Running away from a GHOST in Pico Park!

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if you move you die you hear me so move right now literally just i thought this was a friend as i was saying if you move you win but when i tell you stop stop jump why stop stop why isn't it stopping great everyone please jump over this little green group you jumped on my head i killed him okay everyone in an orderly fashion manner just jump over the goop not that one you don't jump over the green slug no one moves why because it's red light what if i twist no do not twitch there's no green light in this game rainbow don't even blink hurry hurry go go go should we stop no no no no no no no no no keep running don't do it i stopped [Laughter] luna you killed us all everybody would have made it dude this is a game about christians patience people go just go faster speed run this is not a game about pc one game about impatience oh no don't move don't even blink okay stop orderly fashion okay nobody move an inch not even a finger don't even breathe when i say go okay everyone just bounce that's what you like stop stop don't move stalled stop moving over grabbing the key bounce okay let's go everyone look at that sauce push push push push go go go pause stop it stop it stop stop stop stop stop it it's too late i swear she keeps moving you need to stop are you oh we've done this so many times why won't it push oh there we go rainbow it's because you weren't with us everyone sorry this is the game of red light green light or blue light red light i think i'm going to push it to the end stop it no wait can we continue pushing no funny don't do it don't no you can't no you can't see me stop it you're gonna you're gonna die go go careful okay jump off get out get out of here stop do you want to have a little chat with gold yeah i want to push her stop moving gold okay you know what i'm gonna click on the screen gold stop it stop i'm not making us lose the entire kiss on the circle yeah what that's what you get for yelling at me oh my gosh now i stand okay gold you may have goals now can you please apologize apologize i'm sorry i am sorry we're not sorry thank you i'm sorry for not sorry yelling i accept your apology no no push it down push down stop stop stop stop jack are you she couldn't where is this supposed to go she couldn't it's supposed to go down are you oh my gosh funny gold we are entrusting you to push that block down to this block okay you got this guy i've done this a million times i got it don't we have to jump over first you guys no no wait um [Music] oh my gosh she left now we can't do it at all i have messed it up once so now it's your turn rainbow go move out of the way all right oh [Music] i don't want to play move and stop anymore this this is actually painful this is painful oh there's a gun oh no hey oh wait it i remember this one it's the one where it wakes up so you just gonna do this you gotta tap oh no i see someone moves we we can't we can't stop you have to tap you have to tap no you have to stop hey [Music] to the ghost the ghost will not respond to you to pick with you not was it the jumping it kind of was no it wasn't gold jumped fine it was you oh everyone make a tower i think we have to carry all right now tap yeah really stealth get on luna yeah jaco tap us to the next part gold's going solo what the heck tap we go just go let's go come on drop down me and you are the mvp let's go like if you ever see a ghost this is what you have to do totally yeah just tippy toe tell crosstalk sneak on sneak off no i hate this i'm gonna try tiptoeing first okay i think it's just one out of three yeah one time make too much of a big one see you're jumping one at a time okay two at a time two at a time go no one else two at a time pretend good job going downstairs at midnight sneaking a snack okay yeah good job good job okay now luna and draco go get getting ready slowly you get in the snow oh my gosh draco jacob is very good at speed walking okay okay and then honey you're the last right all right funny no it's on fire you can't move yet actually can we do a test can we do attachment am i cursed rainbow just run rainbow don't just oh yeah just run just run oh whoa so it's just one one person at a time one person that was it that wasn't treating me are you kidding me wow stop moving you cannot move at the same time three cannot move at the same time like this like this no stop it like this like this but i'm so happy that we figured it out bye lena come on luna [Music] you can't leave without us i know i just want him to be dramatic slowly [Music] daddy [Music] i don't care she's tired of dying from okay i will scout ahead wait over there one oh wait why don't you step [Music] rainbow you're the track star are you ready to carry your family the biggest tracks are gone i'm keeping an eye on you ghost because i have golden glare [Music] oh my god you got to get all the platform stare at it with the back of your eyes guys just keep staring at it yes that's right we got our eyes on you ghosty why aren't we moving we all have to move look at it oh hey don't do it the ghost has to move for us to move it was right okay wait everyone turn away turn away from it and let's see if it moves oh okay let's go ready why are you shy don't leave me behind i need to run right here okay [Music] wait there's a danger here what is it what's what's in that pipe careful careful are you friendly it's a squid okay okay you guys don't first you guys jump first stop looking at us you have ghosts i see rainbow and rocky we got you rainbow rainbow oh sorry and i was staring into the ghost eyes i've lost track of time okay turn around careful haha you're not gonna get us no yeah how are we going to get the key keep going keep going come on oh i will take that oh you're so kind thank you ghost genius [Applause] okay okay nice to meet you bye let's go look okay four please please no more spooky don't be a giant ghost like glasses what is this wait wait wait you have no energy stop running what do you mean i have so much energy you have an energy bar we share oh so that's our stamina bar so buy it no no because if you waste it you die we got to not expend energy we just do little taps because we share sharing is caring stop stop we need to recover okay everyone tap okay everyone tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap levels rainbow you can't go that far please and catch up to go on top oh this spends a lot of energy rainbow killed this is going to be horrible these swans are nothing maybe we'll get on my head easy gold come on you can do this don't don't waste that energy okay luna rainbow get down here what do you guys see that over there that's a trap [Music] one person spring at a time that's an hour yeah and do not double bounce whatever you do oh my gosh stop stop stop that's so scary only full bar only full bar oh okay okay okay one stop okay stacking pow oh okay close enough okay do this push push push push stop stop go push push stop stop this is stressful go push push it all the way straight let's go stop stop stop oh my gosh i know you love this game yeah good good thing there was a wall there to protect it yeah let's make a staircase so we waste less energy okay are you sure it's gonna be lucky yeah yeah it'll work it'll work okay rainbow rainbow higher fire all right we're gonna make a make a single staircase [Music] oh really this is taking more time oh my gosh just open the door thank you okay never again i do not want to share an energy bar i hate this world the most yay let's never return to move and stop goodbye no thank you so this game is where we have to get that ball to hit that vase over there everyone let's jump on synchronization go ready go whoa it's like jump ropes you wrecked it we need a better wave my legs are too tight you don't jump when rainbow jumps you jump when the person in front of you jacko i clearly know that but i feel like i want to follow the way our skill is three people jump out there two people jump here and then hopefully the ball hits you ready gold yeah this is taking full concentration let's leave everyone it's the game of balance let's get some people over here and some others over there we just tilt right like you mean you mean balance no left people no no wrong way balance we need balance you must balance it oh no oh there goes the bag slow tilt [Music] what the balls disappear the balls is up here when they touch the ground don't let them touch the ground disappear we're supposed to just go through like we don't need them to hit everything oh oh you see protect hit that hit [Applause] oh just bring it just go just let it hit that area draco no stop you guys cover those holes go forward okay covering covering funny hit it go lunar protect that ball with your life i got it i got it okay okay let's go okay okay [Applause] we have one left this one cannot die this one cannot die i hate this just watch it just watch it go don't hit it don't hit it it's going in the right spot let it you have to let it live it's like stop controlling you can't live your life we can try rainbow can you stop yelling at the orange ball that doesn't care for you guys he's nailing it the wrong way you guys have to fling it to the right okay okay okay now just can you please i'm sorry for yelling at it no stop that gold okay kiss it give it a kiss give it a kiss punch it right go focus there you go here we go let's get into this that's good all right all right now smack it oh come on oh that's come on it's it's over it's all good [Music] no it's not it's not guys crew chases ball for 20 minutes everyone watch this this is the idea we kill this ball goodbye ball uh-huh and then why are you killing it now we make a tower on this side yeah make it without hitting that ball you don't have enough space now okay you do have enough space okay nice oh can you see this oh big uh there's not enough okay i want to make a straight line careful straight this has to work please leave a like subscribe okay for this to work thank you very much ready cool power nothing wasn't showing us [Applause] all we need was bro brain pow my brain broken brain power nine four more like more easy what's that what the heck we gotta balance this ball on our head guys i know what we do okay we're gonna make we're gonna make a giant platform we're gonna make a straight platform and we're gonna just walk to the left together okay oh that's not gonna work you can just bounce about your ears and then it'll dry everyone just you have to think about physics yeah see bounce that bounce bounce oh so close a little okay bounce bounce bounce bounce oh so close rainbow you're knocked out good i cut i know my noggin's great oh okay oh my gosh open the door this is it everyone 12. the last park we're finally done say goodbye to all your pico funness i guess no pico will live forever in my heart goodbye and raging people forever and ever and ever you guys ready to see a speed run because we totally didn't play this level yesterday mm-hmm mm-hmm all right we're just okay uh funny let me show you okay use dracula ted do you know what to do oh are you here you killed me okay listen up everyone we're going to show kf the best speed run of their lives everyone please walk that way walk i do this i'm walking walk walk walk i drop this down like so ow and then i drop it here and i stand and we escape oh yes but then what's mommy [Applause] gold do not move i push it closer you a long time to figure out nope let's go let's just go see yay totally didn't do it yesterday [Music] open the door see that was the quickest game ever now world 2 should be a lot faster because we know how world one went and there's fans where are their fans all of a sudden hey over the fan and it can't blow you oh i mean the fans always bounce away that's a good joke that was an amazing pun oh just got a stack oh yeah we gotta go gotta fight the wind you know there is no order rainbow okay tower rainbow i'm protecting us honey be careful but we need rainbow to learn how to dance rainbow you have to go to the top okay okay i got it i got it let's go back oh oh oh okay the door's all right doors over here everyone see how easy that was we just have to put our brains together to obtain 500 iq three is that good why the levels going by so fast yeah it's good usually the ending always goes very fast yes the ship is back boom formation crew snake we kind of like crayons whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh you guys everyone follow the person in front of you grab that okay i think we've lost the snake for me no no the snake is [Applause] there's [Laughter] full concentration nobody die i swear we gotta go slower and faster [Music] huh luda you open the door just to let us all through boo and now it's officially the last park four it was nice knowing all of you picobrains see you never nice no way [Music] [Laughter] okay i'll stop i'm sorry not she keeps jumping over lunar's head follow your leader everyone can we reminisce about the journey oh we have to work together for that part yeah oh we're forgetting about teamwork okay go let's actually use the powers family take a stair make a stair park hurry friends girls family your hat's too slippery anyways back to the family speech family is where pico park all started lunar it's time for you to end your family jokes yeah no you press the button i was running you gotta go faster move let me go faster [Music] [Music] [Music] always one little people she jumped on my head you said i caught 4k rainbow yeah yeah i did i did that i will admit okay formation seems like all of this is a collaboration of all the levels everybody goes okay careful there's a little slide there's a there's a little sleeve slightly slow down a bit slow down a bit bye thank you see you again how do you be calm now you only stay down there and we're back to the same spot we're going to regular don't get bad at jumping literally should okay why do you sound so happy funny never again [Music] what the [ __ ] how did that happen [Music] oh my gosh what the heck okay you guys are doing this on purpose now no no we're not doing it on purpose you think you think we don't have better things to do with our lives and sit here stoopies one bouncy at a time does it say two bouncy on it it says one [Applause] [Music] [Music] chew your food join crew we're all here so much food i'm so hungry so many places to eat yummy so cute collect all the pets sweet check out these outfits i'm beautiful [Music] draco you ate everything the game made me [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,237,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, pico park, pico park krew, pico park itsfunneh, pico park funneh, pico park funny, pico park gameplay
Id: 6gO_cvXSNRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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