Optical Illusion Logo Reveal W/ Particles Blender Tutorial

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today we're going to be making this animation it's really cool just kind of optical illusion motion graphics like these really get me excited to make tutorials um and i love this one so we're going to be making a particle system creating that illusion with your logo now if you want to use my logo it is linked in the description just as an svg file you can start out with that if you'd like now credit is important the person who created the idea for this optical illusion created it for the recent apple event so i'll show the twit his twitter account here he created that he created this illusion made it for apple so i believe he works for apple uh but it is in my opinion just a brilliant idea and i wanted to create it in blender i don't know where he created it maybe cinema 4d but regardless we're going to be making this today so this is the final project file that we are going to be having at the end of this project and you can see right here the illusion of my logo develops it's very cool it's very fun there are definitely some missing pieces some missing effects from the original of course i don't know exactly how he created his logo but the in terms of the idea of having just some particles create the idea is there so we're just going to go ahead and create a new project file in my case i'm just going to make a new instance of blender and pull it up now i mentioned my logo is in the description so it's going to be on gumroad just go ahead and download that and it will give you an svg file so we are going to start out with that svg so i'm going to go ahead and import right over here go to file import and you're going to find svg and then i'm going to go and mine is saved so right here it's gonna be called ducky 3d logo double click that i'm going to go ahead and highlight and scale it up like this so there we go just scale it up to whatever you like i'm going to hit the tilde key go to the top and i'm going to hit tab and then hit a to select everything the anchor point is right here if you don't know anything about anchor points if i hit r to rotate this guy it is rotating not even on a portion of the geometry so the way we fix that is we go to hit tab and then of course making sure everything is selected by hitting a and then hit g and move that anchor point to the center of your logo now this isn't a you know pivotal extremely important aspect of this but it does make it easier to work with now i'm going to hit r x 90 and rotate this guy here all right now we have this let's go over here to the curve settings and just create so first we need to go here to fill mode and bring that to none and then we can go to the extrude and extrude it just a little bit right now we're creating geometry uh right now we're creating geometry from our scene here so i'm going to extrude it just a little bit and then we also are going to add a little bit of depth here so depth we'll do 0.00 there we go and then now we can go right click convert to mesh so if we hit tab we now have our logo looking like this it's pretty nice so what we can do now is turn this into a particle system so the way we're going to do that is we have our logo selected i'm going to go down here right here to the particle system hit the plus icon and go to hair so there we go we now just have a bunch of hair it's not going to be evenly distributed and i'll show you the issue we're going to have so let's go ahead and create our particle which is going to be an icosphere right here that's our particle i'm going to hit g to move it out of the way so let's go here to my logo and we're going to go to render and right on render from path we'll go to object instance object and we'll pick that icosphere and we're just going to call this logo part for logo particle so now we have this you can already see some issues if you've experienced um particle systems before but i'm gonna bring the hair length down notice this and even if i bring up the number see how weird it is so what we need to do is actually remesh this object so i'm going to go ahead add modifier and we're going to go to remesh and then bring this up i'm going to go ahead and we're going to go here to sharp and then uncheck remove disconnected and then we're just going to bring up that voxel size until our logo is visible and we have enough faces here what that's going to do is give us nice even facing so our particles can attach to everything so let's go ahead i'm going to hit ctrl a and apply that so now the particles are evenly distributed on our object that was the goal now we have that all right since we're at a good stopping point i want to quickly let you guys know that i have a bunch of new tutorials on patreon right now motion graphics procedural materials building all of that stuff is on patreon i release at least two exclusive tutorials a month on patreon along with 10 procedural materials a month all that stuff you haven't heard of the patreon but with that being said just want to let you guys know let's get back in the tutorial so i'm going to go ahead and add a mask modifier to this and here we go and then which is only going to allow us to see particles which is exactly what we're looking for let's go back to the particle system and go down here to um on the render section particle randomness now we're going to add some random sizing to the particles which is exactly what we're looking for then we can bring the scale down a little bit too all right now let's go ahead i'm going to go ahead and apply ctrl a and apply scale on my logo and then let's go ahead and stretch this guy out on the z axis by a considerable amount and this is what's going to start to create our illusion so now that it's stretched out let's go ahead and create a camera rig so we can start to preview this illusion actually working so we need three pieces we need to go ahead and get it empty so the camera can look at something we need to go ahead and get in a circle curve and we need to get a camera now we're going to take this camera and add a few constraints to it which is going to create our camera rig right here we're going to go to object constraint and we're going to go to follow path and select the bezier circle and we need to get a track 2 so that the camera will only look at that empty so it'll be easy to control the direction of the camera target and we're going to use that empty so now we can just go ahead and hit s and scale out that camera and i'm going to hit 0 to go to the camera view click on the camera and go here to the little green camera icon we're going to give it a focal length of 100 so that that there so that there's no basically no fish eye um behaviors in our animation it'll also make the uh the particles look really cool so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to bring this logo up and then we're going to click on the empty right here and get the camera to look at this properly so notice how we can kind of see the logo but it's definitely not going to be very recognizable so the way that we solve that issue is actually getting the logo to taper to go toward the camera because the camera is essentially projected out a certain way and we need the logo to invert so if the camera is going out like this the logo needs to taper in if that doesn't make any sense just follow along and it will so we're going to go ahead and hit shift a and we're going to get a lattice if you've never dealt with a lattice before i'm going to hit the tail the king go to the front if you've never dealt with a lattice you can essentially use a larger object to deform another object they're really fun to use and then i'm just going to go ahead and go to the scale tool and scale it out and then right here in the lattice settings we're just going to give it maybe a subdivision of 5 on each of these resolutions all right so now that we have this we're going to go ahead in the modifier we're going to add a simple deform and we need to go to taper and then use the y-axis so now this is tapering but we need the particles to actually taper so we're going to go ahead and click on that curve again and then add a lattice modifier so it's going to be right here and then here in the object go ahead and select that lattice and watch the particles now they taper and what this is going to allow us to do is actually get this to deform correctly so if we go back to the lattice and then play with this taper you can get this thing to form correctly toward your camera angle and then you may move around your empty as well so let's see you can move around your empty just to make sure everything's working correctly and get your camera to point at the logo correctly but notice how that lattice helps out what we're doing so if i go back to so if we go back to taper and we play with that that bend look how our logo now lines up but then if i go to my camera and i go back to my constraints here and i play with that follow path that is how that illusion is pulled off and notice this taper here it's only slightly tapering it is very minimal but it is just enough because of all those particles and all the chaos that it will in fact make an improvement on the readability of your logo and that's super important that your logo is readable and then you can just go ahead click back on the curve and give it more particles if you'd like less particles you could even build your logo like that but here we go we have our logo and we're essentially done with the concept which is the particle illusion now let's go ahead and create some particles around our scene to make this look awesome so what we're going to do is just create a few more particle systems i'm going to take this right here i'm gonna hit shift d and then um i'm gonna call this part two for particle two and we're gonna get one more and we're gonna call this part three let's get an object right here to emit more particles so we're going to go ahead and get in a icosphere and then i'm going to hit tab right click subdivide right down here we're just going to go ahead and subdivide this just a little bit shade smooth let's give it a particle system give it hair let's just go ahead and add that mask modifier like we did a minute ago so we can focus on particles right in here of course go from render from path to object object we're going to get click part 2 and then give it some randomness give it a really small size and then you can bring the size down even more on the hair length section and then what i'm going to do is on source we're going to go from volume and that's going to kind of give it this really cool look so over here click on part two i'm gonna hit tab this is some kind of old school particle system stuff i'm gonna hit tab and make sure i can move it and we're just gonna go ahead and move that object while in edit mode and what that's going to do and it's going to take a minute and it's very strange but now we have particles around our scene already so if we go to the camera we go to our constraints you can see those particles are going to be moving around our scene now i do want to make sure this tutorial isn't boring out of our mind so let's go ahead and start adding some um some materials to the scene just so that it looks interesting we're going to use evie and then turn on your bloom and that's really the only thing we need for eevee let's bring this world color to black and you're going to hear my fans kick on my laptop i hope that's not going to be too loud so let's go here to logo particle go to the materials and we're going to add an emission material and make it whatever color you like i'm going to give it a blue and make it glow cool now we're going to go ahead and go to part two new give it an emission material make it the same kind of blue and you don't want these particles to glow too much because then they'll get distracting but you do want them to glow a little bit now we're going to go ahead and add one more object so this object right here it's called icosphere it's the one that we added a mask to i'm just going to go ahead and call it source so that we can add another source let's call it source and let's go ahead and get one more icosphere here so add a new icosphere call that source2 and then we're going to go ahead and do the same thing we're going to go ahead let me go and hide this guy hit tab subdivide do the same thing we're going to go ahead and add a particle system in the modifiers and a mask and we're going to add just bigger particles that are going to be closer to the object so we kind of can round out our composition which is why we made part 3. so we'll go here to the particle system and we're going to choose hair now we have that we can see it's working emit from we'll turn off we'll minimize source and we'll go here and render object and then we'll select part three product three now we can go ahead bring up that random scale bring the scale to something like this and then we're just gonna go and scale this guy up to be something right around there and now let's go back to our composition add a material to part three so we can actually make it make sure it looks good in our scene now i'm pretty sure i misspelled source now that i'm looking at it but that's okay let's go ahead and give it another material a separate emission material so we can have some more control typically i would just add the same one all right here we go that one there make it nice and glowy and then actually we're gonna go here to source number two bring it back in here because we're just gonna go ahead and click on part three or particle three hit tab to edit mode and just do this and that's gonna make it appear more random that's what we want all right cool they are where i want them to be go back to source number two go to the particle system and just bring down the amount and now we have a fair amount of particles i'll move that out of the way now we have a fair amount of particles in our scene and that they look really cool i'm going to bring down the size of the particles in source 2. they're a little bit big then i'm going to hit s to scale them back out here we go now if we go to our camera here and go to our constraints we have now created our scene um of course there seems to be an object we need to turn that mask back on there we go all right we've now created our scene so if we go back to the camera into the constraints we can see the logo is appearing now i hate the way this here looks there's just too many objects so what i'm going to do is go back to my camera into my constraints here and go right to the point which is going to be 100 and do as few particles as possible where the logo is readable so now we'll go back to our particle system here and just bring it down until the logo like here that's not a readable logo so once i'm happy with how well i can see the logo which i think right about here i like that and then now let's go back to our constraints and see if that looks bad see that looks a lot better cool so i'm going to type in 100 and then i'm going to go ahead on my bezier circle and hit s and just bring it out a little bit because i want the logo to be a little bit more in the scene all right so this is the look i mean how cool is that we've already created our piece now let's just go ahead and animate it now the animation portion is going to be the portion that's going to be the most difficult i'm going to go ahead and save this i'm just going to call it tut 2 and let's go ahead and animate this so i'm going to bring up my timeline and i'm going to start on this side with my camera and then of course go back to your constraints here and i'm going to click on the keyframe and then i'm just going to go and say how long do i want it to be i'm just going to wait right about here and i'm going to type in 100 and then go to the same distance and go the other direction boom now if we watch the animation all right pretty terrible we're going to fix the way that looks now so we're going to click on the animation tab i'm going to hit 0 and then go to my ev preview and turn off my gizmos and then let's go and get our graph editor so i'm going to go i'm going to hit the home button so that all of my keyframes are in view so this is where we're going to go ahead and edit our keyframes and this will be the last thing we need to do for this tutorial so what i don't like is how it stops and that is weird we do need to go ahead and delete a keyframe and redo it so here in the graph editor just go ahead and delete that keyframe we're back at 100 and then bring it to this side i accidentally edit animated it wrong so now if we go back there we go that's what we're looking for cool well mistakes happen so here's what i want it to do i want to speed up so essentially i want to speed up slow down so we can really take in the logo and then speed up again and we can do that i'm going to hit a so we can select all of our keyframes and then here we go so we can do that i'm going to hit the home button again all of our keyframes are in view here's how we can do that i'm going to go the way we do that is we take this here and we bring it like this and this is already going to improve our animation now let's see how this looks see how well that is now what i don't like is that it stops so you can notice animation stops i don't want it to stop i just want it to slow down and the way you do that is making sure that there's no flat plane here tilt it just like that so now how cool is that it's really easy so if there is ever a flat portion in your curve that means there is going to be no there's going to be nothing moving so if we go here and we're done you can go ahead and exaggerate things if you want you can go ahead and exaggerate that and exaggerate that and now it'll look like this if you want it's all just up to preference i wouldn't do it but it is really fun if you want to have a little bit of a fun with that now here we go we've done that now you can slow it down farther but essentially we have created the illusion and i'll leave the rest up to what you want to do artistically but that is it let me show you export settings and we will be on our way so the way you can export that click on the little printer icon pick your resolution because this is eevee you're probably not going to have any crashes so we're going to go here to ffmpeg video we're going to go to encoding to mp4 medium quality to perceptually lossless render render animation but there you go that is how you create that i really hope you enjoyed this tutorial i had a lot of fun with it if you want to watch another logo animation tutorial you can check that out right here i have a ton of them i even have some playlists i'll link in the description you can see motion graphics lighting loops all that fun stuff so i have a ton of content if you really like motion graphics like this but with that being said thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 77,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #blender, Blender Motion Graphics, Blender Particles, Blender Animation
Id: Mkf1YY9pDgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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