OPEN LINE WEDNESDAY -February 23, 2022 - with Fr. Mitch Pacwa

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tn this is open line with today's host father mitch paqua in north america call toll-free 1-833-288-ewtn [Music] that's 1-833-2888 [Music] outside north america call 1-205-271-2985 you can also text the letters ewtn to 5500 or send an email to openline a tremendous wednesday to each and every one of you fasten your seat belts father mitch pacqua is in the house if you'd like to talk to father mitch grab one of these open phone lines quickly the number is 833 288 e wtn that's 833-288-3986 if you're outside the united states and canada your number is one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five and we'll even put you straight to the front of the line at one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five you can always send us an email openline or you can text your question text the letters ewtn to 5500 wait for a response text your first name and your question message and data rates may apply i'm jack williams michael mccall producing the program your call screener is matt gubinsky and jeff burson handling our social media efforts so if you're watching us on youtube or facebook live you can type a question into the chat window and it may find its way to us by the end of the program and our host as he is every wednesday father mitch pacquiao how are you groovy all right even like went to the microphone and everything yeah this is going to be a red letter day in the history of open line wednesday i can feel it i'll have mild experiences of professionalism i like that that was very good um do you have some emails floating around over there i do um this is from tom in mobile great town um matt in fact i'll be going down there in a week uh going down to uh st past 10th parish uh preach over there um week from wait what week from friday um and uh and i'll be celebrating maronite liturgy uh on that saturday too the first saturday of lent so it'd be fun to be down there um tom's wife uh and he would like help on translation of proverbs 27 77. um and the issue is uh while the translation that certainly that what everybody agrees on is as iron sharpens iron and then it says so one person sharpens another or um so versus so one man sharpens another and based on early greek writings this person or man more correct you don't base it on the greek based on the hebrew that was written in hebrew but both of them have the same word uh namely man and uh it's aneer uh in uh greek and that specifically means a male person uh and ish in hebrew can mean a man or someone you know the way we use man from our old germanic roots you know in there's a little confusion in english that's not quite there in german uh they have two words man m-a-n means someone and man with two ends m-a-n-n means a male person so a person who is a male uh and and we just we got them confused but um hebrew uses the word that means man to mean someone as well so either one is you know uh correct and the issue is the changing of english just as we used to have that distinction of m-a-n-n versus m-a-n and we lost it that's the way languages develop and so also the language continues to develop and uh this is something that um is also uh true with having more inclusive language that's just part of the change of language then there's from dean calling in i said a few weeks ago father mitch mentioned that there were a lot more children abused in public schools by them by priests even gave a number on it can you please share his source of information on that i looked on the internet and can't find anything solid uh sure the best way to do it is look up the name dr cheryl shake shaft it's just like the name sounds shake uh and then appended to its shaft dr cheryl shake shaft did a study for the u.s department of education that was published in 2005 and that is public information it's on the internet from the federal government at the department of education website but look up cheryl shake shaft there aren't too many people with that name um and she uh has that that and you can find the the the study is only for the 1999 and in that 1990s study it showed that 290 000 children have been abused in the public schools by teachers staff and administrators and she also reported that just a little over half of the abusers were women teachers and staff and administrators on the other and slightly under half but it was still disproportionately high among men because there were more women working in the public school system and this uh is uh in contrast to the number of priests who are children abused by priests between 1950 and 2002 it was about 11 000 and it involved three percent of priests involved in doing the abuse about maybe another percent uh one percent or so who were part of the cover-up uh i'm going to be doing a program with um the uh bill donahue on his new book bringing out this data and you may just want to instead of searching the internet get bill donahue's book uh i forget the title but i'm pretty sure we have it at our religious catalog and that will have uh the the issue but can contrast that in a 52-year period so it averages out 2000 a year uh 2000 a decade were abused and that's horrible but the the actual facts of the matter are it was very low in the 50s and early 60s it began to climb in the late 60s and reached its peak from the mid 70s into the late uh 80s and then it declines through the 90s and comes down it really is a bell curve of that abuse yeah and the book by bill donahue is the truth about clergy sexual abuse there you go that's thank you thank you um it's the truth i'll be interviewing him in a couple of weeks on that book uh i i urge uh we need to know what was going on it's a very very important issue not so that we can exonerate that you know this fact that uh there is a much higher rate among public school teachers it was 9.4 percent were involved in the abuse according to shakeshaft and it was 3 percent among clergy this is not an exoneration of clergy anybody who says that or thinks like that is thinking foolishly this is showing that it's part of a much wider problem throughout our culture and the abuse is worse in homes than at school or at church it's a serious serious issue i do not think that it is unrelated to a disregard of children and to the alfred kinsey report which reported that it was good he wrote in his report in 1948 it was good for kids to be introduced to sex by an adult otherwise known as sex abuse then real quickly um this is about saint joseph being a carpenter since he was the son of joseph was known as the carpenter american journalist is saying that jesus was a stone cutter not a carpenter because there was not a lot of wood back then there was a lot of stone the whole country is full of stone so it's not as if they would have to do one or the other they would be doing both 833-288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 it's open line wednesday with father mitch [Music] [Applause] the most original and exclusive catholic content is on ewtn radio my life is split between the search for the supernatural and the retelling of the credible and verifiable accounts of true instances of miracles i think that people are inspired hearing these stories and it bolsters people's faith to spend even just a few moments with the miraculous the miracle hunter with michael o'neill saturday afternoon 1 eastern on ewtn radio 60 seconds with archbishop fulton j sheen if anyone is coming from god with a revelation for our reason and the strength for our will reason is going to impose certain tests and these tests are three and they're tests that can be verified by reason and by history first whoever comes should be pre-announced two he should work miracles and attestation of the fact that he is a messenger third nothing that he ever teaches or reveals to us should be contrary to human reason though it may be above it those are three tests that's the standard that's a measuring rod first we say anyone who comes should be pre-announced after all brides pre-announced their wedding automobile manufacturers tell us when a new model would appear and if god is going to send someone to this earth certainly the least that god can do is to let us know i'm sending someone the people you know and trust are on ewtn this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network if you have a question call 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1205-271-2985 or send us an email to openline you know through redemptive catholic journalism ewtn news helps advance the gospel and teachings of the church get our trusted catholic news in your email inbox just visit ewtn and click on subscribe one open line for you at 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 first up today is tom down in louisiana listening on siriusxm channel 130 tom you're on with father mitch good afternoon father mitch thank you for taking my call my pleasure sir so um i am a father of a um of a son who came out to me several years ago as gay uh we had a discussion about it you know i reaffirmed that he would always be my son and i loved him and that would never change but we talked about you know relationships and possible marriage because he wanted he wanted that and i just i kind of shared with him that you know in in the in the eyes of god neither one of those are are are good things right you know and and he talked to me about you know being made in the image of god and and how god wants everybody to be loved and i told him i said you are made in the image of god and you need to treat yourself that way and right sex between a man and a man and marriage between a man and a man is is not proper and uh and so it becomes sinful at that nature and if there's no different than if i cheated on your mom you know it's sinful for me to do that as a heterosexual or or to have sex prior to marriage you know there's no difference there right um but you know he's obviously i i you know i don't run his life no and he's making his own choices and and i pray for him and you know but he's for the first time has a a boyfriend uh we have not talked about that we kind of just don't talk about it much at all after you know when we do get together we just you know just live our lives and love each other and and profess that love to each other but um you know i'm i'm just getting trying to prepare myself on trying to handle you know if he comes back and says i'm engaged i want to get married and you know i don't see myself being able to attend because that just condones something that is sinful and i'm not supposed to leave my children to sin i'm supposed to lead them to heaven right and he a couple things a you are responding to him you know it sounds very well you love the man that's good um he's he is your son and you're correct when when he says that he's made in the image and likeness of god yes he is but take a look at that passage again because it also says male and female he made them that women are also made in the image and likeness of god because this is not about a physical likeness there is another more profound likeness to uh god that we have and that is in our ability to accept other people as well as to you know receive their love and to love them you know that this is a mutual gift that we have they give them we give ourselves to them and we accept them now want the issue here is dealing with another part of nature and the way that men and women are made and just as you know there are a lot of issues here one of them being the impossibility of this their sexuality between sexual between two males to bring it to its ultimate completion which is the conception of a child they can't do that they can adopt and they can have a child with another with some woman but they they can't have a child together which is the first function of sexuality that's it's it's ordered towards procreation and if you want evidence of that take a look at the opponents of procreation because they spend billions of dollars trying to prevent procreation with all kinds of things and even with all of those preventive attempts sometimes the procreation takes place despite using birth control pills and other devices because the body between a man and a woman is ordinary towards procreation that is the first purpose the second purpose is extremely important the love between a man and a woman and the complementariness but there's a lot for i think for you to study here's here's a good resource for you it's called one man one woman this is uh by um dale o'leary and in that book what you have is a series of studies she is mostly reporting on the facts of life in regard to same-sex issues and i urge you to read that as a great resource and again she doesn't hate people you don't i don't um that that in fact sometimes if you disagree with some of the issues in on the homosexual questions you are called a hater that is trying to put us into a category into which we do not place them that is not what we do and we don't want anybody to be hated beloved by god first and loved by us so don't buy into that you know the the hatred label that's rhetoric um yeah it's not it's like the cancel culture it is it's not like the canceled culture that is the cancel culture they have to hate us or see us as haters and reject us um this is this is nonsense so take a look at that and in there the bibliography is tremendous and you can continue more research on that basis um and the second book is called sexual wisdom by dr what i think it's wechsler uh tremendous amount of material there too and it's just that's just plain medical material um so so that uh richard is it what weshler or wexler uh i forget his last name exactly but that that'd be another good source so you have information and basis on good science the ques the question though that uh that i have is am i am i right in saying that if if things materialize to where he decides that he's going to marry another man you know um is it is it uh uh if i were to attend i mean you know it would keep giving approval of that on my end or yeah yeah see this is going to be the the issue and you can't go there with a sign protesting and saying this is something bad that would be another extreme but attendance would be seen as approval that's that's my sense and again you are making the proper distinction between approving him but not approving these behaviors and you have to you have to continue to maintain that stance you love them obviously you do that and then but you also can say i cannot approve these behaviors and when you take a look at this book you'll see um that this is uh also a very dangerous lifestyle that you don't want to prove the high risk that's involved there just on the health basis thanks tom next up is holly a first-time caller in cincinnati ohio listening on sacred heart radio holly you're on with father mitch i thought i missed hey what can we do for you i have been preparing for lent and i keep thinking about when jesus descended to the dead or to hell i was just wondering if you could elaborate on what was going on there a little bit more sure can i can i hang up so that my son can listen to you sure whatever helps him or you this is found in first peter chapter 3 verse 18 for christ also died for sins once for all the righteous for the unrighteous that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit in which he went and preached to the spirits in prison who formerly did not know when god's patience weighed in the days of noah what this is referring to is that christ went to the prison that was that's what they called the place of the dead in the book of job and it's described as a prison so this is the place where all the spirits are and those who died before christ died and he goes there to preach to them because they didn't know about his death and resurrection he goes there to tell them and there is a second century homily based on this passage i think it's called second clement and uh yeah it tells about you know how it tries to give an imaginative sense what it'd be like to be one of those spirits hearing christ come and preach to them okay all right well she's done yeah she is not there but her son are mulling it over as we speak if you'd like to be part of the program we've got one open line for you at 833 288 e that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six if you're outside the united states and canada we'd still love to hear from you that number is one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five and we'll even put you straight to the front of the line if you are outside of the united states and canada that number again one two zero five two seven one two nine 2985 and you can always send us an email openline at and put father mitchell wednesday in the subject line it is open line wednesday here on ewtn radio with father mitch paqua [Music] [Applause] this is father mitch pacquiao if you missed part of today's show catch the encore tonight at 10 eastern check out the podcast anytime at and click podcasts this is a messy family minute with mike and alicia hernan a 2014 study entitled understanding former young catholics found that emotional closeness with parents especially fathers is a powerful indicator of whether or not a child will remain in the faith bonding with your child goes a long way in sharing the truth with them we want our children to be holy and we need them to know that the path to holiness is found within the law of the church but rules without relationship breed rebellion children do need to know the truth but if a parent communicates the law without love it may actually do more harm than good by loving our children we are nurturing their longing for a relationship with god the love we have for them is only a shadow of the love that god their heavenly father has it is that relationship that will help them follow the moral law and choose the good growing that relationship should be the goal of every catholic parent for more in your relationship with your child visit us at the ewtn home video highlight for february is cabejo listen my children through commentary by immaculae ilabegiza and others ewtn chronicles an astounding series of miracles when the blessed virgin mary appeared to three young visionaries in quebeco rwanda order your dvd at 24 hours a day 7 days a week or call 1-800-854-6316 love is a beautiful thing but it can also lead to heartache when has love cost you something tell us tomorrow on take two with jerry and debbie on most of these ewtn stations now back to more of open line with father mitch paqua this is open line on the ewtn global catholic radio network 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 are you gonna have an ambo on the set tonight for ewtn live no i never do oh well i thought maybe because your guest is a fiery itinerant missionary preacher you might who is known for pounding his fist on the ambo when he's really making a point that's why they're one of my favorite preachers in the world yeah father bill casey father bill casey another father of mercy we love us some fathers of mercy around here yeah and that's why they have me there he can pound on my head that's as close to wood as they get oh he's going to be on tonight what are you guys going to talk about uh we're going to talk about his new book which is about staying firm in the faith in an age of apostasy perfect for lent huh yeah yeah yeah so that's probably kind of good the rest of the year right now body exactly father bill casey and father mitch tonight on ewtn live right here on ewtn television and radio 8 pm eastern time back to the phones we go bill is in the great state of well actually yeah bill is in the great state of florida listening on siriusxm channel 130. bill you're on with father mitch uh thank you for taking my call father mitch sure what can we do for you the gospel the other day was the story where jesus asked the apostles who do you say i am right after peter gives his answer jesus refers to peter as peter's son of jonah a reflection i read said something like peter's father was not jonah but it was john and i'm wondering um if you have any knowledge about that was his father jonah or john or was he using jonah as a reference to the old testament okay uh have you ever is he suggesting you may have met peter's father maybe it could be uh no no no um you know this is a difficulty that comes from transliterating a name from a semitic language to an indo-european language and then translating from that indo-european language into english which is another indo-european language there are sounds that don't exist among languages are you aware that yes i i i see where you're getting at anyhow go ahead and you and so in the gospel of math matthew it is yonah and in the gospel of saint john chapter 1 verse 42 it says joannu now yuanu and yona sound pretty close and this is uh the it was more of a difficulty of how to transliterate they didn't have standard forms of transliteration they just didn't and so i would stick with yonah the ioanu is you know can be translated into english as john which in hebrew is now greek didn't have that letter you know that they have a the the he you know like like uh you know you see key chi a lot of times in fraternity and sorority house names um kero and all that stuff um but they didn't have the letter height uh and it just doesn't exist it's a semitic sound it's in arabic in other languages but not quite greek so they oftentimes skip it so so matthew's probably wasn't trying i'm sorry yeah i just wasn't trying to bring out jonah from the old testament no no no no no no just like you would have just like you have um a good example would be the inventor of the polio vaccine was named jonas jonas um you know uh same name it's it's just a it's a name used by a lot of jewish parents for their sons because jonah was such a famous prophet and that's what's going on there god bless you bill we appreciate the phone call 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number it's a free phone call anywhere in north america 833-288-3986 it's not an official edition of open line wednesday until we head to the republic of texas we'll do that now steve is another first-time caller watching us on youtube in san antonio texas today steve how are things in the republic today things are great yep we got a pretty good governor yeah that's all you got to get what about the rest of texas what about the brisket come on you got a lot out there going barbecue is best yeah barbecue the buffalo yeah all that all right well what else can we do for besides the usual bragging about texas that we are accustomed to hearing yes um i have a question yeah okay we chant as a fellow catholic you know we all chant hail mary full of grace and our father who art in heaven and see jesus said in matthew 6 7 do not do repetitive prayers because the heathens do that what translation are you using um i was using king james yeah even in the king james they get closer to the um uh greek than you did what what does the king james say specifically do not use vain repetitions it doesn't say do not use repetition yeah and the reason for that is there is it's the the verb in that passage is one word and this means y'all good texan language there y'all don't use empty phrases or empty words so and and so it's one we have to use a couple words in english but it's a compound word in greek logey is to speak uh and then the the bata at the beginning means empty or vain so uh and it can be either one meaningless so it's you don't re do empty or vain repetitions now the hell they our father is not batalog this is it's it's not a vain repetition it's taught to us by jesus christ so not very vain is it right and then the heavens jesus taught us and then the hail mary comes from the gospel of luke chapter 1 when the angel gabriel said hail mary full of grace the lord is with you and then inspired by the holy spirit elizabeth says later in the chapter blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb now if this is from the holy spirit inspired bible it's hardly a vain repetition is it right so that so it would be simply uh you know mumbling sound and sometimes they would do that among romans that they would have people who would say these uh you know vague prayers and just start saying syllables that didn't mean much and you'd pay him to do that that's not what you do you you can repeat though you can repeat and should repeat the words of sacred scripture that is not vain is that help yes it it helps very much thank you for answering my question my pleasure you call back anytime you want thanks steve next stop for us is saint charles missouri tom is in saint charles listening on covenant radio today tom thanks for holding welcome to the program hi fire hi what can we do for you i have a few couple questions we'll start one first one is can we say that face is justified by work yo that's what saint james wrote in his epistle chapter two oh yeah yeah actually [Music] yeah well then you you better read chapter two of the letter of saint james begin right around verse 20 or so okay it has a whole section just down there another question there's a civilized cultural killing of innocent baby on my babies is it civilized to kill innocent unborn babies it's not only uncivilized uh it's uncivilized to kill born babies it's also a sin a mortal sin to kill babies before they're born or babies after they're born you don't kill anybody thanks very much we appreciate the phone call 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 back to texas we go elsa is in austin listening at elsa you're on with father mitch oh thank you sure what can we do for ya see the austin is sort of the dry part of texas i'm so sorry oh you're very that's perfectly fine go ahead so i have a couple of questions um when we watched the movie over the film of jesus of nazareth and they had to try out oh lord jesus there seems to be like a division between the the orthodox uh jewish and you know so i don't know just like because i know that there's also the messianic jewish people so i don't know it does start from that moment or that started after the division between the authors of the jewish and the messianic okay that you're you're that's not the right uh you're taking something from our times and putting it back in the time of christ and in fact it wouldn't be between orthodox and messianic jewish it'd be between pharisees and sadducees and zealots and essenes and then jesus and all the christians were messianic jews remember all the first christians saint peter saint andrews saint james all the apostles were could be called messianic jewish people they still went to the temple and they but they also celebrated mass and they worshipped christ so this uh was uh uh all the apostles were messianic jewish people and jesus started what you'd call messianic judaism does that help yes okay all right thanks also we appreciate that question next up is ali in the great state of north carolina listening on the divine mercy radio app ally you are on with father mitch hey good afternoon yes i had a question and um the thing that started with because i take a statue of a baby jesus your church for the priest to get it to make it to get it blessed and he told me that as long as i took it to mass that it was blessed that he did he was actually on his way out when i was going in so he's like oh that's fine just you can take it in the mask and it's blessed and you can just put holy water on it and that's good is that valid um it's not the actual blessing there are blessings for uh images of our lord and of the saints and such and it's a proper blessing and he was on his way out he was obviously you know who knows what he might have been having to go see someone sick or something um and didn't have quite time but what i would do is try to find a priest when he's not quite in that bigger hurry um you know and he has a little time and and it should have the blessing there's there's a blessing as a matter of fact what you could even do if uh you have a cell phone yes who doesn't and so uh oh the trappists uh but but on on your cell phone before you see a priest you can even look up the blessing of religious images and say father i even have the blessing here called up on from the internet if you would bless us i'd appreciate it okay and i haven't it does help but i haven't like another question to it um for the first time it was the spanish is called the devil where they would bless the candle yeah the presentation of jesus okay and that day like it had that happened that sort of happened too so we took i shake candles to get them blessed yeah um uh we didn't have the chance to take them up to the altar so it i just kept them with me on my fuse double have to take them back and give them blessings no i don't think so i mean you had them there for the blessing of the candles you just didn't get a chance to put them in the place so they would be blessed because they did the blessing of the candles right there so that would be that would be fine he did the blessing um so i wouldn't worry about that but um but he should do the blessing for the religious images okay next stop for us is grand rapids michigan mike is a first time caller listening on sirius xm channel 130. mike you're on with father mitch yes thank you for taking my call father sure i'm just curious i'm a catholic convert and i've asked um you know many priests in the area this question and i want this just for my personal knowledge to um when does the when does the bread become the true body of christ and i've had a priest tell me that it is when the priest says you know take this necklace this is my body and then i've had some priests say it's when the when the priest actually lifts the host up after the after the liturgical prayer so i'm just curious when does the actual transformation yeah let me give you what saint thomas aquinas said uh he was he was really smart and uh way smarter than i and he said it's when the priest speaks the words this is my body okay that's uh that that's the the point and that's that's been held pretty much now you know you you don't uh stop mass at that point ever uh if if a priest just to give an example the rest of mass is necessary you know you need to finish up the whole eucharist and if a priest should die suddenly on the spot right after the consecration it is consecrated but then another priest must come and finish the mass and do and do the rest of the mass from where the point where he died and that was something we learned back way back in the 1950s uh because you do need the whole of the the mass but the point that saint thomas marks out as the moment of the transformation in uh from bread into the body of christ is when the words that's what we call the form of the sacrament the word that christ gave us the priest speaks in his name and that's why he says this is my body he doesn't he may not say this is christ's body or this is his body or something no no he has to say this is my body um and that he must uh act in the person of christ saying that and that's the moment that for the body and then of course for the blood the sanders the chalice of my blood the blood of the new and everlasting covenant that is when the wine is transformed into the blood of christ does that help oh absolutely thank you very very much you explained it very well and it's easy for me to understand praise god for that terry is in shawnee kansas another first time caller you must be very approachable today oh nice a lot of first-time callers coming out of the woodwork trying to be nice yeah there you go terry try harder terry you're on with father mitch hi father mitch and thank you and it's not only because you're so approachable but you're so wise i have a question regarding the first um gospel well the gospel of john and they read during the day on christmas the prologue in the beginning was the word right and i've always been confused in reading it in different bibles and this year the father the priest said the light shines on in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it and his sermon was about the darkness not overcoming it and then i read elsewhere that the darkness did not comprehend it and it just confused me i don't know which is more correct because of course the darkness evil and the satan couldn't overcome god he's god but there is a way that they would not comprehend the loving plan of salvation so i didn't know which is correct which which comes most close to the original okay so here we have uh kyoto foss yes yes indeed and this term catalin is where you'll find it in your greek dictionary and it has both meanings in it it can mean overcome it also can mean in some contexts comprehend it has both of those and we have the same thing going on in a lot of english words they mean more than one thing right and so this is what we have here and i think it would not be bad to keep in mind that using that word to give to communicate both senses darkness cannot overcome the light who is god who jesus christ come into the world but it also can't comprehend the light i think both of those nuances of the word are feeding each other and feeding our understanding of it but that's one of the reasons why it's good to know the original language to see how the word can have more than one nuance and both can help to understand it does that help yes a great deal thank you so much i appreciate it my pleasure we're gonna head back to the great state of louisiana mary is in lafayette listening on christ our king radio mary you're on with father mitch hi tomorrow hi what can we do for you today i've got a real short time left i think so oh i'm gonna be real sad you okay at the transfiguration were elijah and london um singled out as figures from the old testament why those particular too oh that's a great question there are actual multiple aspects of it first both moses and elijah had gone up to mount sinai and they both met god up there and spoke with the lord and lord spoke to them up on the mountain now they are on this mountain in the holy land and they speak to god made flesh there and as he manifests himself that's one aspect a second aspect is that moses represents the law of god and elijah represents all the prophets and as a result you have the law and the prophets testifying to jesus at that place so that be a couple things to to take a look at and very quickly we'll head to mourinho in the great state of pennsylvania watching on youtube about a minute left with father mitch marino what's your question hi father do we know anything about the other apostles as in regard to having families yes yes as a matter of fact saint jude's grandchildren were interviewed in the second century by saint hegesipas who was a jewish convert and they in fact they were the ones who explained that mary and clopas clopas the guy that walked with jesus on the way to emmaus and mary the mother of james and jose's who are called jesus brothers yes that mary and that clopas were married to each other clopas was the brother of saint joseph so his wife mary was the blessed virgin's sister in law and so we learn about that from them and who jesus brothers are not the children of mary and we susp i don't know about all the other apostles peter and jude certainly we had we know about them and their families and in case of jew their kids um thomas does not seem to have been married he if he was he he left his family behind and went off to india um and some of the others we just don't know have you memorized all the writings of saint hegestopus no nobody else ever brings him up but you can knock him out every time well i like him all right let me give a blessing here lord bless you all and keep you on this feast of saint polycarp the father son and holy spirit amen amen on behalf of our host father mitch paqua our producer michael mccall with the able assistance of ace mckay our call screener matt gubinski and our social media maven mr jeff burst and i'm jack williams thanks so much for tuning in back at it tomorrow with dominican father brian malady until then god bless [Music] tomorrow morning on the sunrise morning show we'll help you start your day a better way with guests and topics that look at a variety of ask
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,831
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: gz7SZ3j_caM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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