Step By Step Tutorial - Install Oracle 19c and Create a Test Database on Oracle Linux VM (Part-1)

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hello viewers in today's tutorial we are going to learn installation of Oracle database 19c software and creating an Oracle database on an oracle Linux 7.9 server created on an oracle virtualbox virtual machine [Music] please note that in this video while creating the Oracle database I am not following the standards and the best practices for an Oracle database this is just a test database where I am putting the Oracle home data files control files redo log files fast recovery area Etc into the same file system with minimum CPU and memory allocation this database will be good for educational purpose only but it will provide all the functionalities that a new DBA or a developer needs for learning so this is my Oracle virtualbox virtual machine console version 6.1 and I'm going to start my partial machine named admin server where I have already installed Oracle Linux 7.9 again if you want to learn about how to create an oracle virtualbox virtual machine in a Windows host install Oracle Linux create file systems volume groups logical volumes Etc please watch my other series on how to create your virtual learning environment with Oracle Linux 7.9 as as well as the basic Unix or Linux Administration so in this VM named admin svr or admin server I have installed Oracle Linux 7.9 64-bit and I have allocated 16 gigs of RAM two logical processors and around 175 gigs of storage space one Bridge network adapter and remaining all with their default settings I have overall located the stories but if you use the VM just to host the Oracle rdbms binaries or to maintain the Oracle home and just the test database than 50 gigs of space and one logical processor and around 8 gigs of RAM is enough and now I'm starting my VM admin server where I have already installed Oracle Linux 7.9 click Start at this point I will just log in as root user once the machine is started login directly to the VM and make sure that it is connected to the internet and how we can check that we can go to application then say start one browser like Firefox which is already installed and once the Firefox browser is started we can directly go to one of the known websites like Google so our virtual machine is connected to the internet at this stage we can also start installation of Oracle from directly within this virtualbox console we can start a terminal and do our installation but I prefer to connect to the VM or my Oracle Linux server using an SSH client like mobile extern so I will minimize this and I will connect to this virtual machine using my mobile extern assh client I assume that you already know about SSH or secure shell clients like Puti winscp mobile extern Etc and how to use them to connect to a server using its IP address or a fully qualified domain name in my case I have already created an entry in the Mobile X term for my VM using its IP address a select a VM and I will connect as root yeah I'll do a DF minus h to see the file systems created so I have a couple of file systems created for Oracle installation here which are named as u001 u002345 and 6. and this u001 is the file system where I am going to install the Oracle rdbms software I will also explain why these all other file systems like this 2 3 4 5 6 Etc are created when that time comes for now we are going to use this u001 for our installation purpose before you start the installation you need to download the Oracle 19c software from oracle's software delivery cloud to help your user account created with Oracle Corporation to be able to download software from Oracle first we need to go to e-delivery this particular website then you need to sign in with your account foreign box you need to put Oracle database 19c Enterprise Edition select the one that says Oracle database 19c Enterprise Edition from the search results and it's edit to our cart click on the view items in the card from here we will unselect everything except the Oracle 19c database software we don't need this all other components at this time so we'll install only Oracle database 19.3 long term release depending on when you are downloading this may be different for you but all we need to care is to download Oracle 19c software and here we have to select the platform in our case it's Linux xh664 bit so select this and then continue accept the license agreement continue you can provide feedback if you want I am simply closing this for now and then you can click on the download button to start downloading the download manager program first and once this small program is downloaded you will be able to see it in the status bar of the browser or in the download directory click on that and this is going to start the actual download of the software where you need to specify the location where it is going to download the Oracle rdbms software by default it is taking the download folder in my Windows machine click next and it will start downloading so this ZIP file is the one which has the Oracle rdbms installer that is so again depending on when you are downloading this file name may be different for you so we need to wait here for a couple of minutes for the download to complete because I already downloaded the software I will simply go back to my SSH session that I established to my Linux virtual machine now whatever command I am going to use in this tutorial I'll be explaining everything in the description of this video below if you want you can copy it from there first of all using root I had to create the yam Repository to download the packages required for Oracle software installation and creating the environment we'll go to the folder called Etsy yum dot repose dot d there should be already a couple of repositories which are created as a part of the installation of Oracle Linux 7.9 and now I am going to create a new repository here which is going to be a public repository using wget command or webkit so I am going to configure this public repository which can be found in HTTP colon slash slash yam public yum ol7.repo press enter this is done we can check and we can see there is a force repository available now next we'll install the package that checks and create our environment for Oracle software installation which is called Oracle database pre-install 19c so using yum I am installing yam install Oracle database pre-installed 19c Dash why this is going to take a couple of minutes to complete the installation now this package installation is complete the Oracle database pre-installed 19c that package has installed all the other relevant packages and libraries required to create our environment and this has also created the Oracle user along with various DBA groups that the Oracle users should belong to let's check ID Oracle and we can see that a user with name Oracle is created with this user ID and it belongs to these groups or install DBA offer backup DBA dzdba kmdba and rack DBA and the primary group being or installed now let's change the password of the Oracle user password Oracle and we will put a single password like Oracle one two three Oracle one two three now we need to check a few kernel parameters to make sure that the environment is properly created to do that we will simply do a cat on the etcc CPL dot conf file and we'll grab the Oracle related parameters and we see that all the kernel parameters are properly set as an oracle DBA you already know how important it is to set all the kernel parameters properly in your environment before you start installing the Oracle software so it has all the settings related to how many files will be opened how many memory segments will be created and what will be the range of the ports will be that will be used in the network communication Etc next we need to check the security limits to do that we will simply do the command we'll cut the file limits.conf and grab the Oracle related parameters which return nothing means the security related parameters are not yet set so we have to set that here so we'll do a VI with this file and we will set certain parameters there we will go to the end of the file edit it and paste this lines here the hard and soft limit for number of files open number of processes stack and memory lock Etc and we'll save this file and the next thing we need to check is to make sure that the firewall is disabled in our Linux server we do that using system CTL command status firewall D which is the demon and we see that it's already visible if it is not visible you can do that using the same command just pass this parameter visible here so systemctl disable firewall D will disable our firewall in the Linux server where we are installing our Oracle software now I will clear the screen and do a DF minus H again to go to the file systems details and I have already mounted a Windows host file system named vbox SF if you see here this file system actually it belongs to the Windows host where we have installed our partial box software again if you want to know how to mount a host file system into the guest file system here the guest is Linux 7.9 server you watch my other series that I mentioned before which is on how to create your Oracle virtualbox virtual machine and creating your virtual learning environment now in this Windows host file system I have already copied our Oracle installer software that I have downloaded before so we go to this particular file system and we'll list out the files so this is our Oracle installer zip archive that we downloaded before now we have to copy this zip archive to a local file system like our temp file system so I'll simply copy this zip archive to our Temple system then we will change the permissions on this file to 777 and then we will make the Oracle user as the owner of this u001 file system so that it is able to install the Oracle software in that file system so CH own minus capital r Oracle colon the primary group and the file system name now as a root user I will allow other users to access the graphical user interface of this Virtual Machine by using the command X host Plus now I will do a should do Su minus Oracle to switch user to Oracle user which will be used to do the remaining activities so now my user session is connected with Oracle user and I will first do a cdu001 file system right now there is nothing first we will create our directory structure that is under u001 app slash Oracle slash product slash 19.3 slash DB home one this will be our complete part under u001 file system for our Oracle 19c software installation next we will unzip the Oracle installation zip archive under this DB home directory so it will be unzip minus o this is the source location that is under 10th we have copied this ZIP archive and this will be unzipped under this DB home underscore One Directory it's going to take about a minute and we have successfully unzipped the zip Archive of the Oracle installer now as Oracle user we will set the display variable so that we can access the graphical user interface of the Oracle installer to do that we will export the display variable and we can see what IP address belongs to this particular machine from where I am accessing or using the SSH client to connect to my Linux host in this button X server so we see that the display variable should be assigned to colon 0.0 to access the graphical user interface so we'll put that accordingly 192 168.1.54 colon 0 .0 so once the display variable is set we will change directory to the DB home directory under which our installer application is present so if we do an LS LRT we'll be able to see if there is one program run installer which we are going to run to install our Oracle software so all you need to do is to call this run installer program which will invoke the graphical user interface of the Oracle installer and it's coming up I'll move it a little up so here we have the option to create and configure a single instance database or just install the Oracle software which can be used to create the database later on in this tutorial I will simply show you the first option to create a temporary database but in the next tutorial I am going to explain how we can create a database following all the best practices to distribute all the different types of files across different file systems that we created before like u002345 and 6. along with the u001 which is used only for the Oracle software installation but for the sake of the completion of today's tutorial I am going to use this first option to install the Oracle software as well as create a single instance database so I will simply click next and the software installation will be of server class and we will do the Enterprise Edition here which will include all the features and functions related for our 19c Oracle database and the Oracle base location will be u001 app Oracle because as you know this is our Oracle home location so the difference between Oracle base and Oracle home is Oracle base is the base directory where all your Oracle products are installed and Oracle home is specific to one particular installation of a Oracle product for example it may be a Oracle 19c database an 18c database or it may be an Oracle Enterprise Manager agent Etc so each of these will have their own Oracle home but all of these can share one particular Oracle base so we'll click next and or inventory group name by default it is selected as or install will keep it like that and this database is going to be a general purpose database general purpose and transaction processing so we'll select that option now global database name this is important what name you are going to give to your database you have to Define here foreign using orcl as my database name which is the Sid of the database and is the global database name that has the Sid as well as the domain name which will be identified immediately within my home network and I am not going to create any pluggable database or the container database structure here so I'll uncheck this option and here you can enable automatic memory management and I am not using that as I am not selecting the automatic memory management my SDA and PCA are allocated in a certain ratio based on the total amount of memory allocated to the Oracle instance so my partial machine already has 16 gigs of total memory allocated out of that 6 gigs I am allocating and remaining 10 gigs is still with the operating system so I'll click next character set this is the best character set that covers almost everything so this Unicode al-32 utf-8 is the one that we are going to select and Sample schemas we are not going to install the sample schemas like Scott and other schemas that is used to learn Oracle softwares and for now we are going to create all our data files under this directory Aura data which is under the Oracle base itself as I already mentioned I am going to create this temporary database for the completion of this tutorial but in the next tutorial I will explain how actually we should create the Oracle database following all the best practices so for now this Aura data is the directory under the Oracle base where all our data files will be created and we are not using ASM here this is all file system related then register with Enterprise Manager Cloud control this option we are not using because we are not yet done with our Oracle Enterprise Manager setup now enable recovery and this is for enabling the first recovery area and we are using the directory call recovery area under the Oracle base to configure this fast recovery area and we are not using ASM again here so click next and we will simply put a password like the name of the database itself orcl just for learning purpose and this will be assigned to all our administrative accounts like sys and system click next it will complain about the pump about the password complexity not being as part of standards and we will simply click yes here now all the group assignments we will keep as it is if you want you can change it now osdb a group this is the DBA group and the operator group is the offer for backup it is backup DBA Data Guard it is DZ DBA and key management will be used by this group kmdba and for real application cluster it is the rack DBA so these groups were created earlier as a part of the prerequisites which were completed by the Oracle 19c pre-installation package that we installed before now click next now here we have an option here to run the configuration scripts that should be actually run by the root user so because we have the root password and so we can configure The Roots tips to be run automatically under this installation I will put our root password here so that the installer will not ask us to run a root script separately by a root user once the installation is complete instead you instead the installer itself will run the root script port at any point we can also use the use sudo option here where the current user must have sudo access to the root user to run the loot script so I am using the root user credential itself we'll click next and it will verify if the target environment meets all the minimum requirements to complete the installation and if it is able to find something which is not at as part of standard it will give us the warning at this stage it's asking that this web size needs to be increased and it is giving a warning and the details are given below the expected value is 15 gigs but actual value is physics which is smaller than the required value in this case either we can increase the swap size or we can ignore this value for us this is just a test test database and we will simply ignore this so that we can proceed with the installation so click next and it will ask again to confirm yes and whatever we have selected so far a summary of everything is given here and we will start the installation by clicking on the install button and it will now start installation of Oracle software as well as creating a temporary database or a test database for us with the name or SID orcl the installation is going to take a couple of minutes now as a precaution the installer is asking about the scripts being run as the previous user or the root user and whether I am sure to do that I will simply click yes at this stage if you want you can also see the details about the progress by clicking on the detail button and it will show you the steps being executed and this particular small window is refreshed time to time so our database creation just got completed and it also gave us one URL that is the Enterprise Manager database Express URL to connect to this database instance and do basic troubleshooting or administrative activities that has the name of the server and the domain and the port that is 5500 slash em and we will close it to finish creation of the database next how we will connect to this database first of all we'll check whether this database is up or not and we see that the process associated with this database instance that is the Fremont process orcl is the instance is up it means the database is up and also we'll check whether there is any listener created which will help us to connect to the database and we can see that the installer has also created one listener for us with the name listener now to be able to connect to the database we need to set certain environment variables which will include the Oracle home TNS admin and Oracle Sid and the libraries and the path variable as well so we will set all this variable into the dot best profile of the Oracle user which is available under the Oracle user's home directory so we will go to the Oracle users home directory which is nothing but the home Oracle directory and we will Pi the best profile file and we will add a few lines here which I'm going to explain first line which is exporting the Oracle base environment variable next one is the Oracle home then the Library part and the Oracle Sid or name of the database that is orcl and the Oracle unique name which is also should be or RCL and the TNS admin folder that is pointing to all our Network related libraries and files there is the Oracle home network admin folder and the part variable which has our part to all the executables we need when we log in as Oracle user and the last environment variable that is PS1 will give us the prompt string which will tell us which database currently we are working with and we will save this and then we will exit from this cell and we will do a sudo minus so due to Oracle user again and this time all our environment variables are set and we can see that in the prompt it sends to orcl means we are currently working with the orcl named Oracle database and we will do a SQL Plus slash as csdba to connect to the database as CIS DBA and it is connected so parameter unique we'll see it is the orcl database and also we can see to which listener this database instance is registered with so parameter local and we can see that the value is listener underscore orcl so we'll be able to see a DNS entry with this particular string which is actually pointing to The Listener in This Server which is listening at Port 1521 and this is the hostname and the protocol being used is TCP and if we want to get more details on the listener we can use LS and rctl status listener the name of the listener is also listener and we can see that this particular service that which we used to give as a global database name of this particular database is registered and the instance is orcl and the status is ready so this is how we install Oracle 19c software in a Oracle Linux 7.9 partial machine in the next tutorial we will drop this database and we will recreate this database using dbca that is the database configuration assistant and we'll follow all the best practices while creating an Oracle database so viewers I hope you enjoyed the video and found it useful please hit the like button if you liked it and subscribe to my channel so you won't miss an episode in this series for the Oracle dbas or similar educational videos that I am uploading every week
Channel: YouVolve
Views: 9,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OEM 13c, Oracle 19c database, how to create a oracle 19c database, oracle database in virtual machine, install oem on virtual machine, install oracle on virtual machine, create oracle database, create oracle 19c database
Id: cnx7ZbV-6Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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