Openmediavault 5 (OMV5) Stable Complete Install and Setup including Portainer

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so welcome so we're going to be installing open media vault 5 as quickly and as painlessly as possible and we're going to be giving you tips along the way to prevent future problems so hi my name is Jeff and I'm techno dad life and so what we're going to be doing today is installing open media vault 5 and so open meeting ball is a server software based on Debian where it can be used as a file server you can use it for plex you can use it for all sorts of different things such as your say your video cameras or your surveillance cameras or other things like that and so today's guide what we're going to be doing is we're going to be installing this properly and as we go through this today what we're going to be doing is showing you how to avoid those pitfalls in the future so the first thing you need to do is go to open medieval org and then click on the Downloads button and then where it says here there you need to click there and that takes us to the source forge page and let's take a close look at that so here we have a tab for single board computers and there's the tab for x86 for single board computers I have a guide for that right up here and I would suggest going to watch that one a lot of what you'll see today applies to that but this first part when we actually install it doesn't apply so that one will probably be more helpful to you and so next we're gonna click on 5:05 and then we're going to click on open media vaults and we're going to download that and so this will take a few minutes to download so go get yourself a cup of coffee once that's downloaded then we're going to head over to putty org and I'm putty org we're going to click right here where it says here and then we're going to download and install putty once that's downloaded and installed then we need one more piece of software before we can install everything so we need to go to bela anna etcher then we need to download at your then we need to install it and then once that's installed we can actually start doing things so next what we're gonna do is open up Bella amateur and we're going to burn our open media vault ISO to a USB Drive so the first thing you want to do is click select image navigate to where you have opened media about 5 click on open menu alt 5 and open and so so what it means by select target is you have to put a USB Drive into your computer now once we've done that we can close this window and you can see our drive is shown up and then we click flash so once béla a nacho is done writing to that drive it will automatically unmount it so you can just pull the drive directly out now your computer that you have that you're going to be installing open move outline you wanted to boot it up go into the BIOS and change to settings so one is you want it to be able to boot from the USB Drive and the other if you're going to be doing virtualization you want to enable virtualization in the BIOS so once you've done that click f10 and save and then plug in your USB Drive and boot it up so once the screen's comes up hit enter to install then choose your language and your country and your keyboard now we'll load lots of stuff type in the name for your system and then hit enter again and domain you can just leave on local now type in your root password then hit enter and then you retype it again hit enter and then your clock hit enter and now we're going to partition our disks and so for open media vaults so for open media vault you need at least 8 gigs for a hard drive and so you can use a small SSD or a SD card or a USB Drive if you like or you can just stick it on a regular hard drive so we're gonna use the 8 gig one hit enter and so now it's going to be installing the system so just take your time go have another cup of coffee and now we're going to configure the package managers so pick out your country or one close by hit enter and then your mirror and we don't have a proxy so I hit continue or enter now at this point what you need to do is pull out your USB Drive and then restart your computer and then omv will be up and running so what we're gonna do now is go to our router and then find our open mini vault server so log into your router and then go to where it lists all the different computers on your network and so here's our new one and so there's our IP address and we're just going to click go to so the username is admin and the password is open media vault and then click login so now we're to our open meeting of all GUI and what we're gonna do is go step through step to get everything set up for success so we're gonna go over to this left-hand side we're gonna start with general settings and we're just gonna work our way down to make sure everything is set up properly the first time so click on general settings and the first thing that you want to do is change this Auto logout if you don't change this Auto logout basically any time you're working on your server is going to log out every five minutes and so you know I tend to do something and then I do something else and come back and it's logged out and I have to log back in so if you change this it won't do that so what we're gonna do is change it to one day and then click Save then apply and yes if you want to enable SSL Certificates or TLS this is the place that you would do it what we're gonna do next has changed the web administrator passwords is something that's more secure type that in here then click Save now we're going to go to date and time and so for this we want to make sure our time zone is set up correctly and for me it is if you need to change it you just press the down arrow over here and then it will give you options for time zones and then the other thing we're going to do is we're going to use an NTP server and that will automatically update our time and forests so just click on that and then up here at the top click save and then apply and yes now we're going to go to network and we're gonna click on our interfaces and that's your interface that's on your computer and you click on that and we're going to click on edit and we're going to scroll down to where it says DNS servers and we're going to put in a DNS server and I put in which is Google and we're going to click Save on that then apply and yes and so what this is going to do is give us a stable DNS server the Google server and when we change DNS servers our router is gonna give us a new IP address so what we can do is just close that window we're gonna go back to our router find what our new IP address is and then we have to log back in again so close that window click leave refresh your router page and here you can see that my IP address has changed by one so again click on that and go to now this time because we have logged out and we're logging back in now you have to put in that new password that you put in for the admin so again type in admin your new password and then login and so now we are back in our server and we will never have a DNS issue pretty nice actually so if we go to the next one this is if you want to enable notifications so your computer or your server will send you notifications things happening you would put that in here you cannot use a Google name server you have to use a private email server next is power management so we're gonna click on that so this line right here is so what happens when the power button is pressed and currently it says nothing what we're going to do is have it shut down and then we're gonna click Save again then apply and yes then we click on the scheduled jobs tab and this is actually to add schedules to basically reboot shut down or stand by the server and below are you can either set it hourly daily weekly monthly yearly so we're not going to do that at this time but this is the tab where you would do that next we're going to go to monitoring and so monitoring is enabled by defaults certificates this is again where you would add SSH or SSL certificates scheduled jobs is where you would enable Chrome jobs and it's just like the power management one you click Add you set a timer date and then down below here where it says commands this is where you would add in your your scripts that whatever you want to run at that time next we'll go to update manager and so how you update as you click right there and then that will pick all the packages then click upgrade and again the first time you update the system it takes a little while so once that's done click close and reload and if we go back to update manager there's no more updates at this time if we click on settings here you can add different repositories I wouldn't suggest changing those though at this time and the next item is plugins we click on that here are different plugins and they're in different sections admin backup file systems monitoring multimedia network sharing and utilities but the community has provided a whole bunch of plugins and so where you find those is that open media vol extras org so let's go there and so from this page it used to be more stuff going on but it's been simplified what we're going to do is all that we need from this page is spine right here and so before we do that though what we're gonna do is go back to our open me vault then we need to open putty first thing we need to do is copy our IP address paste that right here into putty and then we just need the center section so we get rid of the end there in the beginning and so we're going to make this a save session so then we can log back into our server quickly so type in a name and then click Save and so that will save it and then click open and so the first time that you do this you'll get this thing where it says do you want to actually do this yes and then we say yes and so now we are into our server but we have to log in first so we're gonna log in as root and then our password that we made when we first installed open me vaults and then hit enter so now we're at the command-line and so what we need to do is go back here copy the this line from open medieval extras and then just right click and that will paste it into putty and then hit enter and so this will install open me about extras and all the references to all the plugins so there'll be new plugins in our plug-in list there and there you can see it's done and then we're going to refresh our window and now you can see we have a new tab called OMB extras but before we go there we're going to go back to plugins because under plugins there'll be new plugins and so we're going to install two the first is the flash memory plug-in and so what this will do is put our filesystem in temporary files so then we don't have as many reads or right special e to thumb drives and SSDs but it will also make our system a little faster so just click there and it will change color and we're going to scroll all the way down to the and we're going to go to reset perms and I like this one because sometimes Dockers or other programs reset permissions and this is just a quick and easy way to change them back so we're gonna click there and then we're gonna go to the install button and we're gonna click install and yes once that's done click close and okay to reload the page now if we go back to plugins you can see we have the flash memory plug-in installed and there's a new tab for it over on the left hand side which we'll get to if we scroll down further reset permissions is now installed and where we'll find that is actually under our shared folders and we'll see that in a second so if we click on open me about extras it's got a new style now so I had actually made an earlier video of this OMB extras but it's actually gotten a new sort of GUI how it's so it should be simpler but it's just a little different than what it was before and so on this page we don't have to do anything so basically backports is enabled and that allows us to have more drivers for more modern computer equipment testing repo is for things that are being tested as far as I know the extras repo here it doesn't do anything at the moment we go to docker what we're gonna be doing is installing docker and right there you can see it's not installed at the moment and so what docker is is sort of a fast and actually very safe way to install things on your server but doesn't take up a lot of room like it would with virtual machines so next what we're going to do is go click on the docker button and then click install that will start downloading docker once that's done click close then we're going to click on port teener and install that one and then once that's done that usually just takes a few minutes or a few seconds and then you can click close here you can see the web UI button has been activated so if we click on that that opens up poor teener we're going to put in the password click create user click on local and then connect and then we're in the port inner environment if you click on the blue whale that will bring you to the containers and images and all that and I have a separate video about port Ainur now if we come back to our UI we can see there's two more things here there's cockpit and there's kernel so let's click on cockpit cockpit is an alternative to port ainur that does docker but it also can run virtual machines it's just not as feature-rich under Colonel what we can do is hold the kernel or under hold aircon kernel or set a default kernel and why we would do this is for certain either hardware or software that we're using that where you need to maintain those the proxmox kernel is great for if you're running ZFS it makes it run much more smoothly so Clonezilla downloads a copy of Clonezilla and then we'll let us boot from that to copy our drive gparted is used to reconfigure our partitions and then finally down at the bottom system rescue CD is a system rescue CD that we download and then will boot from in order to fix any problems with our system I personally have never had the use for it but it's there if you need it so that is the extras which there's quite a lot going on there so let's move down to the next section so next let's click on disk and so here is our to disk on our server so this is where our OS is located and then this is where our data is going to be and so click on your data drive click wipe and yes quick and then once that's done click close next we'll click on smarts and this is to enable smart monitoring of your drives so you would click enable and then save and you can schedule tests and look at your device's raid management is if you want to set up a raid array if you have more than one disk and I'll just give you a general idea of how to do that but it's very simple I only have one disk on the system so I can actually set up raid so if you click creates you would pick out your type of raid and then select your devices down below and you would put a name up above and then you would click create and then generally depending on how big your devices are your disks are it can take several hours or even a day depending also on how fast your machine is next we'll click on file system and here you can see we have our SDA one which is our OS drive and then here is our swap partition SD a5 but we don't see that other dish that we just erased under the disk section so what we do is we click create and then select a device and then now our just shows up and we can label this we'll label this media you can pick your filesystem here and then click OK and yes and then it will create a wipe your drive and create a partition once that's completed you can click close and so now you can see here's our drive but we don't see anything in our availability used or mounted so we have to click on this so it's yellow and then click mount then apply and yes so now our drive is mounted so now we can use it to put folders on it and dead on that we can actually use we're going to go to access rights management we're going to skip the users in the groups for right now I go to shared folders so under shared folders this is where you get to be creative but we're going to do it a little differently so then you can actually use it with one my other videos to actually install all those software on your system or most of the software that you need on your system automatically and so because of that we're gonna make a little decision here and so that decision is we're just gonna add in one shared folder and we're just gonna call that one and it's we're gonna put it on that drive that media drive that we just made and here we can actually change this to everyone read write and then we're gonna click Save apply and yes other things on this tab reset permission so that's that plug-in that we just installed and so how you would use this is you would on the right here click down to the folder that you want to change and then you would click down again and then change it to whatever you wanted and if you had any ACLs you would click on that and then you click reset permissions they would do that and then you can click Save but it doesn't seem to really do anything then finally over here is shared folders in use and so right now we don't have any because they're not referenced so if we go down to the services section we have some options here so by a default we can either do as NFS share or SMB share you can use either one SMB shares seem to be more universally accepted by Mac Windows Linux pcs so that's what I'm going to show you so click on SMB and at the top here we're gonna click on shares and then add so we're gonna select our folder we're going to guests allowed and then we're gonna click Save and then apply and yes now we have our one shared folder there there you go back to settings we're going to click enable and then save and apply and yes now in our Windows machine if we click on the file and the taskbar click on network now you can see there is our server located and put double-click on that there's our one share and we can go inside of that so let's go back for a second so now what we're going to do is make our users so we're gonna click on users and then add add a user and pick out whatever name you wants put in a password for them so I'm going to guess this user is you and so this user will be a little different so you're going to give extra rights to you so you can log in or do SSH or sudo on your machine so we're going to click on groups and then scroll to the SS and so we're going to enable two things so sudo and then SSH and again that's the SSH into our machine and then we're going to click Save and then apply and yes to add more users you would just do the same steps just do not add in sudo or SSH so next we're going to click on settings and we're going to enable user home directory and then if you have more than one file then you would click on this and pick the file we just have one directory or one data disk so we don't actually have to change anything here and then click Save so if we go check on our share here we are back on the network we're on our server and we're into our one media folder double click on that and now there is a Jeff folder and so you can use this to separate out users and their information everybody gets a separate folder and if you follow my automatic docker install video which I'll post at the end here then you will need this folder so we can close that and so we have our user setup if we go down to Diagnostics this is just our dashboard that we see when we come in the beginning we can pick system information and here see how much CPU or memory our system is using see what processes are running performance stats by CPU disk usage load so on and so forth and then just general reports system logs services if we go up to open me while extras go to docker so the next step is there's going to be a video link up here to high automagically install Dockers on open media vaults and so you need to follow that video the first part of the video you will find that we've already taken care of a lot of those common problems that people have so just be patient during that part but then you'll get to how to install them it will save you hours and hours of time so definitely go do this video next and you have a great day and we'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Techno Dad Life
Views: 201,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: install openmediavault, techno dad life, open media vault, omv 5, openmediavault 5, open media vault 5, openmediavault setup guide, openmediavault setup, techno dad life docker, techno dad life openmediavault, open media vault nas, openmediavault 5 plugins, omv 5 docker, openmediavault 5.0, omv 5 portainer, install openmediavault 5, install openmediavault on usb, open media vault 5.0.5, openmediavault 5 portainer, openmediavault 5 docker, techno dad life openmediavault 5
Id: M_oxzpvMPTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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