Oracle19c DB [ ASM ] installation on [ Oracle Linux 8.3 ] [ Grid | ASM | UDEV | OEL 8.3 ] [ VMware ]

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[Music] [Applause] hello and welcome back again in this video i will show you how to install oracle 19c grid infrastructure including asm and oracle 19c database before we getting started i listed couple of things in sublime text i would like to let you know about it before we start this demonstration so here i'm using a virtualization environment specifically i'm using vmware you can use virtualbox and it will work fine and the virtual machine resource allocation will be 8 gb ram four cores cpu 60 gb virtual disk for for os and oracle binaries 30gb virtual disk will be partitioned for three partitions and this will be as disk groups for asm data crs fra and the operating system would be also oracle linux 8.3 for asm disk preparation i will use ud rules there is an asm lib provided by oracle to accomplish this but here i will use the ud rules i will try something different to um also i'm happy to let you know about it um oracle 19 grid infrastructure including asm also will be installed in this demonstration or oracle 19c database also the same and for all the commands and scripts that i'm using here in this demonstration you can find it on my account on github so please stay tuned and let's get started in the first step vm creation and os installation so let's proceed to the vmware here and we need to create a new virtual machine and i will choose a custom advance proceed to the next keyword the same next here you should pick the the the oracle linux iso um here we have it it's auto detected it's oracle linux 8 64 bit we can name it here like this oel 83 underscore or give it x 64 64 bit so um i'll proceed to the next cpu and make it two by two next here i will give it 8 gb 8gb ram okay next i will use nothing as a network this one keep it as recommended i will usually scuzzy disk type here i'll create new virtual disk on the virtual disk i will store it in one virtual disk single file here i will make it 60 gb okay proceed for with next here i will just add the uh post description to be like 0 1 uh that's me in the first disk next then as you can see here we're done i need just to remove a couple of things like printer i don't want it um i think everything is okay uh everything is fine and fit to my need so i will press finish remove this one because we don't want to start i will add more disk as you can see here we create successfully the virtual machine i need to edit the virtual settings and i need to add a new hard drive i will call it i will use scuzzy and yes i will create new one i will make a 30gb this is for the asm i will store it in one file a single file and i will name it underscore 0 2 it will be so i will name it a win is like this you can use your own naming but here i'm using my own finish save the changes the changes okay now as you can see everything is fine so we can proceed and start the virtual machine now after we finish the vm creation we can install the os so we can proceed to the os installation okay now the operating system is booted unloaded loaded up and i can proceed with the installation so i will keep everything identical continue so i will keep it default or i pressed continue okay now i will change this the disk installation as you can see i have 60 gb and i have 30 i will pick this one and i will use custom and i will press done okay so from here it will show me that i will use my own uh um layout for this disk so i press plus test one i will use for the boot i will give two gigabyte add mount make it capital switcher and amount this will be a physical one primary uh sorry this one would be a primary disk this one i will use also swab i will make it eight gmb add amount this one i think it will create lvm yes lvm uh the rest i will use the slash root for it uh i will keep it empty this meet will take the full yeah as you can see here take the rest of the disk so right now we are using all the uh disk capacity so i will press done yes accept the change the change okay we finished this one so we will go to the software selection uh of course i want the server to be to be with the graphical user interface here i will pick some things i needed um yes network okay performance tools um i need also network tools um let me applicate okay legacy compatibility um okay remote management also maybe maybe i need also this one um internet development tools i will also add this one maybe i will need it rbm development tools graphical administration tools yes um security tools system tools this one for the network traffic like ifconfig and these things so um i will i usually add this one sometime if the oracle need to rebuild something or doing i think it will be also available so i would like to install it uh that's it here we done on else i think network here we need to change from the local host i will name it aura 19c and domain i will name it domain i will apply you can see here is changed so we change the installation destination we format the disks we pick our software we select it we name the the host here the network so we need to set a password of course it's a weak password because this one at this environment so i'm going to put a complex password i will create an user i usually use admin this is for os administration not related to the oracle and of course the password we need to provide the password pick this one also to make it as an administrator i will press done so i think we finish here so we can begin the installation so this will take time i will back after this one finish so as we can see um the installation is finished so we need to reboot the operating system so i will press reboot system the system rebooted so this screen will be showing so you need to accept the the license agreement press here done and then as you can see we are finish the configuration and the operating system will be and the disco will be shown so here i will enter the password press enter so here we have the welcome screen so we need to press next next i will turn off the um the location service um skip this one and start using oracle linux and here also i will close this screen i will go to the settings i'm usually doing these things i will scr lock screen i will turn it off okay i will go to the power management and also i will make it lever the blank screen um here i will exit for now i will open here also the terminal and i will increase the font here is the terminal i will go to the preferences and from here i will pick the custom and i will increase the phone to be 18 to be clear for you to see what i am typing and i think like this we are ready to the next step configure the operating system to be available for grid infrastructure and oracle database okay so let's go to the next step os preparation and prequisites installation or oracle grid infrastructure 19c and oracle database 19c so as you can see here in my in front of you in the screen that's i have a document um with the steps so we will go through all these steps to apply and configure the operating system so first thing i need to check the connectivity to the or the access to the internet um using this command as you can see we are connected to the internet i will do the dnf okay but before i will switch to roots okay i will clear the screen and then i will dnf make cache it will download the metadata and catch it to local operating system it will take time little bit i pause the video and then i will come back again uh as you can see here the metadata cache created successfully so now we need to dnf search for the oracle database dash pre-installed so it will search okay the local repository as you can see here we have this package so we need to install it i will clear the screen so we will install the web package dnf install minus y oracle um database reinstall 19c it will install it automatically few seconds and it will be done okay it's done so now i will clear the screen after we done installing the package we need to check the oracle user if it's created or not as we can see here it's created so we need to proceed with the creating other groups for asm so i will add them then i will append the i will append these two users to be as secondary users secondary groups for the user oracle you can see here user mode i will append the secondary groups asm admin and asmdba for oracle so now we need to check if they are updated successfully or not yeah record as you can see here we upend them successfully both of these groups i'll clear the screen now i will create the grid user this user will be for the grid infrastructure and asm administration so as you can see here i created successfully and now i need to set the password so i'll clear the screen passwd and then i will create password for oracle user and i hit enter okay um yeah it's authenticated tokens update successfully okay it's created successfully pass wd or grid and the same we will create a password confirm the password and run so once we finish this one we will create um directories for the oracle binaries for grid infrastructure and database and also here the same i'll create also here so cd u01 so here we create orchid or install cd19c s minus ltra as you can see here here is the grid and here is the oracle home all the group on membership are fine so we will proceed to soon switch user to grid we need to set environment variables so i need to take a backup for bash profile or the grid after taking the backup for bash profile i need to create a hidden file or grid 19c environment i will hit enter i will get dot grid okay everything is fine so i will source it dot grid this to apply the environment and set the environment variables and i will use e and v grid minus i to check if it's applied successfully yes great so they applied and it applied successfully i will clear the screen now i will let this source in the batch profile so each time we access the sorry each time we access the grid user it will be automatically sourced so it's like this now i can use emv grid minus i oracle so it's automatically sourced i will exit from here now we will move to oracle database we will switch for the oracle switch oracle we will create a backup from bash profile the same as grid user we will also um create a database environment variable paste it and as you can see here i created we will source it to test but db now e and v we will check if everything sourced successfully grid minus i oracle as you can see here i sourced the hidden environment variable file successfully so i will the same as grid user i will add this command to the dash profile so each time we log into the orchid user switch user oracle it will be sourced automatically switch uh sorry env grid minus i correct so as you can see here we have all the um all the variables sourced successfully so i will clear we finish with environment variables we will move to the ntb this check system ctl that's crony uh status of crony d service as is running yes it's running and everything is fine okay i will exit from oracle user back to root now we will change as oracle recommend recommendation to change the seo linux from enforcing to to be permissive so i will use it if you want to disable it you can disable it in below command but here i will follow oracle recommendation so before i do this one i need to get etc se linux config to let you see it's enforcing so i will change it to be permissive so i will cut again as you can see here is changed to be permissive so clear the screen now i will move to copy this file linux have limitation for each user so oracle recommend to change this limitation to be fit the oracle binaries so here i will the oracle pre-installation package is created for oracle user a limitation profile but for grid there is no there is no profile so i will create a one by copying the oracle one and i will edit this file and change it to be for grid user so to change this one you go to the scape colon shift 5 person does mean then s then then oracle grid i will rename oracle to grid and i will use it globally then i will save clear the screen now i will catch the file you see yeah it's applied now we finish with the um with the with the limitations and security uh now i will disable the firewall you can create a rule but for me i will stop and then i will disable it because it's for testing i will okay now we finish the prequisites now i will move to the next step i will move to the next step asm disk configuration and preparation in asm disk configuration and preparation we need to um first enable a feature for vm called uuid this will allow us to have a an id for each disk so let's see if face is enabled or not so lib udiv and scusi id slash gud div sdb so as you can see here it's not uh it's not enabled we didn't have an id for this disk and as you can see also we are root the user should be root to be able to uh accomplish this uh so i will power off the machine so assist power off i will power off the machine the virtual machine and then i will proceed here to this one uh this one is the vmx and it's the configuration file for the for the this machine that i am using for this virtual machine from where i can get this path you can come here option advance and you can see it's here it's in the document vmware it's here this is the configuration file okay so from here i need to take this one and just add it in end of this file okay ctrl v ctrl s save and then i need to power on the box or go on board on the virtual machine and then i will just hit enter now it will prompt for me to pick one user so i will pick admin i will enter the password credentials for this user i will wait until login i logged in already and i will pick terminal and here i will switch user minus minus i or sudo dash root and the same so here i am root user so we need to check if we are able to have a disk id so i will use lib uh you div scuzzy dash gud and then the device will be sdb as we can see here we have a disk id so we successfully able to have a disk ib id so now i will create uh partitions from the sdb disk so i set this one eco dollar touch disk and as we can see here we have this the disk or this device set to this variable so i will clear the screen i will use also lsplk to make sure that we have this available also as you can see here is available so i will also clear the screen immediately i will use one line to create the partitions from the sdb device so as you can see here we are successfully created the disk three partitions 33 partitions from the disk or from this device so after we create them we need to create a udiv rule so using the ud rule we need to um create this this um rule inside slash etc slash you div slash rules and then we will name it like this so i have one thing uh we need to first check slash lib slash the device will be sdb so here we need to take for you you need to take this id and replace it here on on the results equal equal and you will replace it here i already done this so as you can see here this one identical to this one and you need also to change the bar mesh the partition number to fit your partition uh numeric so for me i am use the first one to be as the o os osr the second one will be the data the here the data and the the third one will be fra asm disk um i create a sim link just to um understand which disk map to which this group in the asm this will be easy for me to distinguish with one of them um so let's first create this file so then i will hit i for enabling the insertion mode and i will ctrl c ctrl shift v to paste the result and like this done so after finish this one i need to check the file system or these disks um it's look nice everything is good here so we need to create a update the blog device partition table for all of them and here also i will do like a test for all of them here just to see this is good um the second one the third one and i think everything is fine so we can right now add these devices to trigger them to be yeah now i can ls minus l give us db and like this we can see here that these disks are the permission for them are changed and ls minus l e div or kill asm as we can see here the sim link created and mapped to the partition for each partition so i think the ud rule is successfully created so now we can proceed to the next step a grid infrastructure installation now we come to um grid infrastructure installation with the asm so first i need to switch to the grid user and i will clear i will you i will change the directory to go to the oracle home okay bwd to confirm yes i'm in the correct path so i will use wget http i will uh download the sorry my number is not um one and it will be this one i will download it here so now i have this file so i will unzip it unzip okay um linux and it will take a little bit time okay the extraction is finished so we can clear the screen now i will do a list just to see yes it's extracted here so i need to export display equal z 0 0 x host plus to give permission to use the x server so i also will export cv assume underscore in this id equal o pl 7.6 now i can run a grid setup as we can see here the window is loaded so we will use this one oracle restart i'll proceed with next as you can see here we will use external disk i will pick the first one but i will change the path to be to be like this oracle asm slash star star hit enter be able to see what's which disk i need i will pick this one and i will name it crs okay um everything is fine i can proceed with next i will pick the password and you can put a password that's for all the accounts so let's go for the next register with the epm no need here we can check the burme the group operating system groups everything is fine here also this is important um also the location of the software home is correct okay the oracle inventory it will also be a good automatic transcript now i will rank by myself here uh this is normal it's a warning so we can ignore this warning in case there is error or fail you need to fix it or you can press fix and check again um so but here is a learning uh physical run and this package wasn't done to install from then but it's not a big issue we can proceed next and yes i want to continue so here is the summary you can check the summary before you proceed for the installation so everything is fine uh the disk selected will be okay this is the disk that we will install the the crs or cr ocr on top of it so i proceed with next install so it's prompt for us to um run um scripts as a root so i will proceed here um sorry i'm here new window and i will like this our switch user to root i will take the first script ctrl c ctrl shift v and i will hit enter successfully finished i will take the second one ctrl c and i will clear and shift v and i will hit enter also a yes here it will start so as we can see here successfully accumulate necessary ocr keys here also node 490 and c successfully bend adding cluster word entry to the oracle or or has the service so the the script is finished so as we can see here is successfully um configured and we can right now proceed to press ok to continue our installation as we can see here the installation is finished so we can proceed to close this window so i will clear the screen and as we can see here um we successfully installed grid infrastructure so i will use crs ctl stat press minus t to check if the resources is um installed successfully as we can see here we have the everything is fine um okay we have here the disk group so we done the grid infrastructure installation so we will proceed for the next step we will create asm disk group for oracle database the data and offer a disk group asmca asm configuration assistance it will prompt me for yeah this one asm configuration assistance window from here as you can see here i have crs this group so i will create a new disk group create i will use external i will pick data and here it will be data and hit okay this group will be created soon okay done now we need to create the fra f r a and the redundancy will be external and here as we can see i will press ok here we have the fra and data this groups both of them are mounted and ready so i will exit from here and yes so i will run the command again crs to see we have here that this group is online and available for oracle database and buffer also the same so we create a disk groups for database installation successfully now we can proceed for the next step oracle database installation so here we need to install oracle database so i will proceed i will change the directory to dela oracle sorry oracle bwd and i am in the correct bath so i will use wget http i will download in this one from my host download is finish so we need to unzip the minus q i'll make it quiet for the linux database i will unzip it here so the extraction is finished you need to make sure that you are extracted in the um oracle home okay so i will clear the screen and i will do ls as we can see here we have the run installer so we will first we need to export our display equal 0.0 and then xhost plus this will allow us to use the x server i will clear the screen also i will export cv underscore assume this id equal o e l o e l seven 7.6 and now we are done we can right now run the installer hit enter okay so now for me i will uh install the uh or setup software only we will not create database we will create database using database configuration assistance but here i will proceed with this one software only um okay of course it's a single instance it's not a real application cluster i will use enterprise edition okay here you need to confirm this this is the correct oracle base and here also the correct oracle home okay next uh check also for the operating system this groups sorry operating system groups okay um for me i will skip this one um okay let me with this everything is fine so we can proceed for the installation it's prompt for me to um run this script as root so i will run it here i will clear the screen i will run it like this yes we done so clear it and i will proceed okay we successfully finish the oracle 19c software only setup so we finish the software only orca 19c software only installation so the next step we will proceed to the database configuration assistance to create a database dbca i will go for advance here i will pick single instance database general purpose um it's a transaction processing yes we have also data warehouse here i pick general purpose or transaction uh process processing i think data warehouse is a analytical processing so i will proceed with this one next um here i will pick the i will name it broad or would like this and here i will name it good db1 okay so next um use template for database no i will use um automatic i will enable also the oracle managed file so everything will be managed by oracle especially the naming next yes i will enable the fra i will also enable the yeah i will pick the automatic [Music] the automatic storage management asm it will be in the fra of course i don't have um 12 g is 12 12 gigabyte i know it's recommended but i will use 9 gb okay enable archiving i will enable it from sql plus once we finish if it's needed but for now i don't want to use it next yes here the listener yeah it will create the new one database vault i will not use it here everything is fine here no need to change anything but you can change upon your need if you need to change it i don't want to configure the enterprise manager i will keep it without i will pick for all of them the same password um okay okay so we can proceed next of course we want to create the database then next um okay it's okay for me for that message for fra i will keep it mine it's okay the summary here all the things that we created and we picked will be summarized here so we can proceed with finish then the database will be created as we can see here the the database creation is so i will close this window so now we can go to the sql bus and then systbba select name organ underscore modes from the database so as you can see here we have broad and the mode is read right i will clear uh sorry i will exit i will exit also from oracle and i will switch user to grid and i need to make sure that the this group is written a s asm cmd so i will list cd data ls cd broad ls as we can see here the asm is created uh successfully and the broad also um the database the data files also created and written to the asm successfully this check also the fra uh bwd um tell us cb board ls as we can see here also the control file and online look files also written to the fra as a redundant so i will exit from here clear so um let's check also if the both instance at ps minus ef um grid so we have to instance the asm instance and the broad instance and the asm is instance is belong to the grid user and the pro database brings to the oracle so here we finish the [Applause] is um oracle grid infrastructure uh including asm with database installation so i hope you enjoy with this video and see you next video thank you [Music]
Channel: ICyb3r
Views: 17,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oracle 19c asm, oracle 19c asm udev, udev rules, udev, oracle 19c grid, oracle restart, oracle ASM, oracle 19c Installation, oracle grid ASM, oracle 19c on oracle linux 8.3, oracle linux 8.3, oel8.3, oracle linux 8.3 x64, oracle database 19c, oracle 19c database, database, oracle 19c database single instance installation, install oracle 19c installation, oracle 19c db, oracle 19c configuration, oracle 19c installation, oracle 19c DB installation step by step, oracle 19c install
Id: pRJgiuT-S2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 37sec (3037 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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