OPTIC | Without Vision | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to the victory Church podcast we're so glad you could join us if this ministry has impacted you in any way we'd love to hear all about it please send us an email at share and victory Church ATO dot org we pray this message will speak to your heart the other day one of my kids you didn't wait until he got the batteries to say thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he didn't wait - he's got the batteries to say thank you on his on the testimony of my character and his faith in his father he just said thank you for what he believed I was gonna do now y'all wrote some things down on parts and I believe God for some things can we give Him father I thank you praise in advance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Wow [Applause] [Music] when shall we ask me for the battery in my heart it was already done there was nothing in me not going to give him the batteries he just had to wait a few days to get it at me being evil oh my god not again [Music] [Music] [Music] he's a wake up [Music] somebody shout miracle worker we're on this keeper my god that is who you are [Music] so we had faith that he was going to get those batteries because he believed in the character of his father that his word would not fall to the floor faith is believing in advance this they could him in advance its praising him in advance I said I got saved that 2020 and this chapters gonna be one of the greatest years and chapters of my life [Music] [Applause] when your way to see touch three people just say fish [Music] somebody's shellfish [Music] somebody say glory somebody say hallelujah somebody say Amen I mean so let it be I've had trying to give you trouble but not a double this a lot you gonna get this word in the name of Jesus [Music] oh yes if you are man I feel excited about this I feel excited about this chocolate hi give it an elder Mowgli give me that one time come on give me that one time [Music] [Music] I gotta get to work I got two messages to bring you today and so they have to be short two messages to bring you on one day first if you are guests if you're watching online we want to welcome you to victory Church welcome to our 9:30 gathering welcome you to the first Sunday of a new chapter today this week one of a series called optic the power of vision this is the first series in our preaching calendar for 2019 this series will run in conjunction with the consecration we bout to go into starting tomorrow and I believe the two working together the two working together is going to set you up to have clarity to have vision to have focus I'm telling you right now let me let me just say this to everybody everyone listen to me from the stage to the booth if you really lean into this series which is a teaching series it's going to be heavy and notes if you really lean into the consecration I'm telling you this might be the game changer for you now I don't know who I'm talking to you but you may have been stuck this might be the game change you may have been needed to get something through this may be the game changer for you and I just want to employ you that this is a note-taking series on a picture snapping at the screen series the wise will take notes during this series or the wise will take pictures at the screen during the series you're not going to remember everything I give you and normally I try to keep my messages to a single point but but this series is gonna be a little note heavy because it's important that you understand not just spiritually but mentally what I'm trying to teach you our series is going to begin in John chapter 9 verse 1 Jesus is at the height of his ministry he is traveling he is preaching he is healing he comes to a place and the scripture says in John chapter 9 verse 1 John recorded who was an eyewitness of the Lord Jesus Christ his ministry he recorded this encounter between Jesus and a man he says as he Jesus went along he saw am i a man blind from birth his disciples asked him rabbi who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind neither this man nor his parents sinned jesus said but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life that sometimes we go through things not because we've done anything wrong but sometimes the trials and tribulations we're going through is because they are a setup for God to show his power in our life just like for some of you you've been stuck in this series and this consecration is a setup for God to show his power in your life first for as long as it is day we must do the work of him who sent me that his time is running out so we need to labor while we have breath and graces night is coming when no one can work that's when time runs out while I am in the world I am the light of the world verse 6 having said this he spit on the ground and he made mud with saliva he put it on the man's eyes he said go to him he said wash in the pool of Siloam that word means sent so the man went and washed that means obedience and he came home seeing after obedience he came home seeing after obedience he came home seeing after obedience his circumstance changed after obedience because disobedience is a hindrance to break through his neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging us isn't this the same man who used to sit and beg some claim that he was other said nah he only looks like him but he himself insisted I am the man because you got to know how to take ownership of your testimony firsthand how then were your eyes open that he demanded they demanded an answer he replied and they called Jesus made some mud and he put it on my eyes he told me to go to Siloam and wash jesus touched me and gave me an instruction so I went and washed I'm gonna use this text not for exegesis although I am expository teacher I am a line-by-line verse-by-verse preacher I'm gonna do something different in this series I would not be doing expository teaching so much in this series but using the passages I'm gonna give to you allegorically to pull out principles to help you understand the central theme of this series before we start talking about all the things that you want to shout about in the series this first message we have to do some housecleaning in this first message so this is the non shout message this is the non Amen message but this message must come first and so we're going to tag this message the title is without vision without vision because before you shout and chapter in sermons 3 + + 2 + + 4 2 or 3 & 4 we need to do some housecleaning first so first we're gonna talk about without vision eternal god another wise father create a mighty and powerful being you who are the creator of all things the creator of life father God I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that as we open the seals on this year on this chapter in this series I pray God Lord that the eyes of our understanding will be enlightened and it will be open that we will see the truth and that we will understand spiritually and mentally what you're saying to us as your people I pray God you would anoint our eyes in the spirit with I sad I pray something like the scales God would fall off of our eyes and that by the end of this series at the end of this consecration these your sons and daughters would wash and they will go away seeing in the name of Jesus I pray that this series in this consecration working together would be a game-changer God for this church a game-changer for my family a game-changer for your sons and daughters father we don't want to play around at the beginning of this chapter we would meet at mashed potatoes god we want milk that's gonna feed us God we want to be transformed in the name of Jesus Lord we don't have any more days to waste speak to us now in Jesus name I pray amen and amen and amen without vision family this week you and I turned the page into a brand new year and a year that has the possibilities to be one of the greatest in your life not only did we turn the page in a brand new year we turn the page into a brand new decade I shared with your New Year's Eve that as our study in Psalm 139 man the Lord gave me a revelation that our years are like pages of a book and our decades are like chapters and so it's very important that we understand that we are in a pivotal season right now in our lives not only at the beginning of a new year but at the beginning of a new decade and on New Year's Eve I gave you opportunity to pause and think about where were you 10 years ago just to help you understand how much can happen in a decade although it is not the best example I posted on my IG and of course some hater came up there gave me a hard time I don't care but I did post on my agenda at the beginning of the last decade jay-z artists who I grew up his music I'm not endorsing his music I just I grew up on it he started the decade with a net worth of 300 million dollars around there and ended the decade with a net worth of a billion dollars just in 10 years he increases net worth by almost 700 million dollars a good friend of mine who was a worship leader her name is Tasha Cobbs she started the decade relatively unknown to this country by the end of the last chapter she was an international phenomenon I say that to you because we grossly overestimate what God would do in a short amount of time because we're so thirsty but then we grossly underestimate what God would do over a longer period of time and I'm saying to some of you right now you have no idea what God would do in your life over this next chapter the central theme of this series is about vision and at its core vision is essentially four things and this is not exhaustive and you can go read google and find a bunch 55 other things I don't care about all of that I'm telling you at the end of the day vision is essentially four things first vision is essentially alignment with God's preferences for your life vision is the ability for us to understand God's will and then for us to align ourselves with God's will when we understand God's will our vision becomes more clear so if God's will is husband's love your wife as Christ loves the church then when I begin to live that way then I have more vision for my marriage and so the more I understand God's Word and the more understand God's will and the more I align myself with God's Word in his will the more I have vision for my life vision is essentially a mental sight with corresponding action vision is the ability to see in our minds a possibility but then it must come with corresponding action vision without action is just a dream and a dream without action is just a nightmare so when we have vision we have action because action plus vision moves us towards an expected end vision is discontent with what is while having a clear hold on what can be that is vision is saying I am not content with the state of where I am I know that there is a possibility for me to be in a better place my marriage can be better my socioeconomic status can be better my spiritual growth can be stronger my intimacy with God can be deeper so vision is essentially discontent with where I am while at the same time grabbing hold to what could be in a sense it is the bridge between the current and the future vision helps me walk over the present and it makes a bridge from the present to the future it is a bridge from right now to the endless possibilities of what could be and fourthly vision is the lens that interprets the events of your life however you see the events of your life determines your level of vision so whatever happens to me in my life I will interpret that based on my vision that's why people can go through the same thing one person have peace and the other one be crippled two people could be looking at the same obstacle one sees a roadblock and the other season opportunity two people can be dealing with the same setback one sees a wall and other one sees a springboard and so vision is the lens through which we interpret the events of our life it's both our vision forward and the vision backward that when we have vision we understand how God operated in our life in the past and when we have vision we understand how God is operating our life right now in the present for our future I understand because of vision there are some things that God has not answered because what he's doing is fixing my character that if he gave me some of the things I was believer four or five years ago I would have messed it up it is my vision that helped me to understand that his null was for my good it was vision that helped me to understand that his weight was for my good but when you don't have proper vision you think his know is cruel you think his weight is cruel and so vision is the lens to which we interpret the events of our lives the scripture says in Proverbs 29:18 where there is no vision the people perish and in the NIV where there is no revelation the people cast off restraint these two verses are very very important because the main focus of these verses is the word perish and restraint these two words give emphasis to the need for vision so when the first translation it says where there is no vision the people perished the word perish is a very powerful word that speaks of horrific loss and so where there is no vision the people lose we lose time we lose opportunity we lose relationships ultimately where there is no vision people will lose their eternal soul where there is no vision people cast off restraint or revelation that when I don't understand who I am who's I am where I'm going what he's doing the scripture says I will cast off restraint that word restraint is the ability to control myself it is the ability to say no one of the things I'm going to be teaching you next week that sometimes vision becomes automatic not by the things that we do but the things we stop doing sometimes we have clearer vision when we understand the power of know some of us don't have clear vision because we say yes too much we're getting involved in too many things so we don't have focus no helps us to have vision discipline helps us to have vision when we don't have discipline that's a sign that we don't have vision people who don't exercise restraint are people who don't have the kind of vision to control themselves and so they spend their entire lives trying to take the paths the least resistance in an attempt to go around discomfort but when we have vision we understand that anything we accomplish through vision it's going to take hard work it's going to take sacrifice it's going to take dedication and for someone in this room I just want to tell you the vision you have is going to take you stepping outside of your comfort zone we never acquire vision being in comfort and so sometimes it takes a step of faith to step outside of our comfort zone to acquire vision Helen Keller the famous American author and political activist who went blind and death at the age of 19 months she said these words the only thing worse than being blind is having sight with no vision Cielo a blind woman who was also death by the age of 19 months said the only thing worse than being blind physically is having two eyes that work and no vision this from a woman who was the first blind deaf person to acquire a bachelor's degree and what Helen Keller was alluding to was the unfortunate risk of living what I call a visionless life that there are many people who are living but living without vision so when we go back to the text in John chapter 9 I want to use our main text to highlight for you some principle that teaches us about what it looks like to live a visionless life that is a life without vision we see an attack that this man that Jesus encountered once he was born blind the scripture says he was found sitting the scripture says he was found begging he obviously had many many challenges and the physical blindness of this man and other people in the scriptures create for us a powerful metaphor of the risk of living in visionless life there are five things that our principles I want to lift from this text to teach you about the dangers of living a visionless life that is when we don't have vision we put ourselves at risk for these things here are five truths about living and visionless life based on the text that we read this morning number one when we don't have vision or we don't have vision we live a visual number one living we are so living does not assume vision okay living does not assume vision living does not assume vision let me say this again because this is very important living does not assume vision in the text the man was born blind but he had no sight so he was living alive but he had no sight he was breathing but he had no sight he was moving around but he had no sight in a spiritual sense all of us are born blind because vision begins with interaction with God and so in a spiritual sense every single person is born blind and for lack of encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ and for lack of encounter with God many people continue to live on without having vision and so there are a lot of people in this room a lot of people watching be a lot of people living life without sight we are living life without vision we are doing marriage without vision we are doing relationships without vision we are parenting our children without vision we are pursuing careers and building businesses without vision we are starting things God did not tell us to start without vision we are giving birth to things without vision some of us are even serving in the local church without vision living and activity does not equal vision be Bizzy does not equal vision because true vision is alignment with God's preferred will and so a person could spend their whole life going in one direction never realizing that your whole life you was going in the wrong direction a person can marry something not realizing man I Rabi the wrong person because you didn't have vision I built the wrong business because I didn't have vision I signed up to join the wrong church because I didn't have vision and there's so many people man who are doing life without the vantage point of the Lord God and as a result of that they are doing life without vision when we have God's vantage point it makes our vision more clear for every decision we have to make in our life because we could choose parents and be heading down the wrong road for watch four years and the next one is what hurts the most for decades because we don't have vision let me ask you a question think about how many years of your life you wasted because you didn't have vision oh how about another question what do you wish you can get back if you only have vision what did you lose because you didn't have vision who did you marry are no longer married to because you didn't have vision how many boys broke your heart because you didn't have vision how many girlfriends broke your heart because you didn't have vision how many people did you have to find out that they were wolves in sheep's clothing because you entered into relationships but our vision how many things that you start only to realize it kept crumbling because I kept doing things when our vision activity does not mean vision and living does not assume vision because not you because I'm alive or I'm busy that does not mean a high vision for there are many of us who are alive and busy but we are alive and busy with our vision there are a lot of us who are doing things and think we know what we're doing but we're actually doing that with our vision man it is a wake-up call when we find out all this time I was wrong about this path wrong about this person wrong about this thing I thought I was supposed to be doing what did the text say watch this it says Jesus saw the man sitting oh my god so that means watch if Jesus didn't say anything Jesus would have passed him by so that means where the man was there was the opportunity to miss Jesus there was the opportunity for him to miss vision because it was the Lord that initiated his sight the same thing happens in the natural that when we avoid interaction or encounters with God is very easy for us to miss vision but thank God that he is so loving and that he is so gracious and time because this man did not cry out for help but Jesus saw his vision 'less life and made a decision to enter into his circumstance somebody should thank God right now for a loving father who is willing to enter into the areas where we don't have vision to help correct the way that we see no you don't believe that some of us can testify right now man I used to be in this place and God opened my eyes I was in this relationship and God will provide I was at this church and God opened my eyes I was in this ratchet life and God opened my eyes why because he walked by and saw you sitting there with no sight [Music] somebody should just stop and give him praise right there for everybody who God came and rescued you from something when you had no sight you should just give him praise right there somebody give him seven seconds of praise because sometimes we don't have the common sense to be able to see where we are and so I thank God for a loving father who sometimes watch interrupts our life to help us to see in areas where we have no vision what else do we learn from the text number two the absence of vision invites that nation and frustration what did the text say about this man he was seeing what sitting while he was sitting what was happening other people were going by tom was moving and he wasn't people were moving and he wasn't he was just stuck in one spot he was stagnated and I'm sure he was frustrated because when we don't have vision it impedes our progress when we don't have vision we can be go we could be living like but stuck in a season stuck in a place stuck in a bad situation stag nila stagnation is a killer of hope it is a killer of progress stagnation is a killer of purpose stagnation would choke out face stagnation makes us indecisive when a person is stagnated it takes a longer time to make decisions what should i do what should i do what should i do what should i do what should i do I don't know what to do I'm not sure what to do when you're stagnated it takes longer to make decisions when you have visions your decisions come much easier because your nose are easier and your yes are easier when you have vision if some things come you already know what to do about this because it doesn't fit or does fit with my vision vision gives birth to motion and when we're stagnated we need vision to help us to see where we could be so vision gives birth to motion vision pushes us forward vision helps propels progress what else do we learn from the text I got to move quickly because I got two messages to preach to you number three the absence of vision invites extraordinary dependency y'all better take notes I'm telling you right now preach Phillip yeah I better take notes the absence of vision invites extraordinary dependency what did the text say about this man he was seen begging why was he begging because he had no sight so because he had no sight he needed help beyond what the average person would need help he needed help with resources he need to help get around leave me here leave me there leave me there when men and women don't have vision you set yourself up for extraordinary dependency on other people there are people wearing out counselors because you don't have vision it's gonna make sense they are people wearing out their pastors because you don't have vision there are some people you would need less counseling if you had more vision your marriage would need less counseling if you had more vision if you had God's vision for love your wife as Christ loves the church you would need less counseling if you have bold vision for submit unto your husband as unto God you have less counseling there lot of us who are wearing our friends wearing our counselors wearing our pastors wearing our people wearing out our group because we don't have vision and when you don't have vision you create a life of extraordinary dependency upon other people tell me what to do show me what to do help me what to do because you can't see for yourself help me tell me what to do show me what to do tell me where to go should I marry this person yeah go to this church should I take this job help me help me help me help me so much of the way some of us are overly dependent on people because we don't have vision for ourselves I'm trying daughter so some of us are ordinarily needy because we don't have vision and when you can't see you create a life of extraordinary dependence on other people now there's nothing wrong with needing help but there is something wrong where every everytime I need help someone has to do it for me you know why kids got to depend on their parents because they're not wise enough to have vision and there's some of us I'm telling you we are wearing people down because we don't have vision some of you you don't need more counseling you need more vision you don't need a meeting with the pastor you need prayer time there's some things God would reveal to you without human help if you just had vision cuz if I can see I don't need to act somebody leave me down to the corner I don't got to take somebody head if they lead me across the street when I can see I know when to cross the street and when not to cross the street he was seen begging why because he had no sight and number five the absence of vision hinders self-awareness I didn't give you four well let's go back to fourth take that off now really paying attention my back look damn not taking those well number four the absence of vision invites severe injuries the absence of vision invites severe injuries again where did the text say this man was he was sitting watch his posture was not only sitting because he was stagnant his posture was also sitting because when you're blind you can't move as fast so to try to stay safe you stay still [Applause] see but just imagine a person who's blind watch this imagine a person who's blind trying to run in any direction you know what they set themselves up for severe injury they can walk off a cliff get hit by a car get struck by a train when you can't see you set yourself up for severe injuries as it is in the natural so it is in the spirit when you don't have vision you set yourself up for severe injuries there's a lot of us who are dealing with unnecessary brokenness because we don't have vision how many times has your heart been broken and bad relationships because you did not have vision there are a lot of us who are dealing with limps broken is crippling in some area because we did not have vision and when you don't have vision you've set yourself up for severe injury you lose major opportunities that God gave you you mess up opportunities you miss of divine relationships you dishonor things that God said you were supposed to honor you leave places you're not supposed to leave you leave churches you're not supposed to leave you leave victory when you're not supposed to leave you dishonor things that you're not supposed to dishonor you hurt yourself and you hurt other people when you don't have vision you put yourself at risk for severe injuries in your life and as a result of that man you'll be trying to run fast but you always get bruised because you don't have vision and now the last one without vision the absence of vision hinders self-awareness when a person is blind they cannot physically see themselves they can't look in a mirror and fit I need to wipe my eye or I need to put my foundation on right it doesn't match from my neck in my face I need to get some allot six from so many that so my my lips and my foundation be right when you listen if ever if you physically don't have sight you can't look in the mirror now watch how did Jesus heal this man he didn't touch him and just see he didn't touch him and just said see this is powerful he told him going wash wet was he he was sitting if this has happened in the first century when he'd been sitting on the side of a dusty road he's covered in filth Jesus could have just touched him and said see he didn't do that he put mud on his eyes and he said go and wash watch going clean yourself and when he when he obeyed to go and wash himself he went to the pool of Siloam I been to Jerusalem and if he would have had to dive into that water what would happen if he would have went into the water the dirt that was on him when it came off it would have rinsed him clean of his dirt and his filth because Washington is symbolic of cleansing so oftentimes when we don't have vision we don't have self awareness of what needs cleansing in our lives so we'll have crippling character issues crippling floors but because we can't see from the vantage point of God we won't even know that my attitude is nasty and I need to change it they want to keep my wife is nasty I need to change it watch.watch because I have a vision to be a good husband then I know when I'm not acting right towards Lena I know I must wash myself that is let me go back and apologize let me wash it with the word there are areas of my life I know I have to improve as a husband and as a father I already know I got a wash in this area why because I have vision if I did not have a vision for a great marriage then though I would not have enough self-awareness to know the areas I need to wash they missed that if I did not have vision to be a good father to my children that would not have self-awareness to know that there's areas I need to watch so oftentimes when I pray if I messed up I would say Lord Lord I shouldn't have talked to Malachi like that today teach me to be more loving tomorrow Lord I shouldn't have rejected a be like that when she wanted a hug teach me to be more accepting as a father because I have vision I have greater self-awareness and when we have great self-awareness then someone doesn't always have to correct us all the time we become self-correcting when we have more vision we know we did wrong or we know we need to change or just in this area you are right now the sum total of all of your decisions wherever your life is your the sum total of where you started in your decisions and the greatest force upon your decision-making is the way that you see the decisions I'm making now for my marriage for my parents and for my life for my ministry there based on vision and if there's anything the body of Christ needs now when this I want more than anything else it's vision I can't even begin to tell you how much ministry is happening in this country without vision you don't believe that how many churches are busy but busy doing what how many Christians are busy but busy doing what with building empires for ourselves unto what end and what is it gonna profit us to stand before the Lord and have been missed the best of what he had for us in this life or watched us even more dangerous have been missed the entire purpose for our life calling of our life because we didn't have vision you know how catastrophic is gonna be to stand before Jesus and realize I lived 80 years in the earth and didn't do what I was sent to do because I didn't have vision the Bible says he gives a man threescore and ten count that that seventy years so if we just speak figuratively from person get 70 years you got all your chances you get more than that you got grace less than that was cut off so think about how many chapters you got left if you only had 70 how many chapters do you got left when do you want to start having vision in your last two chapters and if you're a little bit older it's never too late to start the decisions you make today are gonna affect this entire next chapter and what's gonna affect your decisions your vision you need vision you need long-term vision and short-term vision so let me close this message with these words for example my wife and I sat down and we was talking after New Year's Eve because I told you as I was studying for New Year's Eve I was really thinking about chapters because as you start thinking about chapters your vision becomes more broad than just a year that you're in so my wife and I said to ourselves man by the time the next chapter is over three of our kids gonna be gone they're gonna be out the house they would have graduated high school and moved on to college or wherever God sent them and so if we're thinking like that by the end of this chapter three of my four children will be gone then vision says we need to start thinking very seriously about the things we're teaching them now and how we're preparing them now and how we're training them now though we've been doing that since they've been born but that has to intensify because by the end of the next chapter three of my children be out of my home there will be adults and then they will be doing whenever they choose to do it based on whatever we've taught them so vision says I make decisions for that now so that's the way we need to think when it comes to vision watch what I'm about to help somebody when you start to think about vision like that in terms of years and chapters then it takes pressure off for you to feel like you got to get everything done in 2020 oh I just help somebody maybe you just create a foundation in 2020 and then you put four more prints on it in 2021 that by the time you come out this next chapter man you had a whole nother place it takes pressure off to get everything accomplished in one year but then it broadens your vision the scope and what you see so you start to see long-term so I'm saying to everyone in my church everyone about all my family don't just think don't just think here's the chapters don't just write your goal or your vision board for 2020 what does your vision would have to say about your chapter this week and I'm a close with this my daughter Abigail it was her birthday she turned ten shout out Abby this week Abby turned ten and she said daddy I want to watch a movie with you so she and I sat down and she made me watch Avatar twice there's a three-hour movie [Music] right with no intermission this is not like The Sound of Music we don't get no intermission so she made me watch avatar twice three-hour movie let me tell you something about avatar avatar was created by a man named James Cameron James Cameron sat down and wrote the script for avatar when he looked at the strip he realized that the technology did not exist in the time that he wrote it to make the movie look the way he wanted it to look so he said I'm gonna hold on the strip until technology changes in society ten years later he created the movie when the technology was there to make it look the way we know it and then what do we know about the movie and went on to do over a billion dollars in sale and for a period of time was the highest-grossing movie of all time question what if he didn't have the vision watch to restrain himself with that strict what if he was sold he was so desperate to make a move he will just put out the movie when he wrote it it wouldn't have looked the way that we see it today it would have grossed a billion dollars and wouldn't be one of the greatest movies of all time what are you rushing because you don't have vision and what are you not probably looking at because you don't have vision because James Cameron had vision he said this script is not ready for the world yet I'm gonna hold on to it watch for a chapter and because of restraint where there is revelation people exercise restraint he's remembered not for producing one of the greatest movies of all time what would you be remembered for [Music] what are you gonna produce live in such a microwave generation you know the power of long-term vision you wait too late and you not to worry if anything we need more in this season of our lives it is vision and you know what's gonna help you with that this series and this consecration that we want to go into and I'm praying and believe in God and by the end of this series and by the end of this consecration you're gonna have vision like you've never had in your entire life you're gonna hear from Dawn more clearly like you've never had in your entire life and I believe you're gonna come out of January you're gonna come out of January with the greatest fish you ever had in your entire life you do you receive that than to say Amen and put your hands together for fish [Music] [Applause] [Music] so father in the name of Jesus we thank you Lord for the truth of your work we thank you Lord for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit moving upon me to produce this series and this consecration because you care a bunch of people you would not leave us sitting on the side of the road begging father dad I pray for my brothers and sisters that through this series agreed this consecration the eyes of our understanding will be enlightened and that we would come out of January with vision that we've never had before with clarity that we've never had before with tenacity and hope that we've never had before I pray that this January will be a game-changer in the season and chapter of our lives I pray will never be the same and that 10 years from now we'll look back on this series what this season this year this consecration and when a seed was planted and weird bore fruit and transformed the chapter that we father we were seized we thank you for watching about to do in Jesus mighty name amen we truly hope this message resonated with you and encouraged you in Christ if this ministry has been a blessing to you please support the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you and again thanks for tuning in and we look forward to singing you
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 2,256
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Id: hMrh6HqpVOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 51sec (3231 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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