How to Homelab: 3 awesome apps to run on your Raspberry Pi

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[Music] do [Music] hello again everyone and welcome back to my how to home lab series in the previous video i gave you guys a soft introduction to raspberry pi and why you might want to consider running one or more of those on your home lab in today's video we are again going to go over the raspberry pi but specifically i am going to talk about three example applications that you can run on your raspberry pi in your home lab which is going to be a ton of fun specifically what i'm going to walk you through is how to set up open media vault which is a great nas solution i'm also going to talk about nexcloud i will show you the process but i'm actually going to link to another video where i go over the process in greater detail which also works fine on the raspberry pi we'll talk about that and then i will also talk about pi hole which is a great ad blocking dns server that will also add value to your home lab network now before we get into that i want to take a moment to mention the sponsor for today's video kernel care raspberry pi is a great platform for home lab we'll see three examples of that in this very video but just like any other linux server your pi still needs to be updated every now and then now you could make it a habit to manually update it on a regular basis but we're all human and we're all especially busy nowadays so what if you forget and let's face it raspberry pi may have started out as a platform for testing and learning but it's become so much more than that as you navigate building your own home lab it's very possible that your raspberry pi may have become a critically important component on your network it could be your dns server dhcp server file server or even a hub for home automation if an actively exploited vulnerability is leveraged to make your pi obey someone else rather than you it can be incredibly time consuming to rebuild it so essentially raspberry pi owners are running into the same issues that enterprise it admins face thankfully cloud linux the makers of kernel care have made an announcement recently that has me extremely excited the raspberry pi is now supported on their platform this means that you can take advantage of automatic kernel patching which is a very important layer when it comes to security kernel care runs in the background looking for available patches for your kernel when a patch becomes available it will live patch your running kernel and you can take advantage of those patches without rebooting your pie this makes it even easier to transform your pie into an always-on appliance and best of all you can take advantage of this service on a single raspberry pi for free and i don't mean free as in free for a limited time it's not a demo you actually can get a full license for kernel care for your raspberry pi with the same capabilities that are available in a commercial license and it only takes a few commands in order to get started currently the raspberry pi 4 is supported along with the pi 3 and later models of the pi 2. as for distributions ubuntu 2004 is supported already and support for debian and raspberry pi os is coming soon if you want to go beyond a single raspberry pi and use kernel care for a commercial project check out kernel care for iot which is a dedicated offering for that very purpose but if you have a single raspberry pi and you'd like to get that set up with reboot free patching you should definitely grab a free license of kernel care as there's simply no reason not to do so reboot free automatic kernel patching is too good of a security benefit to pass up so check it out at the url that you see on the screen right now which is also linked down below in the description and get free kernel patching for your raspberry pi today thank you so much to kernel care and cloud linux for their continued support of learnlinux tv i really appreciate it now let's go ahead and get into the content at hand and talk about hosting three different applications on the raspberry pi let's check them out so first of all what do you need in order to get started well obviously you're going to need a raspberry pi or a few raspberry pi's if you want to go ahead and set up multiple applications and yes you can actually set up multiple applications on one pie i get that question a lot but i always go through the process of having one application per pie whenever i can it's just the way that i prefer it so in this video i am going to talk to you guys about setting up each of the three applications that i mentioned in the intro as if they were the only application on each pie that you're running but with a little bit of config and fine-tuning you actually probably can run each of these three on one so you'll need a raspberry pi you'll need an sd card preferably a good sd card the better the card the faster the speed and then you will need an ac adapter because well how else are you going to power your raspberry pi with a lemon well actually i shouldn't say things like that because somebody might actually think of it as a challenge and well if you are able to power your raspberry pi with a lemon definitely record it and send me the footage now optionally you can consider a case you don't need a case but having a raspberry pi board just out in the open it doesn't look all that cool well i guess it does look kind of cool depending on your definition of cool but either way a case for your raspberry pi will not be a bad investment the argon 1v2 that's one of my favorite cases and if you are going to be running more than one pie you could actually consider a cluster case and that's actually what is behind me when i record my videos the glowing fans are actually cluster cases i'll have links down below in the description for my recommended components now for the operating system i went ahead and went with raspberry pi os which used to be called raspbian and that's the distribution i've decided to go along with for this project and regardless of which apps you may want to run on your pi raspberry pi os is a great choice i decided to download the lite edition which has no desktop or gui at all that way there's no graphical apps eating up my memory but it doesn't really matter though you could still use the version with the desktop environment if you want to you might not even notice a difference so to get raspberry pi os installed if you don't already have it flashed onto your sd card just simply insert the micro sd into the adapter if necessary and then you can insert the sd card into your computer when it comes to how to flash the raspberry pi software consider using a dedicated utility in this video i decided to go with rpi imager this is the official tool from the raspberry pi project which is able to facilitate the process of flashing the raspberry pi os image onto the sd card and honestly i didn't even know that it existed before i started this project i don't know how this went under my radar as an alternative i do have a video on my channel already that goes through the process of using usb imager and that's able to do the exact same thing i'll insert a card right about here but anyway i used the rpi imager for this project because i wanted to try something new and it worked fine for me now before you go ahead and insert the freshly flashed sd card into your pi there's a few things that you might want to consider doing first a few tweaks if you will first of all consider adding a config file for wpa supplicant which will automate the process of connecting your pi to your wi-fi network if you want to actually connect via wi-fi now i recommend ethernet it's just more stable but i get it not everyone has an ethernet jack wherever they are setting up their pi so if you need to set up wi-fi well no judgment so first of all you can grab the config file from the description down below i will actually have a link to a wiki article that will have all the commands in there and links as well and then you grab your two character country code you put that in the file and then you add your wi-fi name and password and you are saving that file in the boot volume on your sd card now additionally you can consider creating an empty file called ssh also on the boot volume if you do that it's going to cause open ssh to be automatically enabled at first boot which makes it that much easier to connect and that's what i do basically every time so after you make any of those tweaks if you did actually want to make any of those tweaks just safely eject the sd card and insert it into your pi also connect an ethernet cable again recommended and the ac adapter after a few minutes the pi should boot up and you can follow along with the process if you have a display connected although i almost never use a display i just basically configure mine over the network so in my case i just logged into pfsense which is my router firewall software of choice i looked at the dhcp lease table i found that a device with a hostname of raspberry pi connected and received an ip address so i immediately knew which one i needed to target with ssh i logged in with the pi user the default password of raspberry and then i was in now i highly recommend that you create a static lease a static lease is also known as a dhcp reservation the reason why i prefer that is because with the static ip you configure that inside the software inside the distribution but with a static lease your dhcp server is always assigning the same ip address to the device which means if for some reason you have to reflash the sd card the raspberry pi will always get the same ip address because it won't depend on the settings inside the sd card since the router firewall is responsible for providing the ip address either way you basically want to make sure that the ip address won't change regardless of whether you set a static ip manually or you go in your router firewall and create a static lease now i can't walk you through the process of creating a static lease for every single firewall slash router possibility there is out there so i will leave it up to you to set that up next i recommend that you set the host name and that's not required but it is a good idea because that allows you to better differentiate your pie from any others that you might have so just give it a recognizable name along with this purpose as you just saw when i looked it up in pfsense it had a generic name of raspberry pi i do have a video that talks more about studying the hostname of a linux instance if you're interested card right here but it's pretty self-explanatory to change the host name and then after that i went ahead and installed all of the updates and i recommend you do the same you definitely want to make sure that you start out with everything up to date especially for security purposes then after you install all of the updates i recommend that you reboot the pi and then we can continue now the process for setting up next cloud is actually exactly the same as my recent next cloud video so i don't want to repeat the entire process here for testing and for capturing the footage for this video i literally copied and pasted all of the commands from the wiki article for that video directly into my raspberry pi and everything worked exactly as it should so rather than repeat all of those commands here i recommend that you check out that particular video because again the process is identical i'll put a card right here that links you over to that video and i will also have a link down below to the wiki article for that next cloud video because all of the commands that you need in order to set up next cloud are all on that page now let's talk a little bit about openmediavault the process for setting up openmediavault is actually a lot easier than xcloud in fact among the three applications that i'm going over in this video it's absolutely the easiest one to install and that's because it's literally just one command now open mediavault is a great solution for network attached storage my personal nas server of choice is actually true nas but for trunas you need a little bit more horsepower than a raspberry pi is able to provide so if you want to set up a network attached storage server and you want to do so on a budget and open media vault is definitely the best way to go it has a very easy user interface to set everything up and like i mentioned it's easy to install as well so the command that is on your screen right now which is also in the wiki article for this video is the only command that you need to run to set this up it takes quite a while to install though i didn't actually time it but it felt like longer than a half an hour then again i have 80d so anything more than five minutes feels like a half hour to me but it did feel like a long time and other people say that it takes a long time to install so i'm just gonna go along with the fact that it takes a long time to install so basically all you should do is just run that command give it some time to finish go grab some coffee lunch or whatever you want come back and check it later once it's finished you can enter the ip address of your pie into your browser and that should bring up the login screen for openmediafault if everything went well the default username is admin and the default password is openmediavault after you log in you can create a share and on my end i simply inserted a flash drive and using fdisk i blew away the entire partition table of that flash drive i've used that drive to install many linux distributions i wanted to make sure that everything was completely purged so that's why i did that and then i was able to format it and set it up in the interface but essentially the takeaway is that you can use a flash drive if you want to use that as your storage back end for open media vault and in a previous video i actually went over an attachment that allows you to connect a sata drive to your pi which is an even better choice if you have the extra money i'll have links down below where you can order an attachment that will allow you to attach an ssd to your pi now finally let's talk about pi hole pihole is a dns server but not just any dns server it's an ad blocking dns server by setting your devices to use pihole as the preferred dns address it'll actually cause ads that would be displayed when you browse the internet to have their lookups fail and fail on purpose because generally speaking we don't want to see ads piehole is almost exactly as easy to install as open media vault and it takes a fraction of the time to set it up in fact hi-hole actually has a one-liner command to install it as well so i decided to go with the slightly longer process which is still just a few commands anyway first you install git and then once you install that package you can download the pi hole repo again the commands are in the wiki article and then you change directory into the repository folder and then you run the command that you see on the screen right now to go ahead and install it now for most of the prompts i went ahead and just went along with the defaults for pretty much everything feel free to answer any of the prompts differently to suit your needs at some point it's going to prompt you to set a static ip which you can do if you'd like again i prefer static leases but choose whatever is best for your situation so with all of the setup done pie hole should be ready to go and then what you can do is log into whatever your dhcp server is and then instructed to hand out the ip address of your pi hole server to all of your clients and that should allow you to deploy pi hole to every machine on your network and from that point on you should see fewer ads when you browse the net so there you go we've gone over three applications that you can run in your home lab powered by raspberry pi in this video i hope at least one of those applications was right up your alley and has added benefit to your home lab network in the next video we're going to shift gears and talk about hypervisors in fact i have a very special direction i want to take that video and i'm not going to give it away but it is going to be a lot of fun in fact i've already started the process of filming that one and i'm about halfway done so you should see it fairly soon just make sure you subscribe to my channel so that way you will be notified as soon as that video is out in the meantime though thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: LearnLinuxTV
Views: 24,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, Tutorial, Review, Howto, Guide, Distribution, Distro, Learn Linux, operating system, os, open-source, open source, gnu/linux, LearnLinuxTV,, homelab, how to homelab, pi, raspberry pi, nextcloud, openmediavault, open media vault, omv, pi-hole, pihole, raspberry pi projects, raspberry pi 4, home lab, homelab setups, homelab setup, self hosting, home server, computer homelab, home network, self hosted, raspberry pi 4 projects, how to build a homelab, server, rpi, kernelcare
Id: t3pwiFKGHMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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