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my good mama named me K trees and it all went downhill from there oh did it ever hello everybody grace - blaze we're back with a new game for the channel called epic tavern so this is a tavern management style of game very cool you're gonna notice artwork somewhat similar to things like League of Legends World of Warcraft and there have you I love this art style there's a couple reasons that you look at the development team for this game you may see some familiar names this is on Kickstarter and I've been following this for a long long time so besides being a tavern master and building up your epic tavern of glory the other thing that we get to do is send adventurers to their deaths while we linger you know in the warm glow of our safe safe tavern I love it so setting other people to do the work for us but it is very much a tavern management style of game or so it is build I have not messed with it we're gonna start with your game over here I'm on the unstable server because there's so much cool stuff on the unstable server that I wanted to see it all new you eyes prologues quests and tavern sounds and all kinds of cool stuff we're gonna pick one of these empty slots over here we need a tavern name what should we name it we're gonna name it seagulls retreat sounds pretty legit I should probably call it like hurricane destruction alley or something so this is the first game that have finally gotten to play after hurricane herma beat the living crap out of me you can roll a random one by selecting the die I got a no the crooked angel ye old fighting tome the cursed mace okay we're getting there it is the warrior and squid I can't even I don't think I can use the seagull we're gonna have to use this the warrior and squid that's everyone's gonna love this place I know they are obviously this is an early access I'm going to have links in the description below if you want to check it out and we'll see is it truly an epic tavern long ago the land of bay or was nearly annihilated by a horde of another kid invading through the flaming gate look at the artwork look at the glory villagers were trampled to death and bail are burned because it was very flammable after a grueling war the nether kin were defeated and the flaming gate was sealed okay pretty traditional for 1,400 years the seal held until the tavern opened up welcome to 1424 after the nether can explosion a new tavern opens its doors today this is the story of the warrior IDI squid Monday week one a brigade a level black welcome to epic tavern expand and improve the rundown tavern your parents left you protect the realms of bay or by cultivating great heroes that sound it's like we're planting heroes like crops and bringing them out into the world this patron has info on a potentially lucrative quest squig on him to find more I can't see him because I'm still looking at how my tavern gain a level oh we gained a level as in were level 1 so I don't know we start at level zero what so we do in fact have a dude over here now I kind of wonder how things work let's click on him and maybe the game will teach us various things Cranston Grimm he's a level one something we have can you can you do anything else about him 18:14 whatever Creek here has been two action points to find out about the mysterious quest it's so mysterious I mean action points do I have I have 50 so let us spend some of them might as well get in a bit of target practice before heading out on the more dangerous quest kill the rats the old-fashioned way with an excessive display of violence that's how we take care of rats oh crap it almost looked like there was something before something else and I clicked on this which got rid of something else that's fine oh you won't believe but a tree told me this rumor all right now that you have a quest click on this heroic looking fellow and get to know him alright hmm let's see here we have grunts in wolf's spawn he too is a level one something or other you can tell he's level one because his horny helmet doesn't have very big horns as you grew up in level your horns get more and more potent and rigid rough crowd in here nice click to welcome this hero I hope you look good first impressions are everything I don't even know who I am but let us welcome him to this to the warrior head squid so this is the famed warrior and squid I keep hearing about grunting at your service you made a new friend who's willing to adventure for you click to add them to your roster I will add them to my roster always a barbarian ok cool so ah we got multicultural because obviously barbarians are their own culture death comes for us all maybe today once a hero once a hero but two is a party click on this adventurer to see what she's all about that's a woman ah all right oh oh this is it must be the daughter of the other person remembered blaze ever shadow or whatever we've got merggle flame tongue over here she's a level 1 something or other be sure to get me plenty of warning before last call a hearty welcome is always the first step toward a long and prosperous friendship welcome to the warrior and squid woman now this is a floor I could see myself passing out on the names merggle great job merkel is now willing to put her neck on the line for your benefit hire her and your roster will be complete for now excellent oh she's a fire mage if you need someone incinerated that's kind of my specialty that sounds fantastic success you've got your first quest and a full roster oh we can only have two people yeah 2 of 2 equipment expansions managed tavern expansions and up guys so right now we just have this sad little area of the tavern but obviously we can get more cool things so it looks like you can click on each one of these people maybe and see a little bit about them because you can see here a fireball burning hands and flame shield she's got a little bit of interrogation crap disarming and pyrotechnics huh ok that's cool well let's just keep following the tutorial so click here to head to the map those rats aren't gonna kill themselves no they're not quest giver no they're not captain tutorial at all let's find out what's going on in here alright so the target practice all right we've got our people over here we're gonna have them join the party all right and now I guess we just go forth like we did before and that will show them kind of what now can you click on these people and find out a little bit more about them I wonder oh here we go here we go here we go so he's good with swords and axes and throwing weapons he's well good I mean I she's got a 1 in it so he's got or customs oh he's an orc ok and he's got beast lure sense danger pretty good survival and mountaineering okay cool so that's grunts in wolf's spawn back to roster and then like I said I guess we can just click on her oh she has a trait its aggressive Oh what was your trait Oh your trait is aggressive as well so everyone's aggressive whatever that's fine go for it my children go the quest so we're gonna clear out some rats from the cellar kind of exciting to engage in something so stereotypical grunts and says rubbing his hands together I feel the same way nope no fast morning the angry chittering Oh an angry chittering greets the intruders as a pack of rats rushes to attack rats you don't stand a freakin chance roll those dice yes 22:10 we beat the crap out of the rats our heroes are able to defeat a small pack of rodents in battle which is literally the least that could be expected yes oh we even had the fates of the wind of fate thank God we got 35 gold though which is pretty sweet just as the warrior and squid comes in a few the clouds open and a full down par the heroes sprint last few blocks home whew time that one jazzed right Brunson says epic moment right there that's our epic moment so we get our little a little slapping time over here telling us how amazing we were we got a ton of gold we got like more gold doing this when we were saving the world as promised the heroes exterminated the pesky rodents clearing the way for a new wine cellar Oh oh we're gonna get it a wine cellar yes good okay let's go back to the tavern I assume the quest is complete man is aluminum I would say as good rival taverns we don't have any yet but there's a lot of other stuff that happen we had three patrons three patrons how are we staying alive any a room is booked at the moment I'm guessing up is this stuff under construction I think a lot of this is under construction we ain't made a profit of 111 gold Wow okay well I guess a tavern is really really fortuitous holy God oh I can move all around there we go I couldn't really move before but now I can let us zoom in to look at all these different dwarves and stuff okay so there's a lot of things going on over here let's uh let's click on expansions because I want to know what kind of stuff is over here I mean look at all the stuff the infirmary a bathhouse a temple KS recovery room okay hookah lounge hookah a cozy room where the Avengers can relax and enjoy the finest herbs and Tabak around me or perhaps gaining a bit of insight as a side effect when getting high is just part of being here Oh boys we have a blacksmith and alchemy lab and an arcane study coming up a wine cellar ooh a kitchen ooh a kitchen yes stock up on 2x type of foods unlocked by completing the quest with a name are you serious it's a quest called a quest with a name also the stables the brewery a distillery and a garnish garden more decor including some wall colors and improved rec room decor and then some repairs okay Wow then we have equipment I don't think we have anything we have like a sad little sword right now and that's pretty much it a sport guy literally has nothing equipped nothing at all so and then expansions we've already done that as summary maintenance okay so it looks like that's about it for here whoa what is this brute lodgings okay so on the menu we have 14 ranks and 15 meals mede the smoked honey mean has a dry sophisticated taste but more importantly it will get you wicked ripped yes rooms for rent we got five vacant none of them are booked so that's unfortunate so we can check and see if anything's occupied it is not restock I don't think that we need to restock anything because it looks like we have a ton of everything that we need yeah we have 12 plates worth 20 bowls of porridge okay so everything's looking just fine we don't need to mess with any of that let's get out of this and let's check out some what is this guy over here it's like a new patron a bit of news for you catfish grumble born that is a that is a powerful chin right there tell me more cat hrus come back with my wine level one feldspars pop-up wine shop mmm the house wine is running a bit low feldspar square has an infamous and a remarkably cheap wine job probably because no one could ever find it the shop springs up out of nowhere everyday and never in the same spot luckily a patron thinks he knows where it will be this is a man kind of felt like it was a woman at first but whatever that's fine okay yeah anything else I could use a top up top off whichever the one that fills my glass faster let me welcome you my good mama named me Kate hrus and it all went downhill from there oh did it ever oh you can do like serving and stuff to look at this can I get a bowl of porridge please and we can serve the porridge and I assume like maybe we make a little bit of money but we have to spend some of our AP sure it's really really good I can't believe how good this is okay well let's go to the mat because I think that we may have a quest over here yeah come back with my wine right over there so I guess let's do grunt grunts inand merggle oh that reminds me can we that person that just came in over there that one yeah not gruntin you're already there have you upgraded since the last time I was in I don't think so I'll offer you a drink though what's on the menu we got Mead house wine and soda water you don't want the meat I'm telling you right now you know you want the meat so select the meat serve selected item let's try that raise your mugs for those we lost along the way all right I'm kind of wondering like what you need to do to become their friend was this - it says increase the friendship to higher adventurers and unlock secrets okay so how about if I offer you a meal you like the porridge last time so let's try that getting good getting food at a bar is always a little sketchy but let's give this a shot I'm gonna I'm just gonna keep them drinking let's let's sell them more Mead there we go bottoms up and one more drink just to get that final point and just see if it does anything here we go does it contain alcohol that my answer is yes I will listen don't you worry I'll keep an eye on the place for you I used to be a city watch you know okay so they're just like friendly now I didn't know if they would become one of our people or not like one of the individuals that we can send so we're gonna assign these two individuals over here we've got to go forth come back with a wine a bard sends the heroes off with a rousing rendition of the classic try not to get killed today one of my favorite songs look at them march forward through the town of milk Milton party chats about various topics as they journey onward oh that's actually funny like I thought like something crazy would happen and it's just like the party chance to win another feeling cool I'm getting worried that we're gonna get lost in here grunts and says we're totally lost I thought you were supposed to be navigating mergo complains now we're lost and it's all your fault after wandering in circles for an hour they finally find the trail and continue on feeling like idiots this is great I've got two Schmucks that can't find their own oh here we go the party stops in Mill millstone to pull out grunts ins map the patron marked a few potential locations where fells bar square might be setting up shop today this will take advantage of my clever exploration skills says grunting yeah your exploration skills has not come into handy does far let us roll and pray for God on country to get a good roll and we did get a good roll grunts inputs to the mark near gore and flesh cleavers butcher shop sure enough feldspar squares magically appeared at the end of the street they head in to pick up the wine shipment alright man we got the wine shipment come on back to the tavern brother help please a voice cries from the underbrush heroes find a man pinned under a large and heavy looking boulder you can't go you can't go down the road in this place without finding a quest let us try and help we just we just failed despite their best efforts the heroes are unable to move the bowler and the man beneath it bleed out how about we don't mention this to anyone Nergal says as they walk away sheepishly oh come on my party is terrible I like it though like I like that my party is so inept to begin with because it will make them actually becoming leat feel so much more impressive as the warrior and squid appears in the distance grunts in size I feel like I could sleep for a week marigold raises a brown why it's not like you did anything out there that's pretty legit so epic moment was the part where we actually found the place we did however get a crap ton of gold we got an oversized gavel as well as 25 rep okay an oversized gavel that's cool don't know totally what I'm gonna do with it man our profits keep going up though huh look at that we've been good to one it got 40 gold and repairs and maintenance and 30 gold and provisions for new quests but we're almost up to the next level of reputation that's pretty sweet right so we got all kinds of stuff going on over here let's go to equipment real quick because we do have an oversized gavel it allows people to get public speaking better which is interesting does anyone actually have any public speaking so it doesn't really she certainly does it what does this mean I want to know besides just being aggressive I'm gonna give the oversized gavel to gruntin because why not we don't have oh we have wearing a persuasion oh you know what let's uh let's equip this on him too this way he gets her because now he's got all social skills and what is this do we have anything else nothing equipped all right well I guess that's it then so we had a couple of inventory pieces we got a whole bunch of new things out here look at all these people let's start just clicking on people as you happen so I'm guessing this this Robin Hood lik looking individual over here's up now can you like sweep the tavern around you can move it back forth left right by left-clicking and move things around oh it doesn't oh god I just clicked on someone randomly Dione Landon he's a level two something have you upgrades his less welcome good sir how are you ooh will we gained a level and we got another roster slot the income increased by 40 gold as well the name is Deon and whenever you've heard about me know that they started it every time is there anything else good sir can I get a plate of stale bread please yeah that's uh we got still bread four days man this works thanks okay that was weird we got stale bread for days let's click on everyone screw this this place seems a little less terrible every time I visit we got Cranston Grimm over here we're gonna welcome him to the warrior and squid get a little bit of flaming awesomeness and and freaking 4th of July fireworks gonna he'd call me Cranston or anything really he didn't mean sound all demanding sorry would you like anything can I get an order chicken wings yeah sure having a what are chicken wings I like it a lot to see I'll have to have a little more when I to see what I really think though okay he's just a jackass we got mad scorn over here his their last names rift nad part of the rift net tribe that's all of them I hope you haven't finished decorating this place what doesn't or care about decorations give me a break was warrior and squid your first choice my parents almost named me fur trade but settled on Mazarin okay how about hooking me up with a glass of the house wine absolutely a glass of house wine for you good sir everyone's getting fed in water today just like the plants live all we got Phil Blair over here finally a normal freaking day this is the first page over the name I've been able to pronounce I've been in here since it reopened I used to like the old place well how about you like the warrior and squid jackass a pleasure to make your acquaintance I'm Phil hunter for hire who would you like to be hired at some point I would like a mug of me absolutely mugs of Mead for everyone feel free to make use of me if you like I'm an adventuring kind of owe in an adventuring kind of way I mean absolutely what are you you're a hunter oh we could use a hunter I think well actually you know what I'm gonna come back to you so you've got someone else over here this is huh jewel sold rum cask Chum Chum er casks chipper hey the berries in this new wine eh oh it's as cheap as it comes my friend names total burglar night for hire can I trouble you for a glass the house wine man the house wine is pouring like frickin I almost said like wine but that's just that's just redundant I like it thanks okay you haven't heard have you tell me more my good man across the street a food vendor across the street has scared a rat into his cooling the twos cooking fire and roasted the poor thing alive perhaps out of insanity or desperation he gave it a nibble turns out the rat didn't taste half bad fliers circulate claiming bring your own rat get the first grilled free who will take that quest and while we're questing we had this guy over here that wants more oh they want a sub soda water alright I like it Thanks there was someone else that we could hire let's find him over here no it's not Deon Phil it's gotta be Phil yes Phil the hunter he's level two as well which is pretty sweet so now we have a level two hunter on our on our little team over here and I think we've got a brand new quest to go find out about bringing your own rat which is level one these quests are horrible a food vendor across the street scared a rat does cooking fire roast the poor thing alive alright so let us let us assign everyone over here because we can have up to four people I think right now and we'll see how well all these individuals do now we do have some extra equipment that we've equipped on our people Phil purchases from a local street vendor well fresh may be overstating things a bit battling onward moving through normality and daily it's this tiny little feet in the horny hell that help please a voice cries from the underbrush the heroes fighting me Oh No now the boulder again we screwed this up last time yes we got it by one the party works together to push the boulder off the man freeing him thank you brave heroes I was a couple of hours away from hacking my arm off to get free no you were a couple hours away from bleeding to death because that's what happened to the last guy onward onward brave adventurers the old damp weather makes for a miserable travel right Oh cold damp weather oh but look everyone's pulling together man thankfully the only consequences are few sniffles and muted spirits and we got some gold from it somehow again I don't know how maybe they're just picking stuff up off the ground or something I really don't know quest objective the line of hungry folk stretches nearly two blocks a frazzled chef is roasting rodents at breakneck pace try and keep up a makeshift sign in front of his cart reads Quan newly modern taste expert let us roll the dice and pray to God that we do well and rnjesus turns out to be on our side once more Wylie the line grunts and strikes up a friendly conversation with an enormous orc barbarian named Drusilla Mero sucker they invite her to stop by the tavern some time for a grilled rat and maybe an adventure too sweet maybe we're gonna get a fourth person now let us continue onward because now we have to get back to our tavern things could happen along way now a band of army deserters ambushed into the party I didn't actually expect anything to happen but it looks like we're gonna have to fight for life and we do the party defeats the deserters who flee into the countryside that's what you get you jack-offs all right so we made it I never thought I'd be so happy to see the warrior and squid gruntin says it's become a second home to me not that I have a first home but you know what I'm saying I do grunting we had an epic moment over here when we found when we found the rat that was all right this is the epic moment that's when you know you're playing a tavern simulator when you're big moment is just finding a new way to grill a rat that's basically what we've done today we got some rewards no new equipment though that's too bad so now I think we have barbecued rat on the menu let us check out our new day of stuff over here we had a final profit of 248 gold which is pretty good about 136 RP reputation points I do believe the next levels at 250 so like another day and I think we're going to get our next level of reputation was raised so last call in 50 AP so pretty much you wanted use up I think all the AP that you can't let serve everyone this person wants to play the chicken wings it's catch us up here catch is absolutely chicken wings for you my good sir over here nothing really too much happening we can click on this individual to see a brand new patient we have Doug larb stabbed first sat first ask questions later do you have any other staff attractive ones mmm welcome to this to the warrior edge squid dark about your service moiez willing to check out a new tavern looks nice oh we're at a roster limit click to manage okay well the roster is full but we can't get into SAS and eventually I'm gonna keep you uh you know ready and waiting so that's kind of cool let's go ahead and say goodbye to that that is a big big individual right there let's click on this pager do you ever stop working no that's what it's like Taz oh my god no what is this me pale shield level 2 something let us welcome them so this is the famed warrior and squid that I keep hearing about Taz I'm just gonna call you Taz at your service anything else you'd like a plate of chicken wings absolutely this amazing I don't know why I never tried this I don't know either let us go over to our tavern briefly to see how things are going over in the room and board it looks like we have a lot of porridge stale bread chicken wing oh yeah we got we're we're doing we seem to be doing very well over here we have 57 orders 19 cups of oh oh we have no well we need a crate of stale bread over here I'm gonna get more stale bread and then a couple of vats of porridge now we have 20 bowls of porridge and then so I'm curious now that we got the rat does that do anything for our menu raising on the menu upgrade menu coming soon okay so maybe we can't check this out all I have to show you like porridge because 20 million orphans can't be wrong and that and that the truth we've got several vacant rooms over here you guys got to start getting rooms I want these rooms room used up all right so let's serve the living crap out of everyone over here working with you has been interesting I know a guy who used to say never forget your kills I can tell you that is the voice of inexperience quick chat reminisce over a drink let's reminisce over a drink you got a second absolutely before you get any ideas all hits have to go through the guilt we can't have people running around committing murder all willy-nilly alright and then we can offer them a drink and some other stuff Kate catchers is still over there this person's a doctor I kind of want to get to know them because hiring them might be really really good so it looks like six of eight to hire let's uh let's do that let's offer a meal what's on the menu how about some how about some fresh brewed chicken wings everyone loves chicken wings right but that if this stays half as good as it smells we're gonna get along just fine and how about a drink is well good sir only the finest house wine who the affinity he's got a 14% but let's serve the mead and see how that does well I get to kill something who we can hire them okay so we have a fire mage we have a barbarian and we potentially have a doctor so frivolous and slovenly hmm all right I'm actually going to dismiss the barbarian for right now will no longer be available for quest if you change your mind speak with him and perhaps they'll return we're gonna dismiss him and we're going to a higher we're gonna hire that doctor because I think it would be cool having a doctor on the team so over there level two doctor I can handle my hell myself so I'd be happy to go on any jobs you have okay sweet so now we have those two individuals we do need a nice quest over here I think I made it all away for both of us to make some gold what do you say so it says saag nod rubs slate fall but the rats killed a kobold cleaning crew heads down to the cellar but returns and moments later slamming the door behind a peek down to stared at veiled rodents have somehow been reanimated a zombie rats of course there let us go forth let us go forth and complete this quest now what does this take to do I wonder it just takes 30 gold so let's go back to the tavern real quick let's go ahead and let's go ahead and just start like serving some food and drink and stuff like that he really loves the house wine it looks like bottoms up absolutely perhaps you'd like a perhaps you'd like a meal as well 7% how about stale bread how you feel about stale bread getting food at a bar is always a little sketchy but let's give this a try and then I must serve you one more thing so I can learn about all your oh it doesn't say anything about it the affinity I kind of wondered I'm gonna serve you some chicken wings too smells delish dinner is served we're almost at the next level for them too which is pretty sweet cat just over here has more stories to tell us and they can be it looks like they can be recruited as well I will give them a drink though because why not a little bit of house wine can't ever go wrong rat 17 for them and we've got a new quest over here this place could use a bit of ventilation but after a couple of drinks I won't care well done my good man perhaps later you will be able to join uh anything else I can do for you nope just invite them to the roster which I don't want to do for right now alright boys it's time to go into a realm of a high adventure everyone you're being a sign back for seconds the rats need to be demolished you boys know you can't shake the feeling that I'm forgetting something merggle says Tazz rolls her eyes yeah your tunic red eyes glow menacingly in the darkness Taz looks a bit apprehensive as zombie rats swarm forward we roll the dice looking for glory and greatness then we find it there zombie rats fare no better against heroes than they did while they're alive who wouldn't reanimate a bunch of tavern rats Taz wonders aloud I feel the same way seems kind of pointless the road-weary adventurers round a quarter and see the Warriors quit up ahead thank the gods Merkel says be warned anyone who gets between me and my bed is apt to get hard and thus we complete yet another epic quest and by epic I mean we killed some zombie rats but it got us somewhere we got a bunch of XP we got some gold got more reputation which is pretty sweet and once again another day in the books for the warrior and squid you see over here we made a profit of 100 gold which isn't bad we had a lot of expensive resupply it because oh yeah I had to buy more plates of food and stuff like that that does make sense so what are these people doing they're kind of wandering around over here working with you has been interesting oh it's one of our team members zombie rat sound much tougher but they're not so much it turns out reminisce over a drink let's do that zombie rat okay very good Oh any vacancies yes yes room descriptions coming soon absolutely though good I really wanted to stay here tonight oh that's cool so now we're starting to use up our rooms yes they're talking about I was thinking about the other day okay I know a guy used to say oh we already did that but - let's reminisce over a drink up for some conversation I sure AM you'd be amazed at how many people try to hire me for off-book stuff I can't imagine memories am i right I you are in fact one of those people is a regular here last one you probably suspect oh alright the tax collector has been hounding me all week mmm I'll bet so what else do we have over here merggle after killing those rats I feel ready to take on the world or at least increment increment Lee larger groups of rats yes let us reminisce over a drink up for some conversation I'd like you to stay in the tavern like your last bunny that would be fantastic despite with that nosy do-gooder catchers would have you believe I'm perfectly respectable by mage standards I'm sure you are another round if you please absolutely how about some about some Mead everyone loves mean right bottoms up so we've got a bunch of new patrons over here we have Ramsay Volk you level on something rather let's go ahead and welcome him to the group do you have a new menu have a menu or something how does all this work oh I'm a Ramsay nice to meet you well yeah it's it's a tavern you order some things we get you some food maybe a beer here and there how about you hook me up with a mug of meat absolutely muga mead wow this stuff blows me away I'll have to order this all the time well we've got plenty of casks of it we got brace and pie right over here I think that that is a stone is it not my shoulder keeps clicking that can't be good Oh bracing I'm bracing and whatever stories you've heard about me I can explain he's a level 1 con artist because con artistry need its own level anything else stale bread absolutely and they like it gained a little bit of a happiness over there you can see Oh Dirk what do you need oh I was looking to get a room for the night yes right over there perfect this will do we're getting people rooms now boys this is what I'm talking about been a long week so says gracel Amero sucker I remember goose Ella remember we met her over in in rat grilling land ho we gained a level we had another roster slot and we got 40 more gold that's what I'm talking about met some of your friends over barbecued rat I mean the moon to break something or someone or something how about you hook me up with a glass of house wine you got it closing time you're out of actions reorder goods and manage lodgings or assign parties and end the day oh okay so let some real quick Oh got another room over here well everyone wants rooms oh because it's the end of the day it's the end of the day so everyone wants rooms over here that's what I'm talking about tonight can we get one more person in our group though I wonder oh no I need two more a P let's um alright let's go over here to the map I think we can do oh no available quests there is a quest lingering out there I don't know if it takes a P to get it this guy over here has it tell me more I smell a rat small farmers markets it up across the street perhaps someone there can shed some light on our rat Reviver okay let's see if we can do that real quick actually before we end the day so oh we got a level how do you uh how do you level up I have no idea higher okay well that's just a sign everyone for right now there we go we have one more slot right now but there's nothing really we can do about that at the moment so three people gonna go take care the chance of success on this quest only 25% are you serious we're gonna quiz it is the party is a nine versus a quest of 10 ah so we're gonna want that last person for sure okay let's um let's end a day real quick I do want to get this quest done even though it's not like the best way to do this so that's what we're gonna do let's go ahead and end the day next day so you have to unassign people from the quests to go on to the next day no questing today I know it was a sad sad day it was a sad state of affairs we lost a lot of profit because we had a lot of expenses a lot of expenses actually that's what happens when you don't do any adventuring man that's what freaking happens let's um let's go real quick over here smell a rat okay let's uh oh you know what hold on let's hire one more person and then we're gonna do the quest so assassin or paladin to join the group I think I'm gonna have the assassin join that sounds pretty cool so let's go ahead and do that move over here to the map let's go and assign everyone for this quest we got a 30% now but whatever I think we're gonna be just fine try not to burn two blade that while we're gone circumcised the exit the tavern moving onward we're gonna go find out about these rats over here we're gonna take some asses out I'm telling you what the party meets a fellow group of adventurers who began posting up their accomplishments so this is a social role we fail horribly all their adventures laugh and jeer at the parties tails both that's unfortunate I kind of wish that we would have seemed a little bit more impressive but apparently we did a pain whale comes from lake up ahead a woman appears we caught Nanette thrashing in the sand attempting break free a gnarled fisherman is threatening her with machete we fail at this as well the party charges out of the forest toward the grizzly fellow he retreats yelling something about a curse Tazz attempts to calm the woman down but she is panicked and fights her by the time she's cut free the doctor is covered in scratches crap we need to get some gold pieces though which is kind of nice man it's more harrowing just getting to this place than doing the thing a protein farmers market pill says we better find this Knick romancer soon the rats are bad enough they start reanimating our dead flies will be in real trouble and we failed zombie rats in your tavern says lucas the fishmonger sounds like the work of that psycho fortune teller amelia mortalis be careful around her she's a bit touched in the head we are doing absolutely dreadful uh in fact I think we failed all the way back and forth there gumdrops the map the campfire burning a few roads off finding their way might be a challenge now my party is so bad oh I've already managed to do it they managed to recall what they burned sexism at work and sketches the replacement I'm just saying if we can convince the monsters to come here to get killed we can save ourselves a lot of travelling Phil says the heroes returned home to the warrior and squid and there we go boys we had an epic moment although we failed the living crap out of ourselves we're getting somewhere though we made a little bit of XP we got some rewards we're getting there we'll go back to the tavern guys what do you think of epic tavern a blend between tavern management and quest I guess giving and selection feel free to let me know about in the comment section below until the next time folks stay foxy and much love [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 527,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, epic tavern, epic tavern game, epic tavern gameplay, epic tavern kickstarter, epic tavern gameplay part 1, epic tavern pc, epic tavern walkthrough, epic tavern music, epic tavern video game, tavern management, bar management, tavern simulator, bar simulator, epic tavern steam, epic tavern download, epic tavern early access, owning a medieval tavern, managing a medieval tavern, medieval tavern, medieval tavern game
Id: hi_M2G7qPJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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