Open Line, Monday w/ Fr. John Trigilio - February 14, 2022

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in north america call toll-free 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1205 [Music] you can also text the letters ewtn to 5500 or send an email to openline a tremendous monday to each and every one of you thanks so much for tuning in to ewtn's open line father john tragillio is in the house if you've got a question for father the number is 833 288 ewtn that's a free phone call anywhere in north america 833-288-3986 if you're outside the united states and canada your number is one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five and if you are outside of north america we'll even put you straight to the front of the line at one two zero five two seven one 2985 you can always send us an email openline or you can text your question text the letters ewtn to 5500 wait for a response text your first name and your question message and data rates may apply i'm jack williams michael mccall producing the program your call screener is charles bury i'm guessing uh and our host to see is every single monday from the mount mount st mary's seminary father john trujillo how are you i'm doing well better than last week yeah yeah minus a tooth but uh yeah also minus a little bit of pain huh yeah a little bit minus a little very good so father um a couple of things i wanted to touch on here at the beginning of the program it's the feast of st valentine of rome and a lot is not known about him and there are conflicting stories in various fables and tales of lore that have gone on about him and he was actually taken off the list in the uh off of the the latin right list uh you know some time ago because of the uncertainty surrounding some of the stories that were circulating about him but one thing that we do know is he was a martyr and we can certainly celebrate that huh absolutely and he wasn't he was taken off the calendar just like saying christopher but they didn't throw him out so i don't want people to think that he got kicked out of heaven or uh they just don't have a lot of corroborative evidence of the exact time and they can't you know of dates and and things like that like we do with other contemporary saints but uh you know he's still i'm fairly convinced he truly existed and we have people who refer to him it's just that we don't have like saint augustine we certainly no one could question that he walked this earth yeah and we have uh uh if anybody has maybe been to an extraordinary form liturgy in the last couple weeks um they will know that uh lent is drawing near because we are into the jayseema sundays and uh and uh lent is is just around the corner just after the turn of the uh the uh calendar to march the first wednesday in march will be ash wednesday this year and what just talk a little bit from a pastor's standpoint and then from a professor's standpoint at the seminary some things that people can do to prepare themselves uh to have a good and holy lent and and how do you instruct uh the men that are in formation for the priesthood with regard to approaching uh seasons like the lenten season well uh first as a pastor i always made sure we had some things available to the parishioners obviously we're not presuming or expecting that everybody's going to participate in everything but obviously you want to have stations of the cross made available on on fridays but we need other things during the week um whether it's in novena or litany's uh other devotions uh you know many parishes have um benediction after the station across some have rosary and benediction on a wednesday um different bible study but you want to make things available for your parishioners that you typically don't have outside of lent and most of all you want to have time for confessions and so a lot of parish pastors are having confessions made more frequently they have penance services where several priests come in and people go individually to confession when i asked the seminarians that i would ask my parishioners to do in these weeks coming up just before lent uh ask yourself what do i want to do lent is not a spiritual olympics where you're trying to impress god by the things you can do uh the purpose of lent the purpose of mortification is to strengthen you so if you can say no uh to your will and little things then hopefully you can say no to the big temptations so you know giving up you know chocolate a lot of people do that except when i was in hershey because that would people's employment but doing little acts of self-denial that are not these are not evil things you need to get rid of anyway but you're you're cutting back and you're doing it within moderation like saint teresa a little flower said little things done well done often and done out of love mean the most to god so people come to me and say fat i want to go on bread and water i say absolutely not you do that and i said by the third uh day or the or the second week i have to come anoint you in the hospital especially if this person's diabetic they're on medication as how about you observe the church's understanding of fasting one full meal two little ones that together don't equal the one full one and no snacking i said that would be a lot more productive than you trying to do something like oh i'm only gonna have bread and water because either one you're not gonna do it and you're gonna frustrate it or two you'll accomplish it and it'll go right to your head and make you filled with with pride so you want to do little tiny things little acts of mortification as well as some spiritual corporal works of mercy and intensify your prayer life go to daily mass or if you can't go there physically watch it on television listen to it on the radio get to confession these are little things that make these 40 days special but you have to plant them now don't wait to ash wednesday and then say oh my goodness what am i gonna do and that's a common mistake that i think all of us make not just in the spiritual life but in general is we have a tendency to bite off more than we can chew huh it's like people with new year's resolutions you know like i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that to what end okay yeah you're going to be hopefully a better person but this is not to impress god now if you can you know die on the cross and then rise from the dead that be something but none of us can do that because we're not jesus christ but we can um like i said use some moderate uh temperate acts of mortification which again it's not meant to punish me this is not penance and mortification are not punishment but it's training physical spiritual training for the soul and especially for the will and i think that's a point that can't be uh be labored enough quite frankly and saint paul talks about this all the time and we should be mindful that we're not giving something up or we're not undergoing some sort of a penance or a mortification for the sake of ungo uh of undergoing a penance or a mortification but if i can take the you know st paul talks about taking control of the flesh if i can take control of my flesh in these small matters when the when the evil one really comes at me with something that's seriously a jeopardy to my faith then i'll be in condition to have a better chance of withstanding that temptation exactly and i say to people you know like when we were kids we were always trying to outdo each other it was like spiritual poker you know i raise you by three acts of penance um you know by my because my name is tragelio at the end of the alphabet so by the time it got to me i would say to sister gertrude in third grade i don't know what to do sister you better think of something because it's coming up soon uh it's that moderation and like you said it's training the will to say no and they tell people how about abstaining one day a week from social media not giving up completely for lent especially if you use it uh to help edify you and inspire you what to pray for but if you order like i said there's one seminarian said if you drink coffee every day one day a week take it with something that you don't normally if you don't if you drink it black then put a little milk in it once or vice versa if you have it with cream take it black one day a week that's that's not gonna be on your obituary it's not gonna be in your canonization process that you did that but that little tiny inconvenient uh act of morphification will help you in the long run eight three three two eight eight ewtn is our toll-free number we've still got three phone lines open for you at eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six if you are outside of the united states and canada we'd still love to take your phone call today on open line monday that number is one two zero five two seven one two eight and we'll even put you straight to the front of the line if you are outside of north america at 1-2-0-5-2-7-1-2-9-8-5 [Music] you can always send us an email that address is openline at that's openline at and put monday or father john in the subject line we'll get it to the appropriate location and you can even text your question text the letters ewtn to 5500 wait for a response text your first name and your question message and data rates may apply it's ewtn's open line monday with father john tragillio [Music] [Applause] are you ready to spread your wings wings is the weekly newsletter that's packed with exclusive news program information features and updates of all that's going on at the global catholic network to sign up go to click subscribe enter your name and email address and you'll start getting your wings every week get your wings today it's the weekly newsletter from ewtn the global catholic network 60 seconds with archbishop fulton j sheen this universe of ours is a free universe it is a universe of character making of soul making almighty god is placed into our hands think of it the power to make ourselves saints or devils it is up to us there are some laws that we cannot disobey for example the law of gravitation and certain biological laws like circulation of blood but in a moral universe we are free either to obey the laws of god or to disobey them just as we are perfectly free for example to obey the laws of health or to disobey them the people you know and trust are on ewtn this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network if you have a question call 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 north america call 1205-271-2985 or send us an email to openline hey did you know that ewtn radio is available on many smart speaker systems like the amazon echo and google assistant and others for example you can listen to ewtn radio just by saying alexa ask ewtn to play open line monday check it out today ewtn radio available on most of your smart speaker systems if you'd like to be on the program with father john tragelio the number is 833.288 ewtn that's 833.2883 [Music] first up today is paul in saginaw michigan he's listening on ave maria radio paul thanks for holding you are on with father john happy saint valentine's day to all of you and all of yours gentlemen first of all thank you thank you and yeah and uh father uh uh i had heard that at the at the right of baptism the sacrament you know the priest recites the prayer i baptize you in the name of the father son and holy spirit etc but i also heard and i had never known this in my entire life that the priest also recites a sacramental prayer of exorcism and my question is why is exorcism called a sacramental and number two if that prayer of exorcism is not recited is that baptism valid okay very good questions uh first i'll answer the second one because that's easier if the priest or the deacon because both are the sacrament of baptism does not say the the prayer of exorcism that's in the ritual it's still valid um it would prob it would be illicit if he omitted things that were normally like the anointings that are in there and that that prayer and the other things unless obviously if it's in prequel mort is in danger of death then all that's needed is the pouring of water over the head and then the the formula i baptize you in the name of father son and holy spirit and again that's so important that it's i baptize you because rome had just reiterated uh those priests or deacons or bishops who said different words where they said we baptize you that's invalid or i baptize your name of the creator redeemer sanctifier that's invalid the prayer of x is a is a sacramental not a sacrament uh it's in the in the roman ritual it's it's considered something that the church created as opposed to the seven sacraments which were all instituted by christ himself so the the exorcism prayer that's in there is not the same as the full ritual or right of exorcism that's done when someone's possessed or obsessed by a demon this is acknowledgment that when we're born in original sin we're under the domain of the devil until we're baptized made a child of god original sin is washed away and we have an infusing of sanctifying grace uh then we're releasing captivity uh to the evil one so the prayer of exorcism is merely an affirmation that until we're baptized because obviously this prayer is not said after the water's poured it said beforehand just like the oil of catechumen humans is used before the actual baptism and then once the person the baby or the adult is baptized then the sacred chrism oil is put on their head but um to go back to your original question um yes um the exorcism is not an essential part for validity but it is part of lysati if the priest or deacon is doing this in a normal uh situation in the parish god bless you paul we appreciate the phone call 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 next up is celine right here in birmingham alabama listening on roku celine you're on with father john hello father i have a two-part question about my responsibility towards a new friend i've known this lady for a few months now and she's catholic but she seems to be proud of saying but i'm a bad catholic and she disagrees with a lot that the church teaches but at the same time she loves going to adoration she loves going to mass and receiving communion but she'll receive communion anywhere like church of the highlands or any place around and she doesn't see any difference and she thinks it's mean that the church doesn't let everybody else receive communion so i've tried to respond to that using some [Music] uh apologetics uh things and so here's the two-part thing she she likes to tell me what she doesn't like but she doesn't like receiving responses like well the reason the church is yeah and she'll she'll just make a face and like well that's not what i was taught you know the known she hadn't mean none that a story and so that's the first question like how much responsibility do i have to like keep pressing it or do i just try to be friendly and then the other thing is i brought her to mass therapy wtn and that was before i knew that um she refuses to go to confession and she just made it look like don't even go there um so she admits she's a bad catholic she won't go to confession but she loves to receive communion it makes me wonder well do i not invite her again to mass yeah those that that i mean that is a sad to say um not an atypical situation one when people usually ask or express to us their objection to church teaching or church practice normally speaking they're not interested in what the church actually says they're just making a statement they're into polemics it's different when someone asks you a question sincerely and says why does the church do this i would like to know with the possibility that maybe they might change their mind then you have a obligation to actually as best you can explain it to them or refer them to where they could find the answer to that whether speak to the parish priest or deacon or refer them to a book or pamphlet or something like that or go onto uwtn but more often not when people make those statements like you know i don't i don't believe in that confession business well you know they're not really asking you uh for the church's teaching uh that doesn't mean that you don't make an attempt but if she keeps on saying she doesn't feel the need to go um she's com you know if she's in mortal sin and that hasn't had that sin absolved in the sacrament and she's creating the sin of sacrilege um you need at least explain it to her once but um if she's gonna be obstinate and and just not listen she's trying to justify what she's doing deep down though i think she knows she's not 100 correct because if she thought she was there'd be no need for her to explain herself to rationalize um you're in a situation where uh it's different than if this were one of your children and you have more obligation to remind them because that's part of your familial connection to them but when you're a sibling when you're a child and a grown-up child uh it's a little bit more difficult like jesus said you know prophet's not without onyx that we're in his own house in his own town and i would say even among your own friends that doesn't mean you don't make the attempt but many times people be more open to an objective third per third party that's where you need to suggest to this your friend maybe you need to talk to the priest or deacon about your issues your concerns or just your positions and that might have more of an effect i would say keep trying but you have to do it with charity and you have to do it consistently but you don't want to harangue harass and pester them because then that won't have much of an effect but the same token you don't want to keep quiet and say nothing so yes i would continue to invite her to mass but keep reminding her that you know um you know because i've been at the ewtn to celebrate mass when father breguet would come down to tape our web of faith and many times they would ask us could you hear confessions right after mass or any time i go down to visit on my own um you know they make it available and you go up to the shrine in handsville the priest is in the box and many there's more than one confessional up there uh len's coming up there's going to be many opportunities for people to go to confession so you want to do this in a again a charitable way but also uh with uh kindness god bless you see uh celine thanks for the phone call today that opens up a line for you at 833 288 ewtn that's the number tom used a first-time caller in lapeer michigan listening on ave maria radio tom you're on with father john tragillio hey father john how's it going fine yeah all right hey uh my question is it's kind of a weird one but i've been given two very unsatisfying answers uh regardless regarding fasting the catholic way okay i'm an engineer i work uh work from home telework but quite often my eating patterns i kind of graze throughout the day so when i approach the catholic position you know the one small meal or one regular meal and the two partial meals yes my question is suppose my morning meal is just a small cup or half a cup of oatmeal is there a time limit to where i have to consume that all before it becomes a snack like it's 10 minutes fine but 11 minutes isn't because the way i tend to eat i take a bite i check my email a half hour goes by and i'm like oh shoot do i have to scrap the rest of this same thing with like a half of a peanut butter sandwich or grilled cheese sandwich am i allowed to cut it into slivers and sprinkle it throughout the day and the two answers i've been given is one that's not fasting and the other one is yeah you're being too legalistic but you put your engineering mind aside and here i'm thinking it is kind of a sacrifice because it's you know cutting calories way down and yet at some point is that like trying to mimic the snack pattern with limited foods yeah uh well i'm glad you asked that because technically speaking the obligation uh too fast for the catholics is on ash wednesday and good friday under the new 1983 code of canon law and actually it was amended certainly after the vatican council those are the two days that catholics who are between the ages of 18 and 59 are obligated to follow now you can voluntarily fast on fridays in lent if you want on fridays throughout the year on wednesdays and let but your obligation is on ash wednesday and good friday so i think those are two days where you know unless for medical reasons like i said before someone's diabetic if they're hypoglycemic if the doctor says you have to take you know this this medication with food and he's prescribing it for four or five times a day you're dispensed if you're a pregnant woman if you're nursing uh you're a mother who's nursing you're you're exempt um but if you're normal healthy and like you said in your your situation it's only those two days that you're absolutely obligated so i would say on those two days make the make the effort to to have one full meal two small ones but then during the rest of that on fridays if you want voluntarily um you can fast as you describe you know your lunch you're spraying it out your your breakfast you're spitting out it's the the quantity that that you're managing okay 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number with father 833-288-3986 tragillio [Music] [Applause] ewtn the global catholic network this is an ewtn bookmark brief speaking with professor o carter sneed about his book what it means to be human the case for the body in public bioethics published by harvard university press available through our religious catalogue what is this book about the book is about uh the law and public policy relating to bioethics especially the vital conflicts of abortion and assisted reproduction end-of-life decision-making and makes the case that the best way to understand these issues and to critique the current state of the law is to view it through the lens of what i describe as anthropology what the law's assumptions are about what it means to be and flourish as a human being because all law at the end of the day has to have such operating premises because what law does and is for is to promote the protection of persons and to promote their flourishing thank you so much your professor carter snead what it means to be human the case for the body in public bioethics available through our ewtn religious catalog and i'm doug keck thanks for joining us here on this bookmark greek we'll catch you next time want to be notified when ewtn openline goes live on facebook follow ewtn radio's facebook page and click the bell icon to be notified ewtn is everywhere ewtn radio programming is provided free of charge to over 500 domestic and international am and fm radio stations it's a great teaching tool for catholics and non-catholics alike for a complete list of ewtn am and fm stations across america visit at the bottom of the page click affiliates ewtn the global catholic network tomorrow is your next chance to offer your urgent prayer requests on take two with jerry and debbie on most of these ewtn stations now back to open line with father john trujillo this is open line on the ewtn global catholic radio network 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number one open phone line for you at 833-288-3986 next up is richard in upstate new york listening on sirius xm channel 130. richard you are on with father john tragellio yeah hi i just want to ask a question about the rosary especially when we try to share that with other people within the latin church such as the ukrainian greek catholic church or the new anglican anglican church has been absorbed through that diocese in houston you know how do we encourage them to embrace the rosary when historically that has not been a part of their charism and and their liturgy okay well first of all from the um eastern catholic perspective uh they're distinct from where latin right or roman right uh catholics they're east and right but they're all part of the catholic church they accept the jurisdiction of the pope the roman pontiff they have a different spirit i mean their spirituality is is obviously the theology is the same their liturgy is is slightly different they don't have like stations of the cross typically as we do they have icons they don't have as many statues they have other devotions which are valid and proper to their right so i wouldn't want them to feel that you know we're that they have to but most of the byzantine catholics and eastern catholics i know will do the rosary but they also have other devotions uh like during lent uh instead of doing stations of the cross they have the pre-sanctified liturgy which is beautiful uh the priest doesn't consecrate like he does at the normal divine liturgy these this is already consecrated holy uh eucharist um but it's what we used to call a dry mass uh the the priest says um most of the prayers of the divine liturgy as if he was celebrating the full mass but they use um holy communion from a previous divine liturgy that's something that in the eastern church they go to faithfully that's something which obviously we wanted the courage to do they're not forbidden to do station lacrosse but they're not going to have it available say in their church some of the eastern right catholic churches were romanized in the 1930s here in the united states so they put in altar railings they put in statues and things like that but after the council they were encouraged to go back to their uh roots and that so i would not want to force the rosary on on non-latin rights but invite them as you said and say you know here's one very viable devotion but i would encourage you as a latin right to go to the eastern catholic church for the pre-sanctified it's a beautiful liturgy you can go to their masses on on sunday if you like and receive holy communion uh in the anglican ordinariate i know a lot of high church anglicans um who even have not yet become part of the catholic church they're familiar with and they they pray the rosary it wasn't part of their formal mandate it's not in the book of common prayer but again invitation without making someone feel guilty is the way to go thank you we appreciate that call today uh lulu is watching us on uh youtube and she says that her parish has a large spanish-speaking population and a spanish-speaking priest at least in lulu's estimation needs to be added and she wants to know how she could get one to her church and is there a process through the diocese [Laughter] especially because we they need to vet people they make they have to make sure that these guys are not only validly illicitly ordained but that they have all their credentials because we don't want these vagabonds you know priests who've had who've done bad things or questionable things that's why every priest needs one these letters of suitability this has to go through the diocese but you can suggest people um a preacher doesn't show up and say yeah i speak spanish but you can find out who's interested who's available and then suggest to the dice you know father or whoever's in that office here's someone that may maybe you could consider all right but it's not like you hire them on your own okay uh isaac pastor could bring in a priest to celebrate mass at my parish as long as i follow all the the procedures and that uh there's no problem so you got to work with your local pastor and the local diocese as opposed to advertising here's here's a position that's open although in the old days you could do that now because of all things that's going on you want to make sure he still has his faculties he's you know properly vetted and all that karen is in the great state of nebraska listening on spirit catholic radio today karen thanks for holding welcome to the program yep thank you um father i just wanted to uh ask what would the process be to be confirmed if you have baptism and first communion but not confirmation yet mid-20s so thank you father okay that's easily done you speak to the local parish priest or deacon and they arrange for instructions um some depending on how much catechesis the person needs if sometimes they'll ask them to participate in the rcia program or you know with the other people coming in but i always found you know i as a pastor my personal preference was i met with them i decided with them on a case-to-case basis and said if this person really you know uh since their first communion has no catechesis whatsoever i would work with them either individually or give them the option if they want to go with the group but typically once a person has been baptized it's up to the local bishop to confirm them and only when the person was baptized outside the catholic church say baptized as a protestant christian that the priest or deacon could bring them in and confirm them at the easter i mean if only the priest could do it i'm sorry confirmed them at the easter vigil but if they were baptized catholic if he's received holy communion confession as a catholic then the local bishop is the one to confirm them unless he delegates that to the to the local pastor but in most cases the bishop has an annual or or bi-annual confirmation for the whole diocese gone are the days when i when i was confirmed at the end we had all the catholic school kids got first the public school kids and czd got second and then the adults were at the end of the line and they kind of felt a little awkward with all these eighth graders in front of them and that now we sort of recognize that that's not necessarily the best way to go so they would have a separate confirmation just for adults of the diocese 833 288 e wtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 next up is mary in the great state of colorado watching us today on youtube mary you're on with father john hello father john i have a cat hi i have a catholic friend who made a statement she said that she always praised the divine mercy devotion for people who are dying she said that she knows that one of the promises is that those souls will go to heaven well i don't want to keep her from praying but i also want to explain to her that that's not like a hundred percent guarantee and it is up to god how can i do that gently uh well i think it's it's important that you do that maybe you could give her something to read uh about that um get something online but just in a very nice way it's a wonderful practice to pray the divine mercy chaplet for someone or if you get them the person who's dying to because that's easy to say you know for the sake of a sorrowful passion it's easy unless they're unconscious or it's difficult for them to speak but you're absolutely correct the praying of the divine mercy chaplet is not a get out of jail free card that guarantees that they automatically indulgence that's available with the apostolic pardon that's part of the anointing of the sick that's contingent on the spiritual state of the person they have to be completely detached from even venial sin uh so that's not even an absolute uh you hope and pray that that the person's properly disposed so i my dad he died on on the feast of our lady of lourdes back in nineteen 1998 and uh he after we watched the mass on ewtn we did the divine mercy chaplet and he passed away and it was a it was a truly a happy death as uh we would as we asked saint joseph to to bless him with but even there okay i still have masses celebrated i say mass for my dad because we're never we don't have metaphysical certitude and i would not want someone not to pray for the dead just because they did the divine mercy chocolate does that help mary that does help a lot thank you so much have a great day thanks we appreciate the call 833 288 ewtn is our toll free number three three two eight eight three nine eight six next up is louis driving to virginia today listening to us on sirius xm channel 130. louie you're on with father john tragelio uh hey father uh um so um uh uh first thanks for the uh the book the uh catholicism for um um uh dummies yeah that's idiots but i know it wasn't that and then um uh anyway my question was if i go to mass i'm i'm kind of bilingual and i go to a mass but i don't understand what the priest is saying in the homily i can follow the rest of the mass easily enough but if i don't understand this harmony is that mass still valid oh absolutely absolutely because thank goodness because if that were the case when i was a kid we not only had priests from other countries that you couldn't understand we had native born english-speaking priests who you didn't understand either they mumbled or or whatever uh while it's optimum that you understand and hear the homily what's absolutely essential and and what's the you know the deal breaker there the priest has to say the words that are in the missile especially the parts this is my body this is my blood it must be over grape wine and wheat bread and with the intention to do what the church does then it's a valid mass even if you don't understand what he's saying it's still a valid sacrament but as a seminary teacher here we want the guys to i say to them when you're preaching the people want to be able to understand what you're saying so i say to the men speak slow and clearly and with the proper volume i said you you want them to appreciate the message you have to say you can't use the same conversational tone that like we're doing right here on on the radio you need to have a a preaching voice so to speak but yes those were all valid masses no question about it eight three three two eight eight e w t n is our toll free number eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six next stop is delaware richard is watching us on youtube in delaware richard you're on with father john uh good afternoon trigleo my question is about the one thing they left this week the seven founders of the service of our latest sorrows this thursday in florence italy what do you know about them well i have a great devotion to our lady of the seven sorrows because one i'm italian uh sicilian italian to be precise i have right on my on my desk here a statue our lady of the seven stars with the seven swords in her heart and she's dressed in black okay um the service were um uh the seven surveys particularly uh were florentine a group of of religious men who established this order and they promote the devotion to our lady the seven sorrows the black scapular which is distinct from the brown scapular and the whole idea of the seven sorrows is to reflect on those incidences in mary's life where a sword of sorrow literally pierced her heart as was prophesied by saint simeon uh when they had the presentation of jesus temple so for instance the flight into egypt was one of the sorrows when jesus was lost for three days okay when our lord is crucified on the cross when she takes his body you know in that beautiful image of the pieta her her the body of her dead son in her arms when she has to bury him in the holy sepulchre these are all instances where our lady in a sense had a sword pierced into her heart not physically but emotionally and she survived only because of god's grace and so if our lady could endure her seven sorrows which were immense you and i could go through the one or two that we get eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's our toll free number eight three three two eight eight three eight you know in south saint louis county father speaking of lent and speaking of the the seven holy founders there's a seven holy there's a seven holy founders parish in south st louis city and buddy i'm going to tell you what you want to talk about a fish fry i don't even like fishing i'd wait in line there um next up is maureen in the great state of colorado she's listening on the catholic radio network maureen you're on with father john uh yes father john i do have a quick question because um i do hear you refer to the you know the catholic churches i recognize at the latin and then the eastern and i think it comes under another term conve by the visiting or i'm not pronouncing it correctly but uh when when was that distinction or that separation kind of where did that begin okay um yes the byzantine catholic church is a branch of the eastern catholic church sometimes people erroneously lump all the eastern catholics as byzantine and that's not uh precise it's one part of the easter catholic church there were these different patriarchates okay you have the patriarchate of jerusalem all right you have rome we have antioch and alexandria and constantinople and the eastern tradition were the those other patriarchs besides rome and that was considered the eastern part of the eastern roman empire remember they split the roman empire into two parts east the east and the west and there was just one single christian church uh and the holy father the bishop of rome uh you know was still the head of the church in the 11th century is when constantinople broke away and established the eastern orthodox church distinct from the rest of the catholic church and a lot of these eastern orthodox churches i should say portions of them returned to uh to rome as part of the church um around the 1600s the only ones that never departed were the maronites they were one that always stayed part of the catholic church always were under the jurisdiction of the of the pope so the eastern catholic church it's like with pope john paul the great and pope benedict and pope francis refer to it's one of the two lungs of the church we have the east and the west both are valid both are considered catholic they have the seven sacraments distinct from the orthodox which obviously has uh valid sacraments the eastern catholic church is 100 percent part of the catholic faith they're under the pope's jurisdiction uh and they are we we can receive communion in those you can go to confession to any of those priests and vice versa it's just marriage laws that are and other little particulars um but yes byzantine which often is like when you think of the ruthenians ukrainians they're like the eastern european branch but there's also like i said you know we have uh in egypt and other parts of the world uh these eastern catholic churches that are not byzantine but they're they're not uh orthodox they're part of the catholic church with the capital c if you'd like to be sure to kick off your day with uh the news of the day from a uniquely catholic perspective check out catholic connection with theresa tomio you can hear it tomorrow morning and every morning monday through friday 9 00 a.m eastern time right here on ewtn radio next up is ravi in san diego watching us on youtube today robbie you're on with father john hi father john i used to watch you and the other priest i can't remember his name but i am from san diego california and i am calling because i want to know if the sacrament of extreme unction now known as anointing of the sick is it as powerful as an exorcism i had it done last week because i'm having a whole lot of problems and i thought maybe it would help yes the sacrament of the sick annoying of the sick which was formerly called extra motion which by the way excremunction merely meant it was the last anointing not that you were checking out per se but that in the sequence chronological sequence of the sacraments you got your first anointing when you were baptized you got another one when you were confirmed if you were ordained a priest you got it then so the anointing of the sick was the last one in that sequence but doesn't mean that this was the last thing you got and then you you checked out uh obviously some people you know they do pass away and that's why we have the prayers uh for preparation of for death this is a sacrament so it's much more powerful than the sacramental so the the right of exorcism the prayer of exorcism while very helpful it cannot replace the actual sacrament because uh as we learned in theology they work ex oprah operato so it affects what it's meant to do whereas in a sacramento ex oprah operantis which depends on the spiritual state of the person themselves so having those prayers said are good but it's much better to have the sacrament of the sick because it's a sacrament eight three three two eight eight ewtn is our toll-free number next up is dorothy in the great state of michigan listening also on ave maria radio dorothy thanks for holding welcome to the program thank you so much thank you father john for taking my call i have a question um it would do with all respect i know the catholic church guards the baptism sacrament and well and and and ministers as well and that uh i know recently i've heard that uh people have been baptized with the wrong form like um saying we baptize you instead of i baptize you the question i have is um how has it been that the catholic church if somebody wants to become catholic and let's say go through the rcia process they were baptized in a protestant church of some type that was trinitarian how is it that their their baptism would be valid because that uh priest or diocese wouldn't know the form necessarily that they were baptized in you know unless you know except trinitarian but they wouldn't have known the words i guess is what my question is well um that's a very good question and i was a pastor for 16 years when i had someone who was baptized say methodist or presbyterian or any protestant domination at all i would ask them not only for some kind of evidence that they were baptized whether it's the actual certificate and we would take a photocopy of their original that they had usually their mother had locked up in the attic somewhere uh and in in lieu of an actual copy of a document two affidavits of somebody who was actually physically present and one of the questions we asked was you know was water used was it poured over their head or were they completely immersed where their head got wet and was the trinitarian formula uh said and if there's ever ever ever any doubter question then the priest is to do a conditional baptism where i baptize you if you are not baptized in the name of the father son holy spirit now it was in recent vintage that some of the non-catholic christian churches were changing the formula um you know some of them were just you know dunking them up into their neck but up to the up until that time most of the protestant churches were doing complete immersion uh they were using the trinitarian formula this is more of recent vintage and i would for me reason recently since the 1970s um that you had people uh altering uh the actual formula so the priest or the deacon who's in the pro who's running the rcia program has to do their research the person can't just say oh yeah i was baptized say well we need to see some um documentation on that not that we don't believe them but we need to do a little research and the united states conference of catholic bishop uh bishops issued a particular edict back in the 1980s that said they researched it and these particular denominations for the most part have valid baptism and they're the mainline churches you know the episcopalian the lutheran the methodist but that doesn't mean that there might not be exceptions and some of these independent churches you know there might be a difference i know for sure that um pope when he was cardinal ratzinger issued a statement uh from the vatican that uh the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints the mormons their baptism was declared invalid from a catholic standpoint that's the only time i remember explicit judgment was made in those cases someone would need to be baptized but if there's any question it's conditional but if you have corroborated evidence you know then because you're forbidden to re-baptize anybody and very quickly we'll head to susan in pittsburgh pennsylvania listening on sirius xm channel 130. sorry susan but just about a minute left with father john what's your question father um my question is has to do with homosexual marriages um my my niece is getting so-called married to her uh girlfriend and i'm getting a lot of pressure from the family to attend and i refuse to go i mean what's the church's guidance on this yeah we don't want to give credence or support to something that's invalid and as wrong but the same token you want to you know treat this with charity and and and compassion so yes don't go but explain to them why you're not going say you know i love you i'm going to pray for you i'm not rejecting your your your friend there i'm rejecting you know this uh relationship uh that is not countenance by by my conscience or my faith uh so you could do that in in a compassionate way it needs to be said either in writing or or verbally but yes you know if you go and act as if this was a normal thing and go to the reception you go to the um you know well bachelorette party or whatever or you know stack party i don't know what they're gonna do but if you treat it in the same way as as a normal value even with you know invalid marriages where you've got a man and a man marrying a woman but it's invalid because they've been married once or twice before did not get married in church i wouldn't go to that one either father the time flies by would you please leave us with a blessing benedict vos omnipotence deus pater and filius at spirit to santos amen amen on behalf of our host father john tragillio our producer michael mccall our call screener and social media maven mr jeff berson i'm jack williams thanks so much for tuning in to ewtn's open line monday just getting another week started father wade menezes in the house tomorrow father mitch will be with us on wednesday thursday dominican father brian mullady and our very own vice president of theology will close out the week colin donovan on friday until we get together tomorrow with father wade god bless [Music] tomorrow morning on the sunrise morning show we'll celebrate the feast of saint claude de la colombiere apostle of the sacred
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,453
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
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Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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