Feeding horses fodder at Paul Johnson's Cripple Gray Ranch 12/27/2019. 1 of 4.

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so there's these trays I'm using are very cheap and they break so I have to be gonna terrible pull this loose so don't break the trays and I haven't doubled up washing the Train everyday I started just spraying them with a little bit of wheat and letting whatever is in there stay and it seems to be as good as so that's one thing I made some so this is this is a 7th day set aside from seventh day since they and this still isn't the best because we're getting some roots not coming all the way through like in the middle so have loose seeds that might have to do with how much water and the spray is just to inhibit any kind of mold free yeah when when I've tried not washing them mm-hmm and sometimes the first go-around it'll look kind of alright but if there's kind of a film a kind of just just say if you wash the trays and let them have six or seven days in the Sun then that that would be well work I can't say coming alright but I don't have all that many trays to be leaving sixty-eight worth of trays yeah yeah you know how so how many fights do you need to run up prices for these well like right now I'm feeding about five ten fifteen about 20 trays and there's seven days but only six of them have trays so 6 times 20 is 120 trays and I haven't doubled up those 240 that's a lot of rice yeah and these tray trays are like maybe eight tons apiece okay I just got away from those set system which is a heavier duty tray that would look about three bucks apiece it didn't have holes in it not drilled holes only a one the end so I had them slanted that was what this frame was about and there are things that I just didn't like about that system going back to flat holes already in all the way around and I had I hadn't used these holes all the way around before and I thought the slanted thing would be better and I don't know this one there's a bit of a smell to it like it's starting to be moly I don't actually see this stuff that isn't rolling that's least these empty sees that were in the middle if they're not growing and they're sitting there in wet for seven days no ferment they're likely to be showering fermenting could you put holes down that middle row oh there's holes away in it no down this well that's that's above I mean the water have wood right off of that go down today and I think that has plenty of holes but I'm thinking they're just the when I'm watering I'm watering them either they're a little bit too long or a little bit too often because they don't dry out enough to make those roots go down looking for water mm-hmm and pick up those seeds in the middle just in the middle the rest of it seems to be alright it's just kind of in the middle so probably need to slow that down so I get to the watering how long do I mean Henry Tracy you heavy too well there's like 20 for each day they're 5 1 25 10 15 I had I think a 4 here so 19 today looks like to be 19 tomorrow Saturday how long do you water then 4 okay I've got this the ones that are in this in these four days I think I'm water in six minutes twice a day and the water just come down there goes into the top one flows down through that and to the next one through that one to the next week design to the next ring clock it just it just comes out straight yeah okay once it hits there you know kind of disperses so when after it comes down the first one it comes out these different holes instead of in sprout and here's your tray that I have so we just say in the perfect world pull if you had just let's just say for instance just one section sitting there and the sprinkler system went on for six minutes I know it's physically impossible to have all that in one area and wasted wasted space murmuring else but in a perfect world would that work better by just having one section lengthwise yes with a sprinkler system for six minutes well you wouldn't over six minutes - the reason I'm doing it for so long is so that it can run drip through like it if it only has to get those top ones you could run 30 seconds that'd be done okay yep because that would that would get that first one I just need to run it long enough to get that it'll get through that one through the next one through the next one through the next one still have time to go to assist the company Australian company that does sprinklers and they've been around forever and ever water for and half a sprinkler on each level yeah and I only think they have holes in their trades they put the water on for 11 seconds every hour so they just water it enough for these seeds in this bet there's no no excess doesn't run off anywhere and they get all within those limits so are y'all thinking about doing this my my wife has a big token of that doing this this wife right here it's fun that very one a long long time and we never had the well we never had the time to investigate this and the reason why I always came to come and look at this is because how you've done a lot of this yourself and I and I always listen to people that sign their own checks and I've done the hard yards I get always very worried about listening to salesman trying to sell you a product that have Ani actually sell the product and never physically used it over one predatory and if you talk to people that have used it for long period time they usually have got the kinks out and contigs actly what they find it works it doesn't work well I've been doing it the cheap wash which isn't the best I mean I had this old system and just have a house air conditioner that isn't made for being in such a humid climate all the time these little drugstore heaters that also uh they might last this season there this might sound a silly question I don't know but if you had a relatively nice even climate could this be done outside to a certain level or not it could be done outside in India or some country like that you see people doing it outside but the temperature has to be moderated because if it gets too hot like here in Texas I don't want it to get over 73 degrees and you have to have it about 60 at least sixty two three four five just just think it's warm enough to grow so anywhere between sixty and seventy three he said maybe not go back down to sixty maybe I've got twenty a little more hard a little higher than that and Fahrenheit yeah if you have it outside I so you couldn't regulate that temperature right and if I have this outside when it's 80 90 100 degrees you're in today I just don't think you'd be able the mold would just be I think the mall yeah you know if your climate is like Hawaii looks like 70 something 60 or 70 throughout the year all day what is that it what is that in india ferrah time in trouble trying to make my system better and if i had a system that was all setup that had its own environment all controlled everything i think it would have saved me a lot to headaches hmm and at the time when i did this to get a system i was i was trying to get the capacity for about 12 horses to get that size system at that time from the system that i know about was about $15,000 and I thought that's just too much but so I bought just a rack and it's not this one because I've completely redone a rack and trays and pumps and and valves and stuff whole system without depth room for three thousand dollars so try to get buy cheap and I got it go on mmm I'm a father baby my horses can't something be fun but I've had lots of headaches um I've been dissatisfied enough with it to have changed the systems now five times I mean major changes and I have always thought if I had it to do over it I didn't already have this invested in this right here and we're to start over thinking I might just get a system it's already set out ready to go plug it in turn the water on but I well you can only do what you got to do when you have the man of capital rainy at that particular Tony right early on this the Syst the company that I got this from was farm tech that were very new to to fodder they're they're a farm and garden supply company have been around forever and ever and make these plastic buildings greenhouses storage things differently so and they send around a catalog without this catalog is $3,000 $29.99 for this system at a time in 2011 when we were in I think like the third year of a terrible drought they had these terrible fires is so hot so dry there was no hay anywhere in Texas feed you by but it costs an ungodly amount any hey you got was terrible hey it came from out of state somewhere these guys who likes to that place they almost had to evacuate twice before they left to come here Oh y'all in the fires there yeah I've been reading and this is y'all summertime it's hard for me to keep that in mind I see people showing pictures and it's there in the hot summer yeah yeah Christmas and so to me one ton of Bali one ton of Bali how long would that last you okay what I it's my horse gun getting anything from the pasture I want to have my horses get 20 pounds a fodder per day I figure my horses are basically a thousand pounds and that's 2% of their body weight and the feed companies say horses should get one and a half to two percent of the body weight and whatever you feed them hay grass feed per day one and a half to two percent so I'm at 2% now I wouldn't mind feeding them a little bit more but that's just where I got that number I figure my barley that I buy the seeds I I when I got this I was trying to make it be eight to one I'll put a pound of barley I expect to get eight pounds of water and I did a little bit I used to weigh every tray before and after I used to keep charts and all this in finger and every once a lot to get update but I could guaranteed I'd always be at at least 5 to 1 so I figure on the low side I'm getting 5 to 1 barley to barley from seeds and so on about ton of seeds 2 thousand pounds it should make 10,000 pounds of fodder or fought time or 5 tons ok and you're feeding 20 pounds per horse if they're not getting any benefit there's pasture I got on that feet of mini in the summertime or spring when there is about the pasture I usually do feed them at least one scoop just to keep them eating and keep the system going but when I think there's nothing I plan to give them 3 trays per horse 3 tricycles and these trays I'm running a little bit that's probably a little more than 20 pounds that's dialy site morning lunch and you know Rafi well I'd just give it to him once yeah figure it out yeah they have to figure out their eating schedule so however long you think that lasts so how long does it take for a horse to eat one of these right now I'm given these three three of these each and then in the evening I'm still giving them some alfalfa and some other stuff these horses that have just got landon ride himself when i was really skinny here you know try to do stuff with the horses across the street that only get fodder and they get whatever is left after I give these they're not so there was I think twenty nine no hat no 19 there were 19 so there'll be ten tries divided months for horses over there and they'll have that gone in ten minutes these guys will eat on it for about 10 15 20 minutes and then they'll go off and meander around eat grass and they'll come back and munch on it some more by this evening when I go to feed them there won't be any any more left but they don't eat it all at once possibly because I'm feeding them more than eight actually yeah so introducing this to avoid sixteen on high grass but I'm gonna fit what we called a fifty fifteen loosen grabs pile of hay and a little bit of pellets or something like that when you take them straight off the high you put them under this no problems what would you wear our goose it slowly I introduce it slowly first of all because anytime I change speeds I don't want to change roughly more than once but inevitably they won't eat it they won't touch it they don't know what it is they've never seen yeah this stuff and don't know they're supposed to eat it even when you put it in their mouth spit it out so it takes a little while to for them to realize hey this isn't so bad and I can eat this once I've got that down then they're okay but it takes several days and so when I'm doing this I'll feed them whatever their they've been on and just a handful of this stuff or might give them a handful of this stuff first and then if they finish it then I given the rest of them then the next day at 2 and 4 for 3 I try to just switch them over with intend to make 10 days yeah so a tenth of what they're going to get then 2/10 3/10 4/10 like I said you can do this with oats - yeah and they say the oats actually we have more oats around here than we have barley barley is kind of a colder weather crop and it's almost always comes from the relay northern states or canada but Oaks is a little slower growing and I don't know Barney's what everybody is that's what I started when I started this I was using 1/2 or mixture of half votes and half barley because I'm buying barley in sacks for $38 450 pounds that was just too much so I would mix it first some mix it with oats sometime mix it with Milo maize you know that is yeah I never mix it straight with corn but those like my lawn oats we pre-internet anywhere around here because it's grown said that these plan that the crop opponents often and they loaded colons that well corn corn corn to work also it's slower growing that so it take longer to get it started but it would work I think just imagining this I'm thinking that barley would give you more weight more mass than five to six or seven days of corn mm-hmm maybe even of oats yeah but you can raise other you can do other things oats I know people have done and I have done mixer but when I was doing the mixtures I couldn't tell the difference between the oats and the barley yep I just went the barley because that's what everybody says to do mm-hmm okay so what I do now just get this kind of out of the way and then I set up my system to plant some more I just built these movers yesterday they're gonna work today or not so I need to slide these guys forward move one of those trays on the end of this tray take them out of that sink it's been I would say soaking for what but I quit soaking that I've been rinsing them for one day they're putting those those trays my doors in the way and this is hanging up on this just another frame that I have that if y'all hadn't come today I wouldn't have that out of the way oh wait oh yeah I have to think if I lower this okay so it's like that so this has been not soaked we started soaking some people say that's what you do but I find that just rinsing it this is 24 hours so I'm 24 yesterday morning mm-hmm I put loose seeds in here yeah no not I'm wet and then every six hours the drain on the bottom is open so the water just comes in and it goes right back out so just kind of rinses them once every six hours in 24 hours you've already got you can see it you got seat you got something showing in virtually every seed and some of them are quarter inch maybe even a little bit longer already after 24 hours so and you go to the corn in there oh that just web I just get meal run I don't get seeds I get just meal run home barley and comes from the mill so they gather some corn sometimes just find some peas or soybeans and cool yeah sometimes there's some little bitty seeds that used to find in here yeah I used to put black sunflower seeds in can't tell if the carnot there's got a little bit starting to poke out or not but see this corner be a little bit slower yeah you can see it's genocide off yeah it's just mukthi and the corn that then they're in intentional that's just what yeah what's rented the mill good to see that okay so my old system I put this put the trays on here and slid on across and when I try to do these puller he didn't catch on the trays it went underneath because I had this elevated and so so now at least until I figure out how to make that work I have to carry these around and put them in all this right well I'll put up with five on this row oh yeah Oh from that from that column yeah yeah and once I have these up to okay this is the third day so that's after one day this one is after two days that's and that one's the third day am i hanging up on something there alley hopefully at some point I will right there that's all
Channel: Paul Johnson
Views: 43,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Feeding horses fodder, hydroponic barley, sprouted barley horse feed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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