Origin of LGBTQ and Removal of black people from Bible || Full interview- Apostle T, Swiry Nyar Kano

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Let's start by talking about sin. What is sin? Okay, thank you so much for that particular question. You're welcome. Sin according to spirituality that I follow personally is, the original definition of sin when you look at the Hebrew definition is missing a mark. To sin is to miss a mark. But then what marks do we miss? When you're told you're missing a mark then what marks do you miss? And according to my understanding of it is everybody has a soul path that they follow. And before you come into this particular dimension there's a soul path that is tailormade specifically for you as a person. So as you move through this soul path there are marks that are there to lead you in the correct soul path. Take for example you were walking on a road and then there were lights, splashes of light that are leading you to a particular destination. So every time you miss these particular marks, and what are they in your life? Whenever you're missing a mark it's like you're running against the current. Okay? You're betraying yourself. There's internal conflict between what you personally feel aligned with and the path that you're taking. So every time you miss these particular marks on your soul path then you're falling out of alignment with yourself. Every time you fail to choose yourself you fall out of alignment with yourself. And when you fall out of alignment with yourself you move away from the advanced version of yourself, from your destination. So to me that is the very definition of sin. Okay now in English now if you were to explain what we consider as sin. Like the Ten Commandments. Do not covet. Do not have... Do not... Do not attempt to make children before marriage. Like you don't consider that sin? Personally when it comes to my definition of sin it has everything to do with you as a person. It has everything to do with your own path as a person. And it has nothing to do with your external environment. It has nothing to do with the laws that society has set because all these laws are contextual. The time that we live in is very different from the time that other people live in. And some of these laws that we follow right now were created at a time when those people, like for example the Israelites they were dealing with totally different things from what we deal with now. And so our existence as at now we have, all of us have our own inner system of guidance. Intuition. We all have a gut feeling, inner system of guidance. And every time you go against this inner system of guidance you are missing the marks and so you are falling out of alignment with yourself. It has nothing to do with society. It has nothing to do with governmental laws. It has nothing to do with levitical laws. It has everything to do with you as a person. When I do good I feel good. When I do bad I feel bad. And so that's... When you do bad and feel good you are? It's bad according to who? It's bad according to who? Because at the end of the day we all come here to vouch for ourselves. We all come here to expand as individuals. So the journey is as within so without. The journey is... It starts from within. So you are the one who determines what sin is? Yeah. For example one of my definitions, one of my examples of sin is like staying in a toxic relationship. And you know that this is affecting you as a person. You're betraying yourself but you keep staying in that particular relationship. You're missing the mark. You're stunting your growth. You are causing delay in your soul path. Okay. Yeah. Mr T? Yeah. How do you explain sin from the kind of spirituality that a Christian practices? It's missing the mark and that mark is set by God. You don't set your own mark. You see a lot of things she's saying are very deep but trying to exclude God from the picture. That you have a soul path. Who created that path? Because you're not a driver of yourself. So we're dealing with what we are calling the New age philosophy where we want to kick God out of the equation. And now we're introducing me-ism. It's me. So don't give me these external parameters. But at the end of the day the Ten Commandments resonate perfectly with what we call the law of morality. Killing whether in Israel or in Turkana is killing whether in government or out according to the law of morality. Which every man is aligned to a certain moral pattern which is beyond logical analysis. It's an alignment. You were born with this inside you. You can't reject it. It's inside you. But when you start to look at the source of morality, you discover there's a divine force and that divine force is God. So it's God who has put those marks. Man can't survive without governance and man is... In the book of Romans it says that since they rejected God, God permitted them to walk in their reprobate minds. In other words, God allowed them to remain confused. Then it continues to say that's why they lost desire and men began sleeping with other men, and women with other women. That means that each human has some confusion in them if they refuse to be guarded by God because we can't govern ourselves. So anything that God has instructed me to do and I don't do it then I consider that as missing the mark because it is God who sets the mark. Secondly, she's very deep into spirituality but the definitive factor is that spirituality has two dimensions. There's the fallen status, what we call the demonic world. And there's the risen status which is where God is. So when you study totality of spirituality, it has legalism, it has protocols, it has a system of operation. But now there are levels where you can find yourself involved with witchcraft without knowing. So we have to first define what spirituality you're dealing with. You might be in the realm of spirits but it's still intellectual. It's very deep. It's intellectual. So when I analyse someone who's spiritual, I can tell when we're getting into witchcraft and when we're still in God's word. Okay. One of the interesting lines that needed clarification is soul ties. Yes. Vivian explained to us that soul ties are not as we assume they are. When we talk of... I gave Jemo and Vivian an example of the idea that when you sleep with someone, you'll go to hell with everyone they've ever slept with. But they said that's not how it works. Would you clarify that? I give you an example? Yes. How it works is the Bible says when you sleep with a prostitute you become one with a prostitute. That concept of union comes in when man is declared husband and wife. That is what we call the wedding. But the marriage happens when they commune, that sexual intercourse. That's why in Matthew Jesus says divorce isn't permitted unless in the case of infidelity. Because then you've abandoned your union and become joined with another. The controversy of soul ties comes in when we define what is a soul. Because there's a spirit and a soul. What she was saying about intuition is a component of the spirit. But the soul has logic, memory, will and also the concept of... It has logic, will, and the seat of emotions. It also has senses, the sensory realm. Touch, feel and all that. It also has memory, subconscious and conscious. All this is the component of the soul. When someone is engaging sexually, they're engaging emotionally, logically with their will, they're engaging their memory and their senses. So ideally you find there's attachment beyond reason. That's why you can break up with someone abroad but just seeing their picture on Facebook will hit you. Because you're more connected. Sex is beyond just taking off your clothes. Sex is spiritual, social, and physical. It enjoins you. It's serious. So can you have sex with someone without touching them? There still has to be contact. You can't. Unless you're having sex on Zoom. So what you're saying is that physical contact is the rubber stamp, but there are other processes? It's a spiritual concept. It has to do with the soul then of course it ends up in the physical. Most of us think it's just physical and that's why you find someone can have sex and leave feeling empty. They don't know why they feel empty. It's because their emotional temperament has been distorted. Then there are also transfers. Have you ever heard that after some time a husband and wife start to look similar? There's a transfer. There are transactions that happen when people are having sex. That's why when you sleep with a prostitute you become one. So that nature in the prostitute can end up following you as well. And it is so serious that if you sleep with someone who's depressed there can be transactional depression. That's why sexually active people with multiple sexual partners can have multiple personalities. Because today you wake up as Kinuthia and tomorrow you wake up as Jemo. It's true. It's because there's a transfer that happened. So that's something that women should actually consider when dating. Even men. Especially women because you need to know whether you want to look like this man in the future. It actually happens. But anything that can be tied it can also be broken. Yeah. That's the reality. So whenever people talk about relationship connections and all that what you need to understand, the original mechanism of sex was meant to happen in the confinement of a covenant. And in every covenant there's blood shed. That is why virginal ladies typically shed blood. That is to seal the covenant of marriage. So ideally there are so many people who are not virgins. So you can imagine in their first sexual encounter there's a covenant that was sealed knowingly or unknowingly because these are principles. And so by the time you start dealing with things like those, that's why you find women who still remember the man they lost their virginity to. And the memory is fresh and sometimes that pain is also fresh. Because something greater than just having sex was engaged in that moment. So ideally in those connections that's why you find some people get very drained in relationships. Because you don't have the patience to be there and embrace the person fully because there's so much at stake. So many networks, connections, emotional entanglement and soul-ish entanglement. So if as a man you have never met a virgin, you have never made a covenant of blood so you are a virgin. No. Of course now the other side, men lose their virginity by the first encounter of sleeping. But in God's system, virgins are ordained to come together so that it's sealed through that blood. So the whole process is initiated. And that's why if you look right now marriages are not working because sex lost the place. Sex is good but it was ordained to happen in a certain place. The same way there are many good things that need to happen. And for cultures that value sex and the purity of sex. And I'll mention it here. Maybe it's Christianity values but there's a leeway. Sometimes we are not very strict. But in Islam sometimes it's mandatory to be married as a virgin. You realize that there are less divorces in Islam compared to Christianity because of the place of sex. Yes. Okay. Sin has a lot of science involved. What is your explanation of God? Because when we spoke there's a conversation we had with her and she told me that she's searched for knowledge on spirituality and she became atheist and then became spiritual again. So she's an atheist and a half. No. So what is your definition of God? Okay. She's a theist. She believes there's a Force but can't describe. Yeah. Oh okay. Actually atheism was a point of transition for me. I always put it that way. It's not like I'm a half atheist and a half whatever. I grew up in a Christian home but I did not know who God was even though I was in this Christian home. So it reached a point where because I've always known somebody's out there watching out for me because I've seen proof of it in my life. But the way He was represented, He was misrepresented to me. And I believe that was a misrepresentation. So when I went throughout my life in campus I came to a point where I wanted to establish a personal relationship with God. And so that was my period of atheism because I was out. I abandoned everything and decided to be like an empty vessel to start looking for my own meaning of my own God. And that is when I got into spirituality. And even if you look at my page right now I talk a lot about the Bible. It's like I mix everything because I believe that there are truths inside this religious connotations. But then when you ask me what is the meaning of God to me, to me God is nature. God is change. God is... Change is the only constant in life and to me that is what God is. God is nature. Whenever I look into the faces of the people around me, whenever I look into nature that is me seeing the face of God. And so God to me is the collective. The wholeness of us as a people. So that is where God is to me because that is where I've found my God. So God is not a person seated on the throne? No to me God is... All of us are... God to me is the universe, and to me human beings are a direct mirror reflection of the universe. All human beings are fragments. It's like having a gold reservoir and then you have the fragments of gold that are in different parts of the world. So to me human beings are just a mirror reflection of who God is. Okay now from Mr T's explanation he says that there are different levels of...there are different realms outside this world which... There's the dark one. How do you know you're not in witchcraft? First of all... In fact, the reason why I said that I think I had her interview talking about the chakras. The gates. Now those chakras it's a language found in meditation but it's also a language in satanism because you open those gates and you interact with the spiritual realm. In fact she can tell you there are seven chakras. By the time you are opening the third chakra you open the third eye of the spirit. And by the time you are opening the seventh you're so high spiritually, you end up adopting something serpentine. So it ushers you to a very demonic realm. And that's why I was very sensitive. Because what the New Age is doing, the Bible actually is the only book that has detailed on spirituality. But now what has happened is that there is what we are now calling involvement of demonology, the study of demons. But now it's being repackaged not as demons but as energies, as forces, as elements. When you call something a demon it sounds scary. But when you say it's elements, energy, positive vibe it looks okay. So today's witchraft is well packaged. It's cool. It tells you to put on some candles and say 'ta ta ta' seven times. Do you remember Charlie Charlie? Charlie Charlie wasn't some Nigerian who appeared dressed like a joke. It was a demonic pattern on how to summon a demon. But they never told us it was a demon. They just said you're summoning... Chakra? Chakras are...they're on the backbone. Even you have them and you can be trained to open them. I have demons? No. No. Chakras are... And this one I'm telling you from a young man that I prayed for and helped get out of satanism. He told me, "Pastor, I had opened my third chakra. I was almost entering the devil's third eye. I had been taught how to set up altars in my house and summon demons." But out here it's happening online. It's happening on YouTube. And the people who do it are civilized. They say "I'm just trying to find my peace." That statement is very common. This is what starts sounding... Indians have their own God. Indians will say that King'ori is God, and they'll worship you, and if you bore them they fire you. Those are Indians. Indian is not a religion. Buddhism is something different. That's why Indians... You mean Hindu, not Indian. Hindu. Yes. You remember that time they threw away their gods. So this is a very sensitive statement because she's vast knowledgeable but a lot of mixing. So you'll find some luciferianism, satanism, freemasonry. But in that quest of hunger, sometimes they say when you're too hungry for something even bitter food tastes sweet. So you can acknowledge her to become sensitive. She might find she's entered realms that are so deep getting out might be a problem in pursuit of truth. So how do you know you are not involved in devil worship? How? Or witchcraft? So let me... I understand what you're talking about and I'm actually getting everything that you're saying. But let me tell you, they call it witchcraft. This is my understanding of it. Everything is witchcraft even our own existence. Let me explain it. I know that sounds a little bit ish ish, but let me explain it. We have words. How do we interact? We have relationships on this particular realm. And you have feelings, you have emotions, you have words, you have intentions. And everything that is created on this particular dimension, before everything comes in with a physical reality it exists in a spiritual realm. And what removes it from a spiritual realm into the physical realm? Intention. And what is witchcraft? Witchcraft is intention. No, witchcraft... And there can be positive intention and there can be negative intention. I understand what you're saying. No witchcraft is manipulation of intention. That's witchcraft. Yes but we come into this realm to learn how to manipulate energy. That is everything that we come to do. Every human being comes... See. Let me say. Now you've started lecturing. You've started lecturing. Let me tell you. Even you Christians you pray. Yes. Praying is manipulation of energy. Yeah. Because you go tell God, "You know I need this and this and this." What are you trying to do to the universe? You're sending frequencies to manipulate a particular energy so that it comes into this reality, right? That is the reason why you pray. You pray to be healed. What is the intention? Prayer is intention. Witchcraft is intention. But there are people who have negative intention. Right now when you're sitted there when you look at me and you're like, "I wish I was like that girl. I wish. I'm so jealous. I wish I was like her. I wish all the gifts that they have is sent to me," you are sending negative intentions. And the universe doesn't know the difference between negative intention and the positive intentions. That is why demonic entities have as much power as light entities. So witchcraft... No. So prayers is positive witchcraft? Yes. That is what it is. I wouldn't call prayer positive witchcraft because one, we pray the will of God. That's why you can pray for some things but they don't happen. So we pray the will of God. Now she's trying to present the universe as God. The universe is a creation. It's something that God created and it's something that God created one to express his majesty and also express his glory. And she said something very powerful which was when you look at the universe you're able to understand God. In the book of Romans it says in fact the universe is the first Bible. If you want to know how God is, if you want to understand order, if you want to understand sequence, if you want to understand patterns, connections you now begin to look at the universe. But the universe is not God. But the universe is an expression of something we cannot see. When you look at the complexity of the universe you end up acknowledging there's a creator. So we can't worship what was created because it's supposed to point us to the one that created it. And so now the moment we shift our focus from the creator to the creation now that's idolatry because now we are trying to shape out things from what is created and we are shifting our focus from what the creator did. Now witchcraft is when we use forces, what she's calling energies to manipulate someone to do something against their will and against their consent. It is manipulation. So we can't have positive witchcraft. Now we are entering into what we are calling good devil and bad devil. Listen, it is either evil or godly. Because the moment we say this is good witchcraft and this is bad witchcraft the name witchcraft cannot be accompanied with good. The name witchcraft is actually bad. So you can't have good... But she explained. It's like saying we have good devils and bad devils. Devil is evil. So you can't have good evil and bad evil. And that's where now the concept of New Age comes in. So we are trying to take God out of the space but we are trying to have this conversation so that... And this conversation by the way will lead us to what's called universalism. Universalism says by the way the realm of the spirit is open if you want to access it whether as a Christian, Muslim or what else. And this now is when the conversation leads us to what's called new religion, new world order, one kind of religion. Because now when conversations like this begin a lot is borrowed from the Bible, a lot is borrowed from the other part and then it's manipulated to give a certain conversation. So when I listen to her I agree with some of the things she says. But some statements she makes are misleading. Okay. You know ne thing that I... First of all with spirituality personally I don't even care whether people join spirituality or not. As long as it is working for me I'm totally good. Christians my mom is a staunch Christian. I have friends who are staunch Christians. Yes. As long as it is working for you go with it. I'm good. As long as it is working for me I'll go with it and I'm good. But let me tell you, who taught you that the dark was a bad thing? Who taught you that demons look scary? It's the society that we grow up in. Are you saying the devil is cute? No. Let me tell you. Let me tell you. The idea of fearing the dark, the idea of fearing the devil stems from the society's idea of fearing taking responsibility. You understand? Everybody wants to associate with their light side, with the light side. Everybody wants to come and say, "I'm a good person and then that one is a bad person." But at the end of the day there are no good people and there are no bad people on this planet. There are people who are just aware of what is going on and there are people who participate in the Badness without being aware. There are just aware people and people who are not aware. There are no good people or bad people in this world. But the moment you are aware. You know the world is a dangerous place. We know it's a man eat man society. But the moment you are aware of your danger because when the right button is pressed every sane human being is capable of going against the laws of nature. But then you recognizing that I am made up of dark entities and light entities then you step in the awareness of these entities, both of these entities so you're able to control them. Instead of sitting and denying, you know that "We Christians us we're good people. Us we do good things." But then it's just you do the bad things in the dark because we know. We've grown up in this society where people just fear the dark because they fear themselves. People fear the dark because they fear the unknown. And I want to answer you. When I talk about God, when I talk about God being the universe I don't say that now I'm supporting the creation. That is just my preference of calling my own personal creator. Because in the beginning they told you in the book of Genesis, in a beginning there was God and there... In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. God was the creation. Like what was this word? Intention at the end of the day. Because every time you speak you cast spells. That is why when you spell words you're casting a spell. Every time you speak you're casting a spell. Articulation of each and every word is called spelling, right? So every time you speak you're casting a spell. And this was the spell that was available with God, and this is the spell that we all have. Intentions. At the end of the day when you want to tap something from the spirit realm you tap it through intention. But God created the universe. God created himself. God created us so that he experiences himself through us. That is why your body is called the temple of God. You're just a puppet and there's God that is controlling this particular puppet. Okay. Yeah. So according to your definition Christianity is an association of cowards? To me Christianity is a weapon of control. There is modern Christianity and then there was traditional Christianity, the one that our ancestors believed in. The one with its origin from Ethiopia. But then again we have to acknowledge if you studied... Let me... If you studied history you studied some of the effects of Bible translation, biblical translation. With time it becomes biased. If right now you were brought a Bible and told to edit it for future use, you will edit it according to your own context. And we know politics in the world and we know governments have been involved in the translation of the Bible. It lost its meaning. It lost a lot of its meanings oover time. And there are some parts of the Bible that were edited to remove black people from it. And the Bible that most of the Christians use today was a weapon of control that was designed to create slaves. Okay. Let me just speak. Okay. If my director can give me two minutes for you to respond. Yes. I'll just say one thing. YouTube is not a source of information. And this is what I call unbiased kind of debate because it is true the Bible was edited. But again there's the other side, you can't publish something that has errors. Otherwise we'll start suing these publications. It is true some things were omitted. The Bible has gone through scholars who've scrutinized it and compared it to the original. There's no intention in the Bible in terms of it. Christianity did not come from Ethiopia. This is African propagandist. And this is what's being sold out there. There's no citation quoting any intellectual or academic book. These are just YouTube arguments. I can also go to YouTube today and say the Kikuyu people came from Egypt and make it sound philosophical. And just from that, someone would go around believing the Kikuyu came from Egypt. So what is happening? We live in a very polarized kind of society and YouTube is not a library. Anyone can drop their junk there. And please for the sake of intellectualism it's good for us to come with facts. What she has said majority it's not factual. These are arguments that are in YouTube that cannot be quantified as academically factual. No, they're not in YouTube. They cannot be quantified. When you study history, basic history. Which history? Basic history of Africa, pre-colonization period and then you study the colonization period and then you study the post-colonization period. You realize that long ago Africa we had cities like Axum, we had people like Solomon and Menelik. These are descendants from Africa who came from the lineage of Solomon and it is something that is there in history. And remember there was a time in history... Let me correct you. She's speaking from the spirit. Let me correct her. You see the example of Menelik? Yes. Menelik it's an assumption that the Queen of Sheba slept with Solomon and got pregnant. No history supports. And that's what birthed rastafarianism. Now you see what we are doing we are throwing... How has it birthed? We are throwing jargons without what we call academic reference. There was no connection. They said after Menelik was born Haile Selassie was born, and so from the lineage of Solomon then we have the Black Messiah. From the tribe of the Lion of Judah? You see? Yeah. Now these are things that cannot be quantified historically. Listen there are two levels of history. There is academical history which can be verified through time and books are there and then there's oral history. It's just like how the Kikuyu say God came from Mount Kenya. You can't quantify that reality through academia. So I'll encourage us as we're having this conversation let's come to a place of academia where we can quantify, cite and give evidence because anyone can say anything. How do you prove that a certain city existed in the 14th century? Are there archeological evidences? Right now if you tell me that there was a man from Sudan called Ananak Alakum who was a king... There are archeological proof. These people can't prove Ananak Alakum existed. You see there's something coming and that's what she's pushing. It's called African renaissance and it's about returning Africans to where they came from. But there is insufficiency of data. So we have philosophy, assumptions and oral stories. What is the reason for this insufficiency of data? Vivian because in terms of references is there any reference you can give us to follow to show Queen Sheba was romantically engaged with King Solomon? That was written by a Jamaican. No. That's how the whole thing with rastafarianism was formed. Let me tell you one thing from what he's talking about, and this is the problem that we have as Africans. This is the problem that we have. We had our own history. We had history of where we come from, okay? But then you remember during the...right before colonialism when the missionaries came to Africa. And then people like Pythagoras started ransacking books from African libraries, and then universities in Africa were burnt, and then these books some of them were transferred to universities like Athens in Europe and everything. When you go back into the historical, and most of the time you find that during our history Africans used to pass information through word of mouth and also through storytelling. And most of it when you go down the history lane you read about books by people like Marcus Garvey, people like Chancellor Williams. Marcus Garvey is recent? Yes. Those are people... Have you ever researched broken telephone? You tell someone something and by the time it reaches the ninth person it's not the same thing. So if our history was transferred by word of mouth we don't have the genuine history because by the scientific evidence of broken telephone... Even Ethiopia is even in the Bible even in... Yeah, Ethiopia is there. Ethiopia is there. As we close, give us one reference please. As we close, yes one reference. One reference of what? Of a book we can read so that we can... When you go to my Instagram on my highlights there's so many books. There's so many books I've placed there that you can read about the African spirituality and African history. Yeah. My highlights on Instagram. Okay. Let's go to the highlights on Instagram. Instagram is not a library. Anyway thank you. We'll check. No, she's put references. But that is our modern way of interaction. She's put references of books. Yeah, they're there. I think we need to set this up for a part two. If you feel we need to do a second part of this conversation, and for that part we come with reference of those books she mentioned. Apostle Mr. T we can come with a Bible for crosschecking. Yeah. There are history books... Next time if we're coming with references, let's do it. History is an open page. References. Yes. In the next conversation to conclude this story we're using references. Apostle Mr. T will come with his books, Vivian Taabu will come with hers. Let's see whether God is energy or whether He's seated on the throne. Please clap for them. Till the second part of this conversation see you next week. My name is Dr King'ori.
Channel: The Wicked Edition with Dr. King'ori
Views: 317,103
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Keywords: the wicked edition, kenyan comedy, kenyan satire, kenyan politics, dr. king'ori, kinyanjui, african comedy, african satire, kenyan show, Kenyan TV, East african comedy, funny, comedy, satire, entertainment, Churchill show, Desagu, Njugush, Abel Mutua, Jalango TV, Diamond Platnumz, NTV Kenya, KTN, KTN News, Citizen Tv, Raila Odinga, Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto, Dr King'ori
Id: dIMQeS0T880
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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