History of Mysterio

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[Music] what's up everyone i don't know about you but the closer we're getting to the release of spider-man the more excited i am about it and a big part of that excitement is because i can't wait to see the direction they take with mysterio and how the insanely talented jake gyllenhaal portrays him over here at planet variant we really thought that jake gyllenhaal might take the cape and cowell from ben affleck for the batman movie but marvel swooped in and grabbed him first honestly getting a talented actor like that to play any combo character is a win for us fans so we'll take it and while we're on the subject of marvel changing characters for the mcu we also wanted to respond to those of you who left comments on tuesday's episode about the water and fire characters and far from home being the elementals and not hydro man and molten man yes it's true that they are calling them the elementals in the movie however according to the movie's executive producer eric carroll they are basing these versions of the elementals on hydro man molten man and possibly sandman if you're familiar with the elementals in the comics they are a very different team and look nothing like what we see in far from home i'll also add that several toy companies like lego and hasbro have already revealed their licensed toys for the movie with the names of the characters i give you exhibit a [Music] and exhibit b your honor i rest my case all together that's why we gave you the origins of those characters instead of the elementals we probably should have explained that in tuesday's episode but hey that's what these tests are anyway in the comics mysterio is one of spider-man's coolest and most dangerous villains but based on what we've seen so far marvel might be going in a different direction with him either way with gyllenhaal bringing mysterio to life in the mcu it's time for a refresher on the character so let's dive into the comic history of mysterio shall we and go mysterio was created by stan lee and steve ditko first appearing in the amazing spider-man issue 13 in june of 1964 appearing only one issue before the green goblin who made his debut in issue 14. the casual spider-man fan probably didn't know that mysterio has been around longer than spidey's arch enemy the green goblin but i'm not here to talk about the green goblin today's episode is all about mysterio so let's see how that fishbowl ended up on his [Music] head mysterio's origin is given to us in the amazing spider-man issue 13. the issue starts off with the unthinkable are you really drinking while i'm trying to read slurping really i'm gonna do that again mysterio's origin is given to us in the amazing spider-man issue 13. the issue starts off with the unthinkable spider-man committing a crime stealing a bag of money he then proceeds to run away from the cops by jumping from building to building and web slinging eventually evading the police with a web parachute of course jay jonah jameson jumps all over this printing it right away on the front page of the daily bugle we even see a paperboy advertising it saying read all about it spiderman wanted by the police the public is shocked and disgraced by how an amazing hero could turn to crime when the news eventually gets to peter he's like this is impossible it's insane i know i didn't commit that crime yet there's witnesses and evidence it couldn't have been an imposter nobody else can shoot a web as i do or climb walls the way i can with my spider power because of this peter thinks there's only one possibility that he's developing a split personality much like dr jekyll and mr hyde meaning he's doing it in his sleep without even knowing it meanwhile the meeting is called in j jonah jameson's office because some nut sent him a note saying he could get rid of spider-man all by himself so he told him to come here and prove it and just as jameson is telling his employees this a mysterious smoke appears in the room with a figure behind it saying i am mysterio jameson and all of his employees start making fun of him saying what a getup he looks cornier than spiderman i mean he is wearing a fishbowl on his head so there's that but mysterio replies there's a reason for my disguise if the underworld ever finds out about my powers they might try to stop me by threatening my family jameson says how do we know it's not a trick you could be spider-man himself under that fishbowl which is also the origin of that nickname nickelodeon so look at that an origin within an origin mysterio then says something to the effect soon enough you'll learn that i mean what i say however i must go now but if you want spider-man captured follow the instructions in this envelope and then vanishes with a puff of smoke jameson reads the note which says print a notice in the daily bugle saying if spider-man wants to learn the truth about himself he should meet mysterio on top of the brooklyn bridge of course jameson prints it at which point peter reads it and meets mysterio on top of the brooklyn bridge the two then start to battle on top of said bridge with mysterio having the upper hand even being able to dissolve spider-man's webbing and when mysterio uses his smoke so spider-man can't see him he defeats old webhead by punching him off the bridge into the water this makes mysterio a hero in the public's eyes and of course jameson was like mysterio is a real crime fighter not like that stupid spider-man the city even threw him a parade shortly after this spider-man gets into another confrontation with him where mysterio reveals his origin to him as he's pretty much like you're not getting out of this alive so what does it matter it's here we find out for the first time that mysterio is a man named quentin beck he used to be a stuntman and then became a special effects man for tv and movies he designed all kinds of costumes and props but one day got the idea of imitating spider-man he goes on to say he spent many long weeks studying all of spider-man's powers and abilities because he was sure he would be able to duplicate them saying whatever spider-man can do naturally i'll find a way to do artificially anything i could do better using all the skill he acquired over the years designing movie props he made a gun which fired a nylon cord resembling spider-man's web he also designed shoes and gloves with special suction cups which allowed him to climb walls once being able to imitate spider-man his plan was to commit all sorts of crimes that the real spider-man would get the blame for then he could create a separate identity for himself which he called mysterio and then use it to battle spider-man so when he defeated spider-man he would become a national hero because no one would know that the criminal spider-man and mysterio were one and the same what a genius plan once mysterio's done telling spider-man all this spidey is like well i just got all that on my tape recorder this leads us to yet another fight between mysterio and spider-man it lasts for four pages which is pretty awesome spider-man even punches him through a wall where he lands in the middle of a live set by the end of the issue spider-man defeats mysterio and brings them to the cops along with his confession tape but there you have it friends mysterio's comic origin but now it's time for story arcs and publication history following mysterio's first appearance in the amazing spider-man issue 13 he would next appear in spider-man annual issue 1 as a member of the sinister six fun fact because you guys know i love my comic book fun facts spider-man annual 1 is actually the first appearance of the sinister six meaning mysterio is a founding member of the team wow in the issue we see a locked up auto octavius use his thought control to have his mechanical arms break out of the evidence room to free him from himself now free he later calls a meeting with other spider-man villains about a plan to defeat spider-man these villains consisted of himself electro sandman craven vulture and of course mysterio otto's plan was to have each villain fight spider-man one at a time one right after another so by the last fight he'd be too tired to win it doesn't work out and in the end spider-man ends up defeating them but his one-on-one fight with mysterio was pretty cool as mysterio made robotic versions of the x-men for spider-man to fight but spider-man eventually realizes they're not the real x-men and jumped through a glass window that was made to look like a metal door by mysterio once this happened mysterio was defeated spider-man would go on to fight mysterio several more times throughout the years like in the amazing spider-man issue 66 and 67 which was a two-part story titled the madness of mysterio i'm a big fan of the og spider-man stories and this one is a really cool one in my opinion we see that mysterio has broken out of prison and is using his special effects skills to plot revenge against spider-man yet again a plan that somehow involves a tabletop model of an amusement park and some sort of gun before long we see that mysterio was on tv challenging spider-man saying before the eyes of millions i challenged the doomed spider-man to meet me at a place only we too know the place we had our first battle and where we'll now have our final one and he says if spider-man doesn't meet him he's gonna destroy the brooklyn bridge spider-man meets him at the place they first fought and started battling but mysterio was able to use his smoke as a distraction and fire the gun he made at spider-man which shoots a laser at him we then see the gun was actually the shrink ray from honey i shrugged the kids as spider-man is now shrunken and inside of a model of the amusement park in the next issue issue 67 we see mysterio literally trying to squash spider-man in this miniature amusement park but this is mysterio so of course this is an illusion by the end of the comic spider-man realizes he hadn't been shrunken but in reality was fighting on a set with a gigantic robot mysterio he then finds the real mysterious location and defeats him as well as burning all of his gear and gadgets before leaving him for the police now before i go any further i do want to mention something real quick even though mysterio's first appearance was in the amazing spider-man issue 13 it was retconned later on when we found out that the aliens we saw in the amazing spider-man issue 2 which is also the first appearance of vulture in the tinkerer were actually mysterio and his men crazy right you see the tinker apparently hired him to disguise himself as an alien so that he could uncover military secrets so theoretically that could be mysterio's true first appearance in comics it actually sounds like something my buddy comic tom will have to figure out if you haven't checked out his channel be sure to do so anyway skipping stuff here and there mysterio ultimately appeared in daredevil guardian devil by kevin smith and joe casada where it's revealed that mysterio has a brain tumor and lung cancer due to the side effects of the chemicals he's used against spider-man all those years he only had at most a year to live so ravencroft an institution for the criminally insane released him to carry out the rest of his life in freedom but instead of living his final days in peace mysterio decided to try one final attempt to get revenge on spider-man but at this point in time spider-man was a clone so mysterio felt no need to kill this spider-man as it wasn't the same one so instead he was like well i need to be killed by a hero i respect and that hero was daredevil so he came up with a plan to make daredevil go crazy and kill him it came close but it didn't work so beck ended up killing himself by shooting himself in the head with a gun he stole from craven they say comics are for kids with the original mysterio dead the marvel universe needed a mysterio and that came in the form of francis klum a teleporting mutant who was able to get his hands on mysterio's equipment and use it yet again to get revenge on spider-man people don't like spider-man they just don't like him he's just trying to enemy but that didn't last forever because of course beck wasn't really dead as revealed in the gauntlet storyline where he appears and says come on webhead admit it you missed me spider-man says how did you do it beck how are you not dead and beck replies i don't know maybe it's something to do with being a master of illusion duh after this mysterio would appear in the spider-man storyline where he was imprisoned in the ultimate universe but ultimately would return back to the main marvel universe but that brings us to powers and abilities as i mentioned earlier quintenbeck does not possess any superhuman abilities what makes him both dangerous and effective is his combination of intelligence and his vast experience as a special effects artist and hypnotist leveraging his knowledge in multiple sciences including psychology physiology chemistry and robotics beck has created a suit that among other things projects incredibly powerful illusions capable of even fooling highly intelligent heroes like spiderman spiderman does whatever spider can spins the web any size catches thieves just like flies watch out what's up here comes the spiderman mysterio suit is also designed with numerous gadgets and weapons starting with his large bubble-like head which is a one-way acrylic glass helmet that is designed to function like a human eye allowing for him to see clearly without anyone on the outside being able to see in the helmet also contains a holographic projector that creates 3d illusions a form of sonar that allows him to navigate through his chemical smoke screens and an air supply that provides him with oxygen because he's got to breathe with that mysterio's knowledge of chemistry allowed him to create several different gases and liquids which he embeds in his suit and uses it to his advantage including a specially treated acid embedded in his gloves that quickly dissolves spider-man's web fluid his suit is also armed with several other gases that can cause temporary paralysis vivid hallucinations and even dull or completely block spider-man spider-sense beck also developed powerful magnetic plate springs for his boots that allow him to match spider-man's leaping ability which the webhead is not a fan of to say the least mysterious suit has several other offensive weapons as well like lasers but it's not all about his suit in addition to being a special effects wizard beck is also a former stuntman which provides him with extensive knowledge of hand-to-hand combat techniques extensive enough that he regularly engages enemies with far superior physical abilities so you put the brains and bronze together and it makes mysterio a dangerous adversary for any hero if you're looking to read up on mysterio yourself which we always recommend you do you could start by checking out the amazing spider-man issue 13 the amazing spider-man annual one the amazing spider-man issues 66 and 67 daredevil guardian devil and the gauntlet storyline you're welcome nudity what specifically public nudity how much do you love it zero exactly so if you wouldn't want your hang dangle flapping out in the warm caress of a summer win then why wouldn't you start protecting yourself with nordvpn and get 75 off a three-year plan by using the code variant at nordvpn.com forward slash variant and get that free extra month of nordvpn when you do use our code we all use public wi-fi a lot which means anyone on set wi-fi can get into all your personal private privates and that's a whole lot of releasing your flagpole for the world to salute but with nordvpn you just get an account download the app on your computer or phone then sign in and turn it on that's it and what it's doing is hiding your ip by redirecting your connection through a 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it's finally here the conclusion to this three issue limited series here we have transformers ghostbusters issue one if you're anything like me you love both of these 80s franchises and i have to say the autobots teaming up with the ghostbusters seems like nonsensical fun and finally we have spider-man issue 25 who is the mysterious bandage figure who seems to be in every shadow and what does he want with spider-man but that's gonna bring another episode of rant to a close but remember our link for nordvpn to keep your privates private is in our description below other than that be sure to follow us on our social media like our instagram facebook and twitter and if you like the channel be sure to subscribe i'll see you guys next time we'll talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 1,090,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mysterio, Spider-Man, Far From Home, Spider-Man Far From Home, SpiderMan, Spider Man, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Marvel Studios, MCU, Comics, Comic Books, Sinister Six, Villains, Rogues, rogues gallery, Peter Parker, Quentin Beck, NordVPN, Arris Quinones, Tim Connolly, Variant, Variant Comics, variant, variant comics
Id: Sf4EqllOUtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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