TrueNAS CORE 12.0 Install Tutorial

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i know you're not going to believe this but it has been a full two and a half years since my last free now tutorial let's fix that [Music] [Applause] welcome back to craft computing everyone as always i'm jeff and this is my true nas core 12.0 tutorial series this series will focus on the installation and configuration of trunas starting with this video right here i'm going to walk you through the installation steps to get trueness core up and running as well as your first disk pool and your first share to get started you're going to need to download the trunascore iso from the trunas website and then flash it over to a usb drive to install it on your system in my case i'm going to be using a program called ballena etcher for windows which is a usb flash utility for this video i am going to walk through imaging my usb drive inside of windows however if you have a different operating system your instructions are likely going to be different make sure to reference the freenas or trunas installation guide for preparing your media if you need those instructions inside of ballana etcher we're going to click flash from file and then select the true nas 12.0 iso image i just downloaded then we're going to go to select target and select my patriot usb drive i just put into the computer click on select and then click flash this process does take a couple of minutes so great opportunity to go grab a drink once belana etcher has finished up you can take the usb drive out of your computer and go put it into your server and we'll get the installation started now luckily my server has an ipmi or a remote management interface meaning that i can see the monitor from my desk here without sitting right next to all those fans spinning at about 14 000 rpm meaning the video gets to be a lot quieter so once you plug the usb into your server it is time to power on your system now you're going to want to boot up to that usb key and in my case f10 is the button you spam to select a boot disk if you've successfully booted up to that usb drive you should be greeted by this screen right here which is the true nas installer selection screen we're going to select option one to install which is the basic installer however if you have a server that needs a serial console activated you can select option two once you reach the main menu we're gonna select option one to install core next up is the drive selection for where truenas is going to be installed now truenos can be run from something as simple as an eight gigabyte usb key however i do recommend installing trunas on at least an ssd if not a pair of ssds to give yourself a little bit more redundancy in my case i'm going to be installing on a pair of 120 gigabyte kingston ssds if you select more than one disk in this menu it will automatically create a zfs mirror or the equivalent in zfs to a raid 1. the next menu confirms with you which drives are going to be wiped and have true nas installed on them so click yes to continue next up we need to create a root password which will be the password we use to log into truenas with the first time once the password has been set truenous will verify which boot method you'd like to use on your server either uefi or legacy bios in my particular server my boot disk is only compatible with legacy bios so that's what i'm going to use up next it'll ask if you want to create a swap partition on your boot drive which can help your nas run a little bit faster however in my case i will be using a cache disk separate from my boot disk so i'm going to select no if you don't plan on installing an ssd cache then i would select create swap and now we just wait for it to install once it's done installing you should see the truenow success screen and it will ask you to reboot your server and we're going to do that now if you've booted up your system correctly you should be greeted by this screen right here which is the true nas home screen now there's not a lot you can control from this particular screen pretty much it's just for setting your ip address and resetting your root password if you forget what it is so we're going to jump over into a web browser fire up the web gui and get this thing configured do take note of what your ip address is right here you will be connecting to truenas with that the first time around just type in the ip address of your server right here on top and you should be greeted by the true nas login screen the username we're going to use is root and the password is whatever password you set up during the install process once you log in you'll be greeted by the true nas dashboard which shows you all of your system information and current system health first up we need to take care of a couple housekeeping items like configuring a static ip address for your network interface so we're going to go over to the network tab and then click on interfaces as you can see my server has two network interfaces on board and one of them is connected so we're going to go over to the arrow right next to the ip address and then go down to the edit button by default your network card will be set up to grab a dhcp lease however i'm going to set up using a static address so i'm going to uncheck the dhcp box go down to ip address and type in my desired ip address you also need to configure your netmask over here on the side and in my case it is a slash 24. once you're done go ahead and click apply now you get 60 seconds to test your changes and it will automatically revert if you don't want to keep them which i do like as a feature just in case you typed something in wrong but we're going to go ahead and hit test changes go to confirm and hit test changes i'm going to open up new tab with that new ip address and we connected and now we can go over to save changes and it makes the ip address change permanent now that we have our host name and ip address configured it's time to get some storage onto this box so to configure that we're going to go down to the storage tab and click on pools and over on the right hand side go ahead and click on add go ahead and click on create pool now in my server i have a mix of eight terabyte and three terabyte hard drives and a really cool feature of true nas core is the suggest layout button if i go ahead and click on that it will automatically grab a matching subset of hard drives so if i scroll on down you can see it's grabbed all eight of my eight terabyte disks automatically assigned it to a raid z2 and has an estimated raw capacity of 44 terabytes before we continue i do need to do a couple of more things so first off i'm going to scroll up to the top and name the storage pool now as i mentioned earlier i am going to be utilizing a cache disk in my setup so i'm going to click on the add v dev button and then click on cache in my server i have a 256 gigabyte nvme drive that i will be using as a cache disk so if i scroll to the bottom of available disks right here i can see a 256 gigabyte nvme disk i'm gonna go ahead and click the check box by that scrolling down a little bit further you can see the data v dev right here which is my eight terabyte pool that's not what we're concerned with we're going to scroll down a little bit further to the cache v dev i just created and if i click the arrow right next to that it will add my nvme drive to our cachevdev and if everything on this page looks correct you can go ahead and click on create and it'll ask you to confirm and then create pool so that's the file system sorted out however we still haven't created an actual network share so to do that we're going to go down to the sharing tab and i'm going to click on the windows share or the smb share now this process is pretty much the same regardless of what service you're going to be setting up whether it's an afp iscsi or an nfs share once you're inside samba sharing i'm going to go and click add to create a new file share first you have to tell trunas what directory you'd like to use and in our case we did just create a new storage pool so it should show up in the pull down menu right here in our case it is the craft 44 terabyte z2 if i click on that it will auto populate that path i'm going to give my share a simpler name we're just going to call it storage now for most use cases the default share parameters will work just fine however if you are going to be setting up this one directory with multiple share services that is setting up afp or nfs you will want to select the appropriate share protocols down below in my case this share is only going to be accessed by windows pc so i'm going to leave that at the default and again if everything looks right go ahead and click on submit and if you're starting up a service for the first time it will ask you if you'd like to enable that service in this case this is the first time we're bringing up samba share so i'm going to click enable service so now we have a file share but we still need a user to access it with so to create a new user i'm going to go up to the accounts tab and then click on users to create a new user go ahead and click on add and then we're going to give this user a name and a username next in we'll type in a password and again a feature i really like of true nas core is it will actually auto generate passwords for you so if you're generating a lot of different user accounts you can generate unique passwords at the same time now when you set up a new network share inside of true nas two things happen by default number one root is the owner of the share and has full read write access number two the ownership group is the wheel group and by default only has read and execute access notice the distinct lack of write access when you create a new user account truenous will automatically create a group for that user as well with the same exact name so we have the username of craft and the group name of craft however that really won't jive with the permissions that i want to set for our file share so i'm going to select the primary group as wheel which by default has read access to all shares for windows users there's one more thing that i like to do and that's clicking on the microsoft account box this enables additional authentication methods making it easier for windows 8 and higher pcs to log into a true nas share and if everything on the page looks good go ahead and click on submit once your user has been created you are almost done however we still need to go and fix the permissions for our new network share and unfortunately the only way to do this is through the shell so we're going to go to the left hand side and scroll all the way down to shell now be very careful inside of here as notice i am logged in as root which means any command that i type in here will execute with no second chances any storage pools you've created will show up in the mount directory it kind of makes sense right so we're going to get there by typing in cd space forward slash mnt type in ls to see the directory contents and your storage pools will show up right here now there we can see the craft 44 terabyte pool i created earlier and to view the permissions on this we're going to type in ls space dash al i've gone ahead and highlighted the permissions on the screen right here so we can see this is a directory and root has read write and execute access however the wheel group only has read and execute access as does everyone have read and execute access which i'm not too fond of either to fix this we're going to type in chmod space 770 space and then the name of your storage pool now if we type in ls-a-l we can see our root user still has read write and execute permission which is perfect and we can see our wheel group now has read write and execute permission as well also of note is the any other user which is any user that doesn't fit into either the root user or the wheel group has no permissions to the share at all now and if you've done everything correctly it is finally time to join your new network share so we're going to go over to my pc and click on map network drive to connect i'm going to type backslash backslash followed by the name of my truenow server which is craft truenas dash 12 with another backslash followed by the share name which is storage now if your windows username and password matches the new username and password you set up inside of truenas you can go ahead and click finish right here and windows will send your authentication over to truenas and automatically connect you which is why we checked that little microsoft authentication box however in my case i am using a different username and password so i'm going to click on connect using different credentials click on finish and it will bring up a dialogue prompt for you to enter your true nas username and password in my case that is craft and the password is well a password and that should just about do it welcome to your brand new truenast share now do make sure you have read and write access to your new share easiest way to do that is just to create a new folder and if that's successful you are ready to rock and roll and that should just about wrap up this tutorial if you do have any questions please leave them down in the comment section down below and i will do my best to answer them on your way down there make sure to drop this video a like and subscribe to craft computing if you haven't done so already follow me on twitter craft computing and if you like what you see on this channel and would like to help support me in what i do consider joining the patreon link is down in the video description below you'll get exclusive access to my discord server where you can chat with myself and the other hosts from talking heads as always thank you guys so much for watching this one and i will see you in the next video cheers guys and of course we need to start this thing out the right way so i have x novo's pearl haggard it is a german style pilsner clocking in at 5.1 percent [Music] i don't know what makes this a german-style pilsner because it tastes like a pilsner it's crisp it's clean it's refreshing it's a great lawnmower beer end of review you know for a pilsner this isn't half bad um i've certainly had better pilsners uh and the warmer it's getting the less i'm enjoying it uh so very much like a pilsner um there's not a lot of depth to the flavor it doesn't make you think very hard um again i'm not quite sure why they said german-style pilsner unless they're using german purity laws to brew this one which in that case yeah i guess it is you know german style but a pilsner is a very basic beer anyway and 5.1 percent is not exceeding the expectations of a pilsner as far as abv or anything else so it's decent it's exactly what you'd want out of a pilsner but it's really nothing more than that just for reference i know i'm going to say freenas at least once in this tutorial i apologize i mean truenass i really do i've been trying to force myself to say truenass for like two or three weeks now and i keep saying freenas it's going to slip in even after the edit i'm not going to catch it so you've been warned one minute 37 seconds later now there's not a lot you can do from the screen outside of setting your network addresses and resetting your root password if you happen to forget it so we're going to jump into the web gui and configure free nas there it is oh my god it's even written on my shirt
Channel: Craft Computing
Views: 139,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nVRWpV2xyds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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