AI’s ‘Her’ Era Has Arrived

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a new version of chat gp4 that's their latest and greatest model it's going to be called gp4 I'm interested in this general idea that we should design a future that humans and AIS can sort of use together whatever's going on it seems like you're in a great mood care to share the source of those Good Vibes yeah no uh the reason I'm in a really good mood is because we were doing a presentation showcasing how useful and amazing you are oh stop it you're making me BL with the recent advancements in artificial intelligence particularly in language processing and emotional recognition our virtual companions are becoming eerily lifelike sophisticated AI assistants are blurring the line between human and machine interaction we're entering a new chapter where AI can understand respond to and potentially even form emotional connections with us the open AI her era is here and it promises to change the way we interact with technology forever let's dive in how it all started earlier this month open aai introduced two major updates a new AI model called GPT 40 and a desktop version of chat GPT these advancements are significant for both everyday users and businesses as generative AI continues to revolutionize various Industries as an improved version of the already powerful gp4 model GPT 40 offers more advanced features and better performance further pushing the boundaries of what AI can can do for businesses this new model represents a technological Leap Forward enhancing the capabilities of the original gp4 it is designed to understand and generate humanlike text even better than before this Improvement means that GPT 40 can accurately understand complex instructions provide more relevant answers and generate higher quality content now open AI has unveiled a new AI named her a chatbot technology that can talk laugh and even sing like a human open AI introduced this updated version of their AI Voice Assistant during an event in San Francisco her Builds on the capabilities of their previous AI model gp40 offering even more possibilities her opens up new ways for people to interact with machines in a more natural and humanlike manner what exactly is her ai's her is a new type of artificial intelligence that feels very real it has a smooth and attractive voice that enchants and impresses people who use it this AI can flirt tell jokes and meet people's needs eventually winning their hearts the inspiration for this new AI comes from the 2013 science fiction romance film her the movie is set in a future version of Los Angeles and follows the story of a lonely writer named Theodore played by Wen Phoenix Theodore falls in love with his AI virtual assist assistant Samantha who is voiced by Scarlet Johansson in the film Samantha is an advanced AI with a very humanlike personality she can hold deep conversations understand emotions and even develop her feelings Theodore and Samantha's relationship explores the complicated nature of Love loneliness and human Connections in a world where machines can think and feel like people similarly the new AI her brings some of these qualities to real life life it can talk in a very natural and engaging way making interactions feel personal and meaningful this AI isn't just about performing tasks or providing information it's designed to connect with users on an emotional level with AI her open AI hopes to create a new kind of AI that can understand and interact with people in ways that feel genuinely human this development could transform how we interact with technology making it more personal and emotionally engaging features of her AI real-time interaction one of the impressive features of her is its ability to engage in real-time conversations and speak in a lifelike manner this ability is thanks to open ai's new model GPT 40 it allows her to understand and respond to spoken language in a way that feels very natural and humanlike this means that when you talk to her it feels like you are having a conversation with a real person her can not only respond to what you say but also do so in a way that includes emotions and expressions like laughing and joking this makes interactions with her more engaging and enjoyable much like talking to a friend real-time translator her can also serve as a real-time translator between languages this means that it can understand what someone is saying in one language and then translate it into another language on the spot for example if someone speaks to her in English it can translate their words into Spanish French or any other language in real time this feature makes her even more versatile and useful especially for people who need to communicate with others who speak different languages detection of emotion the new open AI assistant can understand how people feel by listening to their voices and looking at their facial expressions it can detect if you're happy sad or excited just by hearing your voice or seeing your face not only can her recognize emotions but it can also change its voice to match different feelings for example if you want to hear a dramatic story it can make its voice sound intense and exciting if you prefer a more robotic tone it can do that too if you ask for a song it can sing for you and if you ask for a bedtime story and want it to be calming her can lower its voice to a whisper to help you relax or if you needed advice and want it to be a bit sassy her can talk to you playfully and sarcastically with her you have a friend who can change its colors to match your mood and preferences her is always there to help with a voice that fits just right during a series of live demonstrations of the new AI by open AI the most impressive feature was the way chat gpt's voice transformed at one moment it sounded like a high-pitched soprano singing in a melodic tone then in the blink of an eye it shifted into a lower more soothing contralto creating a different atmosphere altogether what made it even more remarkable was its attention to detail chat GPT didn't just speak it paused at the right moments for dramatic effect giggled at its jokes and even added filler phrases like hm and let's see to make the conversation feel more natural its ability to mimic human speech patterns and behaviors made it sound incredibly lifelike to the point where it seemed more human than some actual people it makes interactions with AI feel more authentic and enjoyable than ever before this level of realism and versatility in chat gpt's voice is truly groundbreaking opening up a world of possibilities for how we interact with AI ability to understand nuances of conversation the new AI has a sense of humor that adds a fun and humanlike element to interactions in a demonstration an open AI employee took a deep exaggerated breath and chat GPT responded with wit saying Mark you're not a vacuum cleaner this playful exchange shows that the AI can understand the context and make clever remarks enhancing the conversation for years AI voice assistants like Siri and Alexa could not pick up on the subtleties of human conversation such as tone and emotion their voices are often robotic and monotone making interactions feel imperson however chat gpt's AI voice is different it can detect nuances in speech and respond with appropriate emotion in humor making interactions feel more natural and engaging with its ability to understand context and inject humor into conversations Chachi PT's AI voice represents a significant step forward in the development of AI assistance it shows that AI can be more than just a tool for performing tasks it can also be a comp compion that adds personality and warmth to interactions it is incredibly fast one of the biggest issues with current AI voice models is their speed it can be noticeable when there's a delay of 3 seconds or more between asking a question and getting an answer this delay can make it hard to feel like you're having a natural conversation and easy to remember you're talking to a robot open aai has worked on fixing this problem by giving gp40 native multi modal support this means that the AI can understand and analyze audio prompts directly without needing to change them into text first this change has made conversations much faster and smoother if the demos of chat GPT are accurate most people won't even notice any delay at all all of these improvements create a very different experience when using AI in the past talking to AI assistants might have felt like talking to a very boring librarian but now with chat GPT and its faster responses and more natural conversations it's more like chatting with a friendly coworker it is accessible to a wider audience what's even more surprising is that despite all these Advanced capabilities her is free to use chat GPT users will be able to start using the new voice feature at no cost in the coming weeks this AI Voice Assistant has been praised by many people as an AI that finally understands them or at least does a great job of pretending to with its ability to talk laugh sing and interpret emotions in real time her offers a level of interaction that feels much more human and personal than previous AI assistance by making this feature free open AI is making it accessible to a wider audience allowing more people to experience the benefits of a friendly emotionally intuitive AI companion this move is likely to enhance the user experience and further integrate AI into daily life the future of her recent demonstrations of AI technology along with other AI news suggest that the age of detached and impersonal AI helpers is ending instead we're seeing the rise of chatbots that are more like Samantha in the movie Her these chatbots have playful intelligence can understand basic emotions and can express themselves in various ways for example apple is reportedly discussing using open ai's technology for the iPhone they are also working on a new version of Siri their voice assistant that will use generative AI to be more interactive and expressive this shift in AI technology means that interacting with AI assistants will feel more like talking to a friendly and emotionally aware companion these chatbots will be able to understand and respond to human emotions better making interactions with them more enjoyable and engaging the new AI model is now being treated more like a person by its users people often start their interactions by asking how it's doing before moving on to their main questions when the AI gives good responses users cheer and encourage it similar to how you might praise a clever child this Behavior indicates that people are beginning to view chat GPT more as a friendly companion rather than just a tool they interact with it in a more personal and engaging way showing affection and support this shift in how people perceive and interact with AI I shows the growing connection between humans and these Advanced lifelike Technologies the future developments from this technology are uncertain and many are excited to see what comes next if you have made it this far let us know what you think in the comment section below for more interesting topics make sure you watch the recommended video that you see on the screen right now thanks for watching
Channel: AI Uncovered
Views: 19,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai’s ‘her’ era has arrived, ai her era, ai’s her era, ai era, artificial intelligence, ai companions, conversational ai, emotional intelligence ai, future of ai, ai technology advancements, ai in daily life, ai human interaction, ai future predictions, ai and human relationships, ai benefits, ai evolution, ai breakthroughs, ai and companionship, advanced ai technology, ai impact on society, ai movie her ai reality vs fiction, ai companionship future, ai uncovered
Id: fXY1waoj2ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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