The Forgotten ANIMATRONIC In Roblox! (JUDY Chapter 3 - Part 1)

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[Music] gold what is this hmm i'm kind of busy right now rainbow and i need this oh this is a great deal you went on a shopping spree again well that's because has mystery boxes on sale mystery boxes and they disappear in seven days this is such a good deal out of my way everyone you only have seven days to grab your very own mystery box they're here for a limited time so be quick shop now at you don't want to miss it link in the description box below [Music] i found a fireplace what's the point that's all it does oh don't [Music] [Music] those are some nice shoes oh that's judy it's judy wait who's that was that judy or linda oh no [Music] wow so glamorous hi are you judy or linda okay actually she looks evil let's not talk to her this room is cut oh she's linda look judy's in the case oh linda how are we doing today evil i don't think it's time to ask upset linda's chapter this isn't judy it's linda judy told us to meet her by the ocean oh yeah what are you judy's best friend now yeah do i look like her best friend yes yeah you actually do okay well is this the ocean whoa are we just down there down there this is cool you're not supposed to jump there's probably a trail over here oh there's a dock down there guys uh it says check the shore for clues oh down here can i go did you seriously bring a gun oh this is a flashlight what the heck did it look like a gun hey i didn't get a flashlight just press f all right we got a chair here a lock what's that noise oh i heard something oh it must be judy's boat that she sent for us because we are her vip customers i'm getting off this island friends were customers which one is that gold you gotta pick one smell like the sound of those horns oh did you find a map in there yeah i found a jar okay so as it was the map to linda's lighthouse apparently linda owns a lighthouse we gotta go over there i guess i drew the boat to go fast onto yi boat come on move your butt oh i was thinking more of a cruise ship but this will do oh my goodness there's no cruise ships well actually there there might be guys get off of there we have to go explore this place what it said to go to the lighthouse it says we have to find a padlock is this the padlock to let gold float into the seat i'm just gonna let her go guys it has a code oh it's okay three digit code okay got it code one two three i doubt that's the code funny linda smart what is it hey get your butt off the boat and find the code guys let's go look guys is the code 666 why no are you looking at something no i'm guessing okay you guys stop goofing around you guys go find the code i'm just going to enjoy the view maybe if we walk around whoa no we're funny why don't you locate the world famous linda did you not hear that i mean see that yeah that was scary don't just throw something yeah hey stop it don't do that so the brick fell on this a water heater it's cold so you turn it on okay we gotta get in this building then right hmm i think so look guys it says linda the world famous oh linda was jealous of judy judy wait do you think the code is 1950 or was it three no it's three no it's three digits wait there's a newspaper here let's see what this says the old judy world theme park has caused a lot of controversy still doesn't help finding three digits is that it that's all that's the giant newspaper said try opening the door there's a really creepy phone here oh i don't like that i don't like that i don't know that here this wasn't here before was it yes it was okay well i don't like that photo so i'm just gonna keep looking for clues oh gosh oh wait guys look this is the detective room it needs a key card to enter but it also says it's not useful so yeah we don't need it a bakery doesn't open can i get it open no you cannot get the croissant it is closed everyone to progress the story we must do what the horror movie people do go down this creepy dark alley we've been avoiding it fine what kind of dumb idea is this someone knows the padlock around here i don't see anyone hello what did you do it says the statue singing there's a piano do not sing to me [Music] no you play the piano out here hello what's this anyone out here nope there's so much random artifacts outside this place is very random guys follow me okay i thought our goal was to go on the boat not go deeper into the forest well to go on the boat we need to get the padlock though is anyone here johnson always ask that is anyone here why are you gasping what's that it's the thing in the picture is that a person is that a lie oh that's cool that was in the picture yeah it's kind of cool is that judy it's kind of like i think it's nice i think he'll talk to us what are you doing daddy hello i haven't seen anyone here in months the last one was ripped to shreds my name was amaziah before the transformation i assume judy sent you if you are looking for the doc's padlock code i need something for you first i used to be human like her and linda i was magnificent one of the best i had all the fans over the country for amisa a sitcom i started i missed the old days the downside was that i became too famous for my own good linda told me the code while we were close friends before i was turned into this linda befriended me and told me we'd work together for something greater oh linda's bad one night before my biggest red carpet event we were sitting in her limousine oh and then what what happened tell us more amazia mazia you're not gonna tell us she's not really giving us the code i'm gonna have to look somewhere else maybe she's pointing to it and she took it away what do you want over there she wants us to kill linda yeah because linda's mother mother linda's jealous do you guys see that yeah it's a high yeah we got there oh there's a person there's a person oh this is the background are we even allowed in is that a scarecrow wait is this this is scary that's not a person guys this is a backdrop yeah and you're not even supposed to be on this side i'm getting out of here oh could be well no rainbow i know i know wells are scary but it needs a handle or a bucket something's going to pop up why would we put a handle from well maybe the code is in there right what's that no it might be nice too maybe it's crazy look at the heck up guys you have to get the well handled okay yeah look behind you buddy what it's okay it's glitch it's okay you glitched right i got the handle okay good job good job running come out now i got to go back back to the well oh the handle's on the wall already cut someone's hanging come on thanks monster hurry sweeter cool i saw you gold let's go spin it i'm gonna chase this monster away bruh come here monster jump lunar one in the wow i don't want it anymore put your point in the wall you don't get it just supposed to come down come on luna lunar oh good job good job we gotta go where am i gonna give it to amazon oh my gosh rainbow what's the code just get it rainbow just get it where is it i'm recording you rainbow don't worry about go go go no did you get the code what are you doing up here what oh i'm filming this for youtube i'm filming this for youtube oh oh oh go cut her down jacko go go cut the tree down the tree the woman azalea what i'm not cutting amazia down but that's the point of the saw bro plus there's a monster right there emzya you're going down saw her guys thank you i am free the code is 278. oh you're welcome i mean you're welcome have a good day all right thanks bye two seven eight run run run run i cannot oh this was amazing she was nominated for the best actress two seven eight let's go please don't be out come on stop trader wait that was so easy all right everybody on the boat all right bye creepy monster please stop following us i don't know why they're both gonna leave let's go mine oh you click on the vote oh we're so dramatic yes bye linda island lynn lindell is going towards now we're going to linda why it was a dramatic time for us okay we're just avoiding that monster what's this a portrait oh a beautiful sunset oh run run really tick-tock rainbow no and then there was it it's a rotten island and then abandoned lighthouse wow this is why these black bars here linda's drago let tick-tock be it doesn't look as uh you know thriving this is a cool machinima linda if you live here we want to be friends say aye aye captain oh look at the view gorgeous oh so pretty wow oh no great a headless statue maybe we should let linda know that we are nothing but plebs so she doesn't have to be jealous of us good job rainbow yep good plan we are pros at climbing cliffs linda your cliffs will not stop us yeah it just moved really didn't oh there's the lighthouse guys funny saying stuff it actually moved okay sure just get to the lighthouse i know we could pretend and actually like oh you know draco didn't see it but outside what's that do you hear that no anybody is i heard something crunchy crunchy it's probably just your feet guys oh good job yeah of course rainbow it's my crunchy feet linda's really making us hype linda you're extra for living up here oh we're starting all right linda we have to stop her or else she'll keep turning into turning judy into spirit linda stop it the door is locked search for another answer to the back um oh what the what was that chuckle what did you do i don't know i went over here and i heard a crow and that's it oh over here hello back here this is the door someone to wait someone from the door jack are you open why you think something's gonna pop out charcoal oh he's teleporting i teleported oh it's even darker in here entering the lighthouse oh oh no no no no i can't barely see anything is there a light switch i can't see anything at all let's just go through this quickly oh through here oh oh it's haunted oh heck's me it's me i'm doing that okay i was like okay we got some haunted effects in here i didn't know lighthouses were so gigantic inside same rainbow yeah they seem small stop it i didn't i didn't do that i'm serious you can close the door no okay linda was obsessed with hello sending celebrities into monsters why are you saying hello funny obviously over there in here photograph says something ghost do not trust the green eyed monster what green nine monster that's envy that's envy that's what that means um anything over there we have a lot of envy and power books linda is quite the jealous type you have to find the keys for the upstairs door i don't like that noise wait why are the music changing oh there's a key here track oh when there's intense music you know what that means grab it that's something i can't see it's too dark anything in here guys [Music] [Applause] she's crying wait wasn't this thing that attacked us but it's like more human [Applause] holy kills me you liar oh okay never mind never mind never mind someone i think there's something in there first buddy okay hi i know you just turned into a psycho everyone come on rainbow let's get out of here i gotta say the jump scare is pretty good okay so what we're gonna do we're why are you going in no just don't look at her maybe it's like judy don't look at me no wait is there a powerball maybe we have to take a picture let's go luna get the stuff guys lunar good luck get oh my gosh i just got killed again uh hey you know who always avoids tasks gold i'm pretty sure there's nothing in there for the inside go yeah there might be abracadabra gold hasn't been getting eight goggles sharing is caring that's why you must go first luna luna guys maybe there's a way to get in go tell linda that you're very pretty and you dress up for the occasion to meet her go go go go linda will love that linda you are very pretty let me just look let me look a little closely i don't see anything wait there's tape guys there's tape behind her butt yeah there's actual tape there's actually tape jack oh behind the bed go go go go okay i'll go too are you i'll go dude guys the tape it's right there i see it i don't know if it's useful though can you grab it uh no i'm not dying okay i don't think there's a point i don't know we don't we're strong enough to get i just found fireworks funny good job tape right there oh wait she's gone she's gone no she's like i found a fireplace what's the point and that's all it does oh why's she out here i don't know why she's out here gold what go don't i can't she's gold i'm not looking i'm not looking at her i'm not leaving she's behind me no woman woman woman no no no no no woman woman woman woman oh my gosh i don't think she likes leave us alone woman wait wait uh let's talk there's a new you can listen to some music there's a song called no i got the taste buddy the future you got the tape okay and in the future um people love robots yeah yeah linda you're a superstar yes yes i don't want to look at him can you just give me the firework i found linda it's so annoying light up warning kaboom do we blow this up what let's try you need to tape it to the door i told you the tape the tape's in the room i told you i saw she's still here she's still here oh my gosh gold what i didn't shoot this out there get the tape hold get the tape get the tape yes you like the wardrobe too huh all right tape it on there it's taped off step back sit back back good job good job make sure just whoa nice go yeah guys let's go track oh oh good it's open i'm out bye linda wherever you are where where are you uh oh yeah no i'm not talking we are now in linda's kitchen which means we are her food okay i'm hungry i don't know she's cooking us food all the time yeah i don't think that's the situation i know we heard you bake great cookies this is such a cute little bike do you think we can take it as a like a souvenir home no rainbow this is not a place for souvenirs what kind of kitchen has a bathtub in the mirror that was amazing finally finally luna what you got scared for once oh there's a puzzle here [Laughter] what there's a slidy puzzle who's good at sliding wait draco there's actually dinner here look delicious it's their favorite hungry you have to hold on to it what's in that jar no starfish no you actually need it draco like you need a fish jacko it's part of the game where's the sliding puzzle oh this over here unlock the door we gotta unblock it oh i was great at these if i could remember what do we need them oh hello honey what did i do what killed you what the heck something threw something in your head wait did you make a spirit angry wait what did you do there's someone above there did i do it right or wrong no you didn't cause you took too many shot tries i think fine you do it it says the lock will prevent any child spirit from opening it do not let the three squares with the closed heliums touch or else you will be taken to the beyond oh lunar oh i see all right push the up one lunar yes uh oh oh something different boom boom whoa whoa those things are touching look at that here down left up boom done wow funny hearing me thank you i told you slide puzzle pro all right oh wait there's coffee first no never mind swine [Music] [Applause] me me knuckle fur actually that's what you get bro uh someone go first i don't want to did you see him he was such a hulk he's like yeah i mean oh it's a eagle okay oh is that what the fish is for oh all right you're right here take this have this smelly fish you oh no rainbow i didn't like it okay that's it the fish is not it oh birdie have fishy okay just ate me too i see a key can someone just grab it and then the other person just run wait it can't kill us all at the same time right i'll sacrifice i'll sacrifice wait oh oh the shoe bell has something to eat all right you did it crave humans good job thank you how did you i don't know she just fed it she's a shoe bird tamer whoa i don't like what's behind here okay well clearly you had a lot of things to eat but what's this hungry okay it really likes fish yup all right let's get this key let's go use it over here guys let's go all right okay open up another teleport ah whoa goals cookies you're cookies you think those cookies are still good yeah it's golden no why rainbow please i mean if you want to try it here's milk over here for you there's actually milk oh yeah that's a expired juggernaut look through this cut out okay everyone entertain draco wait it says a carnival cutout why does linda own so many theme park items was she about to make her own theme park too i think so linda's purse it's full of cash and makeup a golden lighter i don't need this makeup not the time oh wait there's a vhs tape like i a old vhs tape it's labeled the judy tapes ah whoa that's creepy linda's taste on art is a bit it's too much for me it's a little scary that's a centipede guys what about this cut out um it just says the wooden cutout is freshly cut what fresh sawdust all over the carpet all right guys linda linda i think she's here oh no she okay no at the top of these waiting to look around the room first what's that noise yeah yeah i did everyone i'm going upstairs please no spiders crawling on the wall please no spiders crawling down from the walls it's not the music i feel like living in a lighthouse is scary [Music] what is that crawl run what the heck was that there's help i don't know what that was how how do we get up did you see that yeah um i don't think we could go upstairs ooh ooh guys there's a ten dollar bill attached to this magazine rainbow you should we just saw a spider is there a hint about lynch wait can i play this hold up i'm going to play the tape is that linda or judy oh that's linda dragging judy we already know linda wow these graphics are very interesting jealous [Music] it's the envy that got her okay i'm gonna try riding upstairs again run run run run oh did you play the tape she's gone he's gone wait guys she's gone what is that guys come up here is that linda oh i see a tame oh wait no that's judy remember hello judy long time no see oh my i was scared you wouldn't make it yeah it was hard getting here i am so sorry that i couldn't meet you any closer there were too many awful creatures down there i had just now seen linda run into the lounge that's where my body is kept i need my body to become human again my fans really miss me i don't have much longer till my body starts to decay i thought you're an animatronic linda has made me look terrible to the public she forced me to drink forever beauty under the impression it was the key to being young and once i was turned into a spirit she created judy world to scare others into thinking i am evil now no one wants to help me and sadly i may be stuck like this forever she's up to something terrible and won't ever be stopped without your help please please stop her the police have not been much help i'll meet you again once you've gotten my corpse good luck i'll be waiting right here be careful she's very smart i've fallen to her traps many times judy can you come help us you know robot versus robot yeah nope i think she's a robot i think she's just a spirit this is our own battle and don't worry judy let's go get in the door hey linda what are you doing this lounge everyone we're burning fast which way do we go guys super fast all right all right let's go left since there's a cutout draco don't do it it's not going to happen you're a superstar superstar what was that again run run ah okay we can't go there all right peek-a-boo let's go go go go peek-a-boo she has so much formaldehyde another line funny uh book hello address judy's dress i wonder what linda is up to got a polaroid she wants to become all of the famous celebrities all right there's marking stars logo guys think linda's into some scary stuff linda don't get any closer i have judy's body and there's no way you'll get it now i'm sacrificing her corpse to the goddess of envy and she will be judy's new host we will return to earth and become the most popular the most rich and the most beautiful celebrities once her body is taken over by envy there's no way for juju to return to her old self she will fade into the beyond realm for the rest of her existence which could be forever whoa and now that you're here you have about two seconds to run what do we do when i run we run we need to go help that body i know where we go i know where you go go go go go go go where this right yeah down here right here what the okay oh come on come on turn around she is a material girl girl okay it's a different alternate staircase oh gosh funny why would you do that i thought it was funny um where am i she's out i bought she's out there don't go out i blocked her can someone come pick me and go without if we are lost what did you get she is right outside here gold gold you go first she's wait okay it's clear honey go go go gold and i are lost come on gold and i are lost we were done go go go come here over here over here you guys let's just tell linda that she doesn't need to be jealous because she's so pretty already oh yeah that works you should but not on the side in the inside i think we go down here guys uh-huh i don't think it's time to teach her moral lessons and linda you are rotten on the inside you want me to be beautiful goodbye what guys can't see anything i'm dead funny funny i just insulted her let me in what draco what'd you run away i don't know she died luna died she probably was getting close to the staircase i got murdered don't be down there don't be down there don't be down there don't be down there guys i think it's where she's camping hey camper nope nope nope this is unfair she's having a weapon yeah hey whoa she has a bag she has long distance i'll wait i'll wait for her to cross just kill me linda stop trolling her linda go away you don't stop okay you do see me you do see me hey hey this is camping this is spawn point okay run run run uh door wait what there is no floorboard i don't know how to get out of here there's a painting what alternatives i found it it was behind her painting you had to click the painting where is that painting meet up meet up oh that's funny draco tell us wait wait i see lunar guys over here we lost gold oh just go over here this painting you know what she'll teleport let's just open it go go go go sneak in come on down here good job what wait what the door will open until 6 a.m oh motors grab the toys from the vents as they walk by whoa i'm invincible oh rainbow okay all right you heard that oh amanda you're so cute yada yada yeah you mean here guys these are the toys we're looking for but some of them are moving okay gotta hear that that's what we're gonna find oh you little time toys they weren't mine are you joking we sounded crazy we were like oh where are they they're literally right here how do you guys just grab them let me go in the main room come on she's right there hurry they're just walking all over the vents guys come on you guys if you shut the door in here she doesn't oh i grabbed that one already you got to grab the other ones okay okay oh is she coming yes i got it one more push up dude hurry up oh it's her come on caught in 4k oh she doesn't right there right there got it got it okay come on come on to the room we're standing back here guys go she's through the door she's camping come on come on oh someone's down remember go go go paint no fun go go go let's go don't turn around jacko why is it fish someone likes crayola oh find judy's body before linda gets a hold of it leave me alone i've had enough i'm drawing my parents from before oh oh that's so sad we have to get rid of linda she's me i'll help you linda's a meanie whoa do you see that are they a ballet dancer no the one back there right there doing oh yeah i see how do we get back there oh good job crawl linda what's this i hope i don't end up like this has anatomy she's really into taking stuff apart huh excuse me i'm pearl do you see behind the walls too oh i must be mistaken you are human yes we are i remember being human i used to be a dancer before i went to judy world ever since then i've been stuck like this not a fashion amateur but a spirit we are able to take any form of anything mostly the only restriction if it's a lie what envy is the only spirit who has freedom to take over their minds and bodies of humans i'm one of the only spirits with the self-awareness or so i was told by linda she's been keeping us in a conscious spirits up here you should probably go now or judy will be one of us forever the exit to this place is hidden you must find it quick ah it's always hidden it's not fun being nothing trust me where's the hidden exit can we go through here no no i don't think so she's kind of warning us i think linda's gonna take over our bodies or something it's okay i just uh i can make a new roblox account it's fine okay open oh worse oh oh wait this way what is this there's not much here and once you see beyond what's that it becomes to all feel so meaningless everything you do okay we have to help them guys she said a secret hideout so let's click everything oh we're behind the door maybe try opening these and used to scratch the walls to escape there's so much out there earth oh good job this one it's full of tiny bones ew uh-oh walls anyone's hidden walls anywhere guys look up remember to always look up i miss everything hmm this door oh i found something guys did what did you find it says youthful spirits grants a month perfection yo i just got a yes a gun oh finally give it to me i think this one's helping take your own medicine where are you i think this spinning thing is helping linda hit the door i whoa guys calm down on the the saloon style shooting what's this to become writers together no thank you it's like some weird science stuff a leap into the core reality i think we found the room the passage to enemies realm i've never seen anyone but linda make it out alive what is the nvl i'm sorry envy realm who's the guardian that looks scary i swear envy is yep where's your envy whoa oh you just missed it linda has dropped my body below into envy's passage this isn't the end yet there's still time before envy has a chance to reach my corpse are we too late you will need to enter the passage through another entrance location on the island south from here you know where to go south [Music] the island is owned by linda and i've seen her constructing another type of theme park there you will need to find a way back outside immediately before it's too late tons of awful monsters from envy's realm have been spawned all over the island [Music] please stay safe if you die there there's no hope left for my future the bedroom door is beside the hole start your journey there bedroom door all right let's hurry if you know everything judy why don't you just help us yeah draco judy's spirit that's why we're in this bedroom now i don't want to go back i don't like this oh no i don't like this bedroom nope this is so creepy i like this picture all right there we go hello enough games linda another statue what does this say it's broken quiet down here i don't like it hello she got wigs you drew on them with a trolley face can't call for help oh what's that what oh whoa whoa whoa okay i have a guy what are you doing hey hey back up [Music] a bag oh it's here the alarm okay that's the main entrance at the main entrance i dyed it i fixed it i turned off the alarm clock oh thank you why are you still here oh do you see this puzzle it's so intricate okay i haven't me and gold are distracting the monster so can you guys hurry please yep for sure draco how do you solve this oh you gotta connect it um together you just we just gotta figure out how to connect them hurry where are you trying we're trying to stir like that boom i'm not scared of you stinky oh no it goes it has arrows so it has to go through the bottom and top so oh it's going to be nice you guys are going anywhere just trying to solve this structure it doesn't go bottoming up this one goes up like this i think i did it oh draco you could turn these too what oh sorry jack and i are taking our sweet time yeah you really are draco does that have to attach to anything i mean in here it looks like it's attached like this this is torture i just keep trying to attack the thing over again good job yes yes we got it spoiler room is this the boiler room guys we're going to the boiler room meet us there spoiler room it's near the puzzle oh no no no go that way i hate doing stuff for judy yeah there's way too many steps give us nothing guys you're saving judy from her advice but the thing is demise demise says everything judy great we went upstairs you're such a baby jack though all right follow me people uh um she's definitely likes keeping corpse down here what is this a train i am envy furnace my life is devoted to taking spirits and feeling the passage to envy's realm you are stuck in the boiler room until i am bed the exit is locked shut finding me an innocent life to consume i craved the bones and flesh of the week my teeth i got the thought of crushing something so vulnerable beautiful complete the furnace guardian is nearby do not be alarmed if you hear any noises he is friendly all right go you want me no creepy why could we open everything in here yellow sacrifice uh who's wearing okay i'll look on the floor so it's fair who's wearing purple nope okay all right [Music] luna get your foot back here whoa luna we want to shoot it hey what are you doing here living breathing doll oh it's a little bunny why is there a side balloon that's kind of sad hello open nope anything this game is down this hall kitchen exit oh my gosh oh my gosh run run run i gotta run get her and get her oh i'm dead it's another one of judy's things wait what if we sacrifice those oh you're right draco it's crunchy no it's really crunchy crunchy it's not innocent though it is innocent it's crunchy go draco why are you playing like party music we're having a raven party sunny day now oh it's not working wait where'd it go they ran away why is it a clown oh my gosh funny get whatever's over there he gets all blue balloon uh no i saw that balloon already come on find something it's chasing us up here guys i think i think the furnace is up here oh wait nothing's up there i think that's the furnace behind you that that thing i don't know what's happening you know what i'll go down i'll go look bro it's a camper no they think there's multiple of them i'm hiding in here i'm sick of this where is it it's camping in the kitchen it's clutch it's glitched all right it's but it's stuck let's go [Music] there's nothing here what are we supposed to do i think it's the hallway what's you try right now it went away rainbow it's the boat we have to shoot the balloon we have to shoot the balloon or get it it went to the furnace yeah you gotta go get it go rainbow down that hull this oh wow you're wow funny okay okay rainbow go get the balloon what's the two things happening though it's coming back to i think a clown was here or something yeah this doesn't work well why are the balloons here oh wait wait what's this do you see me yeah yeah is there something here hiding i don't see anything oh this furnace guardian we have to kill the furnace guardian with this uh this battered back thing nail thingy what is this oh i don't know all right um okay whack furnace it's behind me what what just happened did you get it you killed the furnace guardian i didn't know what i did i said did it kill me luna i think i put the spike trap down oh that was scary you guys didn't even know what happened it's dead all right we hate you bye you look pretty say stay let's go come on let's go feed him oh this you you sacrifice that oh what's that did you see it i grabbed it uh jackalope okay let's go sacrifice it all right crunchy time enjoy come on hello here's a crunchy muscenda jackal rabbit oh wow a beautiful jackalope this is perfect and more than enough to feel me for a while not as much power as something like you would have granted me but this will do for now the lookout room door is now unlocked you're welcome i guess i hope you have a good birthday all right let's go come on let's get out of here linda sending us on a goose chase are you here yet linda we're sick and tired of chasing nda wait it says this is how judy was freed okay yeah like like i know how to read that whoa what happened i'm not sure if you're trying to you don't phase us anymore it didn't work yeah oh yeah oh my god okay that hey come on i just got here i even get to see what was that there's a wall of nails yeah out like the china nails like the magical exit no like actually not the time not the time do we go through that exit go go go get in there a little baby head creepy not scared anymore don't care just want to finish judy's list of chores for her this is a goose chase all right linda listen up where's the goose oh wait i could pick something up what'd you pick a gas mask i should leave the island now oh come on no it's okay we got the gas mask let's go let's go okay um i'm exhausted judy i'm so tired judy i didn't know lighthouses could be so big judy we want to save you but judy we're just all right we're simple humans is that linda you paint pictures of yourself now that's kind of you're you have a big ego girl no linda's totally not narcissistic linda why didn't i have to be like this full moon looks beautiful i just want out how are we gonna escape where's the escape door what why are you shouting escape door people stop freaking out wait we lost something like an antidote where are you oh no no we don't oh yeah oh wait was it this place i clicked something and i'm outside did you guys leave me what how are you outside [Music] come on let's go to the boat no we're not going to the boat no oh what is that elephant thing what else oh my god it's kind of pretty oh it's not run away it's leading us away follow it cute follow it did that body come back it's a nice thing it's leading us lead the way elefante okay this way which way you lie oh it's mean all right it's mean let's just run okay go to the vote in cold blood oh just go straight down from the head you guys and you see the boat oh i see the boat i see the boat ow jump down jump down just jump down just jump just jump it's not worth it don't take the path good job guys smart girls smart things smart girls serving yeah let me out let me out sit me too okay chapter three is over oh wait entering part two there's probably no no no no we'll have to find out next time on chapter three part two to see what happens to linda and judy other than that leave one like and don't forget to subscribe thank you all so much for watching we are crew and don't be jealous or envious or or linda no yeah or else linda exactly don't be linda don't be linda don't be a linda or else people are gonna have to go on a on a chase to get you to get a judy [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,217,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox krew, roblox judy, roblox animatronics, roblox robot, roblox scary, roblox scary story, roblox horror story, roblox funny story, roblox spooky, roblox judy chapter 3, roblox judy itsfunneh, roblox judy funneh, roblox judy krew, judy
Id: cNuei9VwuE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 1sec (2941 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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