Death of the Venomverse Saga | The Complete Story

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up my comic comrades today we cover the Epic Death of the Venom verse 5 issue miniseries in short it's a story that deals with Carnage wanting to reach godhood and killing every Venom in The Multiverse to get there it's an epic story that has been years in the making and today we're going to break it all down for you we've also been telling you guys we have some big announcements coming and today we have one of them we are stupid excited to announce that starting next Friday October 13th during New York Comic-Con weekend variant is officially linking up with whatnot to bring you guys exclusive limited run comics and collectibles that you won't find anywhere else we're also going to be doing what not live streams where we'll be giving away incredible pieces on the regular and then give you a chance to pick up limited run exclusives and Beyond at amazing prices through whatnots auction feature the fun starts on Friday October 13th with that day's variant episode where we'll be revealing the first exclusives and making them available on the variant Comics whatnot shop so click the link in the description now to follow variant comics on whatnot and set up your notifications ahead of time it's completely free to sign up and believe me when I tell you you're not going to want to miss out on the first drop it's a New York ComicCon exclusive and it's a big one just hit every subscribe follow notification button you can get your hands on just to be sure anyway with that glorious news covered sit back relax and enjoy death of the Venom verse it already started in the absolute Carnage 5 issue series from 2019 in that series Carnage was resurrected by a cult that worships the symbiot god null and fuse with the grindle symbiot once brought back of course he goes after Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiot AKA his dad as the Carnage symbiot is the spawn of Venom we learned that if Carnage kills enough he will awaken his God null and then the World falls under a waterfall of blood and enters a new universe of darkness by the end of absolute Carnage Eddie is able to kill Cletus Cassidy AKA Carnage but not before it's too late yeah Cletus Force Eddie's hand to take his Venom symbia back so he could kill him and save his son Dylan but in doing so Eddie completed the codec Circle reconnecting to The symbia Hive allowing null to be free which we see at the end of Issue 5 the series ends with Cletus dead but null set free which leads to the king in Black event where null almost takes over the universe but Venom defeats him becoming the new god of the Symbiotes but wouldn't you know it Carnage didn't die in absolute Carnage in fact we find out in Carnage forever issue one that not only did the Carnage symbiot survive but it no longer needs Cletus to thrive you see at the end of the issue Carnage tells hydroman who thinks Carnage wants to bond with him why would I take you for a host when it's only your powers I desire why would I bond with you when all I need to do is pull you apart you see hydroman I was with Cletus for so very long I've only recently begun to understand the full extent of my own capabilities without my host and I'm curious to see just how far they can go so before the end would you like to Glimpse one more time the very meaning of Carnage as he tears him apart and takes his powers Carnage basically alludes to the fact that he's been with Cletus for so long he no longer needs him to be on his own on top of the fact that technically speaking cletus's codex which are metaphysical records of a person's memories and unique powers a host possess are kept within the symbiot hive meaning Carnage can pull from this meaning he and Cletus are now one and the same almost like transferring a Consciousness to a different body but it only gets crazyer from here in issue 10 of Carnage's 2022 series Carnage traveled to the forge of naler where armed with Malik's codex from the time he bonded with the Venom symbiot Carnage plans to create a Godly weapon of his own you see an issue9 Carnage basically trick legendary blacksmith draw into making the greatest blade whose singular purpose is Carnage saying what greater ambition exists for a weapon than to kill dwan Falls for it as his sole purpose in life is to make the best weapon so he was up for the challenge and this would be the Ultimate Weapon because Carnage gave him the Codex of malakith which has the memory of all black meaning Carnage wants him to essentially make a new version of all black AKA The necr Sword one of the most powerful weapons in Marvel but it was a trick Doran devises a plan to stop Carnage with the help of Kenneth Ney a serial killer who wanted to bond with with Carnage he plans to use the heat from the forge to kill Carnage which is so hot only yuru metal can absorb it but obviously that doesn't work so Carnage finishes the weapon himself absorbing yuru metal from the corpses of dwarves that lay around the forge merging it with his body so he won't die and then uses it to create his brand new spear which he dubbed all blood essentially becoming a god with this new weapon now from here Carnage would continue his Carnage in Miles Morales Spider-Man issue 7 almost killing miles stabbing him in the back with a tendril but luckily for miles Iron Man gave him an iron spider suit that contained nanite clusters that helped miles heal the suit even acted as a cast of sorts to keep him protected and his vitals up from here we're taken to the Carnage Reigns Omega one shot where Miles and Iron Man have their final round with ext Carnage The exate has the power of a symbiot dragon and is infused with the extremist virus that merged with a suit of Iron Man's model 70 armor developing new powers but in the end miles and Iron Man were able to stop the extr beate Carnage then you have web of Carnage from here Carnage really starts to ramp up his Ascension to godhood you see at this point he wants to make himself the image of his God and Creator so as we know he no longer needs a host and he can now transverse the dark dimension of the spot and even has forged all blood the necro spear which we just went over now in the web of Carnage one shot we see that Carnage still feels incomplete and in order to defeat the true king and black Eddie Brock he needs more power and has to continue to get rid of his weaknesses this brings him into a confrontation with morlon where he ultimately realizes that he doesn't need Morin's power to help him become a God and ultimately defeat the king and black Eddie Brock he even tells morlon I thought that with the life force of Venom within me the other symbiotes would follow me as they do him that I'd be accepted but I've become what I am all powerful no need for a host because I wasn't accepted because I refused to bow to the way things had always been it's apparent the cost of your power is that it would make me dependent weak and I'll never be weak again the other symbiotes will follow me because they'll see I am the strongest that I deserve it that I am far better than Eddie Brock and if they don't I'll just kill them all and all this leads us into death of the Venom verse also I'm feeling hungry so let's talk about our most delicious sponsor Factor if you're not familiar with Factor they offer fresh never frozen meals that are ready in Just 2 minutes so all you have to do is heat it up and get your grub on which is crazy helpful for me because like many of you my schedule can get pretty crazy and I often have to eat on the go especially heading into the fall and the holiday season thankfully with factor I can keep my fridge stocked with delicious and nutritious meal options so I don't have to think about what I'm doing for lunch that's right you get to skip the trip to the store and all the cook work because it's all delivered fresh to your door it's glorious and did I mention they have great breakfast options and a bunch of other add-ons as 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three I just mentioned and now has set his sights on tracking down every Venom in the universe killing them before ultimately killing the ultimate venom the king in Black Eddie Brock in any case after this we see that Agent Venom of Earth 1051 AKA an weighing the ex-wife of Eddie Brock along with the armor wearing virus AKA an alternate version of Dylan Eddie son if you don't know the virus armor was originally created by Mt gargon and it has all sorts of abilities made out of scrap War Machine armor anyway they're teleporting around the universe looking at the Carnage Carnage has been leaving behind and they see most recently he killed a venomized Rocket Raccoon from another world and asks how many is that now virus 12 12 Venoms from different realities and he's not slowing down as we see elsewhere Carnage is currently killing off Venom Wolverine and continues to say what does he want he's always been a killer this though he's so methodical so focused what does he hope to accomplish maybe for the first time this is more than murder virus says he's training honing his skills preparing for a fight she asks a fight with who which we of course already know the answer to from here we see Carnage kill the Venom Wolverine as AG of Venom and virus make their way to the crime scene virus says enter symbiot there's no no sign of symbiot DNA no codex it's gone every cell of it as we see Carnage go to yet another reality where he's going after a Venom Ant-Man who grows and tries to crust Carnage with a massive mouthed Venom foot but it doesn't work Carnage kills this Venom by piercing him straight through his foot and out of his head Agent Venom and virus also arrive at the scene of this crime picking up his skeleton holding him in her hand Venom then tells virus let's find this monster and put him down as they teleport via virus's armor Tech to where Carnage currently is and they see he's fighting an alternate version of mania Carnage says to himself this one Mania yes this one has power I can feel it as soon as I ared you can't hide it power power that belongs to me you are mine as he grabs her ripping the hellmark right out of her if you're not aware the hellmark is a demonic sigil that's in the shape of a pentagram surrounded by a circle that is given to those who could potentially be a hell Lord Lords are powerful demons that have control of their respective hell Dimensions essentially they control their own section of Hell or their own hell incarnate just took it from Mania meaning now he absorbed the power to control hell at this point Agent Venom and virus intervened with Carnage making quick work of them saying who are you little Venom this isn't your world you're following me a worthless Act of self-sacrifice as he throws Agent Venom off a building saying I appreciate the effort but you're only postponing the inevitable for all of you Agent Venom calls her backup agent Spider-Man Agent Deadpool agent Hawkeye alternate versions of Agent Venom from different realities which is really cool to see but Carnage also makes quick work of them agent Deadpool even gets his head cut off at this point agent Hawkeye is like we got to go boss punch it virus get us out of here now fully imbued with mania's power and the hellmark Carnage says I rid myself of the weakness of a host now I continue to rid myself of every other weakness then I'll read the Multiverse of every Venom as he goes to attack Agent Venom virus uses a Sonic Cannon to hold Carnage back which actually works after this Agent Venom and virus go back to regroup with more alternate versions of Venom to plan a course of action elsewhere Carnage now with the hellmark and his all blood spear says I must Purge weakness Sonic fire lightning might be a nice addition to the collection as he finds a Venom Electro who he again defeats taking his power and now wielding lightning the issue ends with the Venom version of the Sinister 6 saying you strike one of us down you must still face the rest of the hive the rest of the symbiot 6 that's right friends we got the first appearance of a Venom Sinister 6 the symbiot 6 and they look awesome but let's jump into issue two issue two starts off with car telling the symbiot 6 that he doesn't need anything from them it would be unnecessary basically saying he doesn't value their powers enough to take them Venom Craven says I see you for what you are a hunter collecting trophies Carnage replies in a way yes only you're not worthy of collection and so a test as he uses his new hell powers to raise Monsters of evil to fight for him essentially calling on demons yeah this is like the most OP Carnage we've ever gotten and he hasn't even reached his full Ascension yet it's kind of crazy how powerful he's become these Monsters of evil then start fighting the symbiot 6 as age of Venom and her posy of Venom show up to take down Carnage as age of Venom says hit him with everything you've got we've got one chance at this take him down and as the Dr Octopus Venom seemingly has Carnage on the ropes by wrapping his tentacles around his neck with Craven coming in for the kill Carnage says this is not how I die I am beyond you beyond any of you beyond anything you can throw at me I have claimed the all blood claimed the power of dimensional travel of lightning in Hell itself and my Ascension is not complete as he breaks free killing an alternate version of Dylan Brock but after this virus hits Carnage with the Sonic Cannon again forcing him to flee as it's still one of his only weaknesses the Venom Rhino then tells virus and age of Venom you came here looking for him tracking him I want in I want payback do you know where he's going next as he's the only member of the symbiot 6 still alive or at least standing we're then taken back to where Carnage retreated saying Sonics after everything I've done to eliminate my vulnerabilities my enemies can still hurt me with sound but not for long even across the vastness of the Multiverse I can sense my Quarry I feel them like they are part of me close I can smell them I can hear them as we see he's traveled to a world where there's a Venom with the power of Sonics called chaos engine he plans to defeat and take his power to no longer be weak to it but wouldn't you know it Agent Venom and Venom Rhino along with the other Venom show up looking to take down Carnage yet again and luckily for Agent Venom and team they're able to stop Carnage from killing and taking chaos engines Powers at which point they teleport themselves and him out of there Tre then shows up who was fighting chaos engine before Carnage got there saying look at them run and look at you oh baby you're not just back you're back with a vengeance shriek dated another version of Carnage thinking he's returned but he just tells her I'm going to follow them I could track this chaos engine find him and kill him he possesses Sonic abilities a rarity among symbiotes he belongs to me shriek then grabs Carnage saying who needs him I've got all the Sonic Powers you could ever want we've always made a good team remember he says you were close to the Carnage of this world intimate I detect traces of the Codex embedded in your cells as he kills are saying that's right I'm not Cletus at all my only symbi relationship is with hate then back to agent Venom's team we see Agent Venom AKA an and virus talking with her saying Carnage is getting stronger by the second he's not just killing Venom he's absorbing them at least he's absorbing the ones he finds useful think about it there are an infinite number of Worlds out there spinning through the Multiverse an infinite number of Venom symbiotes you look long enough there's no telling what you'll find a Venom who's immune to fire a Venom who's immune to Sonics maybe a Venom with powers we can't even comprehend Inc Carnage is making their powers his own virus then asks and this new recruit we're going after she then says if we want to stop him we've got to take him by surprise hit him with something he's not expecting will this work maybe but it's going to take a miracle a Hail Mary as we see they're going to try to recruit antivenom silence something to silence Carnage once and for all you see she thinks the anti-venom silence can use her powers of cleansing impurities and others to essentially erase the powers and impurities Carnage has been collecting to make him stronger ridding him of all the Symbiotes he's absorbed and this leads us to issue three where at the we see Carnage is still making his way through the Multiverse fighting and killing any version of Venom he can this time a Venom man thing he's not killing this Venom man thing to take his powers no this kill is just to hone his skills as he stabs them with all blood in the chest causing him to explode meanwhile we see Venom and virus track down silence telling her what Carnage has been doing in hope she'll join them she continues to say Carnage is hunting symbiotes throughout the Multiverse we think we might have a shot against him with your special gifts she tells silence this Carnage is from this world which if you didn't know is Earth 616 the main Marvel continuity she then replies to age of Venom saying and you want me to take a shot at this leaving the real anti-venom the coach here in case Carnage gets past us I'm in all the Venoms then go to a world where Asgard and Earth have merged where they meet a valkyrie a valkyrie that is the daughter of one of the Venoms but wouldn't you know what Carnage shows up ending the family reunion of sorts and Chaos engine then uses his abilities on Carnage but Carnage just fires back with Hellfire out of his mouth all of the Venom start attacking Carnage while silent makes her move she says Carnage I hear you've got a few upgrades it's going to be fun putting them to the test Carnage says a test yes that's been the idea all along she then says I just need one touch that's all it takes but she can't touch him Carnage avoids all of her attacks while punching your saying I'm actually happy happy you could be with me Andy happy you could see what I've become he then kills space Venom with his all blood spear smashes and destroys the virus armor with Dylan being vulnerable now crawling away while distracted by Agent Venom antivenom is able to St stab him from behind with silence saying that is it we've got him he's finished but Carnage just burns antivenom up absorbing him saying I don't know what will happen taking you into myself but it's worth a risk worth dying at which point he screams as all the Venoms he's absorbed come bursting out of his back the issue ends as age of vom says anti- Carnage is tearing him apart from the inside as they ask did we just win did we just kill Carnage and the issue ends this leads us into Issue four where we find out Carnage is indeed Not Dead but he is in pain screaming as Agent Venom says Carnage victims the people he consumed are ripping themselves free Carnage then says my flesh poisoned diseased turning against me venom Rhino says they're back all the people he killed like my pal Electro a different Venom says no look at them they's something different they're part Carnage part anti- Carnage as we see all the Venoms Carnage killed now turned against him as anti-c Carnage Mania even picks up his all blood and impales them in the chest with it saying look at what you've done to us you've turned us into monsters but it's nothing compared to what we're going to do to you anti-c Carnage Electro then blast Carnage and Carnage continues to get the snot beat out of him by all the Venoms he consumed that are now anti- Carnage however Carnage is able to take back all blood at which point the tides start to turn and he starts beating the snot out of all the Venoms he once consumed eventually blasting them all away with a hellmark reappearing on his chest as he says do you understand yet do you realize can you see what I've become Agent Venom says the antibod he's used them after defeating all of them Carnage teleports out of there saying there's only one step left one step before my ultimate Ascension as we're taken to a place where there symia dragons and the Silver Surfers there saying oh I see you're not here for me the Silver Surfer go then and but before he could finish his sentence Carnage stabs him with all blood from behind killing him as he says sorry little light no Warriors for you but don't fret I'll do what you were meant to do as we see he comes to a world where null is trying to take over Earth and defeat The Avengers Carnage confronts him saying sorry I think you're going to get a kick out of me and this brings us to the fifth and final issue of death of the venomverse we see that Agent Venom silence Dylan and the rest of the Venoms have gone to a Venom safe house on the earth 1051 with silence saying we can't win this thing can we Carnage is just too powerful he's running wild all over us Agent Venom says we'll stop him silence we will stop him we don't have a choice so all of the Venoms rally one last time as Agent Venom leads them saying I've got one last play left a h Mary but I need all of you to do exactly as I say we are then taken to a world where null is fighting Carnage to prove he's reached godhood NL says you are not from this realm a cast off from another reality come here to face Oblivion with Carnage saying yes Oblivion if that's what I deserve if I cannot destroy you null then what chance do I have against the king and black referring to the king and black of his reality Eddie Brock null then slashes Carnage with all black saying Madness do you not know me I am the king in Black Carnage retaliates with all blood saying not on my world not on the world that matters The Avengers and villains of this Earth start attacking null but Carnage retaliates punching Captain America right through the stomach null then gets up saying I have come to destroy this world to murder it and no one will stand in my way no one as we see several symbiot possessed celestials behind null Carnage is not scared though flying towards them saying if it makes you feel better I'll finish what you started I'll end this world for you after you're dead this world and every other as I claim what's mine as he decapitates one of the symbiot celestials telling null a God that is what I've become that is what I always was as we see Agent Venom and crew teleport in chaos engine uses his Sonic powers to combat symia dragons and we see that Valkyrie is able to wield this world's Muir as she and the rest of the Venoms face off against null's Army meanwhile we see Carnage still fighting null and he ultimately defeats him stabbing him in the back with all blood saying that's it there's nothing left no one left to conquer save the one I want dead more than any other at this point all the Venoms try to take down Carnage at once but but he just looks at them in the face saying it's all too late far far too late too late to do anything but die nothing can stop me don't you see I am a God as he destroys every single one of them easily he even kills virus who was an alternate version of Dylan Brock Eddie's son Agent Venom comes over saying I should have found another way when the other Dylan was killed I should have kept pushing I thought we could stop him I thought if there were enough of us but they were just lambs to the slaughter sacrifices and I offered them up like a loyal subject maybe in that way he is a God maybe I was just a damn fool she Mourns Dylan with the compo coming to an end on Carnage's face accomplishing what he set out to do becoming a God and that is death of the Venom verse all the way from where it started to where it currently is Carnage has reached godhood defeating an alternate version of the king in black and is now ready for his final battle using his God power to kill the main King in Black Eddie Brock what can I say guys Marvel has been doing some work with Carnage over the last few years since absolute Carnage his Arc has been incredible and I cannot wait to see where goes and see the battle between Carnage and the true king in black but what do you guys think of Carnage's Evolution over the last few years are you excited Carnage is a God and he's now going to take on the king of black let us know down in the comments other than that we'll see you next time when I talk about all things [Music] comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 81,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: death of the venomverse, complete story, venomverse story, death of the venomverse full story, death of the venomverse #5, venom vs carnage, venom king in black, marvel king in black, who is knull, god of the symbiotes, god of symbiotes, all symbiotes, symbiotes, venom, symbiotes explained, top 10 symbiotes, pink venom, venom 3, venom 2, sparta remix venom, carnage defeats knull, planet of symbiotes, marvel comics, spider-man
Id: gDE1AyUAkw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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