Opening 5 Different Pokemon Mystery Boxes!

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tomatoes orange juice beans coffee bacon egg sausage mushrooms ladies and gentlemen welcome to the five box mystery power box opening uh technically this one is not a box but uh you win some you lose some you already clicked on the video no takes these backsies all right let's start with this one so i've been sitting on most of this for a while it's uh typically stuff that's picked up from walmart or whatever again third-party companies running a profit on it take it with that whichever way you want so we're given these two rare cards from evolutions the reprint set worth nothing pointless for them to even put those in there i guess that's in the two packs plus two rare plus one foil such garbage this i guess this one's a holographic all right sun and moon base set let's see what we get here so uh base set all right i have to learn the different ways i don't think sun moon base set has a an energy card on the back uh please bear with me in this episode while i struggle to figure out which way the code card goes it's different for every single set kangaskhan reverse end card polywrath holographic very nice and we actually do have an energy sun and moon equal energy okay so this was for 10 us dollars mega rip off and let's see what holographic we get i'm quite curious you couldn't even just a reverse classic okay sun and moon base set again these open so easily uh so for this one we can do this there you go and then we go one two three to the front and we do get rid of an energy lightning energy all right we've got the sexy plant we've got the sexy frog we've got the sexy bird we've got the sexy grubbin we have drowsy long walks on the beach crab roller probably gonna kick the [ __ ] out of drowsy if he sees him taking long walks on the beach sorry punch the [ __ ] out of him uh cloister and then on the very end we have okay we've got some okay uh two packs two holographics so the real pikachu survived this one and this one uh the two that look look at the condition of this although i think this one uh came after this one where in these it's possible to get an old pack they show them all over the front but really it's only one in every 20 boxes which could also be [ __ ] but this was too much for them so they just started doing this and they removed the chance of getting a vintage pack i think i'm going to go with this one up next six pack power box six booster packs plus one promo card but i didn't open the bottom see this this happens in walmart all the time people just sneakily crack them open and slide some [ __ ] out we may not get all the contents of our box in fact what are we supposed to be promised six booster packs plus one promo card so i think the promo card's been gone since some kids pocket and we have one two three four five boosters so i've already been shafted let's go with evolutions we have the chance with these ones to open up the charizard uh the the reprint of the original charizard i don't think there is an energy on the back of evolutions alrighty let's see what we get in here canopy drowsy magikarp voltorb as our reverse i don't mind these reverses very end oh okay neato king [Applause] [Music] what the [ __ ] are those not bad three for three yes a classic also with these i'm not a hundred percent but it often times feels like the top has been re-glued back on again third-party company not operated by pokemon themselves i don't know how this [ __ ] is even allowed to be sold on shelves one two three to the front uh i don't think there is anything i think we're opening some older stuff here bay leaf electrify psychics third eye oh corsola chickarita c dot gibble we have psychics third eye reverse very end garbador holographic now even if that glue thing is real in any regard it doesn't mean that you're not gonna get packs it just could mean that they uh go re-go through them and make sure that they're still turning a profit maybe sometimes take out uh you know some decent stuff and just sell them as singles however they operate and here is a reverse and on the very end we've got a lapras gx doing pretty good this episode getting a couple of light hits i'm not a fan of the curves in the cards though xy breakthrough what will we get from this one no we don't do that we can flip it around one two three to the front what oh upside down card parallel city can be play it can be played in red uh this way or this way when you put it into play you can choose which way you want it granble he's uh helping run the store there it looks like haunter wubat aksu a lot of pokemon consuming fruits in this episode that's very very cute artwork cinderquil helping with the fire or [ __ ] it not sure chespin reverse again berries themes fruits the pokemon are eating fruits and simmer sage laying back after a long day sucking on fruit okay now crimson invasion these packs are so annoying pack inside cardboard okay crimson invasion let's do it these packs have been sitting for so long they all just opened so easily regardless uh one two three to the front getting rid none not getting rid of any i don't think let's have a look at this one we have in this one that's the man who runs the car wash in breaking bad cars and then on the very end crawdant right now let's open up six pack power box each box contains six assorted booster packs and one promo card we will save this for last at least we know this one hasn't been got into by any kids all right let's just slide a pack out and yes i'm keen to do evolutions anytime i see evolutions among all this stuff i'm keen to have a crack all right so evolutions [ __ ] there's a code one two three to the front and flip it around we got kikuna matata full heal with choke flex and we're going to rattata we're going to like we're going to magic up we've got the drowsy we got a magma baby arcanine i what are the pigs slop it's going to come out this hole uh sun and moon guardian rising okay so any sun and moon we go one two three the front and we do get rid of energy yes there we go burn the fire energy weep and bell we've got multi-switch bird we have rat we have plant we got plant we have a reverse energy recycler into big titty mummy goth gf all right all right let's just grab them all out we've got the throat oh actually pretty cool promo card that's um i think that's much more desired than a bunch of [ __ ] they could have put in there there is an infinite number of uh modern promos that are worth like 40 cents so you know that's that's as far as modern promos go that's a nice kit i'll take it we've got a great ball we've got the monkey [ __ ] the melon we've got team skull grunt together mario stuffel marini do peter into litten reverse just chillin on the cliff side on the end gigolith holographic the hollows have been abundant okay everybody's favorite set steam siege xy steam siege so we take code one two three to the front i don't think there is an energy for x y persian with a broken back we've got flaffy some nice colors there going for a straw oh look at that art i like that i like um fat merrell i want to feed him more i wish he was eating all those berries c-dot reverse on the end vol canyon it's a weird ass pokemon next xy primal clash there's actually some pretty cool cards you can get from this set let's see what we get today there is the code one two three to the front flip it around oh special energy to start it off shield energy then we've got a grovel on the run staryu sunbathing torchic fish rhyhorn then we've got a tentacle just uh stranded there on the beach uh god divorced spirit lancaster reverse on the very end a zoo merrell what happened you evolved and lost all your fat i think i might be a feeder man we are shooting through these okay burme on the front of this one flip this one around one two three to the front getting not rid of anything we've got a twisted up spoon we've got ben 10 we've got chaos tower burme lavator bronzor mencino snubble up some upskirt action there for those that are interested sorry uh wormadam reverse that reverse nice i kind of like that take it back to this era that's uh that's pretty good as far as modern goes mr mime just walking around the streets hopefully not looking for any kids god damn we're shredding through this all right nothing left in this box you got to make sure now what garbage is this this looks like hot [ __ ] oh never mind sorry sir the ultimate collection for only 15 us dollars interesting honeycomb design look at all this [ __ ] in here 60 cards one oversized ex card okay one ex card two coins one pin two online reward cards randomly inserted mega ex card one booster pack what the [ __ ] see this little excerpt on the back the products in this package have been purchased directly from the manufacturer or purchased from the secondary market and repackaged for retail sales by the fairfield company i'd like to launch an investigation into the fairfield company all right so we tucked the top off this we're going to have a whole bunch of different [ __ ] in here so first up this is i'm assuming completely worthless but hey at least it's a bunch of new cards i'll take a holographic energy though you might have uh two or three holographics in here and this is also a good way to keep all the cards kind of fresh so there we go holographic there we go holographic there we go holographic there we go holographic there we go holographic there we go holographic there we go holographic there we go holographic there we go caldio ex yeah okay maybe that's a that's a decent inclusion chucking that deck in there i'll take that uh the rest is just garbage there probably is some value to the trainers but we're not even going to touch that okay sideways card or upright card let's just it's like a puzzle trying to get it out okay so here is our randomly inserted ex card white cairo fancy then we've got this one which why why not rare not even uncommon not a promo card not anything literally a common random just i feel like this company just has no idea what they're doing oh yes let's make a nice little deposit thing here to hold this card firmly protect the pharaoh seed but just slap the [ __ ] ex in there somewhere whatever alrighty here is our mega card gigantic plant woman hey i'm kind of trying to collect these but they're very very hard to store you have to get like photo sleeves or something weird there's not a lot of stuff made to collect jumbo cards all right look at this [ __ ] just falling out so we have a pin so that has some inherent value the set ui pin then we have two coins we've got a shaman and then oh okay that's one i don't mind getting anything with charizard on it always adds a little bit extra okay and here is our random singular booster pack very interesting style with that one uh all right so code card like so a lot of code cards in this episode and get rid of the fire energy we've got sexy doug trio we've got uh prince plump jupiter sphinx hippa pop up tap it to papa prepares and then we have parappa the rap rapper we've got manafee reverse and mr burns okay i hunger give me more okay i have digested so many cards so quickly finally we have the box we've all been waiting for the original mystery power box it looks like it has been kept fairly intact here so we are looking for a potentially vintage pack i guess we're just gonna open it i'm gonna pull one out and we're gonna open whatever this is yes evolutions i like that ass have a crack for that charizard oh pikachu look at this little boy fat little bastard there is code one two three to the front getting rid of nothing flam nelly did it macho potion maintenance pikachu star your onyx weedle machop metapod reverse on the end far-fetched far-fetched me a vintage pack go in there get me something good all right let's see what he got us okay roaring skies that's actually i think roaring skies has some pretty decent stuff let's have a look all right i'm gonna flip that one around one two three to the front not getting rid of anything i don't think we've got an electrode oh look at look at the the trainer they're very interesting uh special angie pidov what do you got for me what do you have we have nothing this is quite a high energy speedy episode all right phantom forces poppin let's see what we get from this it's very unlikely obviously one in 20 supposedly that we get any of the vintage packs so don't hold your breath uh don't take any off the back there still shelter we uh this that verse seeker actually i think that if that's still playable holds some value and then on the end spirit tomb what else do we have in here oh there's the farfetch'd xy phantom forces another crack at phantom forces we for this one sorry for this one like that one two three to the front getting rid of nothing flip it around getting a spirit let me go to the end of special energy pharaoh pyro pyrocynical nice ferro alligator nice i actually like that card all right i think we're running thin here we get an extra code card there and we got nothing boys here is the coin and i remember one time when i did an opening of these boxes on this channel i was looking forever trying to find the last pack before realizing that it's glued in the front here it's like some sneaky magician box i thought that was just artwork all right we didn't get anything we had a furious fist though oh look at this look at this pack look at that like butter okay code one two three to the front getting rid of nothing flip it around okay hitmonchan electabuzz pinch noibat bellsprout chubby eevee and on the very end [Music] all right dragonite ex see yeah yeah it's something something i'm more excited for all this bulk that i have okay folks now it's time to open up our burning shadows so this is kind of what i'm talking about here perfect example of a modern promo card that is worth not a lot extra code and let's see if we can get the charizard in today's completely random episode so here is the code on the back one two three to the front finally getting rid of some energies bodybuilding dumbbells we've got a similar poor soul rock together murray crow gunk pants here magikarp mudbray rayaloo on the beach and on the very end today nothing but a malamar dinner but that's okay because it's time for max mofos postcard collection it's the segment where we open up postcards trying to stick to just one at a time we're opening these really old ones i don't know what they are when i pull them out but um they're looking a little more fancy than usual ones but i i don't oh okay the last one was happy new year as well i like this artwork a lot more but it's still this very cheap rough washed out paper happy new year 2001 everybody thank you guys so much for watching if you do not like and subscribe i will strangle this eevee to death and uh please check out the other video in the middle of the screen there oh [ __ ] i thought you were off i just that was just like instant karma i actually nearly had a heart attack sorry where was i oh yeah you can buy the match that's most important first there is new match goblin gold check that out link at the top of the description below you can go to if you buy anything else from that website that is not my merch you can use code mofo to save 10 click this video and goodbye for now but not forever outro of darkness to redness to whiteness
Channel: maxmoefoePokemon
Views: 856,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon mystery power box opening, opening a pokemon mystery power box, pokemon mystery power box vintage pack, opening vintage pokemon, opening vintage booster packs, booster packs, booster box, mystery power box, pokemon booster packs, pokemon mystery box, pokemon card opening, vintage pokemon cards, mystery power box pokemon, new mystery power box, mystery power box 3, pokemon unboxing, rare pokemon cards, opening pokemon cards, pokemon booster box, pokemon cards, pikachu
Id: Oz185Mnxvhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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