Filling Objects is Easy Now (Blender Tutorial)

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all right this is a really fun one we're going to be taking text and filling it with stuff and we're not going to need simulations to make sure that they don't Collide it's all done in Geometry nodes it's super fun um a lot of you might know last week I uploaded a video all about using text in Geometry nodes and this is kind of a step-by-step tutorial that came from that but there's also six more projects on my patreon if you really want to get a deep dive into this concept and see how far can you take text within geometry nodes it's over it's like a little over a 100 minutes of training for geometry nodes and text and typography and having a lot of fun if you want to check that out that is available on my patreon uh but with that being said let's jump into this all right so start off just with an object I'm going to start with this um this bolt and just literally pick whatever you want an apple a bolt a sphere a fist I highly recommend you picking relatively round objects that is going to help you with the Collision thing um if you're using like a shovel or a long cylinder it's really not going to work out for you um so that is going to be kind of sort of the constraint here in this so pick up you know any object you want that's you know relatively round I used an &em which is round to a degree you're just missing the outer portions something like that um so we're going to start out with you know a plane and I'm going to call it Gio and we're going to open up a new window and this isn't really going to take very long it's not a very big uh node tree but it's just some important stuff so we're going to click new and we're going to get the string to Curves node so we're going to get that string to Curves and type in whatever letter you want I'm going to go with the letter in um because my name is Nathan I'm going to rotate it on the x axis um by 90° and then we're going to go ahead and Center everything out here and I'm going to size it by five now this part go ahead and pick whatever font you want I highly recommend a black font now if you don't know what a black font is it is essentially black just means the boldest it can get it's Bolder than bold if you have a font family black is the boldest option um I'm going to go ahead and pick you you can use Helen can new black anything you want I'm going to go ahead and pick my brand font um Sila but again it doesn't matter what font you use but High you know the more space you have the better this is going to look now what we're going to do is hit shift a and we're going to get in a fill curve node and I'm going to click on ingon I don't even know if that's important um but if you look at if you click on ingon it clears it out don't know if that's necessary but I'm going to do it anyway and then we're going to do a extrude mesh node and you can pick your Extrusion I'm going to leave it where it is at at a value of one if you look at the back though it's Hollow and that is a big gripe with the extrude node it works differently than the solidify modifier if you want to technically solidify it we're going to get a join geometry and plug the fill curve into that it's going to put the back back um it won't connect it though so if you were to throw a bevel modifier right um on this right now which would be really sweet you can't it's only going to Bevel these parts but this is unconnected and it takes some trickery to connect it and I never I haven't figured it out yet um but that is important just for the volume now for to get the volume to mesh to work well let's just show you the problem so if we do a uh mesh to volume you'll notice it looks terrible until we get a realize instances node and put it here my hunch is it is because of that problem in the back not being connected that's my best guess it could be anything but it only started working after I realized it but that's okay we're not really we're not losing anything by doing that and then now we can go ahead and we're going to go and distribute points in the volume which is one of my favorite things to do and now if you bring up the density you have all these instances within the volume of your object and if you want to have fun you can go from random to grid and then you can um see play with the grid and have like a really cool grid thing I am going to do random because it looks better but you'll notice they're all colliding and which is this is why we picked random I mean round objects because of the way the instances are but we need to fix this and that's going to be with a merge by distance node merge by distance and then if you start playing with that distance Factor it'll say how far apart each instance can be from each other and that is going to prevent our collisions by if you do it right about 95% of the time maybe 90% it isn't going to fully prevent collisions but it's certainly way easier than doing a um a physics simulation and so from my research I saw people stacking these to get what they called a better algorithm so what you can do is take um a merge by distance node and get like four of them and just start plugging them together just like this and then I'm going to minimize them all just to conserve space and then you can get a value node to control the all their value at the same time let me hit G to move these down and we're going to get a value node and we're just going to plug this right into the gray just like this and that is going to now help you control all these merge by distance nodes at the same time of course we now need to plug this last one into the geometry so it actually we're actually using them all like this so now we can go ahead and instance on points so we can get a instance on points node plug that there and I'm going to drag in my object from the outliner or you can just get a cube or an ecosphere if you don't want to import your own object and you just want to learn this concept uh you can also use a collection but um that's a little bit more complicated and you can plug geometry right into instance and we now have we play with our scale we now have this nice thing with all of our randomly placed objects and none of them are colliding and it's super cool but they're all pointing the same direction let's go ahead and randomize that with a random value node and I'm going to set this guy to Vector I want to have a bunch of options and plug that right into rotation and then just bring that up bring that up and you now have fully randomized objects within this and then you can go ahead and play with your options here you can play with your density to get more density um of course playing with this value so if I bring my value to to like 03 you can see a lot of collision see that and that's because we're they're just too close together so I'm going to bring this back over because it's also lagging the hell out of my computer um so let's bring this back a little bit so you can start to play with how close can you get like that's pretty good right there there are going to be collisions I mean intersections but the more you play with this value um the the better or worse it's going to get you can play with your density and sometimes if one's colliding in a random spot you can play with the uh the seed to get that and then if you want to animate these guys you can do something like this let's see hold on I need to hold down shift so you can just get like a really slow animation if you want to animate the rotation in a loop you can get get a a rotate instances node after this random value and then just do that so that looks bad because we one of these axes are weird um so you can do like this and now they're all going to rotate 360 based on where they started at their random value and it it's going to look really really cool so we now have our word we now have our letter and you can just make it say anything want hi or oh that's cool it's like a ball of bolts um you know that's not a word I misspelled it but I was trying to spell maybe that's pretty bad um some things can merge together and that's where you would play with your uh character spacing so um I can't think of a word let's say watch that's cool and so see how they're like merging together because of the volume you can play with your either your character spacing like that or play with your actual volume settings to get a sharper looking volume maybe not so quite bold of a font so maybe you can do numbers 55 so that's going to look pretty cool um shorter numbers I mean shorter words look better just for design really they'll they'll just design out better and then you can play with your um you know your your voxal amount to get a sharper look so play with all of these to you know see how your settings look playing around with them let's go ahead and finish this out we're hit the we've hit the 10-minute Mark let's give it a background let's give it some light and we can call it a day so on the cap nut thing on the uh let's just give it a metallic material here and you can add whatever material you want for your object I'm going hit the Tilted key to go to the front and we're going to go get a plane hit rx90 just to rotate it bring it back to something like this and then fill this out we can go ahead and get a camera control alt zero snap that to view and here I'm going to give myself 2,000 on the resolution I'm going hit G and middle click what's my camera at so we'll do say an 85 mm lens on my camera like this and I'm going to go to cycles for my lighting so we have this I'm going to go ahead and get this background material just an emission so just make that a white emission maybe even a slight blue just kind of a classic look I've done a billion times here um let's get our light get an area light and bring it up here to the Top by hitting G something like this we can scale it up and then bring that brightness up and then we can go ahead I'm going to copy the color from that and paste it in there and so now we have that and you can make your spread smaller if you want to get more of a specific accuracy on your object so now we have that and then I'm going to hit shift d and in this case we're going to take this guy and switch it over to a dis I'm hitting G and then I'm going to hit r twice to aim it just like that and [Music] then like this pretty cool maybe this top light is a little too bright maybe 300 and there we go we now have our lighting we have our bolts maybe the uh the bolt can be a little bit more glossy but that's our scene let's just go ahead and render it and see how it looks there we go so with any object you want to use you can can make this look super cool you can use oranges you can use mushrooms you can use candy um you can use anything you want to get this whole thing to look cool but this is it this is the tutorial I hope you learn some stuff um you can use this in a lot of different ways it doesn't just have to be text it can just be regular objects spheres and and hands and anything really it'd be cool to like take a hand convert it to a volume fill the hand with objects you now have some kind of symbolism there um with that being said thank you guys for watching um like I mentioned on patreon there are six more tutorials a little bit over a 100 minutes of training with geometry nodes and using typography with geometry nodes if you want to check that out that is in the description really supports what I'm doing here on YouTube and thank you guys for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 56,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender, blender tutorial for beginners, blender beginner tutorial, blender 3d, blender guru, tutorial, best blender tutorial, how to use blender, 3d modeling, blender beginner, blender beginners, motion graphics, beginner blender tutorials, blender motion graphics, blender motion graphics tutorial, easy blender tutorials, blender animation, blender for beginners, 3d animation, eevee, blender animation tutorial, how to, rendering, logo animation
Id: mQn8P0MLE48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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