Osana Najimi - Befriend and Betray | Yandere Simulator

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] i can't believe you overslept again [Music] i owe you one [Music] what do you need plus you're doing business with you [Music] i should take this call in private [Music] hello i told you to stop calling me you creep how many times do i have to say it i'm not interested if you don't stop bothering me i'm gonna call the cops and [Music] wait wait what are you serious okay okay fine i won't call the police oh look this is a bad time for me we'll talk about this later just don't do anything rash okay [Music] why did something like this have to happen [Music] osana is everything okay well no but i'm not sure if i should say anything yet i need some time to think i might be ready to talk about it when classes are done for the day somewhere private maybe a rooftop behind the air vents okay i'll wait until you're ready to talk would you like to take a stroll around the school to take your mind off of it you still haven't joined a club yet maybe we can check out the club room yeah yeah that sounds nice sure let's do it i'm sorry osana but i overheard your phone call earlier today you sounded really upset is something wrong i well yeah i do have a problem but i'm not really sure if you'll be able to help me please tell me what's wrong i'll listen a few days ago to town this weird guy approached me and started flirting with me he was really creepy and gross and i wasn't interested in him at all it took forever to make him leave me alone the next day i started getting text messages from him even though i never gave him my phone number the worst part is he keeps texting me pictures that he's taken of me it's like he's just following me around and snapping photos all day you've got a stalker oh my god that's horrible you need to tell the police before he does something bad no i can't do that he told me that if i go to the police he'll help what what will he do i i don't want to tell you but but calling the police is not an option what is it is he blackmailing you are you hiding some kind of secret no it's nothing like that osana i try to avoid talking about this but i'm actually very strong if you tell me who's doing this to you i'll stop them what no i don't want you to get involved look i appreciate your concern but please just let me deal with this myself if you say so but now i'm really worried now that you mention it yeah there is something i need help with i lost my phone charm it's in the shape of a cat i know that i lost it somewhere in the hedge maze but i don't want to go back in there it's scary i'm worried i'll get lost and be stuck in there for hours i feel bad for asking but would you be willing to go into the hedge maze and get my phone charm for me really you'll do it you're a lot more brave than i am good luck [Music] do [Music] oh my gosh you actually found it wow that's amazing thank you so much [Music] huh what's this maybe i should meet them huh you're the one who wanted to meet me your note said that you wanted to talk about blackmail yes i heard you talking with your friend i know that you have a stalker and i know that he's blackmailing you [Music] no you've got the wrong idea i mean yeah someone is stalking me but he's not blackmailing me then why don't you call the police he's he's gotta he's got a hostage he's starting to harm them if i go to the cops what who is being held hostage i know you're not gonna be able to take me seriously after you hear this it's my cat my pet cat he kidnapped her and he said he's gonna kill her if i call the police he says that if i want my cat back i have to go to his house but i know that if i step foot inside of his home he won't let me leave has he given you his address well yes but tell me where he lives why what are you planning to do i'm going to rescue your cat what don't try it he's a dangerous person so am i you don't know what you're getting yourself into just hand over his address and let me handle it fine i just want this horrible experience to end one way or another i'll text you his address thank you but don't blame me if you get hurt and don't let anything happen to my cat don't worry leave it to me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] [Music] you think your brother's bad you have no idea [Music] let me tell you about the creep i have to live with he's a complete what's that word hekikomori no friends dropped out of school never leaves the house stays in this room all day long it's been this way for over a year now and he's like obsessed with anime and video games he screams i mean like screams if anyone tries to enter his room i don't think anyone but him has been in there for over a year he only comes out to use the bathroom or get food he doesn't even like being seen by other people so he makes her mom just leave his meals on the tray outside his door i have absolutely no idea why my parents even tolerate him like why do they keep enabling his lifestyle why don't they threaten to kick him out unless he gets a job maybe when you're a parent you don't want to give up on your children no matter how screwed up they are i'd never let my kids turn out like him though most of the time i just try to pretend he doesn't exist it's not hard since he never wants to interact with anyone i don't think he has a healthy view towards women his room is right underneath mine and sometimes i hear him watching hentai and playing porn games i'm afraid that one day he's gonna creep into my room and let's just say that i always keep my door locked when i sleep well there is one bit of good news over the past month he's actually left the house a few times but i have a feeling he's only going outside to do something gross like don't ask me how but i can just tell that he's up to no good oh sorry i kind of went up on a rant there please tell me what you're about to say i'll just stay quiet and listen promise [Music] [Music] do [Music] now where did i put that cake mix [Music] i think i'll add some extra frosting i hope we're not out of vegetable oil four eggs okay oh i can't forget the chocolate chips i wonder if i should use butter or margarine we're almost out of sugar i'll have to remember to pick up more flour i hope this doesn't add too much to my figure i really wish he would just come out of his room and join us [Music] oh miyuki my love my queen my goddess i knew you were real i knew you existed somewhere in the real world i knew you'd finally be together one day that girl is the conduit the way you will enter this world if she dyes her hair and wears the right clothing i'll be able to hold you at last it's really going to happen you will be mine you will belong to me i will possess you i will own all of you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet with nothing left out in between i will cherish you and treasure you and who worship you every day forever and ever and ever i'll cover your entire body with kisses [Music] oh my niuki my sweet mewti my wife [Music] so [Music] oh my god that's my cat i can't believe it you you really rescued her now i can finally report that scumbag to the police i need to return your cat and i need to have an important discussion with you but it's too late at night right now please meet me at my house before school tomorrow i will and one last time thank you [Music] you have a nice place yan-chan thanks where are your parents overseas so you take care of yourself that must be hard i manage i want to thank you again for rescuing my cat and saving me from that stalker that was a horrible experience i'm so glad it's all over the tea is ready i'll be right back feel free to keep talking i can't imagine what it's like to become obsessed with someone after meeting them for the first time it doesn't make any sense i'm shocked that there are people in this world who would actually be willing to harm a cat just to get what they want that's insane he said he loved me but i don't think it was love it was just a sick twisted obsession that he believed was love it makes me feel sick but starting today i won't have to worry about it anymore it's all thanks to you here's your tea thank you oh i just realized i've been rambling this entire time you said you had something important to tell me right yes it's about the boy from class 3-2 the boy you have a crush on huh i don't have a crush on him he's just my childhood friend that's all i don't have feelings for him at all if that's true then you wouldn't mind if i confessed my love to him would you huh confess your love are you saying that you have feelings for him yes deep feelings i've never felt this way about anyone before and i can't bear the thought of seeing him with anyone else i know that you love him and i know that this is a selfish request but please don't take him away from me let me try to win his heart you got me it's true i do have feelings for him but after everything you've done for me [Music] i could never take someone away from you [Music] okay we'll do as you've asked i'll stay away from him thank you but you'd better take really good care of him okay don't worry i will to [Music] [Music] sauna um excuse me i couldn't help but notice that you seem quite sad about something would you like to talk about it huh um have we met before oh i'm sorry my name is amayaka we go to the same school i'm sorry that's strange that i approached you so suddenly when i see a sad face i can't help but try to make things better so what's wrong my childhood friend osana she doesn't seem interested in spending time with me anymore she tells me that i haven't done anything wrong but i don't believe her i can tell something important happened but she won't talk about it it's heating me up inside oh i i'm so sorry to hear about that i i i can't imagine what that must be like hey it's not much but maybe this will take your mind off of it for a moment oh um thank you go ahead take one it's good of course nobody makes better pastries than my mom and dad actually i'm heading to my parents bakery right now would you like to come with me it'll take your mind off of things for a while oh no it's okay i wouldn't want to be a bother it wouldn't be a bother at all if i just leave you here i'll worry about you well i guess it'd be better than moping around okay sure i'll come with you then let's get going [Music] [Music] [Music] you're safe now congratulations on eliminating osanachan you've successfully gotten away with murder that's quite impressive what is this exactly are you threatening to expose me absolutely not i simply wish to express my respect for your talents but that's not why i'm contacting you today i've learned something that i think you'd like to be aware of take a look at this who is she her name is amay odayaka she's the leader of the cooking club at academy and she's been getting quite cozy with your senpai lately she's fallen for him hard she's quite enamored with the cherry tree myth so i'm pretty sure she'll be confessing to him this friday [Music] wrought in luck huh right after saving senpai from osana another girl shows up to steal him from you stop playing games get to the point no games it's simple i want to see on my suffer and i think you're the best person for the job that's all is that really what this is all about you just want to see girls suffer it's a bit more complex than that but let's keep being simple for now remember you have until friday to deal with your new rival eliminate her or senpai will never belong to you he already belongs to me he just doesn't know it yet [Music] the tea is ready i'll be right back feel free to keep talking i can't imagine what it's like to become obsessed with someone after meeting them for the first time it doesn't make any sense i'm shocked that there are people in this world who would actually be willing to harm a cat just to get what they want that's insane he said he loved me but i don't think it was love it was just a sick twisted obsession that he believed was love it makes me feel sick but starting today i won't have to worry about it anymore it's all thanks to you here's your tea thank you oh i just realized i've been rambling this entire time you said you had something important to tell me right yes it's about the boy from class three two the boy you have a crush on huh i i don't i don't have a crush on something's wrong i feel so sleepy why are you smiling [Music] what is this why am i tied to a chair why are you doing this this isn't funny let me go let me go right now [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing don't come any closer stay away stop now no not that anything but down not again [Music] [Music] please no why are you doing this [Music] you [Music] sauna [Music] ugh um excuse me i couldn't help but notice that you seem quite sad about something would you like to talk about it huh um have we met before oh i'm sorry my name is amayaka we go to the same school i'm sorry that's strange that i approached you so suddenly when i see a sad face i can't help but try to make things better so what's wrong my childhood friend osana she's gone missing it's like she disappeared without a trace nobody has a clue where she might be i'm so worried i'll never see her again oh i i'm so sorry to hear about that i i i can't imagine what that must be like hey it's not much but maybe this will take your mind off of it for a moment oh um thank you go ahead take one it's good of course nobody makes better pastries than my mom and dad actually i'm heading to my parents bakery right now would you like to come with me it'll take your mind off of things for a while oh no it's okay i wouldn't want to be a bother it wouldn't be a bother at all if i just leave you here i'll worry about you well i guess it would be better than moping around okay sure i'll come with you then let's get going [Music] [Music] [Music] you're safe now [Music] congratulations on eliminating osanachan i didn't expect you to get rid of her that way but i suppose it works disappointed were you hoping to see something more violent oh disappointed wouldn't be the right word just surprised that's all but that's not why i'm contacting you today i've learned something that i think you'd like to be aware of take a look at this who is she her name is amay odayaka she's the leader of the cooking club at academy and she's been getting quite cozy with your senpai lately she's fallen for him hard she's quite enamored with the cherry tree myth so i'm pretty sure she'll be confessing to him this friday wrought in luck huh right after saving senpai from osana another girl shows up to steal him from you stop playing games get to the point no games it's simple i want to see on my suffer and i think you're the best person for the job that's all is that really what this is all about you just want to see girls suffer it's a bit more complex than that but let's keep being simple for now remember you have until friday to deal with your new rival eliminate her or senpai will never belong to you he already belongs to me he just doesn't know it yet uh [Music] you think who are you how did you get in here oh my god dad help there's someone in the house [Music] oh uh hello oh my daughter must have invited someone over look i'm sorry but it's too late for us to have any visitors you need to go now where did i put that cake mix oh you must be one of my daughter's friends i'm sorry sweetie it's just too late for visitors you have to leave [Music] who are you how did you get in here are you one of my sister's friends what do you want hey put that down no don't stop that you're ruining everything he won't get away with this is this about that girl we are destined to be together you can't stop me [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Akira Shimizu
Views: 152,232
Rating: 4.9503307 out of 5
Keywords: yandere, simulator, 2020, akira, shimizu, ayano, aishi, release, demo, build, new, newest, osana, najimi, eliminate, elimination, betray, eliminated, befriend, friend
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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