Blender Tutorial - Creating an Exploding Missiles Simulation

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to another blender made easy tutorial today we're going to be creating this missile explosion effect to do this we're going to be using a particle system Dynamic paint and two different smoke and fire simulations let's go ahead and get started by deleting the default Cube and press shift a We'll add in a UV sphere this is going to be what we're used to emit the particles let's scale it down a little bit and move it over about five grid units to the left next up for the actual missile we're going to be using a model that I created or you can go ahead and create your own if you want to use the one I made the link is in the description once you have it downloaded go over to file down to append and then navigate to where that blend file is go ahead and select it go over to collection and then add in the missile collection we're going to drag it over to the left over here just so it's out of the way and then to create the particle system select your UV sphere go over to the particle system Tab and create a new one the number of particles is way too many so let's bring it down to a value of about 20. if you want more missiles bring this value up if you want less just bring it down for the start and end frame we're going to set the end frame to 150 so over 150 frames 20 missiles will be emitted as for the other settings we're going to open up the velocity tab set the normal amount to 2 and then for the Z we're going to set that all the way up to 17. so now this is what it looks like all the particles are moving up really quickly to actually get the missile to show up as the particle we're going to open up the render tab switch it from render as Halo to render as object and then for the instant object of course select the missile over here the other thing I want to do is also randomize the movement of this so over in the velocity tab once again we're going to set the random up to four and then for the scale of this we're going to go up to 0.3 so they're a little bit bigger that is looking pretty good and now we can see this is what it looks like but they are not moving over here to actually get them to go up and then move over to this direction we need to add in a force field so go over to the force field and then add in a force we're going to drag this about five grid units to the right and then over in the physics panel we're going to set up a couple of different settings first off the strength is set to a positive value that means the particles are going to move away from the force field if we instead set this to a negative value like negative 40 for example now what's going to happen is the particles are going to move towards this object that is looking pretty good but to give it a little bit more structure so they actually come to this point we need to set the flow amount to a value of 2. now what's gonna happen is this that's looking a little bit better so let's give it some Randomness as well by setting the noise Mount up to 0.3 one other issue that you might notice as is that the missiles are not rotating as they come up and around they're just rotated along the X Direction like this to fix that we can go over to the particle system open up the rotation by checking that box and then turning on Dynamic now when we restart and play it the particles will rotate based on the direction that they're heading and we can see here this is looking a lot better the other thing I want to do is delete these particles right when they hit this point this will make it look like they actually explode to do this we need to add in a mesh and then a plain object scale This Plane up just a little bit and then move it over to right where the force field is then head over to the physics panel give it collision and then we have an option to kill the particles right when they touch this point so make sure that is enabled so now what happens is when we play it the particles will disappear right when they hit that spot you want to make sure that the plane is big enough that the particles are not hitting like over here or right on the edge make sure they're somewhere in the middle with that done we can go ahead and select our particle system and then go over to the cache settings and then we can bake this in so if you're happy with all the other settings go ahead and click on bake now let's create the dynamic paint simulation this is used for the smoke simulation later because it's going to allow us to control where the explosion happens based on the position of these particles when they hit this plane so to do this we're going to use this object here we're going to go over to the physics panel we can go ahead and get rid of the Collision we're not going to need that anymore since we baked it in then we're going to add in a dynamic paint we're going to leave the type on canvas and then add this in the end frame will set over to 200 and then for these subframes we're going to go all the way up to can we go up to 20 yeah so we're going to go all the way up to a value of 20. for the surface type we're going to switch it over to weight then we also want to make sure dissolve is checked we're going to set the time of when it dissolves to 15. make sure you open up the output as well and create a plus sign right there to make sure that the information goes over to the vertex group jumping over to the particle system go ahead and select Dynamic paint switch the type over to brush and then add in a brush we're going to switch it over from mesh volume over to particle system and then of course select the particle system for the effect radius we're going to go up to a value of 0.4 so now what's going to happen is when the particles Emit and come over here they're going to leave a spot where we can use the fire simulation to emit right where that particle disappears we also want to make sure this plane is moved up just slightly so when the particle hits it it'll actually create it and not get deleted so if we move it up slightly it'll get deleted right below this plane right about there is pretty good with that done we can go over to the cache settings and currently it's grayed out so we need to make sure we save our project after you have saved your project you can see the these settings up here and we are ready to bake it in another very important thing before we bake this in is we need to add a lot more geometry to our plane right now if we go into edit mode we can see there's only four vertices this does not work for the vertex groups so with everything selected in edit mode we're going to right click and subdivide this if we open up this panel we're going to set the number of cuts to 100 and that should be pretty good with that done let's save our project once again and then click on bake to actually see if this is working properly we can come over here and switch it over to the weight paint mode and then player animation we can see it is working and the spots are being created and speaking of dynamic paint I wanted to let you guys know that I actually have an entire class on this topic it's called the complete guide to Dynamic paint in blender it goes into detail on the simulation and everything you need to know on how to start using it there are paint effects displacement animations Dynamic paint using the fire simulation and creating raindrops this class has it all by the end you will have a really good understanding of dynamic paint and how to use it effectively I'm really happy with how this class turned out and I think you guys will really like it and since skillshare is sponsoring this video you can actually view this class and thousands of others for free for an entire month if you didn't know skillshare is an online platform where you have unlimited access to learn whatever you want at any time I've been using it for years now and I absolutely love it they have classes on blender Photoshop VFX video editing just to name a few now is the perfect time to invest in yourself with the skillshare membership you can improve your skills in blender engage in new hobbies and finally stick to that New Year's resolution that you keep mentioning every year but don't keep up with the first 1000 people to click the link in the description will get a one month free trial of skillshare and while you're over there make sure to check out my nine other classes as well thanks again to skillshare for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the tutorial alright now that we've set up our scene let's create the explosion we're going to add in a new Cube to be the domain for this explosion over here we'll go into the front view scale it up and position it right about here then over in the physics panel we're going to enable fluid set the type over to domain and then we're going to leave it on gas as for the resolution divisions we're going to go up to 128 and then for the time scale I notice that this simulation tends to look pretty fast so we're going to go down to a value of 0.6 for the Border collisions we're going to enable the bottom right here and then enable adaptive domain as well we're also going to enable noise to add in some extra detail to our simulation and then for the upright Factor we're going to leave it at 2 the strength let's go down to a value of about 0.5 also for the vorticity let's go up to 0.1 just to give the smoke a little bit more randomness another important thing is over in the field weights we need to make sure the force value right here is down to zero this means that the force field that we've added earlier will not affect the simulation make sure that's down to zero and you should be good we're going to set it over to the all so it makes everything all at once and just in case I want to stop the bake I'm going to click on it's resumable and with that done let's go over to our object right here this is going to be our inflow object select fluid and set the type over to flow as for the flow type we're going to go fire and smoke and the flow Behavior we're going to set it over to inflow for the vertex group select the one that we created using the dynamic paint so now what's going to happen is every time the missile collides here and creates a Vertex it's going to emit fire right at that location for the flow Source we need to make sure is planar is checked and then enable initial velocity for the Z we're going to go up to a value of 10. this will make it look like the fire is going up very quickly right when the missile explodes and with that done let's bake it in let's come over here to the cache settings right here save your project once again set the end frame to 200 and then click on bake once this is done we'll work on the particle system all right the simulation has finished baking so let's go ahead and check it out as you can see right when the particles hit the plane it creates an explosion and that looks pretty cool all right there we go so now that we've created this smoke simulation let's work on the actual missiles themselves let's add in a new Cube this is going to be a new domain object we're going to scale it up and the reason we are using it two different domain objects with two different simulations is because we're going to be using different settings for the smoke in the missiles and also another reason is that it just works a lot better A lot of the times when I would try to add noise to the trail of the smoke whenever I had the explosion and the particles in the same domain it would create this very weird separation between the different frames and it just didn't really look good at all so that is why we are using two different simulations so we're going to scale this up scale it along the X so it fits the entire scene and then you want to play through it and make sure that all of the particles are still inside the domain object so I'm going to scroll through here and we can see one of them actually exit so I'm going to go into edit mode and just drag this part up a little bit until it matches the height so we'll scroll through here a little bit more and I think that is pretty good and then what we can do is also go into side view and make sure none of the particles leave and it looks pretty good that way as well so we are ready to create the simulation so with this object selected we're going to enable fluid set the type over to domain and then also make sure you press Ctrl a and apply the scale next up we'll select one of the missiles create a fluid right here set the type over to flow and then for the flow type we're going to set it over to Fire and smoke and then of course we're going to switch it over to inflow as for the sampling since these objects are moving very quickly let's go up to a value of 50 for the sampling for the flow Source we're going to switch it over to particle system and then for the particle system select the one that we've created for the size we're actually going to go higher let's go up to a value of 1.5 and that's basically all we really need to do for these settings over here one thing to keep in mind is the fire is going to emit wherever the origin point on your object is so we can see my object's origin point is at the bottom so the fire is going to emit right there but for example if this was down and the origin point was in the middle the fire simulation would start right there so make sure if you created your own simulation that the origin point is right on the bottom of the missile or it's going to look a little bit weird as for the domain object let's go ahead and select it again we're going to set the resolution divisions up to a value of 200. then we're going to come down here turn on adaptive domain and dissolve as for the time for the dissolve we're going to go up to 15 frames make sure slow is enabled as well and then also we're going to check on noise the strength of this will go down to a value of about 0.8 and then of course in the field weights make sure the force is set down to zero so the force field does not affect the simulation either and another thing that we need to do is make sure this fellow object does not affect this domain because right now since it's inside this domain it's actually going to emit more fire and that's not what we want we only want the missiles to emit these smoke and Fire so to fix that we can open up the collections tab right here and set a different collection for the flows so so what I'm going to do is Select both the particle system and the domain press M and move them to their own collection I'm going to call it particles then with the domain selected we're going to open up the collections tab right here and underneath the flow we're going to select the particles so now only the flow object inside this collection which is this object here is going to emit smoke and fire into the scene and not this object over here and with that done we can also open up the Fire tab we're going to set the vorticity of the Flames up a little bit so it's a bit more random we'll set that 2.7 the vorticity of the smoke we will also set up 2.7 switch the type over to all and then turn on is resumable and then we can bake this in also the end frame make sure that is set to 200. one thing that I had forgotten to mention is you also want to make sure that you set a new directory for the cache because right now it might overwrite the other simulation so make sure to click on this button here and set it to a different folder with that done let's click on vake all right the simulation has finished baking and here is our result as you can see it looks pretty cool we have the missiles and they have it fire and smoke being emitted and they're creating an explosion over here so the next thing on our list is to create the materials for both the explosion and the smoke trails to do this we can come over to the shading workspace we're going to create a new material with The Big Cube selected we're going to delete the principal Shader we're not going to need it and then add in a Shader and then a principled volume Shader right here take the volume and plug it into the volume of the material output now before we do anything else let's set up some EV settings so we can actually see what the smoke is going to look like so jump over to the EV settings right here we're going to turn on screen space Reflections open up the volume metrics set the tile size down to two pixels and then turn on volumetric Shadows we can still see our smoke is not looking that great so another thing that we can do is set the end frame a lot lower basically how Eevee renders fire is it splits up the different layers over a hundred and a hundred meters so right now we're not getting that many layers in our smoke if we bring this down to let's say about 15 we should get a lot more detail if we bring up the density now we can see the fire a lot better we can also bring up these samplings so let's bring up this to 128 and then the samples for these Shadows let's also bring that to 32. this is just going to give us a lot better results as for the other nodes that we're going to be adding we're first going to add in a input and then a volume info node and we'll place it over here we're going to be taking the density and the flame attribute and adding them into the principled volume firstly let's add in a color ramp we'll place it here we'll take the density plug it into the factor then the color into the density of the principled volume to control the density a bit more we're going to add in a math node and set it and set it over to multiply now this bottom value controls how dense the smoke is going to be let's set this all the way up to 100. over here we're going to bring this white handle a lot closer to the black handle and this will clamp down on all the smoke and make it look a lot more dense we're also going to add in another handle this is going to be on the far right side and this is going to be set down to a black color now you can see that inside of the smoke it has actually disappeared this will allow the fire to actually pop a lot more when we add it in to add in the fire let's press shift d on this color ramp we'll place it down here we'll take the flame attribute plug it into the factor then the color is going to go into the emission strength we're going to select this multiply node shift d it and place it over here and then this bottom value we're also going to leave at 100. what we can do now is bring this this way a little bit and we can see there it's updated now and then we're also going to bring this value closer to the right to clamp down on the fire if you want it to be a shorter flame drag this even further to the right if you want it longer just drag it to the left somewhere around here should be pretty good Now to control the color of this we're going to select this color ramp Ctrl shift d to duplicate it and this will keep the connection to the flame we're going to take the color and plug it into the emission color now for the values down here we're going to select the far right handle this is going to be a nice yellowish color somewhere around here then for this white handle in the middle this is going to be more of a darker orange color something like that will look pretty nice then just play with the position and the colors and you should get something that looks really cool for the material for the other object we're going to come over here select the domain select the drop down menu and select the material that we just created which is this material here material001 we can see that's added to our scene let's also duplicate this so we can change it ourselves and what we're going to be doing is selecting this handle we're going to get rid of that we don't need that black handle we'll drag this a little bit closer to give our smoke more dense look and then I also don't want to clamp down on the fire so I'm going to drag the black handle closer to the left that will add more fire to our scene and then also down here I'm going to drink bring this closer drag that to the left and just add a little bit more color into our fire that should look pretty nice let's jump back over to our layout and then add in a object to be the ground floor I'm going to add in another plane we're going to scale This Plane up go into front view and just drag it up so it's sitting right beneath the fire right about there is good then for the lighting I'm going to select my lamp in the scene jump over to the lamp settings and set it over to a sun lamp the strength of this we'll play around with let's try a value of 2 for now and we can see that actually looks pretty good from here you can just rotate it and place it however you like and then add in the camera and position it and then render it out you can see here since I positioned my camera 15 meters past the smoke simulation it's actually disappeared to bring it back we need to open up the volumetrics tab and set the end frame to a higher value let's try 20. we can see it's still not enough so let's go with a value of about 25 and then for the start frame let's actually bring this higher until it matches the start of the simulation probably around 10 meters if you want to play around with the color of the smoke you can select the object and in the node editor once again you can change the color for example the explosion smoke should probably be a bit darker than the trail so in the color I might drag this down a little bit so we have a little bit of a darker color for the smoke if you want a lighter color for the trail just select it select the domain and set the color to a lighter color or a darker color whatever you like you can even set it to a blue green or orange or whatever color that you want another thing that you need to remember is to hide this flow object select it over here and in the outliner make sure it's hidden from The View and from the render as well and there we go that is basically it from here you can add in some Bloom to your scene change up the lighting a little bit you could even add in an HDR if you wanted to and the cool thing about this is that it works in both EV and in Cycles here you can see these side by side comparison cycles does look a little bit better but EB renders a bit faster keep in mind if you do use EV you're gonna have to make sure that there are no glitches in the render a lot of the time when I use volumetrics in Eevee there's these random bright patches in some of the images after I render it out and to fix that all you need to do is just make sure you go into the folder delete all the images uncheck overwrite in the output Tab and then just click on render animation again and it'll jump to those frames that have been deleted and then just re-render them and that is it for this tutorial thank you very much for watching if you created something cool I would love to see it so make sure to send it to me on Instagram at blender made easy but that is gonna be it thanks again for watching and thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Blender Made Easy
Views: 379,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: explosion, blender tutorial, blender, blendermadeeasy, how to, simulation, smoke, fire, particle, particles, system, b3d, cycles, eevee, mantaflow, 3d, beginner, animation, missiles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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