OPEN LINE WEDNESDAY - March 2, 2022 - with Fr. Mitch Pacwa

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this is open line with today's host father mitch paqua in north america call toll-free 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-398 [Music] outside north america call 1-205-271-2985 you can also text the letters ewtn to 5500 or send an email to openline hey tremendous wednesday to each and every one of you a tremendous ash wednesday to each and every one of you as we enter the holy season of lent uh father mitch pack was in the house he would love to talk to you the phone number is eight three three two eight eight e w t n that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six if you're outside the united states and canada your number is one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five you all right no i'll make it that's uh 1205-271-2985 you can always send us an email openline at or you can text your question text the letters ewtn to five five zero zero zero wait for a response text your first name and your question message and data rates may apply i'm jack williams michael mccall producing the program your call screener is matt gubinsky and jeff burson handling our social media efforts so if you're watching on youtube or facebook live you can type a question into the chat window and it may find its way to us by the end of the program and our host the aforementioned father mitch pacquiao how are you groovy groovy yes ruby are you feeling penitential uh well yeah i mean lint's been going on for a couple days already for you and you the mirror night right yesterday and i start with ash monday yeah so we had i guess lebanese feel the need for more penance yeah that's they're such good cooks yeah well there ain't no doubt about that yeah yeah so you got some emails over there i do i do um here's an interesting one uh there uh it's from jerry uh dear father mitch i was saying rosie with you from the holy land you show a cave as mary's home is that what what they actually lived in and you said she died across the street from the upper room i thought i read that she was with john and turkey and died there can you give some histories uh about all this uh yeah um the the home a lot of homes in nazareth were caves people so once as you can see that our lord was a caveman he was born in a cave and he grew up in one um the reason that they used these caves they were already there but the nice thing about caves is that they keep a fairly constant temperature about 55 degrees so they're cooler in the summer but they're warmer than outside in the winter it's natural insulation the environmentalists we should want us all to live in a cave uh neanderthals that's what we have to do is become neanderthals so at any rate um that but what they would do is put an addition to the front of the cave that there would be no house made of stone where rooms were added on because caves are not uh of uniform size the walls are rough etc so they would add on to that and then they but they would use the cave as the back of their house so that grotto uh it's called the grotto of the annunciation that's what's in nazareth and i said that she died across sea from the upper room um that wasn't something that was my idea this goes back to the earliest traditions we have of her death and assumption and these are documents that come from the second and third century fourth century a.d there's also the church of our ladies tomb if you've watched apparently you have watched the holy rosary in the holy land you see a cave uh where uh her tomb was they also used uh caves as uh tombs what they would normally do if it was a cemetery area they would put a body into a cave that's what they did with our lord and wait a year and then collect the bones after the flesh had decayed and put them into a smaller area because they didn't have a lot of room for a lot of um cemeteries so that's what they would do gather the bones put them into one spot so um that's what they expected to do with the lord and our lady's tomb is in jerusalem um the idea of her being with you know saint john did go to ephesus and but he didn't get there until sometime either late 60s or more likely into the 70s saint paul founded the church in ephesus in 54 or so 53-54 and then he left saint timothy as the next bishop of ephesus and then saint john comes probably in the 70s at which point our lady would already be in her 90s and it's it's not quite so likely that she had accompanied him to ephesus that the earliest traditions is that she lived in jerusalem it would have been quite a journey right it would have been a difficult journey for anybody alone a very elderly woman um and then uh here's something also an interesting question when i prepare to read the gospels listen to a homily i wonder in which year is the event taking place the first second or third year jesus and the apostles how long were they together and how well did the twelve know jesus how should i research the answers to the timeline questions every week is the bible for me to have this information thanks from jane uh jane there's a limited ability to know exactly which year the gospel that gives the most details is the gospel of john you see in john's gospel that there are three passovers mentioned in john chapter 2 john chapter six uh the multiplication of loaves and fish and the uh waiting feast of canaans in chapter two and then the third passover is at the time christ died now you can get an idea saint john is the one who said that the multiplication of loaves and fish occurred at the time of passover in john 6 so you can take that and say okay so that's when our lord multiplied the loaves and fish and you can roughly place the other events closer uh you know for instance events between the baptism which occurred before the first passover a few months before that um you can say that those were first and from the baptism to the multiplication of lows would have been within the first year and a half or so but precisely you can't say i wouldn't worry about being precise on that but to know that the events happened they if they uh you do see saint john mention the festivals jewish festivals so from that you can date roughly when it was so uh and also in acts of the apostles you get a sense of dating so for instance paul comes to jerusalem and gets arrested right around pentecost of 58 a.d that means that he had arrived in jerusalem sometime in may of 58 so you get some idea of things but you know precise dates they they didn't worry about that very much um and then um got a 30-second answer in there oh i don't think so all right all right here's one which zechariah does jesus refer to when he mentions him who was murdered in front of the altar was it john the baptist father or the prophet jeremiah from the old testament nobody knows i can answer that very quickly nobody is quite sure um there's no evidence that the prophet zechariah was killed and but there is a later tradition that uh from the uh proto gospel of james that zechariah the father of john was killed for for hiding baby john the baptist from herod's soldiers at the slaughter of the holy innocents so that's that that seems to be more likely uh 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number it's a free phone call anywhere in north america 833-288-3986 open line wednesday with father mitch [Music] [Applause] how are you listening to ewtn radio right now have you ever wished you could listen on a local radio station maybe our lord is speaking to your heart to help make that happen don't let a lack of experience hold you back find out how you can help start a catholic radio station where you live powered by the truth of the church and ewtn's dynamic radio programming email steve at this address radio [Music] christ is the answer with father john ricardo i tell often times in experience that i had a divine child when i was a young priest one year ordained first time i ever really saw the power of the blessed sacrament and we simply exposed the blessed sacrament at the end of mass one night i encouraged people i said you know what we've been in the habit of praying over people after mass i said we're not going to do that this week i'm just going to invite people to come on up and pray if they want to pray and i put the blessed sacrament on the altar i kneel down as i kneel down the church is in the sanctuary the whole church and as i'm looking at this and i'm looking at the people there and i'm looking at jesus under the appearance of bread there i saw the lord standing on the altar and he's just standing there looking out at all the people and then at a certain point he turned towards me and he just bowed and he says don't you see how easy this is you don't have to do anything you just have to put me out you put me out and i will work this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network if you have a question call 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1205-271-2985 or send us an email to openline at that's right 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number if you'd like to keep up with everything going on here at ewtn uh you could uh you should subscribe rather to our uh weekly e newsletter wings and to do that all you all you have to do is simply log on to slash subscribe 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number tina is in the republic of texas father mitch and she wants to know uh what version of the bible you use and which one would you recommend for both scripture for both spiritual reading and study um the one that i myself use is the one i recommend it's the ignatius bible which is the revised standard version uh catholic edition the original revised yes yes not the not the second version of it yeah i don't know yeah it's the ignatius bible is very very i i really like that translation is the one i prefer when i'm reading a translation translation of a translation of a translation no it's just a translation what are you talking about let's go to the phones yes ryan is in midland texas um listening on guadalupe radio ryan you're on with father mitch hey thanks for taking my call padre if you can pray for my girlfriend she had food poisoning this morning oh okay we'll do is that all now oh yeah my question is can you give me some advice on what i can do to refute claims made by people who act like that pope francis is the last pope and those who believe that russia is somehow connected to the end times with everything going on now sure it's the same thing i bring up on a regular basis um who made them the scenery directors for this end times you know our lord said we don't know our job is not to figure it out our job is to stay faithful no matter what happens no matter what happens i mean i've i've heard those exact same things ryan and uh these people don't know that they're they're that remind me too much of the very first play uh we ever saw uh back in first grade which was chicken little and i don't uh recommend that approach you don't know so don't make stuff up when you don't know just say you don't know and wait and see there have been far worse things these are folks who want a little extra drama in their life uh because they're not i suspect they may not be serving our lord quite enough focus on being ready for our lord whenever he shows up whether it be in a person's death or whether it be at the end of the world and don't speculate about things that you don't know for sure that's i and some folks are going to do it anyway you can't stop them but um i definitely recommend against it 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number next up is katherine a first-time caller in plymouth michigan listening on ave maria radio catherine you're on with father mitch hi thank you for taking my call sure i know this camp thank you i know that the catholic church um i'll accept cremation after a patient or a person dies but what is their um thoughts on giving your body to science i have a cousin who really wants to do that wants to donate his body to science after he dies and i'm not sure if there's any kind of no there is none at all that a person can do that uh in fact it's uh often cons i think in some of the documents that say that it's permissible they say it's a it's an act of charity because it's something that helps train doctors and researchers in uh understanding diseases etc um or trains doctors to know the different parts of the body um so what the only thing that the church asks and this is usually done uh by the way is that the at the end of the year when they're done with the uh cadaver that it be buried respectfully and that's usually the case uh when uh my two roommates were in medical school at vanderbilt while i was in the grad school they had a ceremony for the students so that they they also picked up that this was something that they needed to show respect for and and gratitude that these people donated their bodies to science so that's not uh uh any kind of moral difficulty son all right thank you no i appreciate that that's not what i thought they would have said so i'm glad to know that my cousin will be all set though thank you very much sure 833 288 e wtn that's our toll-free number 833-288-3986 another first-time caller deborah is in bismarck north dakota listening on real presence radio deborah you're on with father mitch thank you sure and i excuse me i i have a question um i've always wondered i realize that during lent we don't use alleluia but i've always wondered um what is the definition of alleluia and the definition of hosanna and what's the difference between the two well it's a big difference one has two ends and there's two l's but but they actually do mean something very different the word as we pronounce that hosanna comes from the hebrew hiphil form of the verb yasha and hosha means save uh you know cause to be saved and the na at the end is a particle added there to mean uh please so it means please save us okay does that help so far oh yeah and then hallelu is the plural imperative of the verb halal meaning to praise so it's uh your praise it's as we would say i don't know you don't if you say that up in bismarck but we do uh and so it's it's the plural imperative praise y'all praise yah at the end is also a shortened form of the divine name so it's praise the lord does that help absolutely yeah my sister in texas would also say y'all praised well well that's because she learned how to talk right god bless you deborah we appreciate the phone call that opens up a line for you at 833 288 ewtn that's 833.288.3986 um next up for us is phil in pittsburgh pennsylvania uh listening on the amazon echo phil you're on with father mitch hi father uh how are you today i'm groovy that's good happy lent um thanks i i just wanna by the way it's like uh you know it's this is a slight aside from my you know question but it's like as i'm you know since you had sell started lent as a maronite on monday now do the you know the maronites have ashes on monday or ash wednesday no on monday that's why they call it ash monday okay so today so today would you just be another day of lent for you exactly okay okay uh thank you for that now the uh the question i actually wanted to get to is a follow-up to uh why the gentleman last week had asked you about uh gay weddings and you know whether catholics can attend um and you say you know i said um that we're not supposed to um but the now you know like but how much support are you know if any are we allowed to give i mean do we attend not attend the ceremony but attend the reception or do we not attend either and just send a gift or do we not do that and just send a card or do we not do anything at all here's again here's one of the principles i apply in these um marriage situations not only gay marriage there are a lot of other situations where people are right now it's become very popular for people to have their friends go online get to be a mail order minister and then have their friends do the wedding this happens on um you know various comedy shows like friends that happened and um big bang theory you know things like that and you know we're running into this situation uh in fact in one a greek orthodox priest showed up on one of those shows and the friend came in uh wait i'm a mail order minister i'll take over don't worry about it and he kicked the priest off and you know that's more something that the writers are trying to give to people as an option and what is at stake in that and these and gay marriages and all these other things if it is construed and if it's meant to be construed that your attendance your gift going to the reception or a card is an a a way to get you to approve of this behavior stay away from it by all means any level of it if there is another possibility by which you see there may be a chance for you to talk to them and maintain a bridge of communication then you might have to consider is which one is going to be better here if there's a chance to maintain a bridge to communicate so that later on you can speak the gospel to them that's a possibility but if it's in any way a a means of getting you to approve of it then you got to stay away completely does that make sense as a principle uh yes um yeah so it's like if it's so if you know like it's going and this isn't something it's i'm foreseeing that's going to happen to me personally in the future i was just wondering uh yeah and here's here's one of the things the reason i i mention those two perspectives we say it and we should do it namely love these folks we don't hate them and there's no room for any kind of hatred or rejection of them we want them to know christ but it has to be on christ's terms not theirs and they can't wrote me into trying to make it on their terms instead of our lords this is a key issue 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number it's open line wednesday with father mitch [Applause] [Music] ewtn live truth live catholic this is a messy family minute with mike and alicia hernan three years ago we became grandparents and it's just as wonderful as everyone told us it would be we are blessed to have the love of five grandchildren and we look forward to many more grandparents are a blessing to children because they have a different perspective on life in general we can usually see the problems that toddlers or teenagers have with different eyes than their parents we have more time to pray for them and more time to serve our very lives dedicated to god and to our vocation is a witness to the joy of living the gospel but what is the role of a grandparent in the life of a grandchild the best thing a grandparent can do is boldly love love your grandchildren deeply and by doing so you will be an image of god's love for them love your adult children by supporting them even if they choose to raise their children differently than you raise them parents are the most powerful influence in the life of a child and you as a grandparent need to build up that relationship between your child and your grandchild for more inspiration and encouragement visit us at want to be notified when ewtn openline goes live on facebook follow ewtn radio's facebook page and click the bell icon to be notified faith is a precious gift from god as the largest religious media network in the world ewtn has an important role in educating others about our catholic faith and spreading the good news of salvation we invite you to explore our numerous pages of historical faith documents prayers teachings and other current issues in catholicism today visit and click catholicism ewtn the global catholic network hi this is dr david anders do you have questions about the catholic faith get the answers on call to communion tomorrow at 2 p.m eastern on ewtn radio now back to open line with father mitch paqua this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 we'd like to congratulate several of our ewtn family members saint paul catholic radio w-k-e-r in augusta georgia celebrating their 10th anniversary this week of broadcasting great ewtn programming and billings catholic radio kjcr in billings montan montana is celebrating 11 years of solid catholic radio programming congratulations to uh from all of us here at ewtn radio 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 you ready to take a call from la i am steve is in la listening on the ewtn app steve welcome to the program thank you uh father mitch all of la is anxiously anticipating the linton mission on friday night and then the celebration of the marionette liturgy on saturday night down here yes i'll be over at uh saint pius the 10th parish is that anywhere near studio city or hollywood or n uh absolutely not no this is in mobile alabama i'm driving down there okay well you know in thinking about the marionite liturgy it came to mind it's like what what language would jesus have used in celebrating the last supper the there's nothing in the gospels that specifically mention it but since everyday language was aramaic we've assumed that it was aramaic and i think that's my assumption as well and that's one of the things that's uh uh often said by maronites is that um you know the use of aramaic in the mironite liturgy for a number of parts of the liturgy uh the entrance uh to the to the corbono and then at the entrance at the offer tour and then the uh treesagen the holy god holy mighty one holy mortal one have mercy on us the uh uh epiclesis to calling down the holy spirit and especially the consecration those parts especially are in aramaic and they're considered to be something of living archaeology it's a way to connect us to the early part of the church by the use of aramaic so that's that's one of the things going on there does that help that helps that's very good uh very i appreciate that and i really look forward to seeing you and i've never been to a marionette liturgy father zogby down here my former pastor would invite uh mary knight priest from birmingham right down once a year but i never i never went to any of those so i'm really looking forward to that all right all right well i always describe myself as having been born polish born again lebanese uh but there's a nice big uh lebanese community in mobia alabama and a lot of maronites live there but there's no parish as such so we we come from the uh parish of alabama which is saint elias here in birmingham and we'll be going over there god bless you steve thanks for the phone call 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 next up is ainsley in the great state of louisiana another first-time caller um ansley you're on with father mitch yes father mitch right thank you for having taking my call my uh my situation is more of a kind of a situation where i'm not sure what is not a question let's put it that way my wife and her sister her sister who is a devout catholic has been invited to a bible study by a fallen awake catholic sister of theirs and they're she is one she's a member of one of these feel-good churches that's a big congregation and big band and all of that but um and she's a devout christian too but she is she is not catholic and she no doubt will be using the king james version of the bible to teach our other sisters and the other members that are going to attend it and the problem i have i i know my catholic faith fairly well and i know that there are some distinct differences between our bible which is the original bible sure and what martin luther and the king james and others have altered it to be and right yes there are seven books missing seven books missing from the king james right and then and then the issues of of uh martin luther taking the ancient greek bible and changing the wording wording of being saved by faith it says in the bible that you say by faith he added the word alone yeah yeah i said like and then you also put in there nor by glauben only by faith so he you can't add words in the bible you can't do it right so what's your what's your concern then about this my concern is that i i know my wife is not quite as an astute in bible teachings and things but i i just don't want this sister who's a dear dear sister of hers i love her as well and she is devout in her belief in christ and i just don't want her trying trying to evangelize right um here's here's something you know if you talk to your wife about this i have she's sitting right here by the way oh good my wife of years how are you doing how you doing um you know this is something that it'll be very important to uh you know i'm sure that the the fellowship will be nice and all but when things are missing from the bible and then in a lot of the denominations they skip over points that are very central to us for instance when our lord says in john 6 unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you cannot have life within you and a lot of other things baptism now saves you these are verses that they just skip over and what i find from so many protestant converts is that as catholics they discover all sorts of passages they never saw and they never heard anybody speak about and they're not small points they're very important issues of the faith so um you know be alert that it may not be neutral and just reading the bible together there may be uh you know a lot of material filtered out that is very cat and they filter out because it is catholic so um you know what you may want to do is in your own parish start a bible study there uh johnette williams has bible studies for women that can be used i've written a number of bible studies there are a variety of other bible studies out there and the good part of it is we want to give the fullness of scripture and not just take certain parts and ignore the others so that's very very important god bless you we appreciate the phone call today they're in louisiana 833 288 ewtn that's our toll-free number it's a free phone call anywhere in north america 833-288-3986 next up is andrew in oklahoma city oklahoma listening on oklahoma catholic broadcasting andrew thanks for holding welcome to the program uh father mitch thanks for taking my call sure my pleasure oh i'm just i'm curious about the a80 and bc who started it i know it was right there you know but like what was the timeline before that and and and how did everybody start after that sure what i mean sure i do i do as a matter of fact um the division of history into the time before christ uh bc and the time uh of the year of our lord after christ uh a.d uh that began in the sixth century a.d under the christian emperor justinian he was the roman emperor who lived in constantinople and he did a number of things and that was one of them he engaged a monk named dionysius exiguous and i think it means skinny denny and he um he had him work on it now how the romans dated things before that is from the first olympics they divided their history into four year periods by and they call those olympiads because the olympics happened every four years so it would be in the second year of the fifth olympiad and so on and i forget i i've got in my notes somewhere but i uh i i can matter of fact i can look it up not right at this second but i will look it up um that when the first olympiad began so um that's what the romans used jewish people of course used the creation and so that's why um they would see that right now we're in the year six thousand something so that's how you know and i'm not sure how the others dated it uh but i know that's how the greeks and romans did does that help uh it does so like uh you know like when moses was uh here what uh what was the timetable there or did there at the time of moses they uh dated it by they dated whatever they dated by the egyptian pharaohs that's what they would use the certain year of the reign of pharaoh tutmosis the the the third or first or second uh or queen hatshepsut or moses the first those would be how they used the egyptians everybody had their own system there was no universal system until justinian came along and he brought that in does that help systems sort of just follow along and said that's good because this is after christ singing yeah saying that christ was here then 776 bc by the way seven seventies i just gonna look up yes so 776 was the first olympiad uh and so every they divided from every four years after that and that was just uh the romans didn't mind using that because that was just uh you know about 20 years 25 years before the founding of rome itself so it didn't fit their system accounting pretty well very good thanks so much next up is lewis in sheboygan falls wisconsin watching us today on youtube louis you're on with father mitch mitch good afternoon good afternoon what can we do for you well uh i had a question concerning uh ash wednesday yes and being that uh and i know there's many days of non-obligation or obligation that are either hit or miss but from my experience it's been a lot of people uh go to ash wednesday and it's not really a you know a specific day of obligation no if i'm correct that's right how does that relate in the true unification with christ in in what you know that message says in in droves of people going and looking on those particular days and and how that might be able to help us all on our journey wait wait uh i'm not sure i quite understand uh what the issue is uh when people come in large numbers and do what to uh receive ashes on wednesday yeah what what what about it exactly it's not an official day of obligation right fully obligated right right right is that a holy day of obligation correct right um and it's always fascinated me that so many people go to those for that particular day sure and and we're going there for a reason right father yes to be with christ and and in that message what can be relayed if we you know these days we go there that you know we might we may not be there on other days how can that transcend us into more of a positive youth with christ okay here's one of the things that is going on one people do resonate with it very much because it's the beginning of the season of preparation for easter good friday through easter are the most important celebrations of the liturgical year this is the key of our salvation that christ died for our sins and rose again to give us eternal life so people do celebrate that and especially with the placement of ashes being reminded of the importance of death and the inevitability of death is a good thing it helps to put your life in perspective and people appreciate that aspect because if christ redeems me from what is he redeeming me well from my sin and from the the fear of death that i that he opens up eternal life in heaven with him and also the uh resurrection of the dead at the end of time that is really getting at key issues of life sin death these are you know it doesn't get more basic than that and that is what really helps people to take it more seriously and all of the churches see that people start coming to daily mass more often and even a few more people show up at sunday mass so that's a very important aspect of this as the beginning of this season of penitence something that you know we very much need today does that help yes it's like a resonating call yeah very much so very much so thanks lewis next up is rose she is driving through the wild wild west today uh listening on siriusxm channel 130 rose you're on with father mitch hi father hi what can we do for you my question is about uh communal tennis ceremony here in the archdiocese where i live there have been two and one was around the first of the year and it was in a parking lot and you just tuned to a place on your radio and they went through prayers etc and then you're given that the second was yesterday and it was inside on the premises of the church in a gym and um [Music] people were told to write their sins on a piece of paper and then we took them and burned them in a little fire pit and then absolution was given to everybody and the priest made a point of saying the archbishop here had approved this now i will say there are parishes that have regular confession but i wonder what you think about this and what about the absolution that is given blanket no no see this is um you know the issue of communal penance services came up some years ago and those were rejected you know and the american bishops made that clear that you can have general absolution in certain emergency situations an airplane is starting to fall out of the sky clearly there's no time to hear everybody's confession and you can legitimately give general absolution if a ship is sinking if there's a large group of soldiers going off to a battle those are emergency situations and in those circumstances you can give general absolution with the statement if you have time in a falling plane to um let people know that if they survive they still need to confess their sins because the confession of sin is key and you know if it's not an emergency then that's not a correct way to do this and you know this is where we priests just have to make sure we spend that time in the confessional and hear those things that's very very important now let me ask you a question father mitch i know here here in our diocese and also where i uh previously resided uh during lent and during advent it was common for parishes to have what would be called a communal penance service right where there would be some prayers recited but there would be individuals yes right i've done that many times different different deal exactly and oftentimes they would even pray the first part of the prayer of absolution as a group and then the priest would actually give the absolution individually right right right we would meet with individuals uh you know i've done that plenty of times because they you know we have a lot of hispanic uh people and they need spanish-speaking priests so i've done that in a number of parishes are happy to help out um so this is something uh that we we can do um be sure to check out catholic answers live tonight at 6 pm eastern time our number one scott wieman will be taking your questions on addiction and healing in an hour number two it's ask a priest with father matthew spencer that's catholic answers live tonight 6 p.m eastern time right here on ewtn radio next up is tom in rochester minnesota listening on real presence radio tom you're on with father mitch uh hi father mitch can you hear me yeah i hear you fine okay great yeah i have a question about fasting we have a group of people we call we call it an army of people uh there's a there's a woman named ann she's got really bad pancreatic cancer and um we have a group of people called anne's army and we've been praying for her but we decided that it's getting to the point where we need to fat you know do something more like fasting sure and so what we did was we we set up a sign up genius to have people uh you know sign up for prayers and or fasting and some people objected saying no no you cannot you know sign up for fasting because it's that would be a public thing and i i think it seems to me there should be two types of fasting one for more private you know for your own friends and maybe one for something like this i don't think that there would be a problem with uh that um you know with signing up for that because again the intention is not to draw attention to yourself it's uh more like offering a spiritual bouquet when you know uh you offer i'm going to let somebody know that this many people are saying the rosary for you and offering their mass intentions for you it's a spiritual bouquet and the same thing with the fasting so i mean if it is a way for somebody to be boasting that's problematic but if it's more like just offering a spiritual bouquet this is a way to let the other person know of this gift of you know fasting and prayer for them and that would be very encouraging so that's that's why i was yeah i don't see it makes it invalid or or harmful in any way does that help yeah it does the other thing is is you know we're planning on getting a bunch of us to go down that walk to mary over at our lady our lady of good help and champion wisconsin and there i know they're raising the cause for sister adele breeze to be maybe canonized at some point right and and so we you know we're trying to build momentum toward that direction as well is to try to um you know make sure our prayers are offered up in that direction um he does have a miracle then right there's nothing incorrect about that it's just again a spiritual bouquet and very quickly father mission just the minute we have left here brenda in new orleans louisiana wants to know if you can eat frog meat when you're abstaining i think in louisiana they allow that as well as gator meat and she wants to know why egg is not considered meat because it's not meat yet it's eggs it hasn't become meat yet uh it has to hatch to become meat then this chicken father would you leave us with a blessing lord bless you and all of you will not let you count your chickens before they're hatched lord bless you the father the son and the holy spirit amen amen on behalf of our host father mitch pacquiao producer michael mccall call screener matt gubinsky and our social media maven mr jeff burst and i'm jack williams thanks so much for tuning in back at it tomorrow until then god bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] the most original and exclusive catholic content is on ewtn radio
Channel: EWTN
Views: 2,007
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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