Osprey Invasion vs Impossible Island Base! | Ravenfield

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look at how massive this map is and this here is a very strange looking rock this is one of the first maps on the workshop that i've seen where the map maker was like yeah you're gonna want like i don't know 130 to 500 bots most people won't do that because your computer would catch on fire but i feel there's a challenge like look at how many vehicles have been spawning here we got like jeeps on jeeps on jeeps tanks apcs like normally you see one apc right now i see at least one plus more and all of these helicopters this is a massive map wait a minute one two three four what if we were to replace all the helicopters with ospreys it's pretty simple right you just come here and go boop and you go whoop oh my god look at these things we got miniguns rocket pods missiles digital camouflage these things are gonna be dirty i have no idea what these shields are maybe they're like like so you can't hit them with rockets ah some brit made this thing because the driver is on the right oh my gosh those gatling guns are nasty hellfire missiles but like i said this map is massive so we're gonna need a huge aerial invasion so let's see what 250 bots would you know what screw it 500 bots i don't know if i've ever done this now one of the exciting things is i've got 500 bots here oh my gosh my computer's not on fire this is my new computer this is the first raven field video i will have recorded on the new computer and my frame rate is just significantly better than it used to be where is everybody going we're running over each other this we've got a giant armored convoy it's so big and the ai is so bad that we're trying to create kv-6 tanks by like uh romping on each other okay this is exciting but wait a minute i need a i need a vehicle so the old game of raven field the mini game at the beginning is can i outrun the bots and get to a vehicle before all the spots are taken because for some reason they're faster than me alright i'm the captain now this is great i've got a full squad someone hit me or fell off my vehicle and i've actually lost a little bit of health so is this what a massive aerial invasion looks like it sure does now the enemy just says regular helicopters nerds let's get the show on the road what is that bright light blinding me did someone fire a nuke or there's more all right this is very strange i don't know if this is some kind of a defense mechanism or what oh my gosh what an amateur i still have my landing gear down so we're going to pull that up and go into vtol mode holy crap this is amazing now this is an osprey we got to get our vital giant beast to have these same kind of controls because that is just seamless what are you doing this map is massive and is worthy of a massive invasion but like look at how many troops each of these vtol aircraft can drop guys i really think ravenfield is just one of my favorite games of all time and i want to make baron field i don't know how we do it i mean i know how we do it we would um step one do step two it do it but uh i don't know where i'd start just yet but it's a dream of mine hey hold on hydra rockets these guys are trying to capture stuff too we're in slow motion ladies and gentlemen we have engaged the enemy all part of the plan boys all part of the play look at the missiles falling out uh oh gosh you see all those blue guys yeah they're they're my friends and um they're all dead now because uh oh wow look at that tower don't you love 80d i'm like man all my friends are dead but did you see the size of that tower okay something weird is happening with the lighting on this map why did i spawn here i guess i didn't specify so deployment wise hold hold on hold on the convoy's about to arrive like a massive land convoy oh what's up boys welcome to the war and the tank's like no i'm gonna be contrarian i'm gonna drive over this box and the jeep's like hey baron you want me to run you over no i do not i do not want you to rub me over okay i picked an actually dangerous spot to watch this but i do like sort of the way the map oh my god we're in the netherlands i like the way this map is laid out because if if the giant convoy just starts marching along now all we need is all the infantry to start coming in here but some of the vehicles are derping out that guy's just like ah bannon tank cool but let's deploy back at base and get an osprey gosh this is amazing this is a massive map now i'm i'm rocking my like pc that i got a year ago in a sponsorship and this thing has an rtx 380. so this thing is uh is it's what you call big daddy graphics so obviously i had to put it through its paces and play a very graphically demanding game like raven field but i mean raven field is uh rather demanding because of the mods you have a 500 bots like look at this map look at how congested it is oh my god it's perfect i'm now realizing that each team sort of has one side of this giant fragmented island it's like osgiliath in a way from lord of the rings but there's so many bridges and i love me a good bridge battle okay but there's just so much going on it's you get a guy who's highly caffeinated with the hyperactive variant of 80d and well it's a lot you know what i'm going to do oh now run into another helicopter hopefully oh the all right let's go into hover mode here so that's amazing i press z and i go from get out of here oh get you some boys oh no i don't want to die you know yeah but i go from helicopter to plane and back again with the simple pressing of a button a singular button that is what our giant btol aircraft needs all right so we've got locked on dropping chaff we've lost the lock i've got my missiles the enemies airfield is mirrored to ours the only difference being that they have helicopters and we have ospreys so we wait did those rockets skip i think they did i just want to hit as much of this stuff as possible buzzards raptors i am just crushing this stuff and i know what you're thinking and i'm thinking it too wouldn't it be impressive if a map with 500 bots was taken over by a single man [Laughter] please don't hurt me i'm just trying to be heroic whoa did i i did really nobody is going to pose me so one of the things that we should see at least how raven field works is once i capture this flag instead of regular helicopters we should see ospreys yes yes hey there's my osprey look at that enemy helicopter don't you love ai too close for missiles switching to guns wait how come i'm only firing one now oh no i'm firing two there's the tracers okay disable the blackbird okay blue guys are spawning there wow now we are behind them yeah there's some very weird lighting going on here but i'm not too worried about it only when you're in third person if you go into first-person view gone track warning track warning dude they should turn this into a volcano oh here we go missile was coming down okay okay okay buddy you think this is a game he thinks it's a game guys i i don't know what to tell you other than rat oh my gosh in slow-mo you are a conduit of your own destruction you thought you'd take out the big dog but instead you just wiped yourself in peanut butter and started barking that's a very it's a very odd analogy but i i think it works okay what's going on with this giant rock over here because when i loaded this map for the first time i actually heard the ufo sound so i'm not sure if there's a ufo on this map but it is possible look at these bridges this is the biggest map i believe i've ever played in raven field we've played another giant map that was made by sofa where we did some submarine hunting oh hello all right let's go now oh yeah but like it wasn't nearly this packed there are so many maps oh my god there is the ufo holy biscuits i knew it okay do we want you know it's like you see in those movies there's a bunch of people they're like uh we're old and boring british aristocracy and we like i said we're quite bored t and bridge just don't do it anymore how about we all get together and summon a demon you know and then they summon the demon they're like wow this is a terrible idea this is the equivalent of that in raven field step one approach the ufo step two kick it k kicked it kick the u kick the ufo okay there may be a ufo but i'm not sure if we can summon it okay well that answers that the ufo i guess it's back to bridge and t with um old beauregard a landowner from westershire yes another thing you see that tractor there it's always made me sad that oh there's a skull in the mountain it's always made me sad that you could never drive those tractors what's going on here this is is that a tunnel or is it like an airfield i guess i am having frame rate issues especially around here can i fly through it oh my all right we're going on a little tour of the island in our osprey please keep your hands and arms inside of the vehicle at all times the osprey doesn't care if it chops a hand off and the propellers can hit rocks it's fine oh i killed lens ah i can't see boom all right well that was the tour those guys are like wow that's just commander baron again flying stuff and well we know what happens there so we've eliminated the enemy and captured what the entirety of the map and by the entirety of the map i mean not the entirety of the map there's so much of the map left oh yeah i'm definitely having frame rate issues i guess it's just like i don't hear my my computer going like a like a freaking airplane okay what the biscuits i thought we killed all the reds he's hiding behind a rock there's two of them give me cover stop blowing me up though no no no no no oh god hello i'm alive with five health where are they at though there should be a second one unless he is right there dead which he is all right guys new lord ring show amazing i think it's one of my favorite shows in the history of shows for me also really liking the new game of thrones hello ospreys look at that three oscars just flying across the sky oh guys i need cover they're just blowing me up oh the enemy is taking some ospreys that's interesting i guess the war goes on there is this weird little island over here and i want to see if we can't get a mud skipper or a boat or an aircraft and get over to it i'm gonna get this jeep there's just like so much exploration to be done i would like to make a map so big that you could have like multiple easter eggs in multiple multiple points of conflict okay this oh just like i planned i love going swimming with jeeps falling on my head that's exactly how i try to do it yeah this map was designed for huge infantry battles in massive vehicle wars like battle of kursk style stuff i mean not really because that was thousands of vehicles in a raven field if you can get 20 that's good okay this looks like a power station i was wondering what these spikes were at a distance what are these all about are these supposed to power tesla coil what's in the hangar anything nothing is in the hangar okay oh wait is he dropping smoke what are you guys shooting at me for i'm the good guy i'm the protagonist there is a little boat down there maybe we could get on that all right i need to go past this hanger and down over here to the water buddy what are you doing uh we this must be area 51 and we are testing out anti-gravity belts yep that's what it is no i don't want the boat to blow up i need to use the boat we got twin outboards we got twin yami 250s oh this thing is like basically dead someone just could sneeze on it and i could die all right let's go this way so this map is so big and it's got the big like i guess so many bodies of water including this sort of like a giant river through the middle that like you could have a lot of good combat going on even in the littoral operations aka boats so we're gonna take a left and this should lead us towards the enemy air base we have 16 flags enemies got six boom oh my god no i think i just broke my butt normally you hit a you hit a beach with a boat like that and everything's fine look at these guys are just leaving so much cookies on the table look at all these tanks yeah my frames are crap but we want to take oh hello buddy that should be it should be good enough for government work there all right we gotta contest this so nobody spawns in me look at this they pushed it with like four guys it looks like and we had one dude defending and he got three of them taken down by the last one and then we rolled up maybe there was two of us island's checkpoint which one is that there is so much more to explore on this map it's insane this has got to be one of the biggest maps i have ever played in raven field and it was definitely worthy of a giant v22 osprey aerial invasion ladies and gentlemen boys and girls people of all ages this is ravenfield and if you guys do want to see more we'll pull the trigger on the like button let me know and i i'm going to see you in the next one so thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 483,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, ravenfield, raven field, new ravenfield, new, new content, new dlc, osprey, ospreys, boss warship, boss battleship, paratroopers, huge battle, simulator, helicopter, rescue mission, infantry, soldiers, warship, island fortress, tower fortress, helicopter battalion, ravenfield secret, ravenfield secret weapon, ravenfield new, ravenfield new map, osprey invasion, osprey siege
Id: pib0wc0E60Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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