OPEN LINE Wednesday - 5/31/17 - Fr. Mitch Pacwa

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hope to become a member of the Catholic Church wow the Catholic Church it's just the best place to be from the studio's of EWTN this is open line in North America call toll-free 1-855-828-4646 if you're outside the United States and Canada we've got a number for you it's one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five and we'll put you straight to the front of the line at one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five you can send us an email open line at or you can text your question to father Mitch he's a 21st century Jesuit text the letters ewtn two five five zero zero zero wait for a response text your first name and your question message and data rates may apply I'm Jack Williams the lovely and talented Elena Rodriguez produces the program your call Spanish mr. Matt you been ski and handling all of our social media endeavors mr. Jeff burst and our host as he has every single Wednesday the how do i how do I say this you dumped my the Fate the most prominent Jesuit in this studio right now father Mitch Pacwa yeah most of the least prominent I wasn't gonna because I'm also the only one here you know what that's not too cool in in sort of a abstractly medical physical way you're really not because just on the other side of the or via satellite is father Spitzer so there's a satellite Jesuit on the other side that's exactly right as he just did his show father Spitzer's universe and uh and well anyway yes okay how about some emails I don't know say pilot Ignatius here is scratching his head uh maybe so a couple things here let's try an email that says again I'm being called to be a youth leader but like always in the past I never took it up because my wife and I burned out between our four kids and my work I don't want but more strain on my wife if I take this up but it keeps coming back no matter what parish I'm in is this a calling I need to stop ignoring I know we should have some sacrifices in our lives to serve the Lord however I can't discern if it's going to be too much to take on some direction would help thanks Aaron wearin first of all I would talk very much to both your wife and your pastor oh they're the main source for that discernment and you know there'd be a lot of excitement and being a youth leader but as the father of four children you already are Yod and your wife is in there with you okay so this is something that you have to accept as your primary mission and you can't neglect that mission for the sake of another um and it may well be that you do that at a later stage when your children are on another level of their own responsibilities as they get older you might have more time but if they're driving you crazy having other people's kids in your lives may not be the solution so that that would be my thing alright and then here is something I was appropriate for today my husband and I just read this antiphon for the canticle marry which is the Magnificat ah which you're selling today which is the Feast of the visitation Anton was in the evening prayer for the Tiffany of the Lord it says three mysteries marked as holy day today the star leads the major to the infant Christ today waters changed into wine for the wedding feast today Christ wills to be baptized by John in the River Jordan to bring us salvation this was news to us the tradition of the church that all three events took place on the same day ah Celine well actually uh they are celebrated on the sin that didn't happen on the Sunday because our Lord was an infant in one of those events and was uh beginning his ministry and the gap between the baptism at the Jordan and the wedding feast at Cana is a couple of months so they didn't happen but each one of the marks a beginning of Christ's Epiphany that is his manifestation manifestation would be a Latin word that means epiphany Epiphany is a Greek word that means manifestation depending on where you're starting from and that would be one of the things that is going on there and the church celebrates I'll say so for instance on epiphany day in the Holy Land they go down to the Jordan River and bless the water now the patriarchs go down there for that I remember in the days when they'd have to clear out some of the land mines and then look patients down apparently they'd still like the patriarchs but but they now they've cleared out a big section and there's a place where you can go to the Jordan near the place where Christ was baptized um and that's down near Jericho and that's a really cool place to go you can see on the other side is the Kingdom of Jordan you could walk across the Jordan not on the water race but you get it's a you know it's not that deep and if you just walk right across in most of the United States we call it the Jordan at that point a creek correct it's a river it's a river up north but yet you know the water gets siphoned off before it gets there so but they're Jordanians also have a place where Christians can come in renew baptism and celebrate the baptism of the Lord please forgive me enough to questions okay can do too and of course why did Jacob lie to an abandoned Esau after they joyfully we night at the years of at least internal conflict Oh what how did he lie to him I think a second lied Isaac I think you may mean light to Isaac um why did he do so he get his brother's blessing I think the mayor clearly didn't have a brother growing up yeah ah at least not a tricky one my second question pertains to Jacob and angels was been told that England material if that's the case how did Jacob wrestle with one and how did it come to physically harm Jacob Bob in Birmingham yes angels are all spiritual beings but they can be given um that the power to have an impact on physical things and so that's what happened in that wrestling match you know it's interesting it's the Feast of the visitation today and you gave a beautiful homily listening to if I do say so myself and it's we've got visitors here today we had two visiting priest that con celebrated with you yes this morning we've got some visiting sisters from us convent at Tyburn on in London the the home of the remains of the British martyrs yep some pretty famous ones over 150 of them yes sir so yeah a lot of during the time of Elizabeth and James and even on into the period of the Puritans all you know the Catholics were that that they didn't agree on much but they did agree that they should kill the Catholics as long as they had something to unite them yes just getting started on an open line Wednesday father Mitch is in the house the numbers one eight hundred five eight five nine three nine six toll-free anywhere in North America one eight hundred five eight five nine three nine six open line Wednesday with father Mitch [Music] Teresa Tomeo every time I go to Mass and see my husband serving on the altar as a deacon and hits me how with God all things are possible I mean there is no way that we should be still married number one based on all the problems we had but number two the fact that I'm in Catholic media and my husband is a deacon is simply a testimony to the power of God and the teachings of the church that saved our marriage and more importantly our souls Catholic connection with Teresa Tomeo Monday through Friday at 9:00 a.m. Eastern on EWTN radio missing Catholic radio in your area heed God's call to get involved and start a Catholic radio station contact jack williams 205 795 57 56 or email Jay Williams at living the Beatitudes with father Bjorn blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God while purity is an important virtue a lot of times we can confuse his beatitude for discretion about sexual morality the be pure in heart is to be completely focused on and in love with God God has given us an invitation deep within us to share in his own divine life but it's important that we choose to focus on him and respond to that invitation in a homily on the Mount of Beatitudes in 2000 st. John Paul the great says that we are called to have an urgent response to choose between life and death in one of the earliest known Christian documents on morality of the D decane it says there are two ways one of life and one of death and between the two ways is a great difference God has called us to be focused on him and his love blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God EWTN live truth live Catholic this is cycle at hosts of Catholic Answers live this is Lauren Ashburn EWTN news nightly anchor and managing editor this is father Mitch Pacwa thanks for listening to the EWTN global Catholic radio network this is open line on the EWTN global Catholic radio network if you have a question or comment call 1-800 585 93 96 outside North America hall one two zero five two seven one twenty nine eighty five or send an email to open line at I can't hold father Mitch back any longer to the phones we go Jacqueline is our leadoff hitter in Amarillo Texas listening to EWTN on st. Valentine radio Jacqueline you're on with father Mitch hello father Mitch how are you fine what can we do for you today I would like to start off by saying that I don't consider myself superstitious but more so inquisitive at this point I stumbled upon a video last night on some random chance about Jomon tria like a ma tree you much yes are you familiar yes sir oh cool um okay so I was wondering um basically what the importance or significance of numbers in Scripture are well like especially when you start to notice numbers appearing kind of in your daily life they're not happened yeah yeah no I don't pay much attention until I discover that the numbers don't add up but you know this is a very important that's important you know that know that when you're dealing with business and other things the number should add up but in terms of other meaning of numbers I wouldn't go there Oppie and here's why it becomes completely arbitrary um this this is this is something that um you know there's no control in it so if folks who don't understand what we're talking with kamat ria Kamat RIA is a practice based on the Hebrew where the letters are also numbers so olive is one bait is two gimel is $3 is four that's what they use for the numbers nowadays that use they what we the so called Arabic numbers but are actually from India but they were brought by Arabs but they're Indian numbers and uh but in ancient times they would use the letters just like uh Roman numerals were the letters of the alphabet right and if you play around you can spell things and have a meet means certain numbers and a classic here's a classic example um Ellen Gould white ever hear her I have not okay she started the Seventh day Adventists and she claimed that the title of the Pope that's found on his tiara Bakari use fili e Dei adds up to 666 but here's where she has to a couple of problems three problems one there's nothing written on the tiara to the car use filii Dei is never a title for the Pope the car used Christie Vicar Christ yeah but Vicar of the Son of God that's not you know a title of the Pope anywhere thirdly her own name Ellen Gould white when you take the Roman numerals out of that adds up to 666 maybe she was trying to divert attention from herself being the Antichrist now did you see how dumb that gets to be it does I think we lost Jacqueline okay yeah but it it becomes extremely dumb or worse and this is why you don't play these games um it it doesn't stop okay so that would be my advice I just I don't by the way I practice my own advice we heading out of the eastern seaboard Mary's listening to EWTN radio Mary you're on with father Mitch hey hi what can we do for you Mary yeah all right show me what the center flows and it was also involved in a near ground yes many many years ago and yes for centering on statins mm yes and it's just that that just keeps coming back to me coming back to me and it's just I just I want to get me stuck areas it's like Jason is there a saint I can't imagine a saint this is dealing with folks but I will to read something on it oh I'm hope yeah yeah oh there's lots of for one thing - guess what Mary you know one of those Saints all have in common they were human yeah yeah they you know this is what I know I've taught a lot against the inia Graham and one of my big critiques is that know the Enya Graham is a personality type system that believes the core of characterological structure is one of the capital sins now the problem with the Enneagram had is that there are nine personality types where is the difficulty come jack well that's there's only seven capital sins Yeah right though in seven capital sins and they had to make up a couple because it was so dumb um but here's yet there's the bigger dumb thing based on my own experience peak for you Mary or anybody else but for myself I don't limit myself to one capital sin I frequently make the rounds and I commit a variety of the capital sins now and I'm not bragging by any means I you know and our Lord would not valued be complaining but you know all of us have moments where we commit these various sins and one that there's is um oh I can see the book on my shelf now but there are a lot of books that deal with these vices you might want to take a look at st. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa theologia he deals with devices and the virtues in that what they call the secunda secunda which means the second part of the second part so it's in know that this arm is the second part of his book there's it's that's dividing the two halves and in the second part is dealing with morality by means of looking at the virtues and of course devices and I I want to say that they're the one of the books is by degi bear um who deals with a virtue but there are a lot of the older books that are influenced by Thomas that deal with the virtues and vices and which you may want to do is start taking ah alright now remember the guys name Tanqueray I don't know if you drink gin I don't myself but there's Tanqueray gin well it's just saying the guy's same name you have to go online and look for used books but uh Tanqueray would be a great author for taking a look at and the other vices and that would be a good way to start uh looking at that okay i yeah that's great but I don't understand I'm sorry this is the name I can't quite hear the name Tanqueray I'll spill it for its t8n hearing Peter no T is in tank okay thank you all right since Tanqueray a ta n cube u e and r ye y yeah you know there's a sensible name that's his last name after last night not a members first in John I think I'm bringing up the bottle I said we had a BA is it Johnny I bet I don't know yeah yeah that's not on the bottle yeah but yeah tinker and if you look it up he's got one book that's just a classical spiritual life and he's got a good section there on the vices and of course on the virtues all right so that would that's where I would start okay and did you say I have to go to books at her and out of print yeah you might have just just go online look up Tanqueray an insane thing no no he's not a saint but you can look up Tanqueray you'll see this book uh and avoid the June commercials and avoid the generic attack yeah yeah voyage in commercials okay okay I will do that I have no problem with that no good neither do i I don't okay thank you very appreciate the things like this portion of open line brought to you so is in Fort Wayne Indiana he's listening on Redeemer radio Joe thanks for holding your own with father Mitch III thanks for taking my call sure um my uh sister whose age seventy she's been a Catholic or whole life in last few years she's become a follower of the TV evangelist by the name of Les Feldick yeah and now one of the things she says is that they believe that the Gospels are for the Jews that they're not meant for Christians and I'm kind of worried it matter because it and I'm because they I mean it to me it sounds completely wrong yeah Jean and I've been looking on the internet and I can't find any Catholic information about this creature so I've never heard of him oh he has a TV show yeah not on this channel yeah I yeah I don't I've never heard of him but here's something that he's making that up that you know what where in the bible does it say that the Gospels are only for Jews where can she find he's that kind of foolishness she said that he teaches that all the things you need to know be saved her on the letters of st. Paul where does he find that piece on st. Paul but well no no I know he says that where is the basis for that in Scripture exactly I'm trying to find that out there isn't any she is making that up or not see but that felt much les Feldick I looked online and it says online that he has a large following on the TV show TV and he is one he is on the TV yeah yeah that's that's irrelevant I'll believe me that there's a that a silly woman up meant worse worse than silly worse than say that woman who picked up an imitation of the president's head covered in blood did I she that woman was on TV as well think she was on CNN she just got fired but being on TV is not in itself a basis for truth uh not for me enough for anybody else but by telling the truth and giving evidence printout it to show her like this no no II just asked her a simple question wait wait wait Joe think this your older sister yeah she's havin tirion yeah well I guess you're younger than 70 did she boss you around when you were kid yes I thought so I town look you know a teller I'm not five anymore and you're letting this fool of a theologian you know misdirect you and where in the bible does it say see you can't print that out because there isn't he's making this up there is nothing to back up what he's saying and one of the questions I would have is if the gospel was written only for the Jews then why did a Gentile like Saint Luke write it and make sure that it was directed to Gentiles and furthermore why did they write the Gospels in Greek so that the Gentiles would read Hebrew does that not make sense yes it does to me in it and when they tell her things like this yeah carts are rattling off a bunch of these teachings of love but she's melting tell her this you tell her I said so all right that look fells dick is not going to be your judge you're gonna die in a few years lady and you're going to not answer to him you're going to answer to Jesus Christ himself and if you want to say that his words that he spoke are going to be irrelevant except to a Jewish audience and none of us Gentiles have anything to learn from it you got to answer to him for that as a matter of fact you have to remember what a truly a Jewish woman are the busted Virgin Mary said which was uh you know or was said to her that blessed is she who believed and then Jesus said blessed is everyone who hears the word of God and doesn't open line Wednesday with father Mitch what is the evidence for the existence of God how can faith in science coexist how can something come from nothing cosmic questions that still elude the mind of man philosopher and theologian father Robert Spitzer ignites an infinite discourse at the intersection of faith and reason we invite you to explore father Spitzer's universe Friday 8:00 p.m. and Sunday noon eastern on EWTN radio [Music] hello this is I'll be the King of priests for life with pro-life update blessed are the poor in spirit the kingdom of heaven is theirs when the Lord speaks about the poor in spirit he's speaking about those for whom there is no help or hope but God Himself God is the only hope for any of us but when we have a lot of possessions friends and earthly protection we are tempted to think that those are the things on which our spirits can ultimately rely but that's an illusion only in God be at rest my soul from him comes my help and salvation today nobody is more unsafe and unprotected than the child in the womb though father and mother forsake me the Lord will receive me the unborn of the poorest of the poor and God calls us to acknowledge and bless them this is alveda King on the EWTN global Catholic radio network [Music] you [Music] the wisdom of Mother Angelica don't you feel sometimes like there's so many people in the world how does he hear your prayer never think of that huh everybody I'm on your little grain of sand on the seashore oh but that's not true see God has got and you and I have to let God be God I don't know how he does it he's God for more information on Mother Angelica visit religious catalogue at ewtn our this is open line on the EWTN global Catholic radio network if you have a question or comment call 1-800 585 93 96 outside North America call one two zero five two seven 129 85 or send an email to open line at one eight hundred five eight five nine three nine six is our toll-free number if you get a busy signal keep trying this may be the first time in the last two years that there's been an open line this late in the show we do have one open line grab it right now one eight hundred five eight five nine three nine six next stop Big Spring Texas Suzanne is in Big Spring listening on Guadalupe radio Suzanne you're on with father Mitch hello thank you for taking my call my pleasure but can we do for you from over in the Republic of Texas oh yes absolutely we're we're we're praying it's going to rain this afternoon I'm a good farmer and we need rain yeah father our Bible study that I'm with a beach on Tuesdays and we're studying a very virgin mother and queen oh and we were thoroughly enjoying it and are you there yes ma'am okay so yesterday we were we were on page 55 and the last paragraph has a sentence no particular distinction is intended between soul and spirit which which kind of encouraged a conversation about soul and spirit we all agreed that we weren't the oceans so I said I would do some some research and is there difference between the soul and the spirit you know I I've looked around know that other commentators who are more expert than I and no one that I know has been able to make that distinction uh with any kind of clarity um you know they're the word for uh soul is to hey uh which is the the word that is the first part of psychology and which means the study of the soul all and the word for spirit is Numa fat and you know that again you know I'm not sure where that there is much distinction made now in the Old Testament in the Old Testament they did distinguish where the word that we would translate his soul is nephesh and the word for spirit is Rua now what they meant as the distinction is that the nephesh or soul was what held body and spirit together and by the spirit rule this was um the life-giving principle inside a person now you have to be careful because they didn't really speculate they didn't become real definite on defining those nuances they it was the the ancient Israelites were not that keen on speculating about the human spirit and life after death and things like that they they didn't like that and reason was they had they lived in Egypt for 400 years right yeah and the Egyptians focused more on life after death than on this life a give an example of it yeah whenever you you don't see the ruins of ancient Egyptian cities when you go over there do you know why they built everything out of mud brick mm-hmm and they expected it to be washed away in the Nile floods then they build again and but where they used stone was with their buildings for the dead buildings where they embalmed the bodies the pyramids and tombs and such as that those are made out of stone because that's permanent death is permanent and buildings for this life are made out of mud brick and they just wash away a compound so the Israelites didn't want to get into that they knew that uh instead of speculating about life after death they needed to focus on the moral demands the Lord God makes upon them in this life and they didn't they just didn't reflect on it so that when they talked about the life after death they would speak about your shadow or your shade going to the place of the dead not at all unlike the Greeks and the Canaanites they were vey it's only later in the New Testament times that they become become more convinced of life after death but in the ancient part of stuff they were vague so that's why we're vague about what they meant they were vague to begin with so so their fault do you have a follow-up there Suzanne yes I I want to ask about then 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 roots where Paul says to be kept blameless perfectly holy your spirit solid body was really more for emphasis than anything just read write completely right that's what a number of New Testament scholars indicate that's that's what I read in other scholars now again I'm most the Old Testament and you know and I haven't pursued that overly much but that's been what I've read from the New Testament guys thank you all right I wish it a lot I wish I knew more but you know it's just what I know you're doing good thank you ma'am I will pray for you to get some rain punky Wow yes memba next stop Dayton Ohio Ben is in Dayton listening on Sacred Heart Radio Ben you're on with father Mitch hi father Mitch how are you doing I'm well thanks Ben what can we do for you um I've been kind of lately questioning whether or not God cares about correcting T log squares and so the three reasons are you know we've had to press in Reformation that's continued for 500 years and not really sure why the Holy Spirit to love that we had there's a story about st. Thomas Aquinas where we had a glimpse of heaven he went to burn all of his work mm-hmm and then we hear about these near-death experiences where people are supposedly visit heaven but then when they come back they don't necessarily seem to grow in their theological understanding in those cases so I guess my question is how do we know if someone living on this earth is ignorant of the fullness of the truth how do we know that when they die that they come to that fullness fertilization it's like our Catholic faith doesn't and in end of itself right and our end is heaven how do we know that some of these ignorant of that truth comes for that fullness in heaven is that part of the communion of saints or is there something else well there are a couple things you know one point that is very key to understand is that you know heaven won't admit of anything immoral right number howling Revelation says nothing unclean can enter there and neither would it admit of falsehood the one to whom we go is himself Christ and who personifies truth and you know when when we have various errors that there are um no well again just take a look at how he treated the Apostles they made a number of errors didn't they mm-hmm they say oh that's okay well you know that that's another perspective I understand you've got limited knowledge no he didn't do that at all he got on he jumped on their case very clearly and strongly did he not that's fair yeah because he did not want them to follow things that were incorrect and you know I know and so far as to call Peter Satan you know for trying to get him to stop bringing up this issue that you're gonna die Oh people don't want to hear that you know and they get behind me Satan you know that that's something that we have to keep in mind and then we take a look you know how st. Paul wrote his letters for the most part to correct errors people were teaching he wanted them to have a more refined knowledge now new problems came up there were you know you see a number of things come up for st. Paul as he goes among Gentiles that were not issues in for century Palestine a lot of issues you know some of the for instance the sexual immorality that was rife throughout the Mediterranean world was not that big an issue in Palestine because people knew that the commandments of God and so they you know they may have messed up but for the most part they knew whereas the gentiles thought Oh doesn't matter that and Paul corrects them so it's in the Gospels that Christ corrects the Apostles and then in Paul's mission he also goes around and corrects the various Christians of their mistakes so up and then in the book of Revelation you see that at the judgment that Christ you know gives let the letters to the seven communities seven churches and he corrects them pretty straightforwardly um be hot or cold or I'll spit you out of my mouth that's not sort of accepting that's you want to be there I want to be spit out but you see that kind of correction as pretty normative that does that help yeah yeah and I've always been curious though the story about st. Thomas would we know why he would have one wanted to do that yes he he saw that he would be an example if uh Sir Isaac Newton were to somehow do a time machine and you know come into our world he would have totally reoriented everything he thought he knew about physics wouldn't he yeah you know if and it's not because he was malicious back in the 17th century ah he just didn't know and as a matter of fact in the 1880s and 90's they began to worry about scientists you know why they were afraid everything was already discovered and there's not going to be able to do any new discoveries because we know everything well those people if they came back today would be pretty shocked by how much more we know in sciences so this is something you know that this was after I think was in 1890s when they discovered the speed of light and it's all very soon everything's going to be figured out well some people think the same about the human genome project oh we know all about the genes no you're just finding out new stuff uh and you know if scientists with their limited knowledge later on could come into our world and realize how little they knew the and how much more when theologians who are saying true things Isaac Newton wasn't giving anything false he just didn't have enough and Saint Thomas as brilliant as he is or was us could see that when the more he got to know God that what he knew was so little compared to the infinite reality and that's what it is it's not that he taught something incorrect it's just that he saw was very tiny but he would still admit that there's a importance in that writing of what he had oh yeah yeah and and those of us who come after two minds and experiences of God are relatively small compared to his we see how this is just a fantastic gift thanks Ben appreciate the phone call one eight hundred five eight five nine three nine six is our toll-free number how do you feel about pilgrimages loved a lot they're good pretty beneficial oh yeah we got some pretty good pilgrimage destinations right here in the great state of Alabama that some ain't no doubt about it you can if you're looking for a unique setting for spiritual renewal consider the shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament you can not only visit the final resting place of Mother Angelica you can see the beautiful church that she envisioned and brought into reality there's the John Paul the second Eucharistic Center the newly expanded st. Michael's Castle is available there at the shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament beautiful one of the things that I think doesn't get much play that is just spectacular is the many of our listeners if not all of them will be familiar with the way of the Cross when Mother Angelica created a way of the Eucharist where she shows the foreshadowing in the fulfillment of the Eucharistic promise throughout Scripture and in all of the stations form a giant monstrance outside of the castle and it's really spectacular you can also take a trip up here to Birmingham and visit father Mitch at EWTN sit in on an episode of EWTN live maybe on a Wednesday night but if you've got a campus tour in your future start your Catholic pilgrimage today with EWTN by calling two zero five two seven one two nine six six that's two zero five two seven one two nine six six we've got a YouTube question from Linda who's watching on YouTube in ilaria Ohio and she wants to know please explain to us if the Protestant practice of Bible coding is rooted in numerology and/or the Kabbalah what is Bible coding and why should we avoid it all right the the Bible code not now that I haven't heard that it's become a verb but of the Bible code is based on demacia where you take the numerical value of the Hebrew letters of names and then start comparing it to other words and events and here's I gotta say this is my general impression of it that I as I said earlier I don't have any use for it because it comes across to me as arbitrary and the reason I say that it it'll the Bible code literature and all will say oh the Bible code predicted this battle it would happen and the six-day war and all these other things and I notice they only say that in retrospect now after the event is have oh yeah I found the right know if you were predicting um well he would be a good example if you had been uh in you know in ninth and 2015 had you said this is how much president Trump would beat a secretary Hillary Clinton by in the election I would said okay now you know if it happened what you said I say okay this is something happens but you can't just always tell me after the event I don't need that I already see the event I already studied the six-day war I I can read that history I don't need you to tell me that all this was predicted I at least I can see it was predicted no no I there are far more important things to do with reading scripture to understand the truth about God and about being human about morality our future goal this is the meaning of life that you're talking about in your playing games telling me that you could predict the future after it's already happened no thank you Linda's in Spokane Washington she was listening to EWTN on Sacred Heart Radio Linda you're on the father Mitch hi what's up um I have really enjoyed it he does you can program e I learned been learning a lot good I was listening to father's Joe Pesci oh I know he's a troublemaker - oh well you know he was interesting the program I was listening and is an interesting troublemaker looking at his life online and there was not a commitment about his struggle as an administrator of a Catholic University yes Ave Maria in regard to their their movement towards a charismatic philosophy and the article made it seem so qualifying and and I was sort of working my way around this thinking because I had no idea I had anything to do with Catholicism at all and and I was discussing this with a Christian friend of mine not Catholic and as I was making this sort of horrifying yeah you did discussing this article learn learn as I put my foot in my mouth that she felt she came to to God through a Catholic Charismatic event then I thought oh my gosh I really need to understand this because I have offended my plans so between this site that father Joe physio apparently had come through and then my friends perspective I would really like to know the Catholic Church's position on the charismatic philosophy can you help me okay well first yeah a couple things first of all it's not really what we'd call a philosophy um that's not even a spirituality it's a certain way of Catholics to UM you know live out the the Gospels and it'sit's something that is um you know an option Catholics may be involved in the charismatic renewal and um it's something that basically no charismatic comes from the greek word hadees mata which means gifts it's simply a movement that allows you know people you know or encourages people I should say to receive the same gifts of the Holy Spirit that we see the Apostles and other disciples receiving in the New Testament so most commonly speaking in tongues are but also prophesying doing healings and miracles and a variety of other gifts words of wisdom words of knowledge stuff like that and the Catholic Church has no problem with any of that what I think Father feci Oh had as a difficulty because I I know know something about some of that it was much more to not so much as charismatic that maybe the authors our interpretation of what happened but it would be much more the case that arm there were disagreements about the academic standards uh you know would it be you know a more difficult and a much more rigorous academic standard and with fewer students or would it have been a larger group so that more students could come and that students who were committed to Christ would be able to be good examples to some students who would not be quite as committed and you used the student body as an evangelizing group that was some of the difference between you know the the various folks at Ave Maria and it was I think it was less to do with um you know whether they were charismatic or not that was a was a factor but it was mainly about do we have a a more limited uh uh academic kind of group and to study Latin and classics and things like that that's what far the fest you wanted it to be versus opening up the university to a wider variety of students that was more the issue I thought I did understand that battle as far as honor Angeles concerned now the author of this particular article seemed to be with him which was really discussing the the charismatic im- quite yet when regarded yeah yeah and that's right that I don't know if that's father Fest show or if it's that author see that's a no yet he's got writing in a vacuum yeah yeah I I don't know how much that was faccio how much that was the author and his interpretation of the events but um uh you know I I don't know what else you would say the very author was describing even a mask or there was a healer brought in and they were you I serve rolling in the aisles and and at a mouth and so the charismatic this activity relating yeah yeah I don't know how to describe it exactly well and and in one of the things too rolling in the aisles is not intended to the charismatic renewal I can see where father fester wouldn't like that uh he doesn't roll much oh I've never seen him roll oh I've known father physio for a long time and and he's a good friend I really like father feci of quite a bit but I I don't know um that ah and I say in terms of rolling in the aisles and stuff like that I I don't know what happened there I can't I never heard that and I was on the board of trustees at the time uh so I don't know about that going on but that's that's as much as we you know have father would you leave us with a blessing yeah all right um bless you and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you and lead you all your ways by his peace of all the Son Holy Spirit amen amen on behalf of our host father Mitch Pacwa producer Elena Rodriguez our call screener Matt convinced key and our social media maven mr. Jeff verse and I'm Jack Williams thanks so much for tuning in back at a tomorrow father Larry Richards in the house talking the New Evangelization until we get together then god bless [Music] you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,508
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: 7Fr6_Xd02dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 2sec (3242 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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