My Fodder system 4 lbs barley yeilds 28-32 lbs grass!!

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[Music] hi this is grandpa 59 and I am gonna be showing you how I do my father system first of all we use barley for our spotter and we buy it from the game grain mill at about $14 per 50 pounds we use four pounds of barley per day and we're doing an experiments to see how much we can get we've been doing this experiment for since May the 13th and today is June the 8th and we have been doing really well with it the fodder that we do we start with day 1 day 2 day 3 and a 5 gallon bucket so the first thing we do is we take day threes fodder and it's in a 5 gallon paint strainer so it's easier to rinse out and we take about half of that and we dump it in a container that is 23 and a half by 16 and 7 8 by 5 and 7/8 top like I said we dump about half of it in one container and then the other half and the other container trying to shake out as much of the barley seeds that has stuck on the paint strainer as we can and we pick off the ones that we can after we get what we can get off we take [Music] today one bucket out 75 take the bucket today one bucket later barley and seven I only take the tanks that we use for the day three barley put it back in the buckets with no holes today - and the day three buckets holes in the bottom of them they have holes in the bottom to let the water drain out right you take the 4 pounds of far waiting for Michalak isn't a nur water and one capful of bleach the reason I use bleach is because if you don't use the bleach I have found that you end up with mold in your body and you don't want your father I usually use about a gallon and a half of water then take your hand and just kind of whisk it around to get all of this barley to settle to the bottom once you've done that take a strainer and just clean the the barley drippings out of the container after you've done that after you've done that take two bucket tops that you cut off to space the day two and day three buckets so they don't get down into the water of the first day take your day to bucket put it on top take your day two barley sent via I straighten it out a little bit take your day three which is now your day three put that in and cover it with a towel so it's dark and put it aside take your father that's in your containers and just spread them out so that's even so half of it is in one container and half of it is in the other container I put a little bit too much in here so I'm going to put a little bit more over here and you want about two pounds of the grass of the barley seed in the container for which is your day three and that you take down to the other part of the I found for this part of my father system to put it actually in my shower downstairs and I built a shelf system for the buckets I use two buckets per day and this is how it works it actually has a timer on it that goes to a valve and automatically drips into the top bucket which the water drains to the front side which there is seven holes in each bucket and it drains down to each bucket and it ends with the day three buckets the day seven are the day eight buckets actually I have a date eight bucket and I actually feed two llamas cattle B fallows llamas and chickens and they really really love it the four pounds of fodder that I the barley seed that I put in here actually grows to be about 28 to 32 of barley grass that we feed the animals and they really love it now what I do is I take the top one and put it in a five-gallon bucket put both of them in a five-gallon bucket then I move each one of them up to the next day and then I put the day three in the bottom bucket just to show you again my day eight my day seven my day six my day five my day four and A three we'll go in tonight I wanted to show you how my father system works if you push manual it comes on it's only on for three minutes as you can see it starts dripping down and it goes down to the back start dragging down the backside and will come down then go down to date three and then it finally falls to the bottom where it goes down right by the time the bottom is draining the top is ready to turn off we are getting like I said about 28 to 32 pounds of fodder from four pounds of barley this works really good except for one thing I've used PVC as the shelves this cost quite a bit of money it would be a whole lot better to use the metal shelves that you can get from Lowe's or Home Depot I have also done a electric or an automatic drip system to make it easier to water it it twice a day it comes on at 10:30 at night and at 10:30 in the morning I turn the light off as soon as I finish the rinsing for the night and I turn it on about 10:30 11 o'clock in the morning another thing I have a temperature gauge in here and right now it is 74 degrees and here and the minimum was 72 I have noticed that when it gets below 68 it doesn't grow as good I have never got it above 75 so I don't know how much better it will grow if it's above that go use is fodder barley that we buy from the grain mill it comes in 50-pound bags and it's about $14 per bag at our grain mill the first day what we do is we soak our barley this is actually the third day the second day and the first day so what what we do 12 hours after we soak our barley we take and rinse the fodder and the sink so we take this rinse it in cold water we just move it around and rinse it very well okay so we've read that one we faked this one set it to the side take the bucket off the third day hangs out the barley from the second day is left do the same thing when you first feel the barley underneath you feel that it's very warm and you want to get it rinse very well okay can we move for the second day and we have to cut barrels that we just use as spacers for the first day which have been soaking for 12 hours use a five gallons strength paint strainer for the barley that you put in for the first day let it drain out really well and let's lift the same way you need to make sure to remember which day is which Sony don't mess them up that I have something in here that I need to get rid of make sure you rent it out really good and the water off what you're rinsing it in is make sure you pour this out and then rinse out your bucket after you rinse that you want to make sure it's the first day again because the water that you poured out actually was put back in with the waters you want to get that mostly out it's not important to get it all but it's important to get some most of it let this complete not completely drain but mostly drain out and that is the first day of your father and you get your bucket take your second day a Potter put that in put your bucket in make your third day it should be pretty right much rinsed out put that in and that is well that is my father assistant and if you watched my other videos you've seen that I am making a pig pen with a friend of mine and he is the one that has the animals that is eating the fodder the first day that we gave them the fodder they kind of balked at it and they didn't eat it very well the chickens weren't for crazy really fast but the cows and the llama really balked at it for the first day but after the first day about two days into it the friend of mine told me that he when he would come to feed the animals they would just stay where they were at and after they saw him carrying the bucket with the fodder in it they would rush over and almost pull the fodder out of the bucket so it's really really good for him I watched a youtube video that said that if you just feed your animals the barley seed they get about 20 percent of the nutrition from the barley seed but if you feed them the fodder they get between 85 to 90 percent of the nutrition out of that my friend is wondering if this is going to work really well for him this winter with him feeding his animals with grass for the summer it's not doing much to help his his feed but this winter when he has to buy hay at the price of hay is right now it should save him a lot of money four pounds of fodder barley will make between 28 to 32 pounds of fodder depending on how well it grows that day so I hope you like this video and I hope that it helps you especially in the winter time when you're trying to feed your animals with not being able to use the summertime meals if you like this video please subscribe and do thumbs up for me because it helps me and please give me suggestions and comments because I need all the comments and suggestions I can get thank you for your time and you have a wonderful day and God bless
Channel: Grandpa59 Jack of all
Views: 9,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fodder, System, Grandpa59, Barley, Jack of all, Sprout
Id: TsapEOe-eZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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