Fixing Mono-Pose Warhammer!

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I put the lightning over his axe and this Tech Marine is finished I have just just just completed this guy and I am super proud of him mine mine looks better than games work chops at least I think so I love the primaris Tech Marine and I've done some subtle conversion work I've added extra pouches especially onto his legs where he keeps all of his extra supplies and cool rocks that he finds and of course I have my customary black Templar skulls these skulls nailed to his power plant represent the previous owners of this particular suit of mark 10 tacticus armor and now with this guy complete and ready to join my Army I'm actually running into a little bit of a problem because the iron storm spearhead Detachment that I'm writing for my black Templars actually requires two Tech Marines The primaris Tech Marine is a monopose kit and as much as I like the Tech Marine I am not okay with two completely identical guys with the same pose just with a head swap so I have to make this look completely different to this although I really really like this and I want to keep everything the same I just want to completely change the pose and I want to see just how hard that's going to be having already built one of this guy I am intimately familiar with this kit and speaking of this kit Games Workshop has included an ultramarines character transfer sheet which includes Captain Apothecary librarian chaplain and Lieutenant no Tech Marine games zg shop what the heck this kit does have a few options I didn't use on my first Tech Marine this spooky little Robo skull face pretty cool but I prefer the Tech Marine helmet and his right hand has two options I Ed the claw hand that matches the pose on the servo harness but there's also a graph pistol this will be one easy way of altering the pose and also notice the size and shape of the holster this graph pistol is meant to fit into it's obviously for a completely different gun but I get it we can't have holsters that are the size of the Space Marines legs I'm thinking to pull this off I'm going to need one sacrificial intercessor Space Marine and a whole lot of xacto blades I cut out all the bits I will use and cleaned and prepped them Pro tip when there are mold lines in extremely delicate and hard to reach places you can rub them away with plastic glue this dissolves the little Point without damaging the part now I started hacking I cut my Marine in half at the belt using a razor saw and cleaned it up with my Dremel tool I have the perfect thing to use my sacrificial intercessor one of the Warhammer store freebie models in inferus Marine this guy is a two-piece Space Marine that's Hollow which should make cutting into him super easy unfortunately though I'm not going to be able to use this guy's legs because it turns out Tech Marines wear something that's a little bit in between Mark 10 tacticus and gravis armor their legs have some lovely little details that I would like to save so I'm going to use these legs but at least I get to use this guy's crotch I cut apart my Marine being very careful of his crotch absolutely nothing can happen to that crotch I cut stabbed and ground away his torso and legs until all that was left was his Mark 10 tactical Cod piece now I've got my legs and my crotch it was time to reassemble I use thick super glue as the fit isn't amazing his left leg is pretty good but his right one has a huge gap but I don't think that'll end up being a problem I did lose his thigh armor though so I stole a set off of this assault Marine unfortunately it took two sacrificial Space Marines although these pieces wouldn't have been impossible to Kit bash either well that was really hard to do I'm not sure I got a pose that's very realistic or believable but I think I can make it work with the base I buil for him right now I want to get his legs all bedazzled and I want to cover up some of the unsightly damage I did trying to Kit bash this guy together to hide the giant hole I decided this guy will have a cowboy cross St holster on his left side and I filled in the rest of the Gap with some decorative jewelry I don't know what these are but Space Marines love to wear them and I put some on his back too now for pouches I don't often put on Space Marine pouches so I have a ton in my bits spin I put some on each leg and cut one small one in half to put on this holster this fella has got pockets on Pockets Now to create the straps I keep hearing that there's a magical sculpting for formula which is equal parts green stuff and milliput I've never tried this myself so here it goes I rolled it out flat and cut some small strips that I wrapped around the legs starting and stopping at the pouches when working with this mix it feels a lot more like milliput than green stuff now I can glue on some of the finishing touches getting his backpack into place which connects to his left hand now to make a base that makes his awkward legs look like they're actually standing on something I took some bark and quk and super glued it down onto the base until it was looking like something resembling a cliff and just because I was feeling a little spooky a nice little scull I smoothed out the base with some milliput and used a piece of cork to press in some texture I put my little fella on his base and carved off the little skull on his head just to make him a tiny bit more different I cut off the peg so I could glue his axe on in a slightly different position I kind of wish I could do something about his Robo hand but it would be so hard to get that axe onto a new Space Marine hand and he's from Mars maybe it's just a write a passage to have one's right hand replaced with metal I made his Bolter follow the angle of his head as if it's motion tracking like the Predator's gun and then it was time to make the shoulder pads one little trick I've stumbled into is with the assault intercessor sprew one thing I don't really like about the assault intercessors they wear a unique shoulder pad on their sword arm and I feel like that's a little Superfluous a space Marine's a Space Marine is a Space Marine it doesn't matter if they have a Bolter a plasma gun or a chain sword they don't need unique armor to fit their role however that unique shoulder pad can very easily be turned into an omnia's Cog iron hands players take note I took one of these shoulders in my hobby knife and made little perpendicular Cuts going halfway in and working my way around the rim then I went back and did some parallel cuts to make my gear shapes it's super easy and it just makes me want to build more Tech boys I glued these on and now it's time for that Servo harness I cut the connection point off the armor so I could get it reaching up over his body when he's not immediately fixing a tank it probably is up and out of the way and now for his mechadendrite I was seriously considering a little peek-a-boo between the legs but in the end I just thought over his right shoulder would be stronger I cut off two lengths but didn't glue it on just yet this will be a subassembly because acoss process right on top of his Tech Marine shoulder pad I finished off the base with some sand and added my black Templar skull just one for him this might be a newer suit of armor probably only a couple hundred years old I am very pleased with how this guy came out I definitely think he fits the bill of a marine who fits the same role and was given the same armor and weapons but is not literally a mirror of the exact same guy and it makes me think of my original Tech Marine this cute little guy this is the Tech Marine that comes with the thunderfire cannon rip thunderfire cannon in 10th edition and look look at this little cutie you can tell how old he is because he is standing on a 25 mm base it has been a hot minute since Space Marines were on 25 mil bases actually with this guy I now have three Tech Marines although I'll probably end up throwing this guy onto an 80mm base with my thunderfire Cannon and running it as a fire strike Servo turret because they're pretty much the same size and they're the same thing in fact the servo turret actually has a techmarine gunning it is that a coincidence from Games Workshop probably but at least it'll give me an opportunity to use my my old ass models in modern 40K I primed my Tech Marine in black and gave him a zenithal of white I love zenithal big complicated models like this because it really brings them to life and now for my favorite color evil Suns Scarlet I have never found a more robust red paint I mixed it with some black plenty of water to get it nice and thin and painted this over his armor it's about 50% transparent so I can still see my zenial which I can use to inform me on where I should put my highlights and shadows I mixed in more black and painted this over any area that is primer black and for good measure I also put null oil over these areas to get them black in the recesses then I put pure red over the white areas of the zenial and I don't stop there I mix some of the red with yellow and a warm white which gives me an orangey color that I use to highlight my Reds and Edge highlights I smooth the transition with a little more pure red and did a final Edge highlight of my very warm white color I did a little more Edge highlighting not everywhere just on a few top spots to show the paint is clean and crisp and you know what else is clean and Crisp that's right our patreon we have monthly terrain packs this month it's the crashed spaceship the wrecked bones of an impressive Gothic vessel that your armies can fight over in narrative driven games and if you always want to be up to date on the goings on at yanza Battle and be entered into our monthly giveaways this month we're picking three followers to receive this month's terrain follow the link in the description to sign up to our newsletter this is how I like to paint when I want to do a really good job I pick a color and I modify it a little bit with black and white and maybe some similar Shades and I just layer them on I like layering because I'm not particularly good at blending so I just lay on more and more and more paint until I have something reasonably smooth I think my paint jobs look pretty darn good at like 12 in away maybe 18 and you'll probably notice that I only painted half of this guy and that is because I did a split color scheme I feel like half and half looks really good on Space Marines it makes them look a little bit more medieval and that is what I did on my Centurion waruit it's one of my favorite Space Marine models of all time that 50/50 especially if one of them is my primary color and another one is a highlight color that I use on some Miniatures but a couple of Miniatures spread across my army with that 50/50 looks really really striking it's one more way I think I can make this Tech Marine look a little bit different than my second one I made up my black Templar contrast paint mixture with black Templar lamian medium and Levon blue and put this over the other half of the model his in between parts and his Servo harness this was looking good but not as good as the red so I mixed in some gray and white paint and did a few highlights and Edge highlights to make the black feel more like the red now that my armor is complete I started knocking out the other parts painting his pouches with brown an earth color a wash of arra shade and some tan highlights and on the weapons I went with my new favorite thing rattling Grime this is the color of gun I put this over the zenithal Highlight on his gun and Axe and did a dry brushing of silver I know I say this a lot but rattling Grime with a little bit of silver dry brushing on top looks so good get yourself a pot of rattling Grime and a little bit of silver dry Brushing in any weapon will absolutely sing and speaking of things that don't require a lot of of effort to look really good deal I put a white Cog over his knee a skull on his thigh armor and a Templar cross on his forehead this decal is clear so it's a little window into the split color scheme on his helmet then a Templar cross with some scari numbers on the shoulder I picked out his eyes with green my Templar have red lenses but because his armor is red I decided to go with green which I splashed onto his gun as well as we all know gravity is the color green I put purple over the handle of his power ax and then highlighted it with magenta and then yellow over the Bolter which I washed with rein flesh shade and did some Final highlights of a warm white Tech Marines are probably one of the most valuable Space Marine things in the entire adeptus of stard dayss in the New Codex they actually got a points decrease for some reason from 70 points to 55 points and although that decrease was probably not necessary I really appreciate its lower significance Tech Marines are just normal Space Marines but they're not just Space Marine mechanics I mean they do fix rhinos imp pulsers and dreadnots but they they actually are sent to Mars to learn the ways of the machine and when they return not only are they Matt Damon but they are fundamentally apart from the normal Space Marines they might not even view the Emperor as a God or as a father figure to the Space Marines but they probably see technology as the fundamental force in the universe and the thing that will save mankind Tech Marines are Sorcerers who probably don't necessarily understand how technology works but they understand fundamentally how to fix it and how to fix it almost instantaneously the tech Marines are an incredibly powerful force to the Space Marines and of course they get to carry power weapons and those power weapons need to be painted I base coated the axe with some dark blue paint and added a stripe of electric blue in the middle I added more white paint to lighten the blue and reinforce this highlight and then I took this mixture and Edge highlighted the blade coming back I did a stily scratchy look on the brightest spot of the axe let me know which Axe you prefer the new one or the old one I don't know which one I prefer yet then I finished off the base the same way I do all my Templar bases with some Earth sprayed on super watery and a dry brushing of tan I am absolutely in love with these Tech Marines they have so much character to them and just the right amount of decorations they look completely functional and functional is the perfect term sometimes Hero characters are buried under cloaks necklaces jewelry and details but everything on these guys is utilitarian and these two suckers have names let me introduce you to the newest members of my crusade dodgy and JG boots these names are patreon supporters our top supporters get their names on Marines and join me in my never- ending Crusade against the evil Shawn and Nick two Tech Marines down and I'm feeling the itch two Tech Marines is plenty but I want more this monopose kit is pretty workable the only tricky part was the legs let me know in the comments what you guys think did I manage to get them different enough or is it still a little uncanny how similar they are
Channel: EonsOfBattle
Views: 102,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eonsofbattle, eons, of, battle, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 4000, 40k, video, game, play, fun, paint, learn, tutorial, diorama, painting, design, base, basing
Id: tsQ1FISN2H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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