Space Wolves vs Orks: 40k in 40m - Warhammer Battle - Steve vs James.

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it's time to play some Prophecy of the wolf Space Marine Steve takes on James Mr initiative Jones in a matchup of old friends and rivalries Space Wolves versus Orcs on this episode of 40K in 40 minutes greetings 40K fans your host JT The Voice here and boy howdy do we have a fun one for you today hey everybody this is Space Marine Steve from play on tabletop and so excited to be here in the studio today why cuz James is here with me I am James Jones initiative and I am here to play some works for you people fighting on the Frozen PLS of Fenris I am pump today I brought some of my uh Space Wolves that I've been painting this lovely powder blue but I'm also taking for a spin some of the beautiful art W Space Wolves I think my favorite has to be the invictor waruit not only is there a nod to a special Little Star Wars character on the base but the details on this thing are absolutely incredible the colors are striking Steve's bringing a chaplain on a bike and a lieutenant as well as Logan grimnar on Storm Rider that's right 40K Santa is on the table he's got an Assault intercessor Squad two regular intercessor squads an impulsor a squad of eradicators some infiltrators and invictor tactical War suit two out rer squads a repulser and thunderwolf Cavalry those thunderwolves can hit really hard but I would be worried about that invictor tactical waruit it punches like crazy and the incendium cannon can just roast Orcs all day M roasted orc flesh Meats back on the menu boys whole point of this list is nothing but aggression I want to get up into James's Grill as fast as possible so I brought a really interesting list we've had some uh Point changes recently so I figured why not take a few models out for a walk that I don't usually use James counters with a pain boy a war boss and a war boss in mega armor he's got a big Squad of boys so some Gretchen some Mega knobs two squads of his own War bikers a battle wagon and two squads of hilans but the big granddaddy there the morgonaut that morgonaut can do some serious work however don't sleep on the kerans those Stomp and Gretchen are fantastic and can do some serious work with Ballistic skill for rocket launches I brought a couple of fast units of bikes hopefully they can score me some points the big Lucky Blue morgonaut is back let's see if he can get in and do some crumping do a little shooting on the way in should be exciting Good Luck Steve love you buddy today's mission is sweeping engagement and supply drop so we're going to have disappearing objectives our Alpha objective is on the left side and it'll disappear in round four Omega is the mid-table and it'll be the last one left on the table far right will disappear in the start of the fourth round at the end of each command phase the player whose turn it is Will score five victory points for each objective marker they control the No Man's Land on turn four they're worth eight points and on round five the center Omega objective will be worth 15 primary Scrambler Fields will keep players from getting onto objectives with deep strikes infiltrates or Scouts this episode is brought to you by our friends at artw if you're passionate about the Warhammer universe and looking for the best professional miniature painters to bring your figures to life looked no further artw Studio was here to make your tabletop dreams come true we have been Overjoyed with the quality of work they sent us while we ourselves love to paint we often can't paint everything in time for our busy production schedule so having arw as a partner in these efforts has been absolutely fantastic if you're like us and have a vision for what you want to see in the tabletop but don't necessarily have the time consider artw Studios their website allows you to get a quote through an online form and you can peruse a gallery of their Works to get inspired thanks again to arw make sure to check the link out in the description below they just may be able to help you realize the army of your dreams be sure to tune in to a future show and see what else they've got coming for us any way we go I concede opening roll to see who uh Defender and hacker beautiful Baron of dice orc dice oh sick it's nice and green look at that whoa baby there you go it's you I'm going to choose Defender the war boss in mega armor and mega knobs are going inside the morgonaut the painboy and the War Boss are going in the big boy Squad inside the battle wagon grimnar is rolling with the thunderwolves bike chaplain is going with one of the outrider squads the lieutenant with frost weapon is with the 10 assault intercessors in the repulser five intercessors are in the impulser second intercessor Squad is going into strategic Reserve I'm going to take one Squad of out Riders we're going to put them right over here a unit of bikers the impulser with the intercessors let put down the segua and his unit of bikes my unit of eradicators I'm going to put them right up here but they are in fact on the bottom level the other Squad of bikers kerans Squad of [Music] infiltrators let's just go Santa Claus he's making a [Music] list [Music] Scout move puts him here with Scrambler fields in play not being able to infiltrate on objectives is a challenge for Steve however it also means both players will have to actually take the objectives rather than just show up on top of them I mean I I think it's pretty fair to say that I really want to go first yeah me too so Steve has a couple of units that are very dangerous to my morkanaut I've got to try to at least take one of them out on the turn one and uh I missed her initiative play on symbol please no it's not it's have a good game James is going to be going first and he's drawn Behind Enemy Lines and tempting Target Steve chooses the dead center objective oh no these secondaries are garbage no W no W don't do [Music] that James has not rolled enough of Advance on the war bikers to get to the middle so tempting targets not going to be happening looks like he's comfortable just leaving them at the back so at the end of the movement phase the mech touches the back of the morgonaut and makes him feel special so now he's going to shoot better plus one to hit kilan over here kilan sent nine Rockets into the invictor warit but only W it twice oh no pass one fail one take three damage morot now splitting fire Zappa zap of the Repulsor rockets and shoot us into the eradicators Steve uses smoke screen in the Repulsor for a command Point make it minus want to hit for the rest of the phase eradicators tank all of the shots the Repulsor takes only one of the zappas and it only does one damage I have these kerans over here into uh Logan grimnar little Squad of guys there how many shots two on Force got one on a three I got it four up in Bow nope thunderwolves have taken some wounds but no losses so we're going to charge now kerans charge the infiltrators and the invictor the last killan is going to kind of kind of keep his distance and he'll be on that objective let's fight I'm going to put everything into the invictor waruit hitting on Force course it is cans have taken three wounds off the invictor and the invictor kills a killer can we'll just kill the guy right off the front that's the end of my turn James discards behind him many lines for a command Point keeps temping Target he's up to two command points to zero my turn one Steve strong overwhelming force and Behind Enemy Lines and he has chosen the morgonaut for Oath a moment we are going to get in there Logan and his boys are making a play for the morot assault intercessors jump out of the [Music] repulser outr Riders move up to take an objective repulser and impulser back up to protect the intercessors on Steve's home objective and then this Squad of intercessors that are inside the impulser are going to jump out onto this objective now we're going to move into the shooting phase I'm going to take the eradicators and they are going to shoot into your morona I'm hitting on threes rerolling for multiple reasons all of them hit you the eradicators have only put through one wound and James saves nine heavy bolt pistols into it who here we go wa sick Oh The Assault intercessors lethal hits are doing work the morgonaut is taking a serious pounding here down to 14 and the repulser is going to shoot everything at the morgonaut repulsive so the heavy Gatling Cannon whoa all of them hit you I'm looking for sixes and sixes de come on baby do it two devastating wounds down to 12 the repulser array thre oh hit and oh baby six wounds AP aada take two 10 wounds left Hunter Slayer missile hitting on twos wounds wounding on threes oh no the hunter Slayer misses that sucks twin link last Cannon takes seven wounds off the morgonaut even with a command reroll from James woo uh-oh from the impulser into that no not like this storm vultur plus iron hail so I'm just going to roll it all once isz the exact same profile uh all righty in we go I just need a whack of sixes none of them okay thank god dude you're not even that shy of an army how did this happen and Victor into the killer cans now takes one down last one's on three wounds left charge phase Steve is using grimard's High King of Fenris rule that's going to allow rolls to charge the intercessor still fail grimnar with only a four killer can getting charged by the invictor I think we'll start with the high king of Fenris over there he's got six attacks with that big ax of his on two rrolling he's going two-handed with this bad boy ax of morai on two rrolling oh bunch of ones into the Moran manages four at ap2 he's dead does he blow up God I hope so just grimnar takes it down and James loses a mega knob on the emergency disembark that is Absolut Ely unlucky that's a whole knob okay or fans that was a rough one don't leave this is Steve his dice are going to fall apart I feel pretty good on three with my dumb fist thing Gillan goes down to the invictor you blow up no I think I'm going to discard Behind Enemy Lines Steve scores Five Points on overwhelming force and he's at two command points as well as James I know that it looks good right now but James is a really crafty player I don't want to get ahead of myself I got to keep the pedal to the metal we're heading into turn two here not feeling good about this I need to believe in the Orcs or this is never going to work no primary for James as Steve has kicked him off all the objectives the Gretchen have farmed James a command point so he's up to four and James has well let's just hear him he's calling the wall I can't even do it with enthusiasm you got to believe dud you got to believe can't I can't James believe it I can advance and charge this turn so that's something I get a five plus and vulnerable save Army wide plus one attack plus one strength James has drawn assassination to go attempting Target it's actually looking pretty good with these secondary draws I think I have a chance to get back in this game here we go let's move good thing these Mega knobs are nice and close bikers run out score James the tempting Target the boys Advance up the board out of the battle wagon and there's a war boss in there too right and a pain boy they are going to advance flood the objective with [Music] bodies these GRS just kind of back up more fearfully Gans roll up to help into the thunderwolves war bikers will move to block Steve coming in on his backline battle wagon unloads on the invictor takes it down to three wounds I'm going to shoot the war boss's big shooter thunderwolves hits three times FES one wound that's enough die three up no don't do it yes oh Steve is command rrolling to save his Thunder wolf fails there's the Steve we all know In Love from the mech right D3 one shot and then he'll hazardous one after this just the hugest gamble misses and gone and he Hazard thises oh my called it well he's a character though right so he takes three wounds only he has three I have a ton of CP I could roll it jeez why the mech hazardous checks himself into non-existence James command re rolls to save him and succeeds the charge phase here come the mega knobs thunderwolves might be in trouble gilan's charging now under the thunderwolves James spends a command point on tank shock two left 10 dice one W only look at those look at them dude boys charge the evictor out Riders and the infiltrators this 20 man orc boy mob is going to collide into three units and I think they might be able to pick them all up Steve overwatching down to one command point and only kills one you got to believe James you got to believe these dice are waking up I'm going to fight first with the cans cans go first holy smokes them Gretchen is angry yeah so all the wolves die grimnar left on three wounds now we're going to fight over here with the mega knobs and the lucky War Boss so this guy touches in we're going to do two Mega knobs into the assault intercessors two into grimnar war boss grimnar James using unbridled Carnage of the mega dobs he's going to wreck him def spens his last command point on Armor of contempt to try to save his assault intercessors the war boss ises grimnar on his own there it is he dies I got some points two more Mega knuts left on twos who needs twin link when you roll like that oh wow kill saaw do eight wounds to the assault intercessors and kill five of them James got a split attack here so let's see how he's going to do it those eight boy regular boys are going to fight into the out Riders nine fight into the infiltrators five fight into the Invictus warit I will start and just sweep this way eight orc boys with four attacks a piece they all have choas because of the War Boss hitting you on twos fours yeah you just eat the squad actually boys have killed the out Riders taken the infiltrators down to one wound and the War Boss pounds the invictor to dust what a charge of Epic green proportions those orc boys did so much more damage than I ever thought that they could good do intercessors pile into your mega knobs assault intercessors into the mega knobs kill one and the lieutenant with frost weapon Only Takes Two wounds off the War Boss infiltrator kills a single boy in retaliation coming to the end of my turn I did in fact score both with my secondaries 10 to five as we head into Steve's turn two I think I'm back in this game James has turn went really really well I don't know what to do bring it down and secure no man's land could be tough for Steve O of M on the mega knobs oo I think Steve has made a little bit of a misplay here I think he should have oathed the cans to maximize his bring it down points Steve has completed Saga the Beast Slayer so all of his units will have lethal hits in melee all battles shock tests have been passed 10 to five still for James I'll go to my movement phase assault intercessors fall back eradicators are looking to kill some kerans intercessors hop back in the impulser having successfully stickied his home objective that impulser now moves up to the mid table and this guy's going to pece out oh the chaplain come out to play intercessors walk on Steve's board Edge to bring weight of fire to those boys but with a five up invol and a five up feel no pain this turn it could be tough to shift them like I'm hoos now like I told I told you like sh shooting eradicators and they're all going to shoot into the kerans the eradicators reroll everything they kill a killan and wound another repulser trying to chew up the mega knobs now doing some work two of them are dead this squad of intercessors at the back here is going to shoot everything at the bikers James using hardest nails to try to keep his bikes alive two a minus ones two five UPS failing both so I took two damage there the chaplain out Riders do minimal damage and the impuls are now too wow we wow wow they take it all the only charge Steve has fails the boys will live Steve discard secur no man's land for a command point he does score bring it down for three 10 to8 as we head into James turn three James has uh spun it around on me is what he's done right here you are seeing somebody who's panicking a little bit at the table and not really sure what to do and kind of frazzled [Music] Steve to three command points James to two Mega boss fails battles shock the Gretchen have not thieved James an extra command point he does draw extend battle lines and storm hostile objective and scores 10 points on primary 20 [Music] to8 killer cans move up Steve overwatches with the eradicators hoping for the kills no joy but two command points left little Mech boy he will he'll come out stand right on the objective War bikers zoom up the right side they also have assault weapons beep beep battle wagon has set its sights on an impulser them boys are going to stomp some out Riders so I think I'm actually just going to shuffle these guys into cover Mega knobs move up as well Mech booy is going to repair this killer can yeah for one wound and then give the whole unit plus one to hit yes good thing he didn't burn his brains out earlier let's uh let's do some shooting killer can shoot the eradicators and kill one we are going to shoot the custom Mega Blast into them kill himself again uh D3 so three shots threes both two ap2s five UPS make fails them both these are D6 damage for three second one for five kills them both oh boy the eradicators have gone down that's big but does he blow his brains out at the same time again a not this time big shoo us from this guy into the intercessors three hits thre's wound three wounds no AP I fail one okay take one damage bikes fire into them just two one hit three twin links twin link take one no AP All take it and die assault intercessor drops if there's a dice roll to fail you can trust me to do it Steve battle wagon into the impulser he's scratching the paint real good let's do these boys over here boy Squad splits fire and fails to kill the infiltrator one outrider does go down charge face now the war boss and mega knobs charge the assault intercessor Steve uses emergency combat embarcation to jump back into the transport and James decides to kill the repuls instead you're in seven we're going to try the long bomb with the cans just under a 10 so nine nope the bikes hit the impulser wagon into the impulser with a tank shock for one command Point does six mortal wounds making up for rolling a one last time the boys are going to multi- assault they will charge into the bikes as well as the single infil ah yeah I have to multi- charge on a [Music] six these four attacks into the infiltrator everything else is going to go this way I'm going to Pile in first Steve armor of contempt on the out Riders hoping that they can tank this into the infiltrator hitting on twos two explosions so it evens out course that should do it on four UPS fail three quad sixes oh no he does okay then on the other side 12 36 attacks boyu on fives three hold on let me do the other 16 five four seven total three I take two wounds rocket boy wounds one good to go and then the war boss two at ap2 pass one fail one two damage War bikers into the impulser take it to a single wound battle wagon let's see if it's raing ball gets the job done misses grab and Claw gets the job done hits one fives one wound I fail see if it explodes it does not wow three mortal wounds on the way out Steve loses a model with three Mortals on the emergency disembark mean knobs fail to kill the Repulsor take two wounds for their trouble Mega knobs down to one measly wound out Riders and chaplain clap back into the boys killing five five James has scored five points for extend battle lines has discarded storm hostile objective to gain a command point to go to a lead of 25 to8 as we head to Steve's half of turn three Steve's draw assassination to defense stronghold and is choosing to oath on the bikes in the mid board to clear that out and hold the middle phase assault intercessors and Lieutenant make a play for the right side objective Relentless assault on his out Riders and chaplain they're going to be able to shoot back now even though they fell back the back intercessors move up to shoot the boys we're going to start by taking the chaplain and his biker buddy and they're going to shoot into the squad in the middle use cataclysm of fire to give me Dev wounds cataclysm of fire she's a war biker go down the repulser all the little guns to the War boss's unit and the last Cannon will go into the cans killer can dropped by the repulser now does he take out the guys in combat with him Mega knob Squad dead War Boss takes two mid board intercessors opening up on the oath War bikers they take another one down oh those boys are tanking some shots thanks to hardest Nails James is down to two command points sorry Steve yeah it's bad dude you're back in this game intercessors into the biker with a seven intercessors into the boy squad assault intercessors into the can and the mech I'll take the lieutenant and just go directly into the mech and then the other four back into the can Mech on twos all hits on threes oh three AP minus 2s oh they're ap3s kill him dead Steve the mech is dead that's going to a complete saga of the Warrior born continue with your rest of your intercessors the can lives on three wounds Jame uses counter offensive for two command points Steve responds with armor of contempt both players out of command points but the boss and the pain boy can't do anything then we'll do the boys twos Rocka Boys Orange fours not great 101 only two and a half intercessors go down holy crap uh I guess these guys will just go nothing and then power fist so three AP minus 2os peel of pain five UPS I make two I make both one guy one guy Steven James and the five up field no pains and then guys in the middle one AP nothing four takes it War biker mid table goes down that is really big it kicks James off the objective a head Whoppers dude fights the repulser for a little bit string 12 four ap2s two damage each five oops I make one so I take six seven remaining and then the killan into your intercessors two times two times fail both three damage each so kills two guys repulser fights back against the big guy two wounds it be nothing that save both okay cool good turn man think you're back in this game Steve's defense stronghold is ongo and has scored five points for assassination 2513 huge turn for Steve he's kicked James off of all primary and tied up some key units this game's far from over folks but both players are rapidly running out of assets the primary is just within my reach if I can keep James off of the center objective then I'm going to get those 15 points right at the end of the game and I going to snatch this Victory right out from under him I'm coming for you James [Applause] [Music] started turn four hilarious this goes away now oh my objective why did I Trail those guys you don't hold any of the objectives turn one I'm down turn two you're down this could go anywhere now James has drawn defend stronghold and bring it down interesting I mean defend stronghold is only three points but Steve has no way to stop me from doing it they are safely tucked away in their little hidey hole killer can's battle shock War Boss is okay roll for the Gretchen Scavenging it up 2513 two command points for James one for Steve so in my movement phase sneaky gets is mucking about they just move up to hold that objective took the objective from you big plays Happening Here Steve James is spending a command point on here we go risking shooting the intercessors with pistols in order to try to take them down and then get to the midb with a juicy objective with an extra 2 in to his charge interesting play if he can take down the intercessors wow reaching for the Stars dude holy smokes okay now I'm going to go into my shooting phase battle wagon has killed one intercessor midb we will shoot all of our pistols over here into those intercessors we hopes they die two wounds though oh you kill a guy the war boss has two pistols strength four AP nil twin link hits one wounds I'm good oh intercessors don't die to the pistols that's no good killer can misses its shots Let's uh go into charge phase I'm going to charge this battle wagon into the middle I'm going to try to get as much of it over the center objective as I can to block as many of Steve's bases from getting anywhere near it battle wagon charges the intercessors tank shocking three Mortals the battle wagon is going to fight into your intercessors battle wagon first kills all the intercessors you get next killer can goes down to the assault intercessors the boys have killed the intercessors but they've got nowhere to go and are held in place I do take one two left hit you back War Boss fails to kill the repulser That Was Easy James just kept bring it down and he's got defense stronghold ongoing however Steve scores defend stronghold to take us up to 2516 as we head to Steve's half a turn four Steve's got cleanse and deploy homers he's oath of moment at the battle wagon and passes all of his battle shocks that is really big chaplain and the out Rider move up using Relentless assault on the repulser it can actually fall back shoot and charge because of the Saga Steve's completed he's got a chance here folks assault intercessors are going War Boss hunting bikers in the center are going to deploy teleport homers in the middle for three points Squad of intercessors are all going to shoot at the War Boss he's trying to shoot down the War Boss not yet can the repulser kill the battle wagon two wounds give be nothing take one three Dev wounds down to 12 last Cannon and then on four we rolling NOP didn't do great go do charges repulser charges the wagon and succeeds assault intercessors into the War Boss start with the lieutenants unit one CP to go for the throat increase the ap of my weapons by one and if Saga of the Beast Slayer has been completed which it has they all get Lance so plus one of wounds chains sword guy oh baby oh down goes a war boss for the repul Al two AP nothings good wagon is a 12 wounds left b a w Fights Back fives two wounds oh take one got six grabbing claw it's once five got it ap2 two damage makes it w and ball hits I feel that's it Steve scores three for deploy homers discards cleanse for a command Point James scores defend stronghold he still got bring it down it's 2819 for James this is it folks the end of Steve's turn four if James can kill the repulser Steve cannot hold the middle for 15 victory points at the end of the game it's literally down to that started turn five this objective is now gone so I do not score it no thieving gets for James so no extra command points it's 22 he's got got secure no men's land to add to his bring it down still got bring it down here this stinking repulser doesn't want to die but I have a feeling that this turn is the turn I'm going to spend a CP here we go on the boys extra 2 Ines in the charge that's what this is really going to come down to the Biker Boys have advanced forward I'm at OC 11 right now I pull this guy to combat oh my God whoa OverWatch OverWatch don't do this to me uhoh uhoh uhoh oh one a nothing keep going you take one Dev down to 11 no nothing okay keep going shooting phase bikers into the out Riders manage a wound we are going to shoot the Rockets into the repulser and everything else into the bikes o now trying to clean up the middle Rockets into the repulser and he takes three one wound and then the two shots off of the War Boss didn't wound you let's charge boys charge the out Riders and the repulser well man you know what it kind of all comes to this looking down to the board basically if you kill this I have no way to actually hold the the last objective and the game is over so fight face now unbridled Carnage versus Armor of contempt let's start with the War Boss see if you can get her done hits all but one so on fives triple Orcs I got four UPS it's two each I save two with the sixes War boss's two Squig bites that one explodes no the war boss has taken the repulser to a single wound but it lives let's hit him with the uh pain boy now hits them all one ap2 I'm good okay now the boys sixes just one you good you make it you make it okay now everything else goes into the unit of bikes man oh man if the out Riders live this could be huge one bike dies I just got the chappie left Rocket Boys yeah they all hit two explosions fives three more AP zilch fail one my knob hits two three does wound oh he's good for I want to uh consolidate after my fight your turn Steve oh my God fight back hitting on twos with the chaplain Oh no I got two AP minus uh ones two damage sixes two damage each fives make one two die two die two die freaking repulser oh no it's damaged doesn't matter doesn't hit anything cool my turn James has secured no man's land for two he sits at 30 to Steve's 19 but if Steve holds the middle objective at the end of the game he's going to zip past James for the win so somehow this Repulsor has managed to slip through my fingers again one wound left on it hopefully I take this thing out on this turn if I do I win if I don't Steve [Music] wins he's got extend battle on and capture enemy Outpost he's oath of moment the war bikes to get the OC off the objective and has to use insane bravery on his Repulsor to give himself a chance I know that I'm taking a chance not doing the armor of contempt but I need to not fail battles shock I need to have my OC intact interesting choice by Steve he has a strat that allows him to fall back shoot and charge if he fails battles shock he can't do the strategy anyway do you spend the CP to guarantee that that Repulsor holds on to its objective control or do you gamble roll the dice and potentially have the ability to fall back shoot and charge back in on the lieutenant he's fine literally down to the wire folks here we go here we go I really need to kill as much OC off of his objective as possible so the Repulsor shoots everything to the bikes so six a nothings take three seven AP nothings and then two devs kill another bike and then two devs to the boss he's got two wounds left last Cannon hits on twos wounds AP minus a lot six plus and vulnerable save six actually did you no it's a five and he takes five and dies War bikers are down that's step one assault intercessors charge to the boys go go go fight fight fight fight F fight all righty so in we go hitting on threes so one AP minus one six five up I'm good oh wow the fal pains are absolutely on point here here comes the feel no pains to torture you Steve one a minus two so it kills a guy two uh with the oh my God that sucks wow nothing he's failed that fight at the last but if the repulser lives Steve can win the game yeah so I mean it all comes down to whether or not the your guys can kill the repulser so we're going to span the CP again un Bridal Carnage can this do it we're going to Pile in war boss just one ap2 five up and I make it oh my God squeak by hits them both explodes on fives what am I doing I did un Bridal Carnage it does nothing the War Boss can't do it let's get to the pain Boy Hits two times okay so that's two explosions unbridled Carnage baby so on fives three ap2s that's be bad all fives stop it can you imagine let me blow on them there's no way oh no I'm kidding oh the pain boy has killed the repuls and that is going to end the game 44- 29 literally the last turn and the last fight congratulations James and hard luck Steve what a battle dude stellar game that was crazy crazy up and down and up and down that was a roller coaster with James it was I'm sweaty for those of you that stuck around to the end I told you so this was a great game it's always a nailbiter between the two of us I had an absolute blast next time dude anytime I can play game with Steve I'm always always down for that game thank you from all of us here at play on tabletop this is Space Marine Steve signing off saying another big thank you to all of our patrons all of our YouTube members thank you gentlemen for an absolutely fantastic game and thank you to arw for sponsoring this episode make sure to check them out at the link in the description below they just may be able to help you realize the army of your dreams big thank you as well to you for watching if you like what we do please like subscribe and share to your friends or if you'd rather please consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll get exclusive releases as well as behind the-scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around well that's it for all of us here at the play on Studios on behalf of them it's me JT the voice saying until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play on [Music]
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 102,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: UuUbLsgrtH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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