   dry spots especially near the back so we're going  to be getting it a cup and a half of our ocean   solution water mixture and that is it for today  and I'm actually going to tilt this backwards a   little bit because the back is drier than the  front is so that tells me it might just be on   leveled but this is about I don't know anywhere  between two to three days from harvest right now   we're still waiting on the truth but it appears  that we are getting closer to that so we'll just   continue to be what we're doing and I'm going to  put this back underneath the light today see you   tomorrow today is day 12 of our red acre cabbage  so we are going to pull it off of the shelf bring   it over to this table and we are going to look  what we have going on here so the growth is very   even I'm actually very happy with how it's turning  out as far as true leaf it looks like we're just   now starting to get little signs of them so that  means that this is very close to harvest right now   and for our medium there are some dry spots so it  definitely needs its water and our roots are still   looking really good so let's go ahead and take  our 2 cups of ocean solution water mixture and   we are going to bottom water this tray and like I  did yesterday I believe I'm going to kind of tilt   this back a little bit because I know that the  backside of my tray is drier than the front side   so it means I just on an uneven surface right now  but that is it for today we're going to take it   back to our shelf and put it back underneath this  light and later tonight I'm going to come out and   do the exact same process and I'd say we're  probably about maybe two more days away from   harvest on this so soon we're gonna have some  Red Acre cabbage. Today it's day 13 of our red   acre cabbage grow and what we're doing different  today is today it's actually going to be harvest   day so I've already brought this over to my table  and I have my whole setup already here so if you   come in closer I can show you why today's going to  be harvest day so what I'm noticing first off is   there some areas right here where the microgreens  are beginning to separate from each other so that   means that they're starting to get too tall  so that tells me that I want to go ahead and   harvest this on top of in some little areas  I am seeing some of the truly forming it's a   little hard to kind of find right now but there  is truly poking through on some of these so that   also tells me it is time to harvest these so  we will not be watering these today and what   we're going to do is we're gonna take our sharpen  knife and for us we're gonna be doing a scale and   a bowl to harvest into because we like to take  our data so we're gonna begin harvesting this   so you just kind of lightly grab the microgreens  you don't really have to put a lot of pressure on   them and oh fly help if I turn my scale on okay  and there you go and the reason why you want your   knife sharp is so that it can easily glide through  the microgreens without putting a lot of pressure   on it because you don't want it to kind of just  snap them you want it to just go smoothly through   it like this so easy that was it also makes  it a lot quicker whenever you're harvesting oh and I almost forgot something else I notice  whenever I was checking out my tray is that   there is a little bit of late blooming going  on which basically that just means there are   some within the canopy that are shorter than the  rest of them that's because they were a little   bit behind on germinating so ways to fake sight  would be to lower your seed densities so we did   21 grams on this so next time I'm going to do  17 grams instead and that should fix that issue ready acre cabbages once again another one of the  pretty crops I love the purple on this it's very   similar to purple curavi I would say what makes  it different is ready your cabbage tends to be   a little darker of a hue than the purple krabi is  also it smells amazing and then also another thing   you'll probably notice is I'm not harvesting super  close to the bottom of the tray the reason for   this is because we are using a Coco carb medium  I don't want to get that all over my product and   get it into everything because that means that I  would have to take the time and wash everything   because you don't want to eat the soil with your  greens I mean I don't think it causes any harm   but it's just not something that I would enjoy  so I just try to avoid that the best that I can all right so we're almost done look at  this little corner I got smells amazing all right so we got 287 grams from our  21 grams of seed that's pretty awesome   I'm very happy with that so let's go ahead and  take a closer look at our actual tray and what   was going on that we couldn't see so everything  looks really good I'm not seeing any of the seed   molding or anything like that everything looks  really healthy and the stems so something else   that we're gonna do now that we harvest this  let's just kind of find a way to grab one of   these corners and we can actually take a look  at the full-on root system we have going on   down here it's actually really cool to look  at and seeing how inter woven they are with   each other and it's another good way after you've  harvested to kind of just see if there's anything   going on that you didn't catch because we  know that if you get dampen off whenever   you go and you look at that root so you can't  normally see there's usually some areas where   it's just super brown and spots and that can be  caused from over watering or other things so it   is good to check out your roots and just kind  of see what's going on there okay so what I'm   going to do now that I have parts of this I'm  going to move this out of my way and we will   take care of that later and I'm going to ask CJ  my cameraman to give me a bag so that way I can   just put this all in there and I can store it in  our fridge so CJ can you grab me a bag thank you thank you now let's get this open oh good point one thing  we always do is even if we know what crop it is   we still write it on our bag and we always  write what date it is so that way we know   when we harvested it and what it is because  whenever you get crops that look similar and   you put them in a bag and you put them in the  same area you might forget which ones which   it's a mistake that happens I've definitely done  it a few times and it can be very confusing so thank you whoo-whee still you do a taste test as  well I'll do that right after I bag all   this this is some really good looking  product can't wait to use those okay that's pretty good all right  let's do a quick taste test the case really good so to me it just kind of  tastes like most other brassicas it just all   has a very similar taste and I just think the  biggest difference usually is your coloration   that is it for this grow we have done this from  seeding all the way up until harvest day and I   hope that we are able to guide you through this  whole process easily and that it was easy to   understand as well so if you like this video  please give it a thumbs up if you dislike it   give it a thumbs down if you have any questions  or comments please leave them in the section   below and if you like to subscribe to us please  do I think it's over here and then also we have   more videos that will pop up over here if you  want to check those out and our Instagram and   Facebook are both at on the growth farms  thank you so much and have a great day [Music]
Channel: On The Grow
Views: 1,275,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hydroponics, Microgreens, Microgreen, Urban Farming, Experiment, Grow your own, How to Grow, How to grow microgreens, Bootstrap Farmer, Indoor, Indoor Grow, On the grow, Sprout, Microgreens at home, Microgreens growing, Microgreens business, Microgreens farm, Microgreens Tutorial, Microgreens Growing Tutorial, How to grow microgreens from start to finish, How to grow microgreens indoors, How to grow microgreens at home, red acre cabbage microgreens, Microgreens for beginners
Id: D3vnBEvYDZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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