OpenMediaVault - Part 1 - Setup...

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hi everyone welcome in the last couple of videos we showed you the installation and configuration of unread and we tested also the gaming PM setup that was the last video as for now the unread build is my main server and that means this server my old loyal HP gen8 microserver is your left over this run say in taksim quad-core CPU twelve gigabytes of ram and as you can see no storage at the moment so in this video we're going to get started with open media volt this will be a series as well so we're going to do the basic installation configuration test a couple of packages and it will be a series as well so these series can exist alongside each other so this week it will be open media fall to next week or the week after that it can be your unrated video so that's the plan I need a couple of hard drives for this build and well these hard drives I have here four of them are not exactly that big they are a 500 gigabyte hard drives pretty old drives to be honest January 2009 yeah I'm not quite sure what rate setup I will be running off these discs but yeah it will be a test server anyway and what I would like to see is when they setup is complete how we can backup the data from our unread built to this server that if one array fails or to many drives fail and we lost the data we still have a backup on this sure I have a backup server off-site but the plan is to see if these two can communicate with each other um maybe yeah we can install a SSD as well for testing purposes if we want to use this for example as a data store for virtual machines and that can be used on open media fault as well and that will be with VirtualBox so that could be very interesting I have a 64 gigabyte micro sd card on that built-in slot on the motherboard that will be used for the installation of a media fold so that leaves us with 4 base for the hard drives and I will show you what with this build I have a well a power converter cable which goes from a four pins flat connector to eSATA and we have two SATA cable or normally a optical disc drive no we're not going to use optical disk drive so this will be the place where the SSD is going to be located and here you can see a micro SD card slot and a USB slot as well so we're using the SD card slot SD cards are not designed to constantly write data to them for a long period of time they will feel and the same goes for SSDs but um yeah we need some storage for that there is a plugin which you can use on open media folder if you run it from a SD card and we will get back to that in another video and that will definitely be used on on this SD card on this may open media for distillation so yeah without further ado I will get started installing these hard drives into the base that came out of it and install the SSD Israel and we continued the rest of the video from my PC so I've installed the server back in the basement did not attach the hard drive as for now same goes for the SSD and that's because I did an installation of a per media fault earlier on this gen8 before we get started with unread and when I installed open media fault with the drives still connected it wouldn't properly configure the bootloader so that's why I decided only connected the microSD card after setup we will reconnect the hard wives and the SSD and we'll start to do the basic configuration so as you can see in the background is the website of over media fault it's a nice solution based on Debian we're going to need the insulation here you can download the ISO and you can just create a bootable USB stick I'm not going with that approach I'm going to mount the ISO file within I'll oh and it's way easier for me and I don't need to use B stick for that so after the installation is done we're going to install this and this will be open media fold extras and this is a plug-in which you can install way more plugins and makes it much more appealing to be honest so we're going to star by downloading the ISO file yeah just going to hit download and as you can see on the top download latest version open media fold for point one point three so I'm going to download that one yeah after download is complete so now let's open the folder you can see it's right in here open media fold as I mentioned before you can just yeah well take Rufus for example you can just select the iso image select the USB stick and ya just hit start and it will create a bootable USB stick for you and the installation USB stick that is but I'm not going to do that in the background I've got a low open I'm going to virtual drive and I'm going to select an image for the cd-rom installation and it will be the open media volt insulation image so after that I'm going to power on my server and it will take some time to build this one so I will just skip through through this process it's pretty boring and I'm going to hit f11 for boot menu okay and we're going to put a one time from cd-rom now we're prompted with the boot screen of open media volt insulation and the boot menu are going to hit install yes we will install this in English and my location is other and it is the Europe and it is yes leave this at standard American English is fine yes pretty straightforward installation on the same and because I'm installing this on a micro SD card it could take considerably longer than when you install this on a for example an SSD okay a primary network interface if this server has two dedicated gigabit NICs and I'm going to select the first one because it's the only one that is connected right now hostname as for now we'll just leave it at open media volt well that's fine domain name same not going to set this up root passwords very important and as you can see now it's just creating the petition on the SD card so it doesn't prompt me with configuration for hard drives I ran this on another test system know with more drives and I got a drive configuration wizard kind of thing so with this no okay Debian archive mirror country we'll just set this to the Netherlands yes yeah that's fine no proxy continue install the grub boot loader on the hard disk well that will be this one def slash SDA installation is complete so it's time to boot into your new system while we're going to do that make sure to remove the installation media so that you can boot into the new system rather than restarting the installation well that would be ashamed wouldn't it I'm just going to continue and my ISO will be unmounted after the first reboot so requesting system reboot yes now going to reboot and as you can see image file is unmount it so both completed as you can see the grub bootloader just going to hit the option on top so it's booted and actually it doesn't show the IP address it configured to during the installation so I looked into my ex router and I got the IP address or right here okay the username is admin and password is open media volt for the web interface and will be prompted with the dashboard of open media volt and well as you can see open media folder dot a local runs on an intox Iran Linux kernel date and time okay well let's go through all these sections one by one and let's see what changes we can make for the basic configuration of alpha media for we're going to start with the general settings management is on port I'll to logout five minutes that's fine for now secure connection enable SSL TLS will need a certificate for this so we'll we'll configure that later on in the future but not for now web administrator password that set a decent password for our admin account or for the web portal yes safe well the and password has changed let's try that so we're going to log out yes username admin login yes password changed nice then we go to date and time and let's see if that is correct yeah seems about right Network we're going to change the network settings host name and domain name relief as this for now let's have a look on the tab interfaces and we configure a static IP address for open media of all build so we're going to click this one hit edit name is you know one that's the network interface card it's connected to and a comment we'll leave that blank and change DHCP to static and address I will give it will be it's connected to the home lab anyway so yeah net mask one ipv6 move this disabled Advanced Settings DNS server will use a DNS server over main network until you wake on lan no thank you safe yes configuration has been changed you must apply the changes in order for them to take effect apply do you really want to apply the configuration changes yes an error has occurred yes well that's unfortunate are you sure you want to leave Leave yeah we connect to a new address the admin with our newly created password and we are connected yes let's see Network do we have anything else we don't have a proxy service discovery yeah ok firewall well don't use the firewall of hope a media vault okay so that was network then we have notification you can set up a SMTP server for that matter and if something goes wrong with for example your smart status you will get a push notification from your open media vault server that you need to act accordingly today ever okay then we have power management and we have monitoring I'm not going to use that certificates we'll play with this later and schedule jobs same goes for that update management well let's check for updates yeah we're going to select all of this well plenty of updates yeah just want to up-to-date system so I'm just going to install these updates I'm going to select all of them and hit upgrade I just figured I didn't need to install all of these updates amd64 microcode processor microcode firma 4md CPUs yep let's see how it did cuz it gave me an error it didn't install all the updates invalid our PC response please check the syslog for more information I think it has something to do with the web interface yeah just going to power this down because it's time to install the hard drives and the SSD anyway so I'm just going to shut down or open media vault installation really shut down the system yes yeah and there it goes yeah I will just install the hardware any SSD now and reboot the server and hopefully we can finish our update process f2c so i've installed the advice and the SSD and we're going to power on the gen8 and let's see how it goes from there once it's booted okay so now it shows the password yeah nice okay um let's see it should be booted now yeah okay so it is rebooted and let's see we can install the open media fault extras plug-in so we go to the tap I opened on the background and it will put a link in the video description for this as well when you can find it let me scroll down and here we have on v4 I'm going to download this Debian package save it in my downloads folder go back to the open media fold and we go into plugins we're gonna do it upload and then we click on browse and we select or all of the extras yes it okay and let's scroll down and at the bottom close this one at the bottom you can see open media vault on the extras and going to select this box and we go to install this yes fill to execute command export wow this is going really well export language I have to get yes allow downgrades allow yeah just going to connect to our OPA media fault installation because it seems we have a problem with a bit of package manager soon we're going to run deep package but figure - a it's not not not off to a good start not really installing new version of config file don't media fault no well this is the truth so yeah to complete the installation need to run the following command on fEARnet system to manage the system visit the hobo media for web control panel via the web browser IPL's name by default the web control panel administrator account has the username yes we know that thank you yeah this is the truth this is the setup so it's also a part of that okay yep dating local files permissions let's see plugins open media fold on the extras yes install we really want to install the selected plugins yes we're starting engine daemon done club page will reload for the changes to take effect okay yes okay thank you and now we have on the extras on the left that's nice so let's see what else can we do let's make this a little bit bigger we can go with a plex media server let's first go to the update management let's see how that goes if it installed actually all the updates yeah I did okay let's try to configure the rate storage disks and let's see if we can wipe one of these disks do you really want to wipe the selected device yes quick no it cannot device or resource is busy have you tried rebooting it so that's the solution just going to reboot it not a very great experience so far ok each system rebooted again let's see what we can do now would be nice if I can type in here ah thank you yellow much appreciate it okay a reboot yes then we go to storage disks you've still all of our disks and let's see if we can won't wipe them really want to wipe the selected device yes quick what do you know yeah reboot was the answer okay close and the SSD as well can we wipe this no it's marked out okay let's see wipe yes quick and that will be the data store for the virtual machines if any close yes okay so now we've wiped or hard drives let's have a look on the rate management and we're going to create an array finally we will call it data it will be a raid 5 setup yeah raid 5 we're going with raid 5 on this one minimums I know I'm not done for hard drives yes ah create do you really want to create the rate the device let's see these four hard drives yes please would be nice please wait until the rate has been initialized before creating a file system okay I will you must apply changes in order for them to take effect to fly yeah so whit is rate 5 setup we have a maximum capacity of three hard drives 1.5 terabytes and a parity drive well one basically so if one drives fails well it can rebuild their array if two drives fill well all data will be lost this will take some time as you can see in the background we will just let this finish and we will check back with you once this is done so let's see how our Nass is doing rate management let's see if the syncing is already done almost 99.8% still not sure what filesystem I want to create on this rate array thinking about giving this one extended for and go with better FS on the SSD yeah clean yeah we have a clean set up well that's good to know let's check file systems and let's create one it will be the software rate label with all this data as well yeah as I mentioned before I'm not quite sure if it could go XFS no I'm going with extended for yes do you really want to format this device yeah the file system creation has completed successfully nice so let's create another one for the data store and that will be the SSD and this one will be better of s we call this one fee M ok yes complete it good yeah and there it is initializing so we have for extended for right v setup and we have for better FS on our SSD so let's mount the r85 and let's mount our data store yes apply yes nice so we have for storage let's continue file systems done let's create a user and we're going to create a user will be trap yeah we need at least one user let's call it one user email we leave that blank and the passwords safe let's apply that setting so that's user group you can create a group and you can add members to that group for example production and you can give them explicit rights for some kind of shares or privileges so you do not have to change the rights on every user so that's quite handy we're not going to do that now shared folders and let's create a shared folder on yes on the raid 5 configuration we call this one attempt yet path will be temp permissions administrator read white users read write and others read write read only ok now we don't want that we don't want others to have access at all yeah administrative read white users read/write and others no access yes safe apply yes ok nice and we're going to create another share and we call this one data store data store will be located on the SSD in folder called data store and it will be the same users readwrite administrators with white or there's no access safe yes why yes ok so now we have two shares one data store on the SSD and attempt folder on our raid 5 configuration what we want to do now is go down to SLE and we going to enable these settings and the workgroup yeah we leave it as it is yes safe ok yeah there it is yes and we're going to add the shares we just created to the SMB shares otherwise we won't have access from a Windows client so add select the share folder well that will be temp common today the public new read-only nope browsable yes inherit permissions no no no no all fine and I just hit safe so that's the first one we're going to add the second one and that will be the data stored virtual machines is public no all the same safe ok and we're going to hit apply yes okay and now we're going to test this by opening up a new Explorer window and we going to connect to our server and after we log in we have data store and we have them well that's correct so let's go to temp and let's start transferring some files over seven gig ball we'll take this one three point four gigabytes let's copy this and let's paste it in here and let's see how that goes and how is or a disk doing well okay maybe it could go faster but I believe this disk isn't going any faster than that it's a Western Digital black not the highest we've seen but I think that's you to the Western Digital Drive in this recording PC let's do this test again but then with the same video file from the SSD to the same fall and we'll just going to overwrite this replace know a little bit faster but yes as D is yeah well it's not doing anything major now yeah okay so we tested both drives so we have a working NASA that's nice so we could of course enable FTP mode I'm not going to do that the only thing I want to use with FTP is secure FTP so I'm not going to enable this and but for that we need some certificates as well yeah so we're going to get started with this in the near future and for now we just leave this off we could always of course connect with SSH and yeah do some file transfers if we need to then we have of course NFS I'm not going to use this have no use for it now and rsync know this could be something for the backup so we have a look at this as well it can act as a server yeah nice SMB we just went here SSH as we mentioned before on standard port 22 then we have the Diagnostics yeah hopefully we don't need this as for now system information okay CPU usage 0% it's really low and we have 3% of 12 gigabytes of RAM in use Oh a little bit of CPU activity yeah nice system logs services speaks for itself yeah and of course some information about open media fault about the project you can donate through that this is the basic installation of open media fault as I mentioned before we will run this simultaneously with the unread series we're planning on doing some more content on Dockers as well we can use open media fault for this or we can use unread the first darker that we're going to cover on this channel will probably be AMA for the surveillance cam and already bought the package so already start playing with it it's quite an advanced package for Safari solution so that that could be fun yeah as I mentioned before this will run simultaneously with the r7 unread build and yeah you could see a video of open media fold you could see 400 yeah please let us know in the comment section what you would like to see on on and on this now set up or on the ungrate set up yeah I couldn't call it exactly a flawless set up we have some some issues along the way though seems to be solved everything is up to date I'm running so yeah with that I will leave the video at this if you have any comments suggestions maybe some advice you can leave them down in the comment section as well thank you all for watching and see you in the next one hi
Channel: b00bytrap
Views: 42,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HP, Gen8, Microserver, Micro, server, ECC, DDR3, OpenMediaVault, NAS, solution, Raid, sata, Intel, Xeon, E3, 1220, v2, installation, configuration, testing, ssd, RAID5, BTRFS, EXT4, array, vm, omv-extras, microsd, ilo, network, setup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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