3 Pokemon Mystery Power Boxes, 1 Video

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here's your apple pie ma'am dip it in everybody : [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen today today we are what's up guys originally we did three of the mega mystery power boxes so I thought today would do three of the standard original mystery power boxes these are not the ones that are 1 in 50 chance of a vintage pack these are the newer one in 20 seated box packs probably mostly but I decided you know since they did three mega mystery power boxes over three videos I thought I'd do a more long form video and I'd do three standard mystery power boxes in a single video for you guys but not too much fluff in between so without further ado let's open this up remember there's a chance there's a one in 20 chance we can get an old booster pack with most of them probably being shitty let's just pull one out and let's see we got all X&Y roaring skies a fan favorite indeed a so I don't know if I'm or whatever but the battery died then there was a little bit of confusion and for some reason I didn't specifically get the clip of this particular pack so we're just going to pick up right after that on the second pack thanks there is a code all right we have a this fat pump we've got lysandre's trump card purloined crocodile giving in for four run for his money there long strides son pumpkaboo we've got mana we have bronze or a very happy boy living in the cave there it looks like he's meditating is contempt with life chances just done a cleanup of these tables here a chance it looks really small let me have murkrow reverse and the final card we have let this gay little electric rat one of my most hated of all the electric rats that one should we put down one they ever go to Pokemon centers and put down Pokemon all right what have we got in here we have next up evolutions I still have not sought a Charizard though so I would be happy to get one of those it is the card one two three to the front let's go baby magma surfing Pikachu aka secret rant but from this set it means nothing because it's about it's it's you get a million of them it's I hate this set so goddamn much Balto Tangela poliwag seal Magikarp poly well reverse and on the end can we finally get the Charizard please note electrode again always electrode why every time absolute useless piece of he is we have a X&Y roaring skies all right come on rape wiser show me the good sunny tranquil I'm not reading cool right now revive gallied spirit link Bagon Bagon Bagon Taillow Wurmple off Dunsparce we've got a little play doh Pokemon there I could use that Sparrow dragon I Traverse excited them for some reason it these cards always look way better than they are they're not that great and on the edge okay I thought what the are you better now who the is this what what is this bro or or look at it look at it oh oh the neighbors are awake up in here I can actually hear them I have a new neighbor he's an old man and he hates my guts he has a dog and he hates it when you touch each dog as well I shouldn't be doing this at 3 a.m. every time I love this card oh my God look at it look at that I could give a little Japanese boy a seizure it's not even poured on that get in that sleeve my friend and we have nothing left so we did not get a vintage pack there there is the coin that we got we did get this sexy beast which is about a maybe like a $20 card something like that really not bad at all considering we have the stack of all the other cards as well really reels back the damage that buying these boxes can do to a man all right we have this we do have one on the front I hate this it's what always confuses me because it's in this this weird pocket and you've got to open up I remember this one time we did this on this channel right and I don't know if you guys have seen it but legitimately I spent so long trying to find the last pack reading how many packs I got like five pack and I couldn't figure out what it was and in real life without the editing it took me so long to realize it was on the front was the first box that ever did of this Nino Quint why don't I just do then did it do that at all I think I did singer this went to robot mode bunnelby might keep hiding under the dock your little fat he is now is me trapinch the Jewish Pokemon yeah yeah hilarious always funniest ever there's the that's the Jews dad and those are reversed on the end on the end delcatty nothing special really elaborate Paul you've got the dog caddy all right box number two I think for this one I'm going to open up the one that's on the front first all right come here Kyogre there we go primal clash let's go oh oh Plato's kiddy for the front cold one two three through the front God Bergdorf we've got nidoqueen again Marshtomp there is the ski put that to the side I like collecting those tango ah Treecko got to go fast flashes boy I'm fast as boy so fast as boy that I'll never get old to me hone edge meditite straight up literally meditating with God Sidra and then on the end we again for a year I can't get squish you can alright next up let's just rummage around in here what do we got we've got a roaring skies again alright execute their code one two three to the front Winona unsent fletchinder man what is this the bag pack follows him I'd go for this one with brain damage dratini cool sort of alternative artwork there Electrike running in the Sun Taillow back on be gone back on dustox reverse and the final card is talonflame okay okay we're doing alright we're done it's okay it's all good X&Y phantom forces is the next pack here there's a code one two three to the front we're to regard a belt bold or TNR Liu minion chancy cleaning those tables again Carib lost one of the most ugly pokemon or hate it and i hate the other one of it male and female I think Joel tic also ugly disgusting oh god these are from the night March error night much Dex disgusting rogue and roller again what is this this packs like showcasing the ugliest Pokemon we've got do Deenie or did any who is instead of electric-type is a fairy type and then we have spiritomb okay be canceled and confuse ray alright average thick wet June 4 something nice oh no we're not well maybe we can get this Charizard so I can finally get the Charizard from this pack everything will be forgiven here is the back one two three to the front full heal Machop flexing the guns old-school potion we've got the wheedle Voltorb poliwag gas league wrapping up the school there see hanging out and Dan can dust the alley or is either one spray paint in this little grudge and nightmare we have Magnemite and then we have it wait how does what is that yeah little what is that what the that's actually on the card I don't know if that's supposed to be there and unfit a lot now I can already see it sucks Mewtwo not a whole lot just a Mewtwo there we go kill me reach into those Sacko Goods where we got like one more pack in here let's take a look at the coin first of all here is the coin little froakie and then we've got the final what is this is an extra code card then we've got isn't it cool no is that's the way roaring skies not a bad set though not a bad set at all alright clothes for everyone at home one two three to the front electrode is a man in a suit he looks surprised so Giovanni is it dragon air Steven get a more anime name you loser no one's going to recognize that shop it I remember this is one of those cards I was saying was cool but it's a little weird because their eyes look like vaginas when they close them look at those weird little slits you just want to them what that tongue dude more importantly what that eye socket do I'm disgusting I don't actually like terrible example for a human being done space Wingull looks like he's enjoying life and on the end no that's not the end that is switch what do we have on the end Articuno cool Pokemon hit card that'll do it for this box not doing too well are we boys and girls now maybe maybe this is the reason why maybe I haven't I usually rub the pot of greed for what I do you go maybe if I rub the Polly whales tummy we'll get some good luck all right so what we can get you a final mystery power box come on come on what are we get what do we get here we go roaring skies again they really love slapping these roaring skies in here here's a code one two three to the front what do we get this time execute flight enough for Speros we've got winona again unfair an unpleasant bag on begone execute off fletchling Pikachu with fat head you got there mate pit of more like will done space Rivera stop out so I couldn't think of it a funny horn I'll bring it back thank you I'll try it again pit of my pet don't pit you don't don't show you all face around here a home showed in I showed him good done space reverse a few nice shiny stars that on the end that do why are we getting such luck don't open up a casino get out of here this sucks guys we got X&Y phantom forces will I ever get a vintage pack from one of these boxes is it even possible for me personally go back Mike go home we've got liepard we've gots Ligon Mike sliggoo we've got Tom kibou blanc pumper hmm we've got Sparrow more like spare Rome Rome away we don't want you gulping my gold palm well so does our well like totally gay Yan MA like no ma9 thanks Dino will die no feral Gator there we go a nice hollow for the end not too bad a hyper whirlpool and set a strike we finally got a hollow it's been a while we're getting getting real from these packs that's not bad put that on the side that's pretty good what else we get we've got evolution access code one two three to the front alrighty we have Slowbro Spirit Lake more like slowed no thanks magma more like magma and you retrieval Sandshrew wheedled waddle home what cat tangler tangled ah oh yeah I'm run I'm really running low pony DUP off dojo oh me neither King break we got a little break that's not bad a break from the I don't mind getting breaks I do collect a break so that is nice and then five hats on the end evolutions I see people saying I always I always a really good luck with evolutions backs I get every single time with no fail the end card for evolutions for me is always garbage and I mean I've opened a ton of them and it's always garbage it's strange because I do see people saying that they they always get good from it but maybe they're just stuck in the nostalgia and they think they're getting good stuff but they're getting crap oh I got reverse comment boy if you have opened evolutions and what your luck has been Oh Reshiram Hollow nothing too crazy but a restaurant hollow that is good I'm happy with that that's that's pretty nice pretty nice and we have a an extra code and we've got a coin here and then we have the final pack on the front so we didn't get any vintage packs at all oh look at this it's like or open huh he forgot to glue this one back together guys and would you look at that expected run that that's a little that's a little something isn't it that's waited three to the front which is actually the back that that is strange full full Hill licky licky macho flexing the waterfall the theta electric God what are you trying to be you're trying to be DBZ you're trying to be DBZ you want DVD you're trying to be TV water bottle I love this water bottle it again it's so inefficient for the product that it is electro buzz Eevee very cute Eevee that one is ko fairy plus all very cute puzzle that one is that's a Pokemon I haven't seen in a long time next up Patrat Matt Pat Dave berry yes hating it didn't shut off oh I'm happy with that I'm happy with that toy and now she has to pinch it off not bad really happy with that thank you God I'll see us up in heaven hey guys thank you so much for watching my cool video please click here to watch another cool video or another cool video these are the pools I got from this video this is definitely the best pool but I'm a big fan of Feraligatr thanks for watching see you later
Channel: maxmoefoePokemon
Views: 1,329,791
Rating: 4.8801866 out of 5
Keywords: opening mystery power boxes, opening up mystery pokemon boxes, japanese cubes, mystey opening, pokemon blind boxes, learning, kids, fun for family, family pokemon, mega mystery power box, best pools, mystery power box reaction, mystrery pwoer box vintage pack, vintage packs, pulling vintage packs, old packs, pokemon old packs, 1st edition, 1:20, 1:50, 1 in 20 seeded, rare, rare pull, lucky, good luck
Id: DogtjKOuk2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2017
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