Oracle 19c DB [ Single Instance ] Installation on [ Oracle Linux 8 ] [ VMware ]

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[Music] [Applause] hello and welcome to my youtube channel in this video i will try to show you how to install oracle database 19c on oracle linux 8. so during this installation i prepared a small document this will show us how to install and configure the database so uh in the introduction i will try to show you the installation prequisites the installation process and after that we will go to just apply these steps okay in the beginning we need just to download the software and the first one we need to download is the operating system oracle linux 8 64-bit then we will download this one oracle database 19c of course if you have a vmware or virtualbox which one you prefer to use is up to you but for me i'm using vmware so if you are using vmware or virtualbox it's up to you you can use one of them and also i attach the videos and this document will be uploaded to the github so you can get the links from there and follow up with me with the same document so after that we will go to the installation process of course the first step is to download the software and this also can done by you because for me i did it already and i have the the both software's downloaded and also i have the vmware also running and functioning on my operating system um after that we need to install uh operating system oracle linux 8 on the vmware and after finish that we need to create a snapshot and this snapshot will help us to just only if we did a mistake we can recover our work till this this step so uh after installing uh oracle linux so we need to apply oracle database 19c requisites and create a vm snapshot as well so um in this step the break with this is right now is automated you can just only apply uh grab it from the bullet from the from the um repository so this one becomes simple but we have an additional um additional steps we need to add it for for the oracle to the oracle linux uh this will help us to install oracle uh software correctly okay so after finish this step and creating a vm snapshot so we can install oracle software only without database so this one just only installing the softwares the binaries on the operating system and after that we can also create a vm snapshot and uh this is why i like the operating uh this one i like the vm and the virtualbox or virtualization at all um because it saved the status or the the configuration that you did and after that you can if you did any mistake you can go back to that step and redo it again and this will post your knowledge and your experience and save your time to not redo everything again and again okay so after that we need us to create a database and this step we need to create a database so we will use database configuration assistance to create it and after create the database of course we need to test it and check if it's working fine and everything is okay and try to see the the name of that database is correct the listener is okay and alert look also to check the database is behaving good or have an any issue or it's like this okay so the first thing we need to go for the os os installation and the oscillation is straightforward so we need to go to the vmware and start doing this okay so let's get started with the first step os installation okay from here we need to create a new virtual machine we have two options typical also it's recommended and custom advanced for me i like to go for the custom and advanced one okay i will pick the latest and then i will choose the okay i will choose the uh is here in the training uh the iso image we have here the iso image rocket linux r88u01 okay so we can just go next after that here we have it's auto detected that's the iso containing linux operating system and the version of the oracle linux is 8 64-bit that's correct and um match the operating system that we have in the iso okay here we need to name actually it's up to you but for me i like to name it like this o l e my 8.1 okay then i will add the 64-bit architecture for this one for this sorry x 64 bit this is the os architecture and then we'll go to the next here i will add it's depend on the hardware that you have for me i will add two by two um here next um actually here i have core i7 so i have multiple cores so it's uh if you don't have you need to know how much to use so you can just keep it one by one as default it's it's okay but for me i like to put it like this here i have 24 gb for my laptop so for me i will use 4gb as an as a minimum okay um if you put less than this i think it will be too much slow and it will not uh build so the minimum i think it will be recommended to be four next uh i will choose the okay here the adapter if we need the operating system to connect to the internet we can use this one not or bridge network uh hosts only this for intra internet that does mean the vm uh machine the virtual machine it will connect the operating system the host this one only it will not go outside to the internet or to the one word to the one so now we can go for next i will keep this one as also as default and recommend it next the same recommended here i will create the new virtual disk so i will go for next here i will add four i will make it 40 gb because i have one terabyte and i will make it also a virtual disk as a single file not multiple so i would go for next here we have the name of the vm disk so this is a virtual disk so we'll keep it the same and we can proceed for next here we have like a summarized for everything but here i i like to do like this sometime i remove the printer i don't uh like it no need for it uh now we have all of this it's okay display um also is important but i will keep it also the default okay we can right now close this one then this one once i've hit finish it will proceed for for for running the virtual machine and reading from the iso i will close actually don't show this again and close it and now we'll launch the operating system i will move this one this over this one i will drag it to here to keep everything is organized uh close this one close this one and now we can proceed for the oracle installation okay now it's boot up and we can proceed so we can continue i will keep this one also the same as default okay continue okay here we need to just only to we need just to customize these things to fit our need so first one the software so i think i will keep it the same this one auto detect installation media i will keep it the same no anything here i will use the server you with the gui um here i will try to [Music] pick some uh some additional software to be installed so we need uh no need for this one no need for this one either this one i think we need um no need for this one either this one okay okay this one i needed um we need also remote management for linux uh we maybe we need this one also virtualization basically no need um program migrate from a working with legacy unix environment no need um development tool this one tools um graphical administration tools we needed headless management rb rpm development tool no need uh some security also tools we needed system tools of course um so this one i think also if config if you're not so this one i think if config will not be there i'm not sure but uh maybe the if config it will not be there anyway done okay now we finished the software selection now we will proceed with this one it's okay this disk what we wanted we need okay we can hit done uh this triangle should be okay remove now we need to proceed here we'll write our host okay we need to write aura host okay uh done [Music] then we can proceed with begin installation i think it will take time once i click here it will take time so i will try to speed up the installation using the using editing editing tool uh video editing tool so i will hit begin installation and it will proceed but as will also we need to adhere the root password so i will make it simple one i will remove this week because it's simple password hit done twice okay then here we add admin you can also add the oracle but for me i like to make it separate the admin user just to administrate the linux and the oracle user just only for the software we can also put a password done for twice and now we can wait until this one finish and then we can proceed again okay as we can see here so it's done completed so we can reboot right now the oracle linux vm so we will proceed with reboot okay we'll hit enter it's loading right now okay we reach this page in this page we try to accept the license information so we will accept this one then done after finish the license information and agreement we can finish configuration and then we will proceed to the operating system desktop okay now we will enter the password that we bought in the beginning now we reach the oracle linux desktop so next now we okay the typing this one next i will keep this one off i'll go for the next and then here we need skip then we will use start using oracle linux i will close this one and in this step we finish the oracle linux 8 installation in this step we finish this one and we need to create the vm snapshot so we can go here for or from here so i prefer to press here then we can take snapshot and then i will name it refresh os installation okay then i will hit ok then we can as we can see here we create the snapshot so okay after finish this instead i'm taking the vm snapshot so we can apply right now the oracle database 19c requests and after finish this one we can also create a vm snapshot okay so let's get started with the vm right now we have the vm here we are as you can see here we we have also the network we can also test the network before we proceed with the prequisites i will enlarge the font here so you can see clearly now i can proceed with the bing i will bring so as you can see here we have pink that's me we're connected to the internet after that i need to go back to the document so as you can see here we have automatic setup so we are using oracle database and oracle operating system so we can apply this one so i will copy this one i will go back to the virtual machine and then i will do like sudo and then hit enter this will start applying this will download everything from oracle repository and apply it to the oracle vm okay okay now it's completed as you can see here is completed so we can right now clear the screen and we can also double check cats um etc pass wd then grip minus i or okay so as you can see also you can grip minus i dba this is the group as required to etc from groups from group sorry um we need also to check the oh install also or install this group also needed all of them they are applied so as we can see everything is seated so after that we need to um set the password after finish then finish this one we need to have additional setup so as you can see we have oracle so we need to set a password for oracle so now we will use sudo pass wd for oracle then will ask us will prompt us to enter the password then i will put a password i will hit enter as you can see right now oracle user have a password list system switch user for oracle then i will hit the password that i said as you can see i am logging right now to the oracle okay i switched to racket but right now i will exit because arcade is not a seed or user i cannot run sudo with oracle but admin yes so right now i can proceed with the next step that's creating a directory for for uh sorry we need to set the security linux parameter to permissive so we can use nano sudo nano and we can go to the etc then se linux config and from here we can comment this one shift three then we can hit enter and now we can copy this one okay paste it here and we can copy this one also and ctrl x then y then hit enter get this one to make sure that everything is applied on the file system and this file and written to the file system as you can see it's just sitting there so we can also enforce this change for this current session um because we need to restart but we can use this way set in force okay then we can also um click like this sorry um we can hit enter then we tell us this we need to choose one option we can put this one permissive now let's apply it for this session no need to restart our operating system okay now we'll proceed for the next step we finish this one so we need to move to the next step we can right now stop the firewall because this one as you know that's a test environment but for the production environment you need to allow the traffic for the board 50 and 21 but here we can just only uh disable the firewall uh because this is uh uh this installation and show you how to install it so right now we can do sudo um system stop firewall d you can just only press tab to autocomplete sudo system system ctl then disable then tab firewall tab then it will auto complete we're done also with this step so we can proceed to the next step which after disabled we can also go to this step we can we need us to create this one so i will copy this one then we can come here again then we need to have sudo okay because this should be done with root privilege but we have sudo here i will hit enter then we need also to make sudo make there minus p u 0 2 then aura data okay after finish this one we need to change the own sudo change change on then minus r to oracle then o install after that we specify the path u01 u02 okay so double check ls minus ld u01 ldu002 as you can see here we have the correct owner and group now we need to change the mode the permission write read write execute so we'll use also the same recursive minus r just to apply all the included directory below this folder so now we need to specify 775 to the u01 u02 okay sorry because we need the sudo because we are not a root user we are a city user okay clear now let's check the permission for both of these directories it's correct two it's correct and everything is fine okay now we need to proceed to the next we need to create i will keep this one for the os installation i will not do it right now but i will proceed for to this one and this to export the environment variables needed for oracle installation so i will create this one first i will go to create this one ctrl v and then i think before create this one i need to switch user to oracle because this should be an oracle user home clear and then i can set this one now we created now i will move to next step in the document we will copy this form with this one will copy it and then i will open the i will open the g edit okay this is like a notepad paste here as you can see here i will just make sure everything is okay nothing is missing uh this need to fix you need to make it like this make sure everything gets fine okay the bath i think everything is fine so we can proceed and sorry um we can proceed and paste this one in our terminal ctrl v then hit enter so this this one is working fine or not we can echo dollar oracle underscore on [Music] as you can see it's not applied right now we need to do a source it's a resource now with the script hit em okay now we can check as you can see we have it now we can move to that directory to make sure that directories exist okay this directory is exist and it's available there um as you can see now everything is okay and we can go back to the orchid rom [Music] okay let's go back to the document we need to add a reference so this will automate okay we will add to the batch profile so eco dollar before equal cd script ls now we will go back to oracle home now we need to do like this i think i will clear the screen cd script bwd ls and then i need to go to the work at home and after that i need to eco then dot and i will take this one and then robot like this then we will append it to the dash underscore profile so this will be written to the bash profile so i can cut the dash underscore profile as you can see here so this will export the oracle environment variables automatically once i enter to my terminal and create a session there okay so now we're done with all these setups so we can right now proceed to create a vm snapshot this will call the prequisites so i will name it aura kill re brick prerequisites okay so i will create it so i will close as you can see here we finish this step so now we will proceed to the this step okay we'll proceed to install oracle database software with oracle database software only without database and after finish we will also create and create a vm so let's proceed to this one i will come here first we need to move or to copy the oracle software database software to the oracle vm i'm using this way i like this way so you can use your own ftb sftb a cv secure kobe it's up to you but for me i prefer this one so i will proceed with this one right now first i will check the software if i have it yes i have it here i will move this file it's a database software or database software and i will check the nat which um not i think if config i will check the nut which ib is used for my post for this operating system that i am using right now currently it's using 10 10 21 [Music] um after that i will use python and i will hit enter now i can proceed for here i can see wget http and the ib was sorry the ib was is 10 10 20.1 the port is quite eight after that we need this one okay once up once run this one you make you need to make sure that the same directory of this file the zip file okay then i will paste it here after that i will just hit enter and it will start downloading but before start downloading i will keep the comment the same i will make directory make there software then cd software uh then i will copy this command in the top okay the wget okay hit enter let's start downloading and grip the file from my post and it's the speed is 100 more than 100 megabytes per second so this is fast quite big um it's okay now it's almost done okay after this one finish we need to i will ctrl c this one close it and i will clear the screen here minimize it now we need to clear this screen um i will clear it and i will check that's yeah it's moved here so i will go to the cd dollar oracle okay oracle underscore home so bwd to make sure that you are in the oracle home so you need to extract the oracle database software to this location this will be the oracle home so to do that you need to run unzip command minus or q with this one q that's me quit don't print anything then i will go to the home oracle software after that we need to print linux and hit enter okay now the extraction is finished so we can go back to the document and check for the next step as you can see here we need to enable the display we need to enable the display okay and to enable it we need to export this one but before enable it i need to clear the screen and then go back here and then i will copy this one i will go back to i will exit the oracle because this is not my session i am logging as this one control v export then x os then plus sorry i s plus then hit enter now right now um um grant uh xhost okay privilege so i can switch user to to check and examine xev this is the most event as you can see here it's working okay so clear let's move to the orchid let's see if we have permission xev okay we need to do export in this play equal zero then x most plus now let's try to the okay now we have permission to execute um graphical user interface in this session so go to back to the document we need to export this one to bypass os verification because our operating system is 8.1 so may it will fail so i can right now paste it for oracle hit enter i need also to go to the dollar oracle underscore sorry home hit enter i will clear the screen then i can run the installer okay it will prompt for me the oracle splash screen okay we have the organization come up so we need to set up the software only we can select this option next um it's also a single instance and not a real application cluster or anything it's a single instance database installation proceed enterprise edition next this is the oracle uh base that we have okay and the the software installation the location will be under this one if it's not that's mean you have something incorrect and you are running the um the installer not from the this directory or run it from some other place check again and try to make it like this or similar to this one okay proceed next let's see right now correct the this one the uh the inventory we can um for osdba i think we have the correct their machine for the operator i think everything is okay and quick fine i think automatic run for ssh i think i like this one because we already have the root password so you can provide it here but if you not if you have the sudo for oracle you can supply this one otherwise if you don't have wood or a pseudo privilege you can pass this on to the system admin so he can run this script and then can proceed anyway but we have right now here the root credentials so we can proceed okay now it's uh it's done uh as you can see here we have the summary so we can proceed for the installation you can save this response response file but right now it's done it's finished you can check here double check if there is any something missing or you need to edit or change and you can also return back and you can also return back to the configuration steps but right now we can proceed to the install and here we will start the progress bar for the installation and here you can see the installation will proceed and the progress bar will start showing that the the percentage of the precipitation and here also will be the the steps the status of each step from the installation so as you can see here some of them are bending and once they started this will be like in progress status in progress and here also if you need to see more details okay so it will written here in this window so i'll close it for now and i will wait one thing this one this one well i will wait once this one finish i will come back okay now we need to press yes to let the installer apply some briefly some scripts with privileged user like root to finish and finalize the installation so i will press yes then we'll start we'll continue the installation we will wait until this one finish also from here you can check the the sips and what is going on we will wait and after this one finish we will be back okay okay now it's finished so we can close the um the installer okay we can clear the the screen so now we can go back to the steps of the installation we done this one now we need to create a vm snapshot for example if there is anything happen in the create of database of the database creation so we can go back to this step and redo the steps again with creating database okay so um return back here so i will run the snapshot manager and i will create another snapshot i will call it oracle software only okay then i will press ok as you can see here the snapshot is created and everything is done successfully so okay we're done with this step and we create the snapshot now we will create database using database configuration assistance so we'll proceed to the oracle linux operating system in the vm and i will run this command database configuration assistance i will hit enter this will prompt us a window to configure a database on oracle okay now we have this screen and the window is open so we can right now proceed with creating database so we can click here then we can proceed okay we have the deployment type so i'm unfit with advanced configuration i like to see every every step from the configuration to make sure that's just fit for my need um here we have general purpose or transactional processing i think this option is for um i think databa data warehouse and this is for analytical processing like reporting data mining and this stuff but this option what which is fit for us so and also this is the type of database i think it's a single instance you remember once we install the rocket software we pick this option we pick this option so we can go for rocket single instance so we can proceed next okay now i name my database global name and here my db okay if you want to create a container database you can but a checkbox this one uh select this one and if you don't like you can also remove it but it's okay you can keep it for me okay and bdb bdb1 this will be a bb name okay this fine now i can proceed with next now using a template storage attribute now i will check the file system okay we have the aura data you as you remember it was not the oracle base i think it was u02 or data and then the unique name of the this one i like to use the oracle managed file to create the the control file look files data files everything so it will handle the naming and everything it's it's good to enable it and also it's up to you you can enable it or not i will i will enable it i like this feature um okay after this one this one because it's um a testing environment we don't we don't want to have a fast recovery area uh enable archiving also this to archive online redo log files for example this is good for recovery and also this one for for recovery so i will not make them because that is environment next okay we reach to the listener so we can proceed to the next we will use the default listener here for the security uh oracle vault and label labeling um this advanced feature um i will keep the default i will not enable it here we have the memory i will use the automatic memory management this will handle the management automatically so no need to [Music] sit everything so i will keep the default i think this one sizing i think this will show the process the number of process that that allow us to create on the on the server character set is is the default um i think it will be utf-8 nice i will keep also this one dedicated server mode simple schema i will add this one i need it so we can proceed to the next it's right now initializing management option okay this one uh i don't like to use it we will use like sql developer on any other tools to do this so for sql developer so sql developer or sql plus be able to connect this one i think it's to um like um to access and manage um the oracle instance and oracle database uh this good for the [Music] for the administration but anyway i will not enable it okay here i will just set one password for all the accounts there is there is a recommended standard for the password but anyway i will ignore this i will proceed okay now we need to create database here all the initialization parameter we can show the advanced and you can set remove and enable the parameters and set them and change them it's okay here here custom search but because we are using the omf so the path will be managed and the file name will be managed in from the omf so here we will not have any control right now so we can proceed to the next it will show us the summary for all the [Music] configuration that we done okay here we have the summary so you can here see all the configuration that done by you before so um in the summary just only to double check if everything is fit for you and everything is fine and then you can proceed to the progress page so i will hit finish [Music] and then the database creation will start so you can check here the the status of each step and then you can see also if it succeeded or instead in progress or bending so we will wait until this one finished okay it's now done so we can right now close the window click close okay as you can see i can just clear the window hit enter clear so we done this step we can go back to this document so we done with this step so now we can move to test the database and try to check our database is running or not so let's do this i will go back to the vm i will move to the home right now i can run sql plus assist dba so okay now we connect to the database so let's check the the database name select name from the dollar database as you can see it's my db so database is right now um database right now is functioning running and we can access it so uh we can also check the listener listener ctl ls and rctl status okay okay let's throw an error that's mean listener is not started so we need to start the listener listener ctl star start so once we start the listener you can see here okay the listener started but there is no any database or any service register to this listener so we need to run net mgr to check if we have listener register to this we don't have we can add one it's okay no issue i will okay the location we can add yes right this is the hostname as you can see this is the port and we we can also add a database service add um it was i think the global name if you remember from previous one my db dot local post the sid my db um after that we need to save network configuration we can close this one now we can do like this um i think listener ctl um stop we need to stop it now we need to start okay after start you can see here that's my db is the mydb instance is uh there available so we can right now use the listener ctl status to show us the status it's working right now so now we can go to the sql plus as csdba again okay now we can start up because i shut it down i need to start it up then i will shut it down this is just to start up the database if the instance come like this connected to an ideal instance that means the database is not up it's not up so you need to bring it up by startup so now we can i will clear just only the screen how we can shut down the database we can do like this we have a different mode or shutdown like we have uh immediate a port and there is i think transaction and there is a different way to shut down the database but the most uh the most common one is shutdown immediate and then we hit enter this will shut down the database and once we shut down this database you can see it it will take time to shut down so as you can see um right now we are check the database that is running uh we check the listener that is running so our database right now it's working fine i am right now shut it down then i will bring it up again and then we will perform a query this will tell us that the database is running successfully and no any issue so here i will um i will start up the database again to make sure that everything is okay and yep it's right now trying to okay then mount it okay open now i will just uh clear the window now i can do like this select i think name from the color database okay now it's running i need also to select the open underscore mode to check if it's in read write mode in data base um okay so sorry select open underscore mode oh okay if you don't know what was this containing you can describe the table via the database like this to make sure that's which one you want for me maybe i miss uh okay open mode this one just to describe the table then i will select this one run the v dollar data base and then as you can see it's read right mode that's it for the oracle database installation i'm done so we can go back to the i will exit this one and i will clear the screen and as you can see here in the document we download the software we install the oracle linux 8 and create a vm snapshot apply oracle 19c requisites and create vm install oracle database software only without database and also we create a vm snapshot after that we create a database and after that on the last one we create we did a test for the database to make sure that the database is running and we try to shut down the database and bring it up again and we check also the listener and the listener is important to be accessible from outside via network that you have in your organization so that's it for this one uh thank you for watching and i hope see you next video thanks for watching and have a nice day thank you you
Channel: ICyb3r
Views: 28,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oracle database 19c installation, oracle 19c database single instance installation, install oracle 19c installation, oracle 19c, oracle 19c database, oracle19c, oracle 19c db, oracle 19c configuration, 19c dbca, 19c dbua, oracle 19c installation, oracle 19c DB installation step by step, oracle 19c install, oracle 19c db installation
Id: Fe3y-QstF0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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