Origin Of The Sinister Six

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[Music] what's up my comic comrad today we're breaking down the origin of one of the most popular villains teams in all of comic books and definitely one of my favorites the sinister six this team of villains has been rumored to hit the big screen for years now and it looks like it's finally going to happen pretty soon here because of what sony pitchers and marvel studios have been doing with spider-man's villains what i mean by that is if the morbius trailer is any indication of where the live-action spider-man universe is going it seems like the mcu spider-man villains such as vulture mysterio and scorpion are going to cross over and team up with the sony live-action spider-man villains like venom morbius and kraven forming a live action sinister six yes i'm aware there's no craven movie yet but it's in development and even if that's not the exact lineup that sony and marvel go with the point is they're headed in the direction of the sinister six so we thought while we wait for them to make their live action debut let's give you all their comic book origin the sinister six first appeared in the amazing spider-man annual one in january of 1964. they were created by the dynamic duo of comic book creative teams stan lee and steve ditko which is ironic because the dynamic duo was a dc phrase the original lineup for the sinister six consisted of doctor octopus vulture electro mysterio sandman and craven the hunter now with that said obviously the sinister six has had many different incarnations over the years and a revolving door of members pretty much every spider-man villain has been part of the sinister six at one point in time which makes sense since there's been around 15 iterations on the team but this is an origin of the sinister six episodes so we're gonna be talking about how the team came to be in the amazing spider-man annual one the team was the brainchild of not only one of the most popular spider-man villains ever just one of the most popular villains in comics period dr octopus that's right good old auto octavius is the sole person responsible for the creation and formation of the sinister six at the beginning of amazing spider-man annual one we see doctor octopus escape from prison mentally controlling his mechanical arms to break him out once free octavius calls a meeting with five of the deadliest spider-man villains craven mysterio electro vulture and sandman but wouldn't you know it villains are always running late to which electro says let's get started octopus electro is not used to being kept waiting auto responds be patient we can't begin till everyone is here it won't be long at which point mysterio walks through the door but they're still waiting on the vulture and sandman electro then gets up and tells otto look if none of us were able to defeat spider-man before what makes you think we can do it now craven jumps in saying use your head electro each of us almost beat him all alone working together how can we fail and otto then says craven the hunter is right besides i've got a foolproof plan all worked out eventually sandman and the vulture show up so otto's like now that we're all here we'll get down to business immediately this meeting will be a turning point for our careers electro then says skip the dramatic speech as octopus just state the plan at which point the other four villains are like whatever the plan is i just can't wait to get back at spider-man electro mysterio sandman vulture and craven continue to talk amongst themselves with vulture saying stuff like i say we must attack all at once his power is not great enough to defeat all six of us and craven says ba i am wise to his tricks by now i could lick him alone next time we meet and the other four villains continue to say stuff along the same lines and once they all shut up dr octopus says now that you've all had your say i'll tell you my plan i believe it's going to satisfy each of you we will each draw a number and we will fight him at one time in the order of the drawing i have worked out a detailed scheme which will force him to battle us now draw he continues to say on each of your cards i have written a location it is the place where you will battle our common enemy and each location is best suited for your particular talents i have left nothing to chance as you shall see spider-man will have no choice he will have to fight one after another and each of us will weaken him a little bit more so his chances will grow slimmer after each battle mysterio says if i'm the first there will be no further battles and vulture pipes insane enough talk let's look at the cards after this the vulture appears to j jonah jameson and peter parker saying i have a message for spider-man the sinister six have captured betty brandt if he wants her he's gonna have to come get her this is actually the first mention of the sinister six ever so now you know that the first person to ever say the name sinister six in a comic book was the vulture before i continue breaking down the origin i just have to say this story was so brilliantly laid out by lee and ditko because at this point in the comic it almost feels like each battle spider-man has with the villain is its own story anyway i just want to give them their props let's continue the first fight is with electro at stark electric plant which puts the odds in electro's favor because electric plant plus a guy who can control electricity makes sense i see what otto's doing here when spider-man gets there electro tells him this card i'm holding tells you where to go as the next step of your trail to rescue betty brandt but you're gonna have to defeat me to get it of course spider-man outsmarts and defeats electro we find out that spider-man grounded himself so that mix with his spider strength is able to take electro's full blast before giving him a left hook knocking him out and defeating him he then takes the card electro hat at the beginning of the fight which gives him a clue where he has to go next because remember there's five more villains to go the next fight is just across the bay from the world's fair where he encounters craven the hunter and sue leopards of course craven being in the wild with animal allies gives him the advantage but it's still not enough to defeat spider-man spider-man takes craven and the leopards down then takes his card which leads him to mysterio but now i think you guys get the point once he finds a mysterio he beats him which leads him to sandman he beats sandman which leads him to vulture and guess what he also beats the vulture at which point it all comes down to otto octavius dr octopus the creator of the sinister six spider-man finds doctor octopus at an old castle that was imported to the u.s stoned by stone and when he goes inside he finds otto without his mechanical arms so spidey thinking this is the perfect timing to strike lowers himself down saying hi doc long time no see but otto was like spider-man i've been expecting you at which point spider-man spidey-sense goes off as doc's mechanical arms sneak up on spider-man otto says ha you didn't suspect that i can control my arms mentally did you now i've got you you meddle some juvenile god i love old marvel comics and stan lee dialogue it is pure gold anyway spider-man eventually gets away from doc's mechanical arms but doc just puts them back on and goes to a nearby chamber where he's able to monitor spider-man he's keeping an eye on spidey as he moves through the castle waiting for his most vulnerable position and when the moment is right octavius opens up a trap door beneath spider-man's feet and a powerful blast of air from the ceiling forces spider-man down before he can leap to safety at which point he falls into a giant fishbowl octavius then makes his way to the fishbowl putting on scuba gear saying now you insufferable nuisance i'm gonna defeat you in a manner most befitting my name i shall join you in that giant fishbowl and attack you just as a real octopus would okay time out i know this sounds super cheesy and hokey but it's kind of cool hear me out like otto said it makes sense for a villain named dr octopus to defeat spider-man in the water now of course the execution is cheesy with the big fish bowl and otto putting on the scuba gear but i think this sort of marvel aged cheesiness has a charm to it you know i love it but back to the story octavius jumps into the fishbowl with spider-man saying if you have any last words to utter spider-man say them now oh i'm sorry i forgot you can't hear me through my air mask what a pity i neglected to furnish one for you spider-man then says to himself i've been in a tight spot before but something tells me they're going to seem like picnics compared to the jam i'm in now spidey continues to say i can hold my breath longer than any other human but not forever he then gets the idea to shoot thin strands of webbing underwater to tangle octavius's mechanical arms at which point spider-man says it's working the thin strands of webbing are entangling his arms like seaweed he's having trouble controlling them because of this spiderman is able to escape the fishbowl leaving otto a tangled mess he then pulls octavius out saying stop struggling you nincompoop i gotta say that's a good word we need to bring that word back spidey continues to say i'm gonna untangle you enough so the police recognize you when you get here you and my other little sparring partners ought to be real proud of yourselves you practically handed me my victories on a silver platter if each of you hadn't been so anxious to get the credit for beating me alone and teamed up against me you might have had a chance proving that the vulture was right earlier when he told the other villains i say we must attack all at once his power is not great enough to defeat all six of us but hey i get it who wants to listen to an old guy who's covered in feathers and then on the last panel of the comic we see all six of the villains in a jail cell with one another with octavius telling them next time we tackle spider-man we'll do it this way and elektra says shut up we're done taking orders from you sandman then says i still don't know how it happened i thought he was beaten then the vulture finally says talk talk talk the least they could do is give each of us a private cell and that my friends is the origin of the sinister six once we actually see them in a live-action movie we will be sure to give you a full-on history of episode for the sinister six where we break down several of their story arcs and different incarnations of the team but i think this is good enough to hold you over till then however i will leave you guys with some sinister six reading recommendations of course check out the amazing spider-man annual one which is their first appearance and origin also read sinister six reborn found in spider-man 234 through 236 the unholy alliance story found in spider-man unlimited issue 9 revenge of the sinister six found in spider-man issues 15 and then 18-23 and the last stand found in marvel knight's spider-man issues 10-12 those should be enough to get you all started [Music] first up for the week of december 3rd we have deceased dead planet issue 6. the remaining heroes of the dc universe are stuck between hell and a hard place with the justice league racing against the clock to create a cure the cruel masters of the southern garden are determined to wipe out all anti-life from the planet now we have thor issue 10 for years dr donald blake has wandered a land far from midgard the place he once thought home now he's returned to the ten realms but it is not the place it was nor is he the man he once shared a body with a god here we have batman catwoman issue one putting it plain and simple this series is introducing the phantasm into the main dc continuity if this story takes place inside the dc main continuity as things have been really crazy with dc lately and we don't know where the continuity is lining up but either way if you're a fan of batman the animated series you definitely need to check out this issue and finally we have king and black issue one after a campaign across the galaxy knoll's death march arrives to earth and worse yet he hasn't come alone he's come with an army of hundreds of thousands of symbiote dragons at his command the king in black is a force unlike any earth's heroes has ever faced and just like that that's gonna do it for another episode of variant but if you guys liked today's episode be sure to check out this one right here and if you like our content be sure to subscribe like and comment as i always say it helps us out but i'll see you guys next time when we talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 328,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Origin, Sinister Six, Spider-Man, Spiderman, Doc Oc, doctor octopus, Electro, Vulture, Sandman, Kraven, the hunter, mysterio, amazing spider-man, marvel, marvel comics, comics, comic books, nerd, geek, variant, rogues, villains
Id: 8eruco_b0Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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